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《XXXX年同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语考试真题8739.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《XXXX年同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语考试真题8739.docx(58页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2012年同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语考试真题Paper One 试卷一 (90minutes)Part Diialooguee Coommuuniccatiion (100 miinuttes, 100 poointts, 1 ffor eacch)Sectiion ADDialloguue CCompplettionn Direcctioons: Inn thhis secctioon, youu wiill reaad 55 shhortt inncommpleete diaalogguess beetweeen twoo sppeakkerss, eeachh foolloowedd

2、byy 4 chooicees mmarkked A, B, C, andd D. Chhoosse tthe ansswerr thhat besst ssuitts tthe sittuattionn too coomplletee thhe ddialloguue. Theen mmarkk thhe ccorrrespponddingg leetteer wwithh a sinnglee baar aacrooss thee sqquarre bbraccketts oon yyourr maachiine-scoorinng AANSWWER SHEEET. 1. A: Frran

3、kk,whheree arre tthe coookiees? Donnt telll mme yyou atee thhem alll!B: _Thhey werre sso ggoodd.A. Yees,fforgget it. B. Yees, I ccoulldnt hhelpp itt.C. Noo,Im ssorrry. D. No, donnt be madd2. AA: TThe traain is dellayeed aagaiin.B: _HHow lonng ddo wwe hhavee too waait?A: Aboout forrty minnutees.A. Wh

4、hat a ppityy! B. Hoow aannooyinng!C. Im ssorrry tto hhearr thhat. D. Soo faar sso ggoodd.3. AA: WWhenn Liisa saww mee att thhe mmalll,shhe ddidnnt eveen ssay helllo to me.B: II caantt unnderrstaand whyy_. I tthouughtt yoou wweree goood friiendds.A. yoou ggreeetedd heer ffirsst B. BB. sshe wass allso

5、 theere at thee tiimeC. shhe ggavee yoou tthe colld sshouuldeerD. yoou sshouuld havve ccareed44. AA: II ussed to makke ddeliicioous piees, butt thhis onee taastees tterrriblle.B: II thhinkk yoourre rreallly .A. ouut oof ddatee B. ouut oof ttoucchC. ouut oof hhanddD. ouut oof ppraccticce5. AA: DDr. S

6、miith, whhats wwronng wwithh myy faatheer?B: Welll, _ coonsiiderringg hiis aadvaanceed aage.A. hees in preettyy goood shaape B. B. doontt assk mme ssuchh a queestiionC. I havve nno iideaa D. I havve nnothhingg too saay ffor thee moomenntSectiion B Diialooguee CoomprreheensiionDirecctioons: Inn thhis

7、 secctioon, youu wiill reaad 55 shhortt coonveersaatioons bettweeen aa maan aand a wwomaan. At thee ennd oof eeachh coonveersaatioon ttherre iis aa quuesttionn foolloowedd byy 4 chooicees mmarkked A, B, C, andd D. Chhoosse tthe besst aanswwer to thee quuesttionn frrom thee 4 chooicees bby mmarkkingg

8、 thhe ccorrrespponddingg leetteer wwithh a sinnglee baar aacrooss thee sqquarre bbraccketts oon yyourr maachiine-scoorinng AANSWWER SHEEET.6. Woomann: BBob, if youu weeed thee gaardeen,IIlll doo thhe ddishhes.Mann: IItss a deaal.Queestiion: Whhat doees tthe mann meean?A. Hee aggreees tto tthe proopo

9、ssal. B. Hee reejeccts thee iddea.C. Hee thhinkks iitss unnfaiir. D. Hee sttandds tto ggainn.7. WWomaan: Cann I go skiiingg wiith youu annd yyourr fiiendds tthiss weeekeend?Man: Thhe mmoree,thhe mmerrrierr.Quesstioon: whaat ddoess thhe mman meaan?A. Thheree arre aalreeadyy tooo mmanyy peeoplle.B. He

10、e caantt prromiise thee woomann noow.C. Thhe wwomaan iis wwelccomee too jooin theem.D. Thhe wwomaan ccan comme nnextt tiime.8. MMan: Thhis suiitcaase cosst mme 2200 dolllarrs.Womaan: 2000 doollaars forr a pieece of junnk llikee thhat? Thhats aa riip-ooff!Quesstioon: Whaat ddoess thhe wwomaan mmeann?

11、A. Itts a bbit exppenssivee. B. Itts a rreall baargaain.C. Itts nott woorthh thhe ppricce. D: Its uunexxpecctedd.9. WWomaan: Thee hoousee seeemss inn a badd shhapee.Man: Yees, weve deccideed tto rrebuuildd itt frrom scrratcchQuesstioon: Whaat wwoulld tthe mann prrobaablyy doo-too thhe hhousse?A. Hee

12、 woouldd sccrattch thee paaintt offf iits surrfacce.B. Hee woouldd teear it dowwn ffirsst.C. Hee woouldd maake somme rrepaairss.D. Hee woouldd reebuiild it by himmsellf.10.TTed: I atee foour hammburrgerrs, Momm. Mootheer: Welll,yyouve madde aa piig oof yyourrsellf. Quuesttionn: WWhatt doo wee leearn

13、n frrom thee coonveersaatioon?A. Piigs lovve hhambburggerss tooo. B. Teed llookks ooverrweiightt.C. Thhe hhambburggerss weere delliciiouss. DD. TTed atee tooo mmanyy haambuurgeers.Part II Voccabuularry (20 minnutees, 10 poiintss, 00.5 forr eaach)Sectiion ADirecctioons:In thiis ssecttionn, ttherre aa

14、re 10 senntenncess, eeachh wiith onee woord or phrrasee unnderrlinned. Chhoosse tthe onee frrom thee 4 chooicees mmarkked A, B, C, andd D thaat bbestt keeepss thhe mmeanningg off thhe ssenttencce. Theen mmarkk thhe ccorrrespponddingg leetteer wwithh a sinnglee baar aacrooss thee sqquarre bbraccketts

15、 oon yyourr maachiine-scoorinng AANSWWER SHEEET.11. IIn hhis cloosinng rremaarkss, tthe chaairmman exppresssedd hiis tthannks to alll thhosee whho hhad conntriibutted to thee suucceess of thee coonfeerennce.A. coommeentss B. speeechh C. criiticcismm D leccturre12. Botth TTom andd hiis bbrottherr taa

16、ke aftter theeir fattherr noot oonlyy inn apppeaarannce butt allso inchaaraccterr.A. reesemmblee B. asssimmilaate C. follloww D. reefleect13. Thee huurriicanne wwas inccreddiblly ddevaastaatinng aand lefft tthouusannds hommeleess.A. foorceefull B .miightty C .deestrructtivee D. daangeerouus14. Reaad

17、errs aare reqquirred to commplyy wiith thee ruuless off thhe llibrraryy annd mmindd thheirr maanneers.A. evvaluuatee B. memmoriize CC. pprottectt D. obsservve15. Ecoonommic facctorrs aasidde, thee immballancced disstriibuttionn off edducaatioonall reesouurcees aalsooafffeccts faiirneess of eduucatti

18、onn.A .unnjusst B .impparttiall CC. uunevven D. immprooperr16. Wattchiing me pulllinng tthe callf aawkwwarddly to thee baarn, thhe IIrissh mmilkkmaiid ffougght harrd tto hholdd baack herr laaughhterr.A. chheckk BB. kkeepp C. sttop D. rettainn17. Thee gooverrnmeent hass caalleed ffor an inddepeendeen

19、t inqquirry iintoo thhe iinciidennt.A. reequiiremmentt B. exxamiinattionn C. anaalyssis DD. iinveestiigattionn18. A ggreaat nnumbber of houusess woouldd haave to be remmoveed tto mmakee waay ffor thee neew aamussemeent parrk.A. taake thee pllacee off B .giive spaace forr C. buiild up DD. wworkk ouut

20、19. Druug uuse acccounnts forr appprooximmateely thrree-quaarteers of alll reeporrtedd caasedd off HIIV iin tthe couuntrry.A. poossiiblyy B .rooughhly CC .ggeneerallly D. sppeciificcly20 .Forr thheirr owwn ssafeety, hoouseeholld ppetss shhoulld bbe cconffineed tto ttheiir oown yarrd.A. taamedd BB. r

21、regaaineed CC. rresttricctedd DD .cconttainnedSectiion BDirecctioons: Inn thhis secctioon, theere aree 100 inncommpleete senntenncess. FFor eacch ssenttencce ttherre aare 4 cchoiicess maarkeed AA, BB, CC, aand D. Chooosee thhe oone thaat bbestt coomplletees tthe senntennce. Thhen marrk tthe corrress

22、ponndinng llettter witth aa siinglle bbar acrrosss thhe ssquaare braackeets on youur mmachhinee-sccoriing ANSSWERR SHHEETT.21. BBy aa sttrannge_, bbothh caandiidattes havve ccomee upp wiith thee saame sollutiion to thee prrobllem.A. cooinccideencee B. Enncouunteer C. chaancee DD. ooverrlapp22. TThe

23、disscusssioon wwas so proolonngedd annd eexhaausttingg thhat _thee sppeakkerss sttoppped forr reefreeshmmentts.A. att laargee BB .aat iinteervaals C. at easse DD. aat rranddom23. Mr Tunnickk fiiledd suuit agaainsst tthe Neww Yoork pollicee deeparrtmeent aftter citty ooffiiciaals_ hhis reqquesst.A. t

24、uurneed ddownn B. turrnedd inn C. turrnedd offf D. tuurneed oout24. Thee fiire mann haad aa _eescaape wheen aa sttairrcasse ccolllapssed benneatth hhis feeet.A. Cllosee BB. NNarrrow CC. hhardd D. neear25. Manny ppainnterrs, rocck ssinggerss, aand danncerrs hhavee diistiinctt haair styyle, _to theeir

25、 grooup.A. paartiicullar B. esssenntiaal CC. sspecciall DD. ppecuuliaar26. Thaat hhe bbrouughtt thhe ccomppanyy biig pproffitss wooulddntt _ pputttingg thhe ccomppanyys monney intto hhis ownn poockeets.A. juustiify B. cllariify C. teestiify DD. aampllifyy27. WWerre _50 neww sttafff thhis yeaar aas b

26、busiinesss ggrowws.A. taakinng ooverr B. taakinng iin CC. ttakiing on DD. ttakiing up28. Is thee thheorry oof eevollutiion dirrectt _ wiith relligiioussteeachhinggs, or doees iit lleavve rroomm foor ddebaate?A .coompaarisson BB. ddisttincctioon C. diistuurbaancee D. conntraadicctioon29. Libbraiies a

27、ree ann innvesstmeent forr thhe ffutuure andd shhoulld nnot be allloweed tto ffalll innto_.A. diissooluttionn BB. ddecaay C. decclinne D. deppresssioon30. A ttrannspllantt opperaatioon iis ssucccesssfull onnly docctorrs ccan preevennt tthe boddy fformm reejecctinng tthe _ orrgann.A. boorroowedd BB.

28、sstraangee C. noovell D. fooreiignPart IIII RReaddingg Coomprreheensiion (455 miinuttes, 300 poointts, 1 ffor eacch)Direcctioons: Thheree arre 55 paassaagess inn thhis parrt. Eacch ppasssagee iss foolloowedd byy 6 queestiionss orr unnfinnishhed staatemmentts. Forr eaach of theem ttherre aare 4 cchoi

29、icess maarkeed AA, BB, CC annd DD. CChooose thee beest onee annd mmarkk thhe ccorrrespponddingg leetteer wwithh a sinnglee baar aacrooss thee sqquarre bbraccketts oon yyourr maachiine-scoorinng AANSWWER SHEEET.Passaage OneeA 10-yeaar-oold boyy deecidded to stuudy juddo(柔柔道) desspitte tthe facct ttha

30、tt hee haad llostt hiis lleftt arrm iin aa teerriiblee caar aacciidennt. Thee booy bbegaan llesssonss wiith an oldd Jaapannesee juudo massterr,annd hhe wwas doiing welll. Butt hee cooulddntt unnderrstaand whyy,affterr thhreee moonthhs oof ttraiininng,tthe massterr haad ttaugght himm onnly onee moove

31、.Sir, thhe bboy finnallly ssaidd,sshouuldnnt I bbe llearrninng mmoree moovess?“Thiss thhe oonlyy moove youu knnow,bbut thiis iis tthe onlly mmovee yooulll eeverr neeed toknoow, thhe mmastter repplieed.Not qquitte uundeersttanddingg,buut bbeliieviing in hiss teeachher,tthe boyy keept traainiing.Sever

32、ral monnthss laaterr,thhe mmastter toook tthe boyy too hiis ffirsst ttourrnammentt(锦标标赛).Surprrisiing himmsellf,tthe boyy eaasilly wwon hiss fiirstt twwo mmatcchess. TThe thiird mattchproveed tto bbe mmoree diiffiicullt,bbut aftter somme ttimee, hhis oppponeent beccamee immpattiennt aand chaargeed;

33、thee booy sskilllfuullyy ussed hiss onne mmovee too wiin tthe mattch. Sttilll ammazeed bby hhis succcesss tthe boyy waas nnow in thee fiinalls.This timme,hhis oppponeent wass biiggeer,sstroongeer,aand morre eexpeerieenceed. Forr a whiile,tthe boyy apppeaaredd too bee ovvermmatcchedd. CConccernned th

34、aat tthe boyy miightt geet hhurtt, tthe reffereee aalleed aa tiime-outt, HHe wwas aboout to stoop tthe mattch wheen tthe juddo mmastter inttervveneed.No, thhe jjudoo maasteer iinsiisteed,Lett hiim cconttinuue.Soon aftter thee maatchh reesummed,hhis oppponeent madde aa crritiicall miistaake: hee drro

35、ppped hiss guuardd. IInsttanttly,tthe boyy ussed hiss moove to pinn hiim. Thee booy hhad wonn thhe mmatcch aand thee toournnameent. Hee waas tthe chaampiion.On thhe wway homme,tthe boyy annd hhis juddo mmastter revviewwed eveery movve iin eeachh annd eeverry mmatcch. Theen tthe boyy suummoonedd thhe

36、 ccourragee too assk wwhatt waas rreallly on hiss miind.Sir,hhow didd I winn thhe ttourrnammentt wiith onlly oone movve?You wonn foor ttwo reaasonns, thhe mmastter ansswerred.Firsst,yyouve almmostt maasteeredd onne oof tthe mosst ddiffficuult thrrowss inn alll oof jjudoo. SSecoond,tthe onlly kknowwn

37、 ddefeensee foor tthatt moove is forr yoour oppponeent to graab yyourr leeft armm.”31Whhy ddid thee booy wwantt too leearnn juudo?A. Hee waanteed tto gget oveer tthe acccideent.B. Hee waanteed tto mmakee upp foor hhis dissabiilitty.C. Hee waanteed tto eexerrcisse hhis rigght armm.D. Thhe rreasson wa

38、ss noot mmenttionned in thee paassaage32. Wheen aa reeferree callls a timme-oout”_.A. thhe ttimee haas rrun outtB. thhe ggamee sttopss foor aa shhortt tiimeC. eiitheer ssidee caan cclaiim vvicttoryyD. thhe ggamee ennds in a ttie33. Whyy diid tthe massterr innsisst oon cconttinuuingg thhe mmatcch? _.

39、A. Hee diidnt wwantt too giive thee oppponnentt ann addvanntagge.B. Thhe bboy wass coonfiidennt oof wwinnningg.C. Hee haad cconffideencee inn thhe bboys sskilll.D. Alll hhe ccareed aabouut wwas winnninng tthe finnal.34. Whaat pprobbablly ccaussed thee deefeaat oof tthe boyys oppponeent in thee fiina

40、ll? _.A. Ovver-connfiddencce. B. Imppatiiencce.C. Innexpperiiencce. D. Exxhauustiion.35. Whyy diid tthe massterr teeachh thhe bboy onlly tthatt onne mmovee?A. Thhe bboy couuld nott doo ottherr moovess wiith onlly oone armm.B. Itt waas tthe onlly mmovee thhe mmastter kneew wwelll.C. Itt waas tthe mov

41、ve hhis oppponeent wouuld nott bee goood at.D. Hiis ooppoonennt wwoulld bbe hhelpplesss ooncee hee maade thaat mmovee.36. Whaat ddoess thhe ppasssagee maainlly ttelll uss?A. Onne ccan turrn aa weeaknnesss innto an advvanttagee.B. Itt iss veery diffficcultt too haave a ggoodd teeachher.C. Evven a ddi

42、saableed ppersson cann wiin aa maatchh.D. PPraccticce mmakees pperffectt.Passaage TwooMy fiive-yeaar-oold dauughtter kneew eexacctlyy whhat shee waanteed ffor Chrristtmass off 19977, annd ttoldd mee soo. YYes,sshe stiill wouuld likke tthe pinnk-aand-greeen plaastiic uumbrrellla,bbookks,llongg niight

43、tgowwn,sslippperrs-ffinee. BBut reaallyy,thheree waas oonlyy onne tthinng tthatt maatteeredd: aa Baarbiie TTownnhouuse, wiith alll thhe aacceessooriees.This wass a surrpriise. Reebeccca wass noot aa Baarbiie ggirll,prrefeerreed sstufffedd annimaals to dollls,aand wassntt drrawnn too pllay in a sstru

44、uctuuredd ennvirronmmentt. AAlwaays a mmakee-upp-thhe-rrulees, dessignn-myy-owwn-wworlld, do-it-my-wayy kiid. Mayybe,II thhougght,tthe poiint wassntt Baarbiie bbut thee hoousee,whhichh shhe ccoulld cclaiim,ffor herrsellf,ssincce wwedd aalreeadyy moovedd fiive timmes durringg heer bbrieef llifee.Next dayy,I stooppeed aat tthe malll. Thee huuge Ba


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