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1、九年级英语素养达标参考答案九年级英语素养达标(九)A期中复习题听力材料一、情景反响此题共5个小题,每题你将听到一组对话。请你从每题所给的A、B、C三幅图片 中,选出与你所听到的信息相关联的一项。No 1. M: How do you study for an English test?W: I study by having conversations with friends in English.No. 2 M: Which traditional festival do you like best?W: I love the Dragon Boat Festival. Because I

2、 really like eating zongzi.No. 3 M: Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to the TV station?W: Yes, its a bit far from here. Youd better take a bus.No. 4 M: Cindy, you look different. I remember you used to be afraid of dogs.W: People sure change. Heres my cute pet dog, Doudou.No. 5 M: Your wa

3、tch looks really nice. Where did you buy?W: I got it in Switzerland last year.二、对话理解此题共5个小题,每题你将听到一组对话和一个问题。请你从每题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中,选出一个最正确选项。No. 6 M: Lily, do you learn English by keeping a diary every day?W: Yes, I do. Listening to English songs and watching English videos help a lot. But keeping diar

4、ies is the best way to improve my writing skill.Q: How does Lily improve her writing skill?No. 7 M: Mom, ril be free tomorrow. Tm going to the history museum with Tim.W: OK, Terry. Have a good time.Q: Who is going to the history museum?No. 8 M: Excuse me, is there a supermarket near here?W: Yes. The

5、re is one on Center Street. Ws across from the hospital, next to the bank.Q: Where is the supermarket?No. 9 W: Hey, Steve. You used to be good at playing soccer, didnt you?M: Yes, but now Im on a swim team. Sometimes I play basketball.Q: What sport did Steve use to like?No. 10 M: Kate, I hear your f

6、ather got a new car. Was it made in Germany or Japan?W: Neither. It was homemade, made in China.Q: Where was Kates father car made?三、语篇理解此题你将听到一篇短文。请你根据短文内容和所提出的5个问题,从每题所给的A、 B、C三个选项中,选出一个最正确选项。It was Christmas Eve. On that day all parents prepared some gifts for their kids. I was very sad because m

7、y father didnt have enough money to buy me a gift.My father came back and asked me to go out with him. At that time I was very happy. warmth and satisfaction to me. The following experience is one of them.I still remember the days last summer when I was interested in collecting model cars. One day,

8、I went to a toy store. After looking through all the latest models, I made up my mind to buy one of them. From then on, I began to save some pocket money. Unluckily, when I could afford to buy one, it was sold out. A few days later, my birthday came. Much to my surprise, my favorite model car was gi

9、ven by Mom as a gift. I was so excited that I hugged and thanked her.Its my fortune to have a mom like her, who always offers me unexpected surprise in my growth. My moms great love makes me feel like I am the happiest boy in the world. And those wonderful memories my little lucky surprises, will al

10、ways be the treasures in my life.Yours, Jim 九年级英语素养达标(十六) Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth!L 1-5 BAACC 6-10 BAAAB11-15 DAGFEII. 16-20 BACCA 21 -25 BCABC26-30 ADFBC 31-35 ABCCB 36-40 EFADB41. protecting 42. take / waste 43. longer 44. less 45. reduceIt refers to small particles which are 2.5 mic

11、rometers or less in diameter.46. Vehicles. 31%.47. No, they arent.48. Xingtai.50.1 will walk or ride a bike to school. /.V. 51. be used52. to sell53. driving54. fishermen55. brought56. difference57. trying58. harmful59. scientific60. woodenVI. One possible version:We have only one earth and its our

12、home, so its our duty to take care of it. There is no doubt that protecting the environment is still worth peoples attention in the new century.As a teenager, I can do some small things to protect our environment, such as taking the bus to school. At the same time, I can save water while washing han

13、ds. Im sure everybody is able to do something meaningful to make the world better. And its our responsibility to call on more people to take action.九年级英语素养达标(十七) Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.I. 1-5 CABAA 6-10BBCBCIL 11-15 DFECBIII. 16-20 BAACB 21-23 CBA24-28 ABBAC 29-33 CAABC 34-

14、38 CBDAE39. interested 40. politely41. importance 42. because 43. improve / developBy passing the Senior High School Entrance Exam.44. Yes, they do. They sleep 1.4 hours less than they do in Grade 7.45. Most of the students sleep less than 8 hours.46. Because scores of P.E. in the Senior High School

15、 Entrance Exam is 60 points.47. Nearly 425.48. Yes, I have. I am more hard-working than I used to. /.V. 50. happiness51.who52. was told53. completely54. chose55. past56.mine57. although58. natural59. to makeVT. One possible version:Of all the people that I know, Aron, a mountain climber, I admire mo

16、st. There were many times when he almost lost his life because of accidents. In my mind, he is brave and strong-minded. Thats why I admire him.In Grade Eight, I was weak in English. I even wanted to give up. Then one day, I read an English passage about Aron. Arons arm was caught under a rock. Becau

17、se he couldnt free his arm, he stayed there for five days. Unluckily, his water ran out. At last, he cut off half of his right arm. Because of that decision, he saved himself. How brave he was! At that moment, I realized that I must make up my mind to improve my English. Finally, I made it.From his

18、experience, I have known the importance of facing difficulties bravely. Whenever we have difficulties in life, we should overcome them bravely like Aron.九年级英语素养达标(十八) Units 11-14I. 1-5 CBCAA 6-10CCBBCIL 11-15 EBACGIII. 16-20CCBAA 21-23 BAC24-28 ABCBC 29-33 BBCBC 34-38 AFDCE39. broken 40. same 41. sh

19、opping 42. properly 43. repairsTo show the readers when willpower is needed in our life.44. It explains that willpower influences peoples lives greatly.45. strongerWe can improve our willpower by keeping track of where our money goes / by sticking to daily self-control exercises,such as making our b

20、eds or brushing our teeth / by using our opposite hands.46. 如果你不得不做很多需要意志力的事情,那就休息一下或者让自己饱餐一顿。49.1 think my willpower is not strong enough, because I am often attracted by other things when I am learning. / I think my willpower is strong because I can always control myself and finally achieve what I

21、 want in the long term. /.V. 50. although51. your52. that53. wishes54. to make55. warmly56. was cheered57. danger58. have achieved59. towardsVI. One possible version:Good morning! Im Zhang Hua from Class Three. Its my honor to speak here, and I am very glad to share my feelings with you before gradu

22、ation. We are going to finish our middle school life soon. In the face of graduation, not only do I have a feeling of joy, but also sadness and memories fill in my heart.I still remember our tiring but meaningful school trip, which widened our knowledge and made our friendship stronger. I also remem

23、ber the art festival and New Years party, I was encouraged to show myself in public. Through all these experiences, the shyest boy has gradually grown up to be an outgoing one in this lovely school. He left his steps everywhere, reading in the library and doing sports at the playground.In addition,

24、I want to express my thanks to the people who are always there for me. My dear teachers, its you who cheer me up when Im down and made me realize I am the best. My lovely classmates, thank you for helping me when I fail and giving me the courage to face all the difficulties. And my parents, the most

25、 important people in my life, you taught me the basic to be a person and support me all the time. I love you all and will treasure the memories forever.Lastly, I must give my best wishes to you, my lovely school: you will be better tomorrow. To my dearest friends, all of your hard work will be paid

26、off and a bright future is waiting for you. Fight and hold the future in your hands!Thank you for listening. Thafs all.Suddenly I became silent when I found there was lots of wood on our bike. My father told me that there was a poor family living two miles down road. He saw the little son of the fam

27、ily looking for wood outside and he thought they must run out of wood. On the way to the boys familys house, my father stopped and went into a store. Later he returned with some food and a pair of shoes in his hand. He explained that the little boy was looking for wood without shoes. T was unhappy t

28、hen, because I knew clearly we are also short of money.We got to the poor familys house, and my father handed the wood, food and the pair of shoes to the little boy. The boy was too moved to say anything.At that moment, I felt a warmth that came from deep inside. Just then my own gift seemed not imp

29、ortant. The boys happiness was the best gift that year.四、听力填空此题你将听到一篇短文。请你根据所听内容,完成下面的表格,并将获取的信息写到相 应的位置上。每空一词。Are you facing problems in learning English? If so, my experience maybe help you to learn English more easily and with more fun.To start with, I was afraid of speaking in English in front o

30、f my classmates. I was never brave enough to answer questions. My teacher, Miss Wang, suggested that I could deal with my shyness by taking part in the textbook play game. She believed I could do better because of my good pronunciation and lively expressions. To perform well, I studied my lines many

31、 times and even dressed up like the character. While we were performing, I could hear my classmates cheering. I felt very excited! Later, Miss Wang said my wonderful acting made classmates pay attention to me. The experience made me fall in love with English. And I also got high scores on the Englis

32、h exams.So look for a proper way to learn English and you are sure to learn faster and do better.听力到此结束 参考答案一、1-5 BCBAA四、16. suggested 五、21-25 CBACB 六、31-35 BCAFG 七、36-40 BCABA 八、44-48 ABBCA (D) 59. better / richer一、1-5 BCBAA四、16. suggested 五、21-25 CBACB 六、31-35 BCAFG 七、36-40 BCABA 八、44-48 ABBCA (D)

33、 59. better / richer二、6-10 CAABC17. lively 18. like26-30 ABCAB41-43 CAB49-53 BACBC60. greatly 61. shows三、11-15 ACBCA19. scores 20. faster54-58 BCAEF62. activities 63. safe(E) 64. He has a great time. / He has completely got used to the life here. / Its great.65. Paper cutting. Because its the symbol

34、 of good luck. / Chinese clay art. Because it shows all Chinese peoples love for life and beauty. / .66. Kites.67. 直到1660年,茶才在英国出现。68. The Spring Festival. It is on the first day of the first month in the Chinese lunar calendar. /.69. We can make a speech on traditional Chinese culture. /.说明:只要所给答案符

35、合要求,且表述无误,即可得总分值;如果所给答案符合要求,但表 述有误,以五个小题为单位,单词拼写累计四处扣1分,语法错误累计两处扣1分;如所给答 案不符合要求,不可得分。九、70. does71. problems 72. carefully 73. was sent 74. to talk75. most important 76. happiness 77. Though 78. has made 79. harder 十、One possible version:Change is a kind of courage, and it will help us become a bette

36、r person if we change ourselves bravely. As for me, what impressed me most is that speech competition. I used to be shy and didnt dare to say anything in front of others. And I was too powerless to change this situation. One day, my teacher encouraged me to take an active part in a speech competitio

37、n. So I prepared for it during day and night, and even performed it over and over again in front of a mirror. After a week, the exciting day finally came! I took a deep breath and spoke in front of others smoothly. I was a little nervous at first, but my classmates and teacher ?s cheering relaxed me

38、 a lot. I became more focused on the speech. Without doubt, I got the first prize.Thanks to that competition, I have become more confident and braver. And I actively take part in all of the school activities. More importantly, I also realize that changing makes me grow up and changing makes me a bet

39、ter person.评分原那么:此题总分为15分,根据内容要点,所运用的语法结构和词汇的数量,篇章的准确性、 连贯性及得体性,分五个档次给分。第五档(13-15分)涵盖了所有内容要点,运用了较多的语法结构和词汇,有少量语言错误(1个句子结构、 时态、语态等或1-2个名词复数、第三人称单数、拼写、标点符号、大小写等),但是由于 使用复杂的表达方式所致;有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑,内容充实, 表达了活跃的思维和清晰的逻辑,具备较强的语言运用能力,完全到达了预期的写作目的。第四档(10T2分)涵盖了所有内容要点,运用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求,有一些错误(2个句 子结构、时

40、态、语态等或3-4个名词复数、第三人称单数、拼写、标点符号、大小写等), 但不影响对所写内容的理解;运用了简单的语句间的连接成分,使全文内容连贯、完整,表 达清楚,基本到达了预期的写作目的。第三档(7-9分)漏掉了一个内容要点,运用的语法结构和词汇能基本满足任务要求,有一些错误(3个 句子结构、时态、语态等或5-6个名词复数、第三人称单数、拼写、标点符号、大小写等), 但不影响对所写内容的理解;运用了简单的语句间的连接成分,内容连贯、信息得到较为清楚 的表达。第二档(4-6分)漏掉了两个内容要点,语法结构简单,词汇贫乏,有较多的错误(4个句子结构、时态、 语态等或7-8个以上名词复数、第三人称

41、单数、拼写、标点符号、大小写等),影响了对所 写内容的理解;缺乏语句间的连接成分,内容不连贯,信息未能清楚表达。第一档(0-3分)明显遗漏主要内容,写了一些无关内容,有大量的错误(5个以上句子结构、时态、语 态等或9个以上名词复数、第三人称单数、拼写、标点符号、大小写等),所写内容无法理 解;信息未能传达。注:1 .评分时,先确定所属档次,然后根据该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后 给分。2 .词数少于80词的,从总分中扣去1分。3 .如书写较差,以致影响理解的,可扣去1分。九年级英语素养达标(十) Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.I. 1-5 ACCABI

42、L 11-15 BCGAEIII. 16-20 C ABC A6-10BBCBA21-25 BCBAAIV. 26-30 CBEFA31-35 BCCAB 36-40 BACFD45. surprising41. killed 42. interest 43. when 44. early/quickly 46. About 25 million.47. Animals in Australia.48. Ws in Sydney.49. In the southeast corner between Sydney and Melbourne.50. At home.V. 51. worried

43、52. used53. happening54. was interviewed55. had heard56. could57. having58. running59. visiting60. creatingVI. One possible version:Hello, everyone! Whats that strange thing in the sky? Here are answers from my group.Jenny says it must be a UFO, because its flying very fast and no man-made things co

44、uld fly so fast. Peter thinks it couldnt be a UFO, because it isnt flying high enough in the sky. It might be a kite. He used to fly a kite that could give off light. But Tom doesnt agree with them. He thinks it must be a plane, because it sounds like a plane. But I think it might be a bird accordin

45、g to its shape. Maybe its feathers look bright in the dark evening.九年级英语素养达标(十一)Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.I. 1-5 BBACBIL 11-15 FADBGIII. 16-20 BACABIV. 26-30 BCCAC6-10BAABC21-25 CACBA31-35 AABBA36-40 BEAFC41. development 42. clearly 43. noisy 44. sing 45. fun / enjoyment / happiness46.

46、 People always run away from the planet in spaceships.47. Humans work together to build a giant engine system and push the earth away from the sun.48. The (ancient) poem.49. 否那么我们只是在模仿别人,讲述同样的美国故事。50. No matter where we go, the earth goes with us. / The earth goes with us no matter where wego.V. 51.

47、 them52. playing53. painful54. has made 55. musicians56. beauty57. recall58. tastes59. to solve60. directorVI. One possible version:I prefer PE. Without doubt, taking PE class can not only build up our body but also improveour mental health.It was an experience that I would never forget. We have had

48、 all kinds of pressure because of examinations and homework since we entered Grade 9. Noticing this, our PE teacher took us to go climbing during one of his classes. Although it was hot and the path was not always smooth, we kept moving forward the top, smiling and talking. When reaching there, the beautiful feelings swept away all our tiredness and stress.As the saying goes, sports is the source of our life. 1 think we should balance our main subject and PE. In addition, we should often take part in ph


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