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1、人教版新标中考英语形容词及副词专练及答案()1. Which is, Lesson Five or Lesson Six?A. interesting B. more interestingC. most interesting D. the most interesting()2. Sorry, I cant answer your question. I know about the news.A. a little B. little C. few D. a few()3. T ve got an A for my history/1 Judy said.A. sadly B. sad

2、C. happy D. happily()4.1 think the song in the film “Titanic is one of film songs.A. the most beautiful B. most beautifulC. much more beautiful D. a beautiful()5. Jim works as as Zhang Hua.A. careful B. carefullyC. more careful D. most carefully()6. Can you speak to a person in old clothes?A. kind B

3、. kindly C. polite D. friendly()7. Just a moment, please! F II finish in five minutes.A. another B. other C. more D. less()8. Who jumped of all in the long jump?A. longest B. longer C. farther D. farthest()9. My sister isnz t maths.A. good for B. well in C. good at D. best atA. better B. worse C. we

4、ll D. worst()77. Monday is my day.A. the busiest B. busy C. busier D. busiest()78. He drives much than be did three years ago.A. more careful B. more carefullyC. careful D. carefully()79.1 couldn t find my English-Chinese dictionary.A. everywhere B. nowhereC. somewhere D. anywhere()80. John did badl

5、y in the sports meeting. I did even.A. also badly B. worse C. worst D. more badly()81. He is teacher that all of us like him.A. such good a B. a so goodC. so good a D. a such good()82. Jack doesn t work Tom.A. as so good B. so good asC. so hard as D. so harder as()83. The story book was interesting

6、I could not put itdown.A. as, that B. so, that C. so, as D. as, as()84. Li Ying understand the foreigner.A. can hardly B. cannot hardlyC. can hardly not D. cannot hard()85. His father is than his mother.A. older four years B. as four years olderC. four years older D. bigger four years()86. Shanghai

7、is larger than in Japan.A. any other city B. other citiesC. the other city D. any city()87. Several weeks later, Li Lei found maths chemistry.A. less difficult B. less difficult thanC. the more difficult than D. as difficult than()88. The Great Pyramid (金字塔)is about 137 metres high today, butit was

8、once.A. higher B. highest C. high too D. more high()89. Are you feeling? Z/Yesz Y m fine now.A. quite good B. quite betterC. any well D. any better()90.1 got up today than yesterday.A. later B. more lately C. lately D. late()91. She isn t so at maths as you are.A. well B. good C. better D. best()92.

9、 Who did in the test, Mary, Kate or Betty?A. best B. better C. as well D. well()93. It is today than yesterday.A. very hotter B. quite hotterC. more hotter D. much hotter()94. The water is hot that I can t drink it.A. quite B. so C. too D. very()95. Today, he is feeling to go Changjiang River.A. eno

10、ugh good B. well enoughC. good enough D. enough well()96. Your grandmother goes to the cinema, does she?A. usually B. always C. hardly D. sometimes()97. Speak English possible in class and after class.A. as many as B. as soon asC. as much as D. as more as()98. John was so tired that he could hardly

11、keep his eyes.A. open B. to be open C. to open D. opening()99. Can you believe that in a rich country there should bemany poor people?A. such, such B. so, so C. so, such D. such, so()100. There are more books in our library than in theirs.A. much B. too much C. many D. little【爹若含案】1. B 2. B 3. D 4.

12、A 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. DA 12. B 13. A 14. D 15. C 16. B 17. C 18. C19. B 20.B 2LD 22.C23. C 24.D 25.D 26. DA 28.D 29. C 30,A31 B 32.B 33.C 34. D35. B 36.A 37. A 38.A39. D 40.C 41.A 42. CB 44C 45. C 46.D47. D 48.C 49.D 50. C51. C 52. D 53. D 54. A 55. A 56. C 57. D 58. CB 60. B 61. C 62. D 63

13、. D 64. A 65. A 66. A67. C 68. D 69. A 70. A 71. A 72. C 73. B 74, AB 76. B 77. D 78. B 79. D 80. B 81. C 82. C83. B 84. A 85. C 86. D 87. B 88. A 89. D 90. AB 92. A 93. D 94. B 95. B 96. C 97. C 98. A99. D 100. C如何提高中考英语听力成绩英语听力测试是历年来中考必考题型之一,而且是重头戏。近几年来,各 省市中考听力测试题的分值也逐渐在增加,占总分的六分之一到四分之一。由于 听力测试题在

14、前,答好这部分试题有助于考生树立信心,发挥自己应有的水平, 做好后面的笔试部分。常言道“A good beginning is half done。因此要想 做好听力测试题,必须保持良好的心理素质,并且掌握一些解题技巧。一、保持良好的心理素质,摒弃一切干扰因素考生进入考场后,首先要环视四周,熟悉教室内的环境,竭力调整好自己的 思想情绪,保持沉着、冷静的心理状态和清醒的头脑。全身放松,作好相应的准 备工作,保持最佳状态。试卷发下后,要先审题,看看有几种题型、有什么要求。 此时要充分调动全身信息器官,集中精力投入应试,要摒弃一切不利于考试的干 扰因素。忌手忙脚乱、心情紧张,力求避免出现上述情况的发

15、生。如出现心慌意 乱情绪波动,不妨挺胸做几次深呼吸或采用默默记数法一一即闭上眼睛默默从one, two, three. .”往下数,直到心情稳定,紧张情绪消失为止。二、熟悉听力测试题的内容,捕捉关键信息,迅速解答听力测试题听力测试题一般包括以下五种类型:1 .听句子,选出句中所包含的信息例 1: A. Monday B. May, 1st C. June, 1st录音:Today is May, 1st. Its Workers Day.2 .听句子,选出该句的最佳答语此类题的目的是在于尽可能地增强试题的交际性,促使教师在平时教学中加 强对学生交际能力的培养。此题多选自学生熟悉的内容。彳列 2

16、: A. Fine, thank you. B. Sunday C. Sunny录音:Whats the weather like today?学生只要认真分析上面的三个选项,就知道A项是询问人的身体健康状况(How are you?)的答语;B项则是询问星期(What day is it today?)的答 语;C项则是询问天气状况(Whats the weather like today?)的答语。学生 只要认真听录音,便不难选出答案C。3 .听对话和问题,选出适当的选项此类题旨在考查学生对日常会话的理解能力,同时也考查学生的观察、判断、 分析、推理以及获取信心的能力。一般为两个人轮流进行

17、对话,它要求学生根据 所听对话内容,回答提出的问题。此类题要求学生具有一定的速记、计算能力。例 3: A. 9:30B. 9:15C. 8:45录音:B: Whats the time, mum? Our class meeting starts at nine o clock.M: Oh, you must hurry then. You have only a quarter left.B: I have no time for breakfast today. Goodbye, mum.M: Please be careful, dear.Q: What time is it now?学

18、生通过听录音,计算,便会轻易而举选择答案C。有的试题则要求学生具有一定推理、判断能力。彳列 4: A. Four hundred yuan B. In the shopC. three hundred yuan录音:S: What can I help you, Miss?G: I am looking for a sweater. The red one looks very beautiful. How much is it?S: Four hundred yuan.G: Its a little expensive. Do you have some cheap?S: The green

19、 one is only three hundred yuan.G: f H take it.Q: Where are they talking?此题本来是在谈论衣服的价格,学生便会想到问题可能是询问衣服的价格, 然而此题询问他们所在的地点,这就要学生具有一定的判断能力。当然,要答好这类题决非一朝一夕之功,它需要学生具有较强的英语听力基 础和较好的综合素质;也需要平时加强训练,才有可能得到高分。4 .听短文和问题选择正确的答案5 .听短文填空这道题意思是:在考试之前教师告诉学生发下试卷之后不要急于答题,应选 择容易做的试题;遇到难题时,少用一些时间;如果感到紧张时,闭上眼睛做几 次深呼吸;做完

20、后,仔细检查答案。三、根据听力测试的特点,迅速想出对策,积极应试听力测试的时间一般在30分钟左右,考查的范围大,内容广,既考查经济、 文化、政治、环境、卫生方面的内容,也考查人物、故事情节等。听整篇、顾大 局,忌因小失大。听力测试是限时、限速要求的测试,如果没有听清楚或未确切 理解,无把握进行判断时,应做好标记。可以在录音内容结束后,结合上下文, 根据所掌握的知识和语感,通过逻辑推理,然后选择一个较为合理的答案。千万 不要停留在原处犹豫,而应迅速转入下一题。否则将会因小失大、得不偿失,因 而影响到听其他的题。听力测试题结束后,不要急于答笔试部分,要仔细检查、 力求准确;要注意字母大小写、名词的

21、单复数、动词的第三人称单数,以及过去 式是否准确无误。检查的依据是根据上下文的意思、语法、固定结构和逻辑推理 来完成的。“冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。”要想提高中考英语听力成绩,必须要有“持之 以恒”的精神;学生要提高英语听力水平的方法很多,但要突破听力障碍,提高 答题的正确率,除了要科学地进行考前的听力训练外,还要善于掌握测试要点, 正确运用解题技巧。如何提高中考英语听力听力是学习外语必须具备的能力之一,也是中考的一项必考内容。中考的主要题型有两 大类:1.听句子,补全句子中所缺的单词,或选出句子中所包含的信息词,或者选出与所 听句子意思最接近的句子,或者对所听句子作出反应(应答)。2.听对话或短

22、文,回答问题(问 题或在试卷上或在录音中),或者完成句子或表格。值得注意的是:目前中考听力考试中, 单纯听辨单词或句子的试题在逐渐消逝,而听对话或短文完成句子或表格的试题却逐步流行 开来。做好听力理解试题需打好以下几个方面的基础:基础一、话题基础话题基础就是要求同学们熟练掌握大纲中规定的30项交际用。特别是:(1)问候与应答;(2) 感谢与应答;(3)邀请与应答;(4)请求与应答;(5)道歉与应答;(6)祝贺与应答;(7)提供帮 助与应答;(8)打电话;(9)购物;(10升诃路;(11)看病;(12)谈论天气;(13)询问天气;(14) 谈论假日计划;等等。同学们要了解不同的场合或话题经常使用

23、的较为固定的套语和可能谈 到的内容。基础二、文化基础由于中西方的历史地理、风土人情、传统习俗、生活方式、行为规范和价值观念等的差异, 中西方在思维方式和语言表达方面也就不尽相同。如中国人在别人赞扬自己时常说“哪里, 哪里?还差得远呢! ”或者“不,不会吧”等来表示否定,这是表示谦虚;但若是西方人赞扬你, 你这样回答的话,他们则认为你是讲他们判断力差或说得不对。事实上,西方人对此只需回 答Thank you.就足够了。当然有时也可表示谦虚,那也是在说了 Thank you.之后,再用but. 说明不足。因此,在平时的学习中我们要注意中西方的文化差异,养成用英语思维来理解英 语。()10. Of

24、all the shoes in your shop, is this pair one?A. very good B. much betterC. a cheaper D. the cheapest()11. Jack didnz t run to catch up with the other runners.A. fast enough B. quick enough( . enough slow D. slowly enough( )12. India has the second population in the world.A. most B. largest C. least

25、D. smallest( )13. We have milk for baby. You d better go and buy some.A. little B. a little C. few D. a few( )14. Jim has friends here. So he often feels lonely.A. a little B. little C. a few D. few( )15. Lucy has made quite friends since she came here. She svery happy.A. few B. little C. a few D. f

26、ew( )16. The old woman lives, but he doesnt feel.A. alone, alone B. alone, lonelyC. lonely, lonely D. lonely, alone()17. Mrs. Green gave Lucy to eat.A. delicious something B. Chinese somethingC. something delicious D. something England()18. Mum will give him to eat.A. something real Chinese B. real

27、Chinese somethingC. something really Chinese D. really Chinese something()19.1 couldn t see much during the flight because there wascloud.A. too many B. too muchC. much too D. a lot()20. The sweater is very beautiful, but it s dear.A. too much B. much too C. many D. more()21. Today,trees are still b

28、eing cut down somewhere in theworld.A. much too B. too muchC. many too D. too many()22.1 think football is basketball in America.A. more popular B. so popular asC. as popular as D. less popular()23. Shanghai is the of all the cities in China.A. large B. larger C. largest D. most large()24. The boy d

29、oesn7 t run the bus.A. much faster as B. as fastest asC. more fast than D. so fast as()25. Germany has people than France.A. fewer B. smaller C. large D. more()26. The population of Xi an is than that of Shanghai.A. less B. fewer C. more D. larger()27. It rained last night.A. heavily B. heavy C. hea

30、vyly D. hardly()28. Eating more vegetables will keep you.A. good B. fat C. weak D. healthy()29. The elephant is big that he can t be put into a smallcage.A. so, so B. such, so C. so, such D. such, such()30. Lily said she hadn t heard music before.A. such a beautiful piece of B. a beautifulC. so beau

31、tiful a D. such a wonderful()31. Maths is one of the subjects in middle schools.A. important B. most importantC. more important D. much important()32. Jim is of the two.A. taller B. the taller C. tallest D. the tallest()33. This book is interesting than that one.A. little more B. little muchC. a lit

32、tle more D. a little much()34. He can t help you with your maths. T m afraid I canz t.A. too B. else C. also D. either()35. Don t worry. Your granny will get.A. well and well B. better and betterC. well and better D. best and best()36.Can you understand me?Sorry, I can understand you.A. hardly B. al

33、most C. nearly D. ever()37. The little boy books.A. lovely B. carefully C. heavily D. sadly()38. Jim can draw the teacher.A. as well as B. not so well asC. as better as D. as good as()39. It7 s going to be a busy day today. I have work to do.A. a hard B. a lot C. many D. much()40. How they are worki

34、ng!A. hardly B. a hard C. hard D. a hardly()41. These shoes are much too for me.A. big B. bigger C. biggest D. the biggest()42. There are many tall trees on side of the street.A. both B. all C. either D. neither()43. In Harbin, it s in November, but it s even inDecember.A. cold, cold B. cold, colder

35、C. colder, cold D. colder coldest()44. Look! The children are playing, they are always.A. happy, happy B. happily, happilyC. happily, happy D. happy, happily()45. Jim please turn the radio a little T m talking with youruncle.A. off B. on C. down D. up()46. Everything is on the moon than on the earth

36、.A. much more lighter B. much more lightC. more light D. much lighter()47. It s nice of you to help me.A. true B. truly C. real D. really()48. Don t eat the meat. It smells.A. dirty B. delicious C. bad D. sweet()49. Their school is three times as as ours. That means our schoolis than theirs.A. big,

37、three times smaller B. small, largeC. big, small D. large, twice smaller()50. The population problem may be one of the world today.A. the most B. most difficultC. the greatest D. more interesting( )51. The ice in the lake is about one metre.It s strong enoughto skate on.A. long B. high C. thick D. w

38、ide( )52. Miss Green asked a question, but it was that nobody couldanswer it.A. very difficult B. too difficultC. difficult enough D. so difficult( )53.My watch doesn t work. Could you mend it, please?Sorry. But the workers in that watch shop may be.A. kind B. friendly C. nice D. helpful( )54. Sam o

39、ften talks but does. So everyone says he is agood boy.A. less, more B. few, muchC. more, little D. little, many( )55. When the famous singer started to sing, everyone began to shoutvery.A. loudly B. loud C. heavily D. high( )56. In spring and summer, we have rain in Harbin. Itz s good forgrowing cro

40、ps (庄稼).A. a lot B. quite a fewC. lots of D. many)57.Can you come on Friday or Saturday?F m afraid day is possible.A. either B. some C. any D. neither()58. There is a smile on her face. I think she s with my work.( . strict B. angry C. pleased D. sorry( )59. She is than any other girl in her class.A

41、. thiner B. thinner C. thin D. the thinnest( )60. Jane s English is very good, but her French is not so asher English.A. well B. good C. better D. best()61. He is two years than I.A. elder B. smaller C. younger D. less()62. The song sounds.A. sweetly B. nicely C. well D. good()63. Australia is count

42、ry.A. an English-spoken B. a speaking-EnglishC. a spoken-English D. an English-speaking()64.1 seem to have met you.A. before B. ago C. yet D. some time()65. They have moved away from Beijing. They don t livethere.A. any longer B. once more C. either D. again()66. The road is not for three trucks to

43、run side by side.A. wide enough B. so wideC. too wide D. enough wide()67. The streets are wet because it has rained all morning.A. thickly B. strongly C. heavily D. deeply()68. You II miss your train if you don t put on your clothesA. fast B. soon C. quick D. quickly()69. Who is of you three?A. the

44、oldest B. much older C. oldest D. older()70. These apples look.A. nice B. well C. sweetly D. nicely()71. Can we do our work with money and people?A. less, fewer B. lesser, fewC. few, less D. little, less()72. He made mistakes in the last exam.A. the least B. fewer C. the fewest D. less()73. Which do you think is, the chicken or the fish?A. good B. better C. best D. well()74. As it was a rainy night, people went to see the film.A. few B. several C. many D. a few()75. It takes time to go there by plane than by train.A. little B. less C. few D. fewer()76. This shirt is not good. The one is even.


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