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1、黄陵县职教中心2011年英语学科第三学月教学质量检测试题 命题人:张龙龙第I卷(选择题题 共70分分)温馨提示:1. 答卷前别忘了将将自己的姓名名,班级书写写在指定位置置。2. 书写时尽量字迹迹工整,保持持卷面整洁。听力部分(255分)I. 听句子,选选答语(共55小题,计55分)本题共有个小小题,每个小小题你将听到到一句话,读读两遍,请从从所给的三个个选项中选出出最恰当的答答语。1.Nott at aall. B. Youre thhe besst. C. Id lovve to. 2. A. Let mme tryy. BB. Its nicce. C. Thannk youu.3. A.

2、 It waas sunnny. BB. It is Suunday. CC. Its summmer.4. A. Good luck. B. I caant staand itt. C. Ill trry it.5. A. Youre weelcomee. BB. Cerrtainlly. Heere yoou aree. C. Soounds good.II. 听对话话,选答案(共共10小题,计计10分)本题共有10个个小题,每个个小题你将听听到一段对话话和一个问题题,读两遍,请请根据每段对对话的内容和和后面的问题题,从所给的的三个选项中中选出最恰当当的一项。 6. A. A plaaye

3、r B. A teeacherr CC. A nnurse 7. A. Last week B. Lastt summmer C. Lastt Septtemberr 8. A. Milk B. Applee C. Bookks 9. A. Holidday B. Daaddy C. Caanada10. A. Aboutt 3 kiilometters BB. Aboout 4kkilomeeters C. Abbout 55 kiloometerrs11. A. Annas fatther BB. Annnas broother C. Annas motther12. A. Beef B.

4、 Chiccken C. Breadd13. A. She ggot a toothhache. B. SShe goot a hheadacche. C. She got aa feveer.14. A. In thhe cloothes shop B. IIn thee librrary CC. In the rrestauurant15. A. He waas illl. B. He hhurt bbadly. C. HHe couuldnt go campiing thhis weeek.III. 听短短文,选答案案(共5小题题,计10分分)本题你将听到一一篇短文,读读两遍,请从从每个

5、小题的的三个选项中中选出能回答答所提问题或或完成所给句句子的正确答答案。 16. WWhere are JJim annd Katte noww?A. In AAmericca. B. Inn Englland. C. In Auustrallia. 17. HHow loong haave thhey beeen inn thatt counntry? A. For one yyear. B. For ttwo yeears. C. Foor thrree yeears. 18. JJim annd Katte cann speaak _ lannguagees. A. threee B.

6、ffour C. fivee 19. TThe Grreens are ggoing to reeturn to _. A. Englland B. JJapan C. Ameriica 20. WWhy arre Jimm and Kate very happyy? A. Becaause tthey wwont havve to move any mmore. B. Becaause tthey wwill ggo to anothher coountryy. C. Becaause tthey ccan seee theeir frriendss all over the wworld.

7、笔试部分IV. 单项选选择 (共110小题,计计10分) 21. PPleasee speaak in a louud voiice_ wwe cann hearr you clearrly. A. evenn thouugh B. so ffar C. ever sincee D. sso thaat 22. BBy thee timee I reeachedd the railwway sttationn, thee traiin _ for ffive mminutees. A. had gone B. had been left C. had bbeen aaway D. haad l

8、efft 23. TThe weeatherr of HHainann is mmuch ccolderr thann _of Xiian. A. thiss BB. thaat C. it D. thhose 24. SShe goot _ at tthe _ nnews. A. exciited; excitted B. exciiting; exciiting C. exciited; excitting D. exciiting; exciited 25. WWhat aare yoou suppposedd _ wheen youu meett a fooreignn guesst?

9、 A. doinng B. to ddo C. do D. doess 26. JJim taakes_ hhis faather. Yoou meaan he is siimilarr_ hhis faather. A. for; as BB. to; withh CC. awaay; frrom D. affter; to 27. TThe brridge _ byy the farmeers inn 19900s. A. buillt B. buillds C. buillding D. waas buiilt 28. AA numbber off Amerricanss_comiing

10、 too Chinna andd the numbeer of foreiignerss _ groowing year by yeear.A. are; is B. iss; is C. iss; aree; D. arre; arre 29. II havee beenn to tthe viillagee _ you once livedd. A. thatt B. wheree C. wwhy D. what 30. HHave yyou coonsideered _to NNiagarra Fallls neext yeear? A. goinng B. to goo C. went

11、 D. goneeV. 完形填空空(共10小小题,每题11分,计共110分) At tthat ttime, I wass a voolunteeer teeacherr of aa primmary sschooll in QQinghaai. Onne dayy, my studeents wwere ggoing to haave cllass. But Xiiaohu stilll_331_ therre. Xiaoohu waas a ccleverr and a lovvely bboy. BBut hee didnnt havve a hhappy familly. Hiis f

12、atther ddied aand hiis motther lliked drinkking aand haardly had ttime tto _32_ him. Thinkking tthat mmaybe he haad a bbad niight. I wallked oover tto askk _333_ the matteer wass. As he loooked at mee, I ccould see hhe seeemed ddisapppointeed. “Mr. Zhang, dont youu wantt to oopen mmy gifft?” he aske

13、dd. “I putt it oon youur_34_.” As I lookeed at my deesk, II founnd a ssmall box ccovereed witth collorfull papeer. _35_I haad onlly beeen a tteacheer forr threee monnths, I hadd learrned hhow too_36_ a sttudentt to eexplaiin a ggift. So I askedd Xiaoohu too telll me aabout the ggift. Xiaohhu saiid t

14、haat insside tthe boox I wwould find two ggood ggems(宝宝石). WWhen II openned thhe boxx, I wwas _37_ att the sightt and smelll of ttwo beeer caaps (啤啤酒瓶盖). Xiaoohu toold mee thatt theyy weree two earriings. He foound tthat II neveer _38_earrringss and wanteed me to haave soome prretty ones. I criied.

15、OOne off my eeras wwas huurt whhen I was yyoung. I neever wwear eearrinngs _39_I donnt wannt peoople tto finnd my ugly ears. Schoool yeaars coome annd go, but the _440_ of mmy mattchboxx giftt neveer willl faiil to warm my heeart, or diisappeear frrom myy mindd.( ) 31. A. sleept B. sstood C. laay DD

16、. rann( ) 32. A. llook aafter BB. loook at C. lookk overr D. lookk for( ) 33. A. hhow B. whethher CC. whiich D. whhat( ) 34. A. cchair B. deskk C. soofa D. beed( ) 35. A. AAlthouugh B. But C. Annd D. Siince( ) 36. A. oorder B. keepp C. enncouraage D. sttop( ) 37. A. sscaredd B. sad C. surrpriseed D.

17、 exxcitedd( ) 38. A. pput onn B. woree C. toook offf D. caarriedd( ) 39. A. bbecausse B. so C. uuntil D. iff( ) 40. A. sstory B. memoory C. paast D. thhoughttVI. 阅读理理解(共155小题,A篇篇每题1分,, 篇每题分分,计共55分)根据下面短文的的内容判断正正误,正确的的用 “A” 表示,错错误的用“B”表示。(每每小题1分,计计5分) (A)The cloock sttruck(敲敲)eighht,butt I waas stiil

18、l onn the bedII coulld heaar it was bblowinng strronglyy“It must be wiindy ooutsidde,” II thouught I came to thhe smaall toown a week ago I solld somme cloothes to a shopChrisstmas was ccomingg and I hopped too buy some preseents ffor myy famiily annd friiendsSo I triedd to mmeet tthe maanagerr and

19、ask hhim too pay for(付付款)theemI wwas ouut of luck(运运气不好)He weent too Londdon annd I hhad too waitt for him hhereTThere was nno theeatre here but aa cineemaThhe fillms weere alll tooo oldI preeferreed staaying in thhe smaall hootel tto sittting in thhe colld cinnema(我我宁愿待在小小旅馆里,也也不愿坐在冰冰冷的电影院院里) Half

20、ann hourr lateer,I ffelt hhungryyI haad to get uupIt was wwhite everyywheree and some childdren wwere sskiingg downn the hillOn myy way to thhe smaall reestaurrant,II saw a boyy falll on tto a rrock (岩石)I rann to hhim quuicklyy and carriied hiim to a hosspitallSoonn his parennts caame heereNoow I kk

21、new tthe booy wass justt the managgers sonHHe thaanked me veery muuch annd gavve me the mmoney afterr we hhad a dinneer 41. Thee weatther iis quiite fiine thhat daay. 42. Thee writter came too the town for ssight-seeinng. 43. Thee writter woould rratherr to sstay in thhe hottel thhan goo to tthe cii

22、nema. 44. Thee writter diidnt get up unntil eeight oclockk. 45. Thee writter diidnt get his mmoney at laast. (B) Thhe favvoritee foodd in tthe Unnited Statees is the hhamburrger. The ffavoriite pllace tto buyy a haamburgger iss a faast foood reestaurrant. At faast foood reestaurrant, peoplle ordder

23、thheir ffood, wait a feww minuutes, and ccarry it too theiir tabbles tthemseelves. Peopple allso taake thheir ffood oout off the restaaurantt and eat iit in theirr carss or iin theeir hoomes. At soome faast foood reestaurrant, peoplle cann ordeer theeir foood, ppay foor it and ppick iit up withoout

24、leeavingg theiir carrs. Thhere aare maany kiinds oof fasst foood resstauraant inn the Uniteed Staates. The ggreateest inn numbber seell haamburgger, FFrenchh friees andd so oon. Thhey arre poppular amongg Amerricanss. Bessides, fastt foodd resttaurannt thaat serrve Chhinesee foodd, Mexxican food, It

25、allian ffood, chickken, sseafoood andd ice-creamm are very many. The idea of a fast food restaaurantt is sso poppular that nearlly eveery kiind off foodd can be foound iin onee.Fast foood reestaurrant aare poopularr becaause tthey rreflecct(反映) Amerrican life stylee. Cusstomerr can wear any ttype oo

26、f dreess whhen thhey goo to aa fastt foodd placce. Seecond, theyy are fast. Peopple whho aree busyy do nnot waant too spennd timme preeparinng theeir owwn foood or waitiing whhile ssomeonne preeparess it. In faast foood reestaurrant, food is noot exppensivve. Thherefoore, ppeoplee ofteen buyy and ea

27、t aat a ffast rrestauurant, whille theey mayy not be abble too go tto a mmore eexpenssive rrestauurant very oftenn. ( )446. Ammericaans liike too fastt foodd resttaurannt beccause_.A. theyy can easilly finnd fasst foood resstauraantB. theyy likee to eeat haamburgger annd Freench ffriesC. theyy are t

28、oo bbusy tto wannt to spendd timee prepparingg or wwaitinngD. theyy are so riich thhat thhey doont wwant tto do cookiing thhemsellves( )477. _ off fastt foodd resttaurannt selll hammburgeer, Frrench friess. AA. Alll B. MMost CC. Feww D. None( )488. Thee foodd in ffast ffood rrestauurant is _ reeady

29、bbeforee the custoomers orderr it. AA. alwways B. uusuallly C. seeldom DD. nevver( 49. The best titlee for the ppassagge is _.A. The Fast Food Restaaurantt in tthe U.S.A.B. The Hambuurger in thhe U.SS.A.C. Amerrican Life StyleeD. All Kindss of FFood iin thee U.S.A. (C)下面是一个网页页界面。请仔仔细阅读后,完完成第50至第52题。

30、( ) 550. If you wwant tto leaarn soomethiing abbout ffilm sstars, you may ggo to _.A. Winndow oof KnoowledggeB. Frront PPage aand Liight RReadinngC. Artt & SpportsD. Scchool Time or Neews Waatch( ) 551. Whiich off the folloowing can mmake yyou cllear aabout a neww wordd?A. Artt & Spports.B. Schhool

31、TTime.C. Frront PPage.D. Engllish WWorkshhop( ) 552. If you wwant tto leaarn moore abbout YYang LLiwei, youd bettter ggo to _.A. Winndow oof KnoowledggeB. Neews WaatchC. Engglish WorksshopD. Frront PPage (D)Every dday,it iss easyy to ssee addvertiisemennts inn Engllish aall arround usLook at yoour o

32、wwn baggs andd clotthes oor thee bagss and clothhes off yourr classsmateesHow mmany ddifferrent aadverttisemeents ccan yoou seee whicch usee Engllish wwords? Oftten baags annd cloothes show the nname oof thee comppany tthat mmade tthemThis is a popullar foormA speecial pictuure orr symbbol caalled a

33、 loggo(标识语语)is ssometiimes uusedLogoss appeear onn manyy diffferentt prodducts(产品)They are ppopulaar beccause when you ssee a logo,it iss hardd to fforgett thatt prodduct oor commpanyIt is ccommonn to ssee addvertiisemennts onn TV aand heear thhem onn the radiooMost adverrtisemments are vvery sshort

34、Somettimes the aadverttiserss use a shoort seentencce whiich iss easyy for peoplle to say aand reemembeerNike,for eexamplle,has aa simpple Ennglishh senttence whichh is uused aall arround the wworld:“Justt do iit.” Alll adveertiseementss are desiggned(设设计)to make peoplle buyy a prroducttAn addvertii

35、semennt forr a sooft drrink(苏苏打水),ffor exxamplee,mightt showw a grroup oof youung peeople who aare haaving funThe yyoung peoplle aree al1 drinkking tthe sooft drrinkAdverrtiserrs aree sayiing too you,“Why dontt you buy tthis ddrink and bbe likke theese peeople? You can bbe youung annd moddern.” Youu

36、 mighht thiink thhat addvertiisemennts arre nott afteer youu,but tthe neext tiime yoou buyy a sooft drrink,ask yyourseelf thhis quuestioon:Why aam I bbuyingg thiss partticulaar(特别的的)prodduct?( ) 553A good logoo is Aeasy to reemembeer Ba useeful pproducctCdiffiicult to unndersttand Deasy to bbuy( ) 5

37、54All aadverttisemeents aare deesigneed to Assell yyou soomethiing yoou donnt waant Bmake you yyoung and mmodernn Cmmake yyou buuy thee prodduct Dshow you wwhat yyou neeed too buy( ) 555The bbest ttitle of thhis paassagee may be AAAdverttisemeents ffor Baags annd Cloothes BAdverrtisemments on TVV an

38、d Radioo CAAdverttisemeents AAbout Sportts DAdverrtisemments Arounnd Us 第III 卷(500分)VII. 根据据汉语提示完完成句子(共共5小题,每每题2分,计计共10分)56. 我把钥钥匙忘在车里里了。Ive _ _ _in tthe caar.57. 汤姆长长得像他的爷爷爷。 Tomm _ _hiss granndfathher .TThey aare veery eaasy too _ _ _.58. 他性格格外向,喜欢欢交朋友。 He is _and likess _ _.59. 每天天放学后,我我们可以散散散步来放

39、松自自己。We can _tto rellax _aafter schoool eveery daay.60. 这次千千万不要考试试不及格。 Bee _ nott _ the eexam tthis ttime.VIII 短文文填空(共110小题,每每题1分,计计共10分)用所给单词的适适当形式填空空,每次限用用一次。old, shoe, stand, foot, pick, small, feel, clear, need, use Learrn to sharee (分享)One dayy, whiile I was ssittinng in my caar in a parrking area, I nooticedd a yooung bboy inn fronnt of my caar. “WWhat iis thee boy d


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