愤怒的葡萄英文介绍 the grapes of wrath.ppt

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1、The Grapes of Wrath 愤愤 怒怒 的的 葡葡 萄萄(1940)Content:Background InformationIntroduction of AuthorThe Grapes of WrathSocial backgroundWith the Stock Market crash of 1929,America moved into the Great Depression.The economic structure in the U.S.A.changed.The gap between the rich and the poor lengthened.Mor

2、e and more people lost their jobs,so the unemployment and poverty became the main social problems.Then a lot of people went along the Highway 66 to california,hoping to find jobs,lands,dignities and thieir futures.John Steinbeck(1902-1968)1902,born in Salinas,California1920,enrolled in Stanford Univ

3、ersity1925,went to New York1925,Returned to California,started writing career1940,the Pulitzer Prize1962,Nobel Prize for literature1968,Passed awayJohn Steinbeck(1902-1968)His Major works1.First novel:Cup of Gold(1929)金杯2.Tortilla Flat(1935):a collection of short stories about an imaginary Mexican-A

4、merican town in California.3.In Dubious Battle(1936)胜负未决:about the strike by migrant farm-workers4.Of Mice and Men(1937)人鼠之间:the tragic friendship between a migrant worker and his friend5.The Grapes of Wrath(1939)愤怒的葡萄 his master piece6.Cannery Row(1945)罐头厂街7.Travle with Charley in serach of America

5、(1962)Point of Viewa.His best writing was produced out of outrage at the injustices of the societies,and the admiration for the strong spirit of the poor.b.His theme was usually simple human virtures,such as kindness and fair treatment,which are far superior to the dehumanizing cruelty of exploiters

6、.Writing stylea.poetic qualityb.regional diacletc.characterization:many types of characters rather than individualsd.many symbolse.social protect:spokenman for the poverty-stricken peopleThe Grapes of Wrath is a novel published in 1939 and written by John Steinbeck,who was awarded the Pulitzer Prize

7、 in 1940 and the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1962.Set during the Great Depression,the novel focuses on a poor family of sharecroppers,the Joads,driven from their Oklahoma home by drought,economic hardship,and changes in the agriculture industry.In a nearly hopeless situation,partly because they we

8、re trapped in the Dust Bowl,they set out for California along with thousands of other Okies in search of land,jobs and dignity.The Grapes of Wrath is frequently read in American high school and college literature classes.愤怒的葡萄愤怒的葡萄长篇小说。斯坦培克著。作于长篇小说。斯坦培克著。作于19391939年。是美国年。是美国3030年代大萧条时期的一部史诗。小说主年代大萧条


10、,反映了广大人民群众对现存社会的日益不满和叛逆精神,具有鲜明的时代特征。为此,斯坦满和叛逆精神,具有鲜明的时代特征。为此,斯坦贝克成了贝克成了“被压迫者的代言人被压迫者的代言人”。在艺术上,再现。在艺术上,再现了了3030年代大萧条时期的生活,在人物形象的塑造上,年代大萧条时期的生活,在人物形象的塑造上,强调外部特征,而不是探究微妙的心理,因而他笔强调外部特征,而不是探究微妙的心理,因而他笔下的人物是类型化的而不是个性化的。象征手法和下的人物是类型化的而不是个性化的。象征手法和讽刺手法在作品中也得到了很好的运用讽刺手法在作品中也得到了很好的运用 。the Major CharactersPa

11、JoadTom JoadhusbandsonMa JoadfriendJim CasyNoah JoadsonAl JoadsonRose of SharondaughterhusbandConnie RiversTom Joadgood-natured,thoughtful,strength Protagonist of the story;the Joad familys second son,named after his father.Later on,Tom takes leadership of the family even though he is young.Ma Joadm

12、atriarch,practical,warm-spirited,“the citadel of the family.”The mother of the Joad family.She is the healer of the familys ills and the arbiter of its arguments,and her ability to perform these tasks grows as the novel progresses.Jim Casyradical philosopher,a motivator and unifier of men,and a mart

13、yrA former preacher who gave up his ministry out of a belief that all human experience is holy.Casy goes to prison in Toms stead for a fight that erupts between laborers and the California police.He emerges a determined organizer of the migrant workers.Rose of Sharon-an impractical,petulant,and roma

14、ntic young womanThe oldest of Ma and Pa Joads daughters,and Connies wife.By the end of the novel,she matures considerably,and possesses the reader learns with surprise,something of her mothers indomitable spirit and grace.Plot Analysis.Initial SituationThe land is changing Tom Joad is paroled from p

15、rison for homicide.On his journey home,he meets a now-former preacher,Jim Casy,whom he remembers from his childhood,and the two travel together.When they arrive at his childhood farm home,Oklahoma,they find it deserted.Theres been a drought,dust storms are rampant,crops are dead,the economy is weak,

16、and landowners must kick tenant farmers(like the Joads)off of the land.ConflictThe Joads must move westward.The Joads buy a car and move west,like thousands of other families,in search of a new life,a new home,and new opportunity.With no work here in Oklahoma,they have no other choice.ComplicationCa

17、lifornia is not all that.Over three hundred thousand people have moved to California,all looking for the same thing:jobs.The Joads cant find any jobs and cant settle down.They are hungry,they are tired,they lose four members of the family.ClimaxTom kills a man.Tom is reunited with Reverend Casy,who

18、has become an agitator or a picketer,fighting for worker rights.The authorities murder Casy,and Tom kills one of the authorities.Hes in big trouble now.SuspenseRuthie spills the beans.The floodwaters rise.Tom tries to hide from the world until the murder hes committed blows over,but his little siste

19、r accidentally spills the beans and tells the world what hes done.Meanwhile,it starts raining really hard and the creek beside the Joads boxcar home rises.DenouementTom runs away,the Joads escape Not wanting to drag his family into his crime,Tom runs away for good.As the floodwaters continue to rise

20、,Rose of Sharons baby is stillborn.The Joads leave their boxcar in search of higher and dryer ground.Conclusion A dying man is nursed.In the end,Rose of Sharon commits the only act in the book that is not futile:she breast feeds a man too sick from starvation to eat solid food,still trying to show h

21、ope in humanity after her own negative experience.This final act is said to illustrate the spontaneous mutual sharing that will lead to a new awareness of collective valuesSymbolsGrapesIn The Bible the grape is a symbol of hope Steinbeck has the same writing style,the destination of California is cl

22、ear,for its a suitable land of milk and honeySharons pregnancy1.Rose of Sharons pregnancy holds the promise of a new beginning.2.The way that Uncle John disposes of the childs corpse recalls Moses being sent down the Nile.The image suggests that the family,like the Hebrews in Egypt,will be delivered

23、 from the slavery of its present circumstances.Death of the Joads Dog The Dog death constitutes the first of many symbols foreshadowing the tragedies that await the family1.The saving power of Family and Fellowship The Grapes of Wrath chronicles the story of two“families”:the Joads and the collectiv

24、e body of migrant workers.When the Joads meet the Wilsons,in a remarkably short time,the two groups merge into one anothers survival.This merging takes place among the migrant community in general as well:“twenty families became one family,the children were the children of all.The lose of home becam

25、e one lose,and the golden dream in the west was one dream.”The livelihood of the migrants depends upon their union.As Tom eventually realize“his”people are all people.2.Lies and Deceit Central to The Grapes of Wrath is a single lie:thousands of families move west to California because they believe i

26、t to be the land of plenty,a place full of jobs and opportunity.This lie is spread through a yellow pamphlet dispensed by a Californian landowner looking for workers,and it both gives families a sense of hope and strips them of hope.Several entities help to sustain this lie:the banks,the car salesme

27、n,the merchants,and the landowners.The Joads are deceived into thinking that their worries will be forgotten once they get to california.3.Mans Inhumanity to ManThe migrants great suffering is caused not by bad whether or mere misfortune but by their fellow human beings.Historical,social,and economi

28、c circumstances separate people into rich and poor,landowner and tenant,and the people in the dominant roles struggle viciously to preserve their position.The novel draws a simple line through the population-one that divides the privileged from the poor-and identifies that division as the primary so

29、urce of evil and suffering in the world.4.The Dignity of Wrath The Joads stand as exemplary in their refusal to be broken by the circumstances that conspire against them.Steinbeck emphasizes the importance of maintaining self-respect in order to survive spiritually.The Joads had suffered incomparabl

30、e losses:Noah,Connie,and Tom has left the family;Rose of Sharon gives birth to a stillborn baby;the family possesses neither food nor promise of work.Yet it is at this moment that the family manages to rise above hardship to perform an act of unsurpassed kindness and generosity for starving man,show

31、 that the Joads have not lost their sense of the value of human life.The Grapes of Wrath chronicles【叙述】the story of two“families”:the Joads and the collective body of migrant workers.Although the Joads are joined by blood【血统】,the text argues that it is not their genetics but their loyalty【忠诚】and com

32、mitment【承诺】to one another that establishes their true kinship【亲属关系】.In the migrant lifestyle portrayed【描绘】in the book,the biological family unit,lacking a home to define its boundaries【边界】,quickly becomes a thing of the past,as life on the road demands that new connections and new kinshipsbe formed.

33、The reader witnesses【见证】this phenomenon at work when the Joads meet the Wilsons.In a remarkably short time,the two groups merge【合并】into one,sharing one anothers hardships and committing to one anothers survival【幸存】.This merging takes place among the migrant community in general as well:“twenty famil

34、ies became one family,the children were the children of all.The loss of home became one loss,and the golden time in the West was one dream.”In the face of adversity,the livelihood【生活,生计】of the migrants depends upon their union.As Tom eventually realizes,“his”people are all people.Henry Fonda 亨利 方达Ch

35、arley Grapewin 查利 格雷普韦恩Jane Darwell 简 达威尔John Carradine 约翰 卡拉丁They are all stars in this famous film.Russell Simpson 拉塞尔 辛普森奥斯卡奖奥斯卡奖/Academy Awards,USA 1941 最佳剪辑最佳剪辑/Best Film Editin奥斯卡奖奥斯卡奖/Academy Awards,USA 1941 最佳音效最佳音效/Best Sound 国家评论协会奖国家评论协会奖(美美)/National Board of Review,USA 1940 最佳影片最佳影片/Bes

36、t Picture 纽约影评人协会奖纽约影评人协会奖/New York Film Critics Circle Awards 1940 最佳影片最佳影片/Best Film 纽约影评人协会奖纽约影评人协会奖/New York Film Critics Circle Awards 1940 最佳导演最佳导演/Best Director 纽约影评人协会奖纽约影评人协会奖/New York Film Critics Circle Awards 1940 最佳导演最佳导演/Best Director 1989国家影片登记国家影片登记/National Film Registry 奥斯卡奖奥斯卡奖/Ac

37、ademy Awards,USA 1941 最佳电影最佳电影/Best Picture 奥斯卡奖奥斯卡奖/Academy Awards,USA 1941 最佳男演员最佳男演员/Best Actor in a Leading Role 奥斯卡奖奥斯卡奖/Academy Awards,USA 1941 最佳男配角最佳男配角/Best Actor in a Supporting Role 奥斯卡奖奥斯卡奖/Academy Awards,USA 1941最佳导演最佳导演/Best Director奥斯卡奖奥斯卡奖/Academy Awards,USA 1941 最佳编剧最佳编剧/Best Writing,Screenplay Written Directly for the ScreenI wana to watch it!Perfect!Perfect!Really?


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