安徽省高考英语一轮复习资料 Unit 5 Rhythm 节奏课件 北师大必修2.ppt

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1、2021/8/8 星期日1类别类别1课标课标要点要点重重点点单单词词1.n效果,作用效果,作用 2.adj.非凡的,特非凡的,特别别的的3 n.奖奖,奖奖品品 4.n.基地,基基地,基础础5 adv.极端地,非常地极端地,非常地 6.vt.(使使)联联合,合,(使使)结结合合7 vt.代表代表 8.n.将将军军9 vt.&vi.停止;辞停止;辞职职 10.n.身份;特性身份;特性11 vt.转换转换,转转化化 12.adj.平常的,普通的平常的,普通的13 adj.独特的,唯一的独特的,唯一的 14.adj.贵贵族的,高尚的,高族的,高尚的,高贵贵的的15 adj.有有责责任的,任的,应负责应

2、负责任的任的 n.贵贵族族16 n.允允许许,许许可可 17.vt.使失望使失望18 vt.&vi.表演;做表演;做 19.adj.有有创创造力的,造力的,创创造性的造性的20 vt.使使(人人)印象深刻印象深刻effectaward extremelyrepresentquittransformuniqueresponsiblepermissionperformimpress extraordinary base combine generalidentityordinarynobledisappointcreative2021/8/8 星期日2常常用用短短语语1.习惯习惯于于 2.换换句句

3、话说话说3.有有时时,不,不时时 4.在某些方面在某些方面5.往返,来回往返,来回 6.出版出版7.上交上交 8.刮掉刮掉9.在特殊在特殊场场合合 10.同同时时be used toin other wordsat times in some ways back and forth come out hand in shave off on special occasions at the same time 2021/8/8 星期日3典典型型句句式式 1.Last Thursday night,fans went to the Corn Exchange in Cambridge,Engla

4、nd to see Alanis Morissette in concert.上个周四晚上,数以百上个周四晚上,数以百计计的歌迷去了英国的歌迷去了英国剑桥剑桥的的Corn Exchange剧场剧场去看阿去看阿兰兰妮妮丝丝莫里塞莫里塞特在音特在音乐乐会上演奏。会上演奏。2 the end of the three hours,Morissette showed that she was a true performer,a wellknown song“Heartache”在三个小在三个小时时的最后,莫里塞特唱了著名的歌的最后,莫里塞特唱了著名的歌心疼心疼,表明她是一位真正的表演者。,表明她是一

5、位真正的表演者。3The famous classical pianist,Kong Xiangdong,surprised his fans last week a concert combining classical music with Chinese folk music.著名的古典音著名的古典音乐钢乐钢琴家,孔祥琴家,孔祥东东,在上周,在上周举办举办的由古典音的由古典音乐乐与中国民与中国民间间音音乐结乐结合的音合的音乐乐会会上上让让他的歌迷他的歌迷们们吃惊不小。吃惊不小。4His mother couldnt buy him a piano he was seven.直到直到7岁岁

6、,他母,他母亲亲才才给给他他买买了一了一架架钢钢琴。琴。5They are dressed beautiful costumes,skipping back and forth the rhythm of loud drums.他他们们身着漂亮的服装,和着鼓点儿,扭来扭去。身着漂亮的服装,和着鼓点儿,扭来扭去。hundreds of performingby giving untilintoAt2021/8/8 星期日4 live adj.活的;精力充沛的;实况转播的;adv.直播地;现场地live adj.活的(修饰除人以外的动物)living adj.活着的(常作前置定语或表语)alive

7、 adj.活着的(作表语或后置定语)lively adj.活跃的;热烈的;鲜艳的;鲜明的 The Presidents speech was broadcast live.总统的演说是现场直播的。The cat was playing with a live mouse.这只猫在玩耍一只活老鼠。2021/8/8 星期日5 lovely adj.可爱的;美好的live a.life过着生活save twenty lives救活了二十条生命live on靠生活live up to实现Now we are living a happy life.现在我们过着幸福生活。You must live up

8、 to your promise.你必须实现自己的诺言。1.Many people watched the_ TV broadcast of the football match.AliveBaliveCliving Dlively【解析解析】live可用做形容词,意为“现场的,直播的”。【答案答案】A2021/8/8 星期日6 disappoint vt.使失望,令(人)失望;使(人)扫兴 disappoint sb.使某人失望 The new film disappointed us.这部新电影使我们很失望。I was very disappointed at his absence.他不

9、在我很失望。We were disappointed to hear it.听到这件事情,我们都失望了。2021/8/8 星期日7to ones disappointment使/令某人失望的是He left the station in great disappointment.他十分失望地离开了车站。2._at failing in the maths exam,John wouldnt like to talk about it to his parents.ADisappointed BTo be disappointedCDisappointing DHaving disappoint

10、ed【答案答案】A2021/8/8 星期日8 perform vt.&vi.表演;做;履行;执行perform ones duty/task尽责任,做工作perform ones promise履行诺言perform an operation/experiment施行手术/做实验performer n表演者,执行者performance n演出,履行;完成give/put on a performance上演,演 出He always performs his duties faithfully.他一贯忠实履行自己的职责。One should always perform what one p

11、romises.一个人总要守信用。She performed the experiment over and over,working till midnight.这项实验,她做了一遍又一遍,直到深夜。2021/8/8 星期日9 perform与conduct用法比较:这组词均含“执行,进行”的意思。(1)perform指“进行,执行”,强调过程,而不是结果,还常表示执行规定、仪式或进行演出。(2)conduct指“进行”时与perform相似,但暗示执行者在自己参与的同时又起指导作用,有时该词还指指挥乐队、军队等。The negotiations have been conducted in

12、 a positive manner.已积极进行过谈判。3.完成句子(1)The famous singer will_(演出)at the theatre.(2)The general_(指挥)the campaign with success.【答案答案】(1)put on/give a performance(2)conducted2021/8/8 星期日10 famous adj.著名的be famous forbe known for因而著名be famous asbe known as作为而著称be known to sb.为某人所知 The area is famous as a

13、 green tea producing place.这个地区以绿茶产地而出名。He is known to everyone as a good doctor.人人都知道他是个好医生。2021/8/8 星期日11 As is known to all,.众所周知,It is known to all that从句As is known to all,Taiwan belongs to China.众所周知,台湾属于中国领土的一部分。4.Scotland has many lakes and mountains,and is famous_its beautiful countryside.A

14、to BasCby Dfor【解析解析】因空后有its,若用不定冠词a,则应考虑答案B,表“作为”。此处答案为D,意为“因而著名”。【答案答案】D2021/8/8 星期日12 responsible adj.有责任的,应负责任的be responsible for应对负责;对有责任be responsible to sb.对某人负责 Mike is responsible for designing the entire project.迈克负责设计全部工程。Our department manager is directly responsible to the vicepresident

15、of sales.我们的部门经理直接对销售副总裁负责。2021/8/8 星期日13 responsibility n责任,责任心have the responsibility for对有责任,对负责bear/take the responsibility for担当对的责任,为负责a sense of responsibility责任感They have the responsibility for ensuring that the rules are enforced.他们有责任确保制度的执行。5.Cities and urban areas are_for 80 percent of g

16、lobal greenhouse emissions.Aresponsible BavailableCsuitable Dsignificant【答案答案】A2021/8/8 星期日14 quit vt.放弃;停止;离开quit sth.不做某事quit doing sth.停止做某事quit school/ones job辍学/辞去某人的工作be quit of.摆脱He quit the show last year because of bad health.去年他因身体欠佳而退出了舞台。He has quit(quited)smoking.他已经戒烟了。He was quit of t

17、he trouble at last.他终于摆脱了麻烦。2021/8/8 星期日15 6.完成句子(1)The workers said to their boss if he didnt give them more money,they would_(辞职)(2)He has_(戒烟)already because of his unhealthy lung.(3)We decided it was time to_(离开那个城市)【答案答案】(1)quit their jobs/posts(2)quit/quitted smoking(3)quit that city2021/8/8 星

18、期日16 combine vt.&vi.(使)联合,(使)结合(1)combine.with/and.把与结合起来be combined with/and.与相结合combine against sth.合起来反对combine with sth.同结合成一体(2)combined adj.联合的,相加的combination n结合;联合in combination with与联合/结合2021/8/8 星期日17 The hotel combines comfort with convenience.这家旅馆既舒适又方便。She has successfully combined her

19、career and bringing up a family.她成功地兼顾了事业和抚养子女。The firm is working on a new product in combination with several overseas partners.这家公司与几家海外合伙人在联合开发新产品。2021/8/8 星期日18 join,combine,unite与connect用法比较:这四个词均有“连接,结合,联合”之意。(1)join侧重把原来不相连的事物紧密连接在一起,但仍可再分开。也指把分散的人或几个部分的人联合起来,或加入到某团体中去。(2)combine指两个或两个以上的人或物

20、结合在一起。(3)unite指联合、团结、结合在一起,构成一个整体。(4)connect指两事物在某一点上相连接,但彼此又保持独立。We should unite with all the forces that can be united.我们应该团结一切可以团结的力量。2021/8/8 星期日19 7.What do you mean_saying“Kill two birds with one stone”?You can_your holiday with a visit to your friend.Aby;combine Bfor;combineCby;separate Dfor;

21、separate【答案答案】A2021/8/8 星期日20 effect n结果;后果;效果;效力;作用;影响have an effect on/upon对有效,对产生影响have no/little/some/much/a bad effect没有/几乎没有/有些/有很大/有不良影响put/carry/bring/sth.into effect实行,实施come into effect生效,实施in effect事实上,在实施中,有效be of no effect无效2021/8/8 星期日21The medicine is of no effect.此药不起作用。They worked f

22、or a day without effect.他们徒劳无功地工作了一天。Punishment had very little effect on them.惩罚对他们没有什么效果。This kind of examination has a bad effect on the blood.这种体验对血液影响不好。2021/8/8 星期日22 effective(ly)有效的(地);实际上The law is no longer effective.该法令已失效。8.The conference has been told to discuss the effects of tourism_t

23、he wild life in the area.Ain BonCat Dwith【答案答案】B2021/8/8 星期日23 award vt.授予;赏给;n.奖金award sb.sth.award sth.to sb.授予某人某物win/gain/obtain an award(for)获奖present/receive awards授予/获得奖 A gold medal was awarded to the owner.获胜者被授予一枚金牌。He won the award of$10,000.他获得一万美元奖金。2021/8/8 星期日24 get a reward(for.)获得()

24、报酬reward sb.for sth.因而酬谢某人win a medal(for.)获得一枚()奖章win the Nobel Prize获得诺贝尔奖Is that how you reward me for my help?那就是你为了我的帮忙而给我的报酬吗?2021/8/8 星期日25 9.The Curies were_the Nobel Prize for their great contribution to science.Aawarded BofferedCsent DSupplied【解析解析】从句子的意思来分析,此处用award,表示“授予诺贝尔奖”,其他动词在此处不能和p

25、rize连用表达语境所要求的意思。【答案答案】A2021/8/8 星期日26 permission nU 准许,许可,批准with out permission未经允许permit/allow doing sth.准许做某事permit/allow sb.to do sth.准许某人做某事let sb.do sth.让某人做某事 They entered the area without permission.他们未经允许擅入该地。You have my permission to leave.我准许你离开。2021/8/8 星期日27 permit,allow与let用法比较:(1)perm

26、it v“允许”,强调“正式认可,批准”的意思。Schools do not permit smoking.学校不准吸烟。(2)allow v“允许”,词义较弱,含有“听任,默许,不加阻止”的意思。I allow your leaving now.我允许你现在离开。(3)let v“让”,词义最弱,较口语化,一般不用于被动语态。Lets be good friends.让我们成为好朋友吧。2021/8/8 星期日28 10.完成句子(1)She took the car_(未经许可)(2)_(天气允许的话),we will go swimming tomorrow.(3)His mother

27、doesnt_(允许他单独外出)(4)We permit_(课下交谈)【答案答案】(1)without permission(2)Weather permitting/(If weather permits)(3)permit him to go out alone(4)talking after class2021/8/8 星期日29 impress vt.铭刻,给极深的印象;使感动impress名词(常用被动语态,不可用进行式)impress sth.on sb.impress sb.with sth.使(某人)铭记be impressed on ones mind/memory被印在脑海

28、 I was deeply impressed by/at/with his speech.他的演说给我留下了深刻印象。2021/8/8 星期日30She impressed me as a woman of great kindness.在我印象中,她是一位非常仁慈的女性。My father impressed on me the importance of work.My father impressed me with the importance of work.父亲要我铭记工作的重要性。His words are strongly impressed on my memory.他的话

29、铭刻在我的记忆里。2021/8/8 星期日31 impression n印象,感想have/leave/make a/an.impression on sb.给某人留下的印象ones impression of对的印象The book left/made a deep impression on him.这本书留给他深刻的印象。Whats your impression of him as a worker?作为一名工人,你对他的印象如何?2021/8/8 星期日32 11.The opening ceremony of our school sports meet is impressed_

30、my mind.Ato BoverCby DOn【解析解析】be impressed on ones mind意为“某物给某人留下了深刻印象”。【答案答案】D2021/8/8 星期日33 difficulty n困难have difficulty(trouble)with sth.就某事来说有困难have difficulty(in)doing sth.做某事有困难Theres difficulty(in)doing sth.做某事有困难do sth.with difficulty艰难地做某事overcome ones difficulty/difficulties克服困难Its diffic

31、ult(for sb.)to do sth.(某人)做某事有困难2021/8/8 星期日34find it difficult to do sth.发现做某事有困难Do you have any difficulty with your work?你工作有困难吗?I had great difficulty(in)explaining to the foreigner how to get to the Summer Palace.我费了很大劲才向那个外国人说清楚如何去颐和园。Its difficult for so few people to do so much work.要如此少的人干那

32、么多活很困难。2021/8/8 星期日35 have a hard time(in)doing sth.做某事很艰难take great trouble to do sth.不辞劳苦做某事The monitor took great trouble to help us out.班长费尽周折帮我们解决困难。12.You can hardly imagine what great difficulty we had_the task.Afinish Bto finishCfinishing Dhaving finished 【解析解析】该题是have difficulty(in)doing st

33、h.结构的变形形式。【答案答案】C2021/8/8 星期日36 dress up盛装;打扮;装饰be dressed in衣服(wear),表状态dress sb.(oneself)给某人穿上衣服(自己穿衣)dress(sb.)up as sb./sth.打扮成dress sth.up 修饰;掩饰 Ill be ready in a moment;Im just getting dressed.我一会儿工夫就好了,我在穿衣服呢!Could you dress the baby for me?你替我给小孩穿上衣服好吗?2021/8/8 星期日37 dress,put on,wear与have o

34、n用法比较:(1)dress可用做不及物动词和及物动词,表穿的动作;接宾语须用表示人的名词、代词或反身代词;用be dressed(in衣服)表示状态。(2)put on表示“穿上,戴上”的动作,终止性短语,其宾语可以是衣服、鞋、帽等。(3)wear“穿着,戴着”,可表状态,可适用于各种东西,如衣服、手表、首饰等的穿戴。(4)have on表“穿着”的状态,不用于进行时态。Hearing the order,he put his coat and went out.听到命令,他便穿上外套出去了。2021/8/8 星期日38 13.(改错题)The lady dressing in black

35、looks very charming._【解析解析】句子的谓语部分是looks very charming;dress应作后置定语修饰the lady。例句可改为:The lady who is dressed in black looks very charming。【答案答案】dressingdressed2021/8/8 星期日39 pick up拣起;搭载客人;(健康)恢复;(偶然)学会;接收;加速pick up a book拾起一本书pick up a guest接客人pick up French学会法语pick up VOA programmes接收美国之音节目pick up o

36、nes speed加快速 I picked up a coin in the road.我在路上拾起一个硬币。Shall I pick you up at the station?要我开车到车站去接你吗?I believe things will pick up soon.我相信事情很快就会转好。2021/8/8 星期日40 pick out选择;辨别出;区别出Have you picked out the movie you want to see?你挑选出你想看的电影了吗?Can you pick your brother out from that group of people?你能在

37、那群人中认出你弟弟吗?2021/8/8 星期日41 14.It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly_my friend.Aturn out Bbring outCcall out Dpick out【解析解析】本题考查的是动词短语的用法。turn out最终结果是,关上,蜂拥而出,生产,制造;bring out使明显,显示出,推出(新产品/新书/新唱片等);call out大声说出,(在困难或危险情况下)下令出动;pick out认真挑选,分辨出,辨认出,弹奏。根据句意,我几乎不能辨认出我的朋友。【答案答案】D2021/8/8 星期日42

38、 in other words换句话说in a word 总之,一句话get in a word 插话,插嘴keep ones word 守信word for/by word 逐字地,照字面 Im not used to the way you speak to me.In other words,I dont want to continue our conversations.我不习惯于你对我谈话的方式,换句话讲,我不想继续我们的谈话了。He talked so much that no one else could get in a word.他说那么多,没有人能插上话。Please b

39、elieve me.Ill keep my word.请相信我,我决不食言。In a word,I was not interested in your plan.总之,我对你的计划没有兴趣。2021/8/8 星期日43 have a word with sb.与某人谈话have words with sb.与某人吵架Please keep calm;I dont want to have words with you.请你冷静,我不想和你吵架。15.Your performance in the driving test didnt reach the required standard_,

40、you failed.Ain the end Bafter allCin other words Dat the same time【解析解析】由语境可知,选项之后是对前面所说内容的解释;再则破折号也表示解释和说明,所以C项in other words正确。A项意为“终于”;B项意为“毕竟;终究”;D项意为“尽管如此,然而”。【答案答案】C2021/8/8 星期日44 refer to的含义refer to sb./sth.谈到;提及;指的是refer to(a dictionary)参考/查阅(字典)refer to.as把称作/看 The speaker often referred to

41、 his notes.那位演讲者经常参考他的大纲。When I said some people were stupid,I didnt refer to you.当我说一些人愚蠢时,指的不是你。Dont refer to your sister as a silly cow!不要把你的姐姐称为傻瓜。2021/8/8 星期日45 consult a dictionary查词典look up a word in the dictionary查词典找单词If you dont know this word,you can look it up in a dictionary.如果你不认识这个词,可

42、以查一下词典。16.The professor suggested the problem_at once.Areferred to be solved Breferred to solvingCreferred to was solved Dreferred to must be solved【解析解析】本题综合考查非谓语动词和suggest后的宾语从句中使用虚拟语气。suggest之后的宾语从句是the problem.(should)be solved at once;其中problem后用过去分词短语referred to作定语。【答案答案】A2021/8/8 星期日46 Canadi

43、an singer and song writer,Alanis Morissette,is used to being in the public eye.加拿大歌手和词作家阿兰妮斯莫里塞特杰已习惯于在公众的视野中生活。be/get used to(doing)sth.习惯于(做)某事be used for.被用做be used as.被用做be used to do sth.被用来做某事Im not used to eating so much at lunchtime.我不习惯午饭吃那么多。We used to go boating on the lake.过去我们常常在湖上划船。Cot

44、ton can be used to make cloth.棉花可以被用来织布。2021/8/8 星期日47 used to与would用法比较:(1)used to指过去经常做的动作或存在的状态,而现在已经不这样了,暗含过去与现在比较。(2)would仅表示过去不大规则的习惯,只用其叙述过去的情况,而不和现在比较。它常和often,sometimes,frequently等连用。As a child,he used to swim in the river.小时候,他常去河里游泳。When he woke up,he would often smoke a cigarette.每当他醒来时,

45、他常会抽支香烟。2021/8/8 星期日48 17.The life he has been used to_disturbed now.Ahaving been Bhave beenChas been Dis being【解析解析】he has been used to是一个定语从句。【答案答案】D2021/8/8 星期日49 In the mid1980s,breakdancing became popular.在二十世纪八十年代中期,霹雳舞开始盛行了。in the 1980s在20世纪80年代in the(early/late)twentieth century在二十世纪(初/末)in

46、1949在一九四九年In the 1940s,he went to America.在二十世纪四十年代,他去了美国。This important discovery was made in the late 19th century.这是十九世纪末的一项重大发现。2021/8/8 星期日50 表示“年龄”的方式:in ones teens在十几岁时in his/her forties在他/她40多岁时at the age of forty在40岁时Father joined the army in his late teens.父亲十几岁时当的兵。18.He left his home_;at

47、 that time he was_.Ain the 1920s;in the thirtiesBin his 1920s;in the thirtiesCon the 1920s;on his thirtiesDin the 1920s;in his thirties【解析解析】考查“年代”与“年龄”表达法。【答案答案】D2021/8/8 星期日51 It was Morissettes first performance in England since her song“Uninvited”won this years Grammy Award for the best rock son

48、g.这是自莫里塞特的歌曲Uninvited获得今年的格莱美最佳摇滚歌曲奖以来她在英国的首次演出。句式:“It is/was.since.”表示“自从以来多长时间了或出现了某种状态”,注意it后面的谓语动词一般是be,它也可用其完成时,即:It has been.since.。It is/has been时间段since.自从以来有多长时间了It is time that.是做的时候了It/This/That is/was/will be the first time that.这/那(将)是第一次It is/was/will be时间段before.要过多久才2021/8/8 星期日52It

49、is/was具体的时间点when.中,when引导定语从句。It is just a week since we arrived here.我们到这儿仅一个星期。It was years since I had seen her.我有好几年没有见到她了。It has been five years since I began to learn English.从我开始学英语起已经五年了。2021/8/8 星期日53 在句型“It is时间段since.”中,如果since从句中的谓语动词为非延续性动词,则译为“自从以来多长时间了”,如果从句中的谓语动词为延续性动词,则译为“不做多长时间了。”I

50、ts three years since he worked here.他不在这里工作已经3年了。19.(2010年江苏扬州模拟)Its quite a time_Liu Xiang was injured in the foot,but we are sure it wont be long_he returns to the track.Aafter;when Bbefore;sinceCthat;when Dsince;before【答案答案】C2021/8/8 星期日54 Until the eighteenth century,social dances were only held


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