Two CIA Prisoners in Chinabbif.docx

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1、Two CIA Prisoners in China, 195273Extraordinary Fidelity Nicholas Dujmovic “Shot down on their first operational mission, Downey and Fecteau spent two decades in Chinese prisons.”This article draws extensively on operational files and other internal CIA records that of necessity remain classified. B

2、ecause the true story of these two CIA officers is compelling and has been distorted in many public accounts, it is retold here in as much detail as possible, despite minimal source citations. Whenever possible, references to open sources are made in the footnotes.两个CIA囚犯在中国,1952-73非凡的忠诚 Nicholas Du

3、jmovic“在第一次执行任务时被击落后,Downey 和 Fecteau在中国的监狱中度过了20年”这篇文章引用了许多行动资料和其他一些CIA内部的保密文件。因为两位CIA人员引人注目的真实事件在许多公开的资料中都被歪曲了,除了引用少量的原始资料外,本文尽可能多的在细节方面在此重述该事件。需要的话,请随时参考脚注中的公开资料。* * *Beijings capture, imprisonment, and eventual release of CIA officers John T. Downey and Richard G. Fecteau is an amazing story tha

4、t too few know about today. Shot down over Communist China on their first operational mission in 1952, these young men spent the next two decades imprisoned, often in solitary confinement, while their government officially denied they were CIA officers. Fecteau was released in 1971, Downey in 1973.

5、They came home to an America vastly different from the place they had left, but both adjusted surprisingly well and continue to live full lives.被抓捕、关押、到最终释放,两位CIA人员John T. Downey 和 Richard G. Fecteau的经历是一个传奇故事,但今天很少有人知道。1952年第一次执行任务时在中国领空被击落,随后两个年轻人被关押了20年,在他们经常被单独监禁时,他们的政府却公开否认他们是CIA人员。Fecteau在1971

6、年被释放,Downey在1973年被释放。他们回家时,美国已和他们离开时大不一样,但他们都令人惊讶的适应得很好并开始了新的生活。Even though Downey and Fecteau were welcomed back as heroes by the CIA family more than 30 years ago and their story has been covered in open literaturealbeit in short and generally flawed accounts institutional memory regarding these b

7、rave officers has dimmed.1 Their ordeal is not well known among todays officers, judging by the surprise and wonder CIA historians encounter when relating it in internal lectures and training courses.即使30年前 Downey 和 Fecteau被CIA当作英雄一样迎接回家,并且他们的事迹在公开的文献中出版,虽然这些文献短小且常常充满瑕疵。但关于这两个英勇的CIA官员的正式记录已被日渐淡忘。1 从

8、CIA历史学家在内部演讲和培训时提及他们的事迹时所遇到的惊讶来看,他们的痛苦经历没有被今天的政府官员们所熟知。This story is important as a part of US intelligence history because it demonstrates the risks of operations (and the consequences of operational error), the qualities of character necessary to endure hardship, and the potential damage to reputa

9、tions through the persistence of false stories about past events. Above all, the saga of John Downey and Richard Fecteau is about remarkable faithfulness, shown not only by the men who were deprived of their freedom, but also by an Agency that never gave up hope. While it was through operational mis

10、judgments that these two spent much of their adulthood in Chinese prisons, the Agency, at least in part, redeemed itself through its later care for the men from whom years had been stolen.作为美国情报史的一部分,这个事件非常重要,因为它演示了情报行动的风险(还有行动失败的后果)、忍受艰难环境所需的人格品质、还有对过去事件坚持错误描述对声誉的潜在破坏。最重要的是,他们的传奇故事讲述了不仅是失去自由的人,而且还是

11、从不放弃希望的特工人员所表现出来的非凡的忠诚。在中国的监狱中度过了大部分成年时光后,他们失败的军事行动宣告结束,中情局后来通过对这些曾身陷囹圄的人的照顾,至少挽回了一些颜面.The Operational Context John Downey and Richard Fecteau were youthful CIA paramilitary officers: Downey, born in Connecticut, had entered CIA in June 1951, after graduating from Yale; Fecteau, from Massachusetts,

12、entered on duty a few months later, having graduated from Boston University. Both men had been varsity football players, and both were outgoing and engaging with noted senses of humor. They were on their first overseas assignment when the shoot down occurred.行动背景:John Downey 和 Richard Fecteau 是CIA年轻

13、的军事辅助员,Downey,出生在康涅狄格,耶鲁大学毕业后于1951年6月加入CIA;Fecteau,来自马萨诸塞州,几个月后加入CIA,波士顿大学毕业。他们都是大学代表队的足球运动员,并且都性格友好外向具有幽默感。在被击落时他们都是第一次执行海外任务。By late 1952, the Korean War had been going on for more than two years. Accounts often identify that war as the reason for the operation Downey and Fecteau were participatin

14、g in. While largely true, the flight the men were on was part of operations that had antecedents in the US response to the communist takeover of China in 1949. In accordance with US policies, CIA took steps to exploit the potential for a Chinese “Third Force” by trying to link Chinese agents, traine

15、d by CIA, with alleged dissident generals on the mainland. This Third Force, while anticommunist, would be separate from the Nationalists, who were assessed to be largely discredited on the mainland.2到1952年底,朝鲜战争已经进行2年多了.许多观点常把Downey 和 Fecteau参加的这次军事行动的起因归结为这场战争.其实,他们的这次飞行只是自从1949年共产党控制中国后美国就开始的军事反应

16、之一.为了配合美国的政策,CIA试图用他们培训过的中国特工去联络中国大陆上所谓的反对派领袖,以便发掘所谓的中国“第三力量”的潜在势力。这支反共的第三力量,需要和那些在中国大陆已经大部分声名狼籍的民族主义者区分开2This Third Force project received new emphasis after the Communist Chinese intervened in the Korean War. At that point, the project aimed to divert Chinese resources from the war in Korea by pro

17、moting domestic antigovernment guerrilla operations. This was to be accomplished by small teams of Chinese agents, generally inserted through airdrops, who were to link up with local guerrilla forces, collect intelligence and possibly engage in sabotage and psychological warfare, and report back by

18、radio.3 The operational model was the OSS experience in Europe during World War II, which assumed a cooperative captive populationa situation, as it turned out, that did not prevail in China.在中共插手朝鲜战争后第三力量计划被赋予了新的使命。计划推进中国国内的反政府游击军事行动,以此来分散并削弱中国在朝鲜战场上所需的国内资源。计划通常通过空投的中国情报小组完成,他们和当地游击队建立联系,收集情报,可能的话直

19、接参与破坏活动和从事心理战,并通过无线电进行汇报。此类行动是依照美国战略服务局(中央情报局的前身)在二战欧洲战场上的经验进行的,当时是通过敌方被俘人员的合作来进行的,但同样情形拿到中国,却没有成功。By the time of Downey and Fecteaus involvement in the Third Force program, its record was short and inauspicious. Because of resource constraints, the training of Chinese agents at CIA facilities in As

20、ia was delayed, and the first Third Force team to be airdropped did not deploy until April 1952. This four man team parachuted into southern China and was never heard from again.到Downey 和 Fecteau加入第三力量计划时,其记录是简短和不幸的。因为资源有限,在CIA的亚洲基地对中国特工的培训延迟了,直到1952年4月,首支第三力量小组才被空投到中国。这支4人小组降落到了中国南方并再也没有了音讯。The sec

21、ond Third Force team comprised five ethnic Chinese dropped into the Jilin region of Manchuria in mid July 1952. Downey was well known to the Chinese operatives on this team because he had trained them. The team quickly established radio contact with Downeys CIA unit outside of China and was resuppli

22、ed by air in August and October. A sixth team member, intended as a courier between the team and the controlling CIA unit, was dropped in September. In early November, the team reported contact with a local dissident leader and said it had obtained needed operational documents such as official crede

23、ntials. They requested air exfiltration of the courier, a method he had trained for but that the CIA had never attempted operationally.第二支第三力量小组由5名中国的少数民族组成,他们在1952年7月中旬空投到中国东北吉林地区。这支小组成员对Downey很熟,因为Downey曾经训练过他们。这支小组很快和在中国外Downey所在的CIA机构建立了无线电联系,并在8月和10月得到了空投补给。第6个小组成员作为小组和控制它的CIA单位之间的信使,在9月空投加入。11

24、月初,这支小组汇报已和当地的一个反政府领导人建立了联系,并获取了诸如官方文件等的军事资料。他们还请求了对信使的空取返回,这是一种CIA对其训练过的返回方法,但CIA此前从未尝试使用过。At that time, the technique for aerial pickup involved flying an aircraft at low altitude and hooking a line elevated between two poles. The line was connected to a harness in which the agent was strapped. On

25、ce airborne, the man was to be winched into the aircraft. This technique required specialized training, both for the pilots of the aircraft, provided by the CIAs proprietary Civil Air Transport (CAT), and for the two men who would operate the winch. Pilots Norman Schwartz and Robert Snoddy had train

26、ed in the aerial pickup technique during the fall of 1952 and were willing to undertake the mission. On 20 November, Downeys CIA unit radioed back to the team: “Will air snatch approximately 24:00 hours on 29 November”.4那时,空取是通过飞机低飞并钩住两个立柱间高悬的绳索来实现的。这个绳索连接着绑在特工身上的装置,一旦空取成功,特工将会被飞机上的绞盘拉回飞机。这项技术需要对飞行员

27、和操作绞盘的两个人进行特殊的训练,飞行员由CIA拥有的国内航空局提供。飞行员Norman Schwartz 和 Robert Snoddy接受了飞行任务并于1952年秋天开始训练空取技术。11月20号Downey所在的CIA机构给小组发出了无线电:“大约11月29日24时空取” 4Illustration of snatch pickup, from 1944 US Army Air Forces manual.The question of who would operate the winch, however, was still unresolved. Originally, Chin

28、ese crewmen were to be used, but Downeys unit chief decided that time was too short to fully train them. Instead, two CAT personnel trained in the procedure were identified for the pickup flight, but the CIA unit chief pulled them four days before the mission because they lacked the requisite cleara

29、nces. Downey, who had been at the unit for about a year, and Fecteau, who had arrived in the first week of November, were directed to fill the breach. They were hurriedly trained in the procedure during the week of 24 November.(空取图解,摘自1944年美国空军手册)然而,谁将操作绞盘还没确定。原本,将使用中方人员,但Downey的部门上司认为培训他们的时间太短。作为替代

30、,两名受过训练的航空局人员被委派去执行任务,但因为他们欠缺忠诚度调查,他们在任务开始前4天被撤换了。加入这个部门快一年的Downey,和11月第一周才到的Fecteau,被指派来接手这个摊子。在11月24日这个星期,他们匆忙地加入训练。Late on 29 November, Downey and Fecteau boarded Schwartz and Snoddys olive drab C47 on an airfield on the Korean peninsula and took off for the rendezvous point in Chinese Communist

31、Manchuria, some 400 miles away. It was a quiet, uneventful flight of less than three hours. The moon was nearly full and visibility was excellent. At one point, Fecteau opened a survival kit and noted that the .32caliber pistol therein had no ammunitionjoking about that was the only conversation the

32、 men had on the flight.11月29日晚上,Downey 和 Fecteau在朝鲜半岛的一个机场登上了由Schwartz 和 Snoddy驾驶的草绿色的C47飞机,起飞前往400英里外的中国东北约定地点。这是一次不到3小时的平静飞行,当晚月亮很圆能见度非常好。在机上,Fecteau打开了一个救生包,发现里面的32mm口径手枪没有子弹,他就此开了个玩笑,这是这驾飞机上的人唯一的一次交谈。Mission Gone Awry The C47, with its CAT pilots and CIA crew, was heading for a trap. The agent t

33、eam, unbeknownst to the men on the flight, had been captured by Communist Chinese security forces and had been turned.5 The request for exfiltration was a ruse, and the promised documentation and purported contact with a local dissident leader were merely bait. The team members almost certainly had

34、told Chinese authorities everything they knew about the operation and about the CIA men and facilities associated with it. From the way the ambush was conducted, it was clear that the Chinese Communists knew exactly what to expect when the C47 arrived at the pickup point.6任务失败:C47飞机以及它上面的CAT飞行员和CIA特

35、工正落入已经准备好的圈套。飞机上的人还不知道,地上的特工小组已经被中国的安全部队抓获并且叛变了。空取撤退的要求是一个陷阱,获得的文件还有和所谓反政府领导人建立的联系只是一个诱饵。被抓获的小组成员几乎肯定把他们所知道的所有事情都告诉了中国军队,包括行动计划、CIA人员及其关联的基地。当C47飞机来到空取地点上空时,地面军队已经埋伏就绪,中国人相当清楚他们将迎来什么。6Reaching the designated area around midnight, the aircraft received the proper recognition signal from the ground.7

36、Downey and Fecteau pushed out supplies for the agent teamfood and equipment needed for the aerial pickup. Then Schwartz and Snoddy flew the aircraft away from the area to allow the team time to set up the poles and line for the “snatch.” Returning about 45 minutes later and receiving a ready signal,

37、 the C47 flew a dry run by the pickup point, which served both to orient the pilots and to alert the man being exfiltrated that the next pass would be for him. Copilot Snoddy came back momentarily to the rear of the aircraft to make sure Downey and Fecteau were ready. On the moonlit landscape, four

38、or five people could be seen on the ground. One man was in the pickup harness, facing the path of the aircraft.在午夜到达指定地点上空后,飞机收到了地面上正确的识别信号。7 Downey 和 Fecteau投下了地面特工小组所需的补给-食物和空取所需的装置。然后Schwartz 和 Snoddy把飞机飞离了该地区,留出时间给地面人员竖立柱子和绳子以便“空取”。大约45分钟后飞机飞回来并收到了准备就绪的信号,C47飞机在空取点上空作了一次演练,以便让操作双方熟悉飞行员的动作,并告知被空取

39、的人员下次飞过时将正式空取。副驾驶员Snoddy暂时来到飞机尾部以确认Downey 和Fecteau准备就绪。在被月光照亮的地面上,4到5个人清晰可见。一个穿着空取装置的人正面向飞机的航向。As the C47 came in low for the pickup, flying nearly at its stall speed of around 60 knots, white sheets that had been camouflaging two antiaircraft guns on the snowy terrain flew off and gunfire erupted a

40、t the very moment the pickup was to have been made. The guns, straddling the flight path, began a murderous crossfire. At this point, a crowd of men emerged from the woods.8 Whether by reflex or purposefully, the pilots directed the aircrafts nose up, preventing an immediate crash; however, the engi

41、nes cut out and the aircraft glided to a controlled crash among some trees, breaking in two with the nose in the air.当C47以几乎接近着陆的60节航速低飞进行空取时,在雪地上用来伪装的白色床单被揭开了,2挺防空机枪在空取即将完成时猛烈开火了。横跨在航线上的机枪形成了致命的交叉火力。同时,大量人员从树林中出现。8不论是训练有素还是条件反射,飞行员迅速拉起机头,以避免飞机直接坠地。但是飞机引擎已经报废,飞机在滑翔了一会儿后在一片树林中坠毁了,飞机机头朝天断成两段。Downey an

42、d Fecteau had been secured to the aircraft with harnesses to keep them from falling out during the winching. On impact, both slid along the floor of the aircraft, cushioned somewhat by their heavy winter clothing. Fecteaus harness broke, causing him to crash into the bulkhead separating the main bod

43、y of the aircraft from the cockpit, which, he later said, gave him a bump on his head “you could hang your coat on.”Downey 和 Fecteau都被挽具拴在飞机上以免他们操作绞盘时掉出飞机。在撞机时,他们在厚重冬衣的衬垫下沿着飞机的地板翻滚。Fecteau的挽具断裂了,导致他撞到了机舱和驾驶舱中间的隔墙上,他后来说,这让他的头撞出了一个大肿包“你都能把衣服挂在这个肿包上”Other than suffering bruises and being shaken up, Dow

44、ney and Fecteau were extremely fortunate in being unhurt. The Chinese apparently had targeted the cockpit, with gunfire passing through the floor in the forward part of the aircraft but stopping short of where Downey and Fecteau had been stationed, although one bullet singed Downeys cheek. Meanwhile

45、, tracer bullets had ignited the fuel. Both men tried to get to the cockpit to check on the pilots, who were not answering Downeys shouts, but their part of the aircraft was burning fiercely and the two had to move away. Whether due to gunfire, the impact, or the fire, the pilots died at the scene.9

46、 Fecteau later remembered standing outside the aircraft with Downey, both stunned but conscious, telling each other that they were “in a hell of a mess.” The Chinese security forces descended on them, “whooping and hollering,” and they gave themselves up to the inevitable.除了受到颠簸和一些擦碰,Downey 和 Fectea

47、u非常幸运没有受伤。一颗子弹擦到了Downey的脸颊,但中国人的机枪显然只是瞄准了驾驶舱,机枪扫射了飞机前部,但到接近Downey 和 Fecteau的位置停止了。当时,子弹引燃了汽油,Downey大声喊叫飞行员,但没有反应,他们试图冲进驾驶舱察看,但驾驶舱火势很大,他们只好离开了飞机。不管是机枪射击还是撞击或是大火,两名驾驶员已当场死亡。9后来Fecteau回忆到他和Downey站在飞机外面,头晕脑胀但意识还算清醒,他们互相告诉对方他们在一个“混乱的地狱”。中国安全部队“大喊大叫着”冲过来制服了他们,他们毫无反抗。Assessing Field ResponsibilityOver the

48、years, various explanations arose within CIA to explain Downey and Fecteaus participation in the illfated mission. It seemed incredible to operations officers that two CIA employees, familiar with operations, locations, and personnel, would be sent on a mission that exposed them to possible capture

49、by the Chinese Communists. One of the most persistent myths was that the two must have been joyriding because their participation was, it was thought, a violation of the rules. In fact, the record shows that they were directed to be on the flight and that they had received specialized training in preparation for it. It may have been poor judgment on the part of Downey and Fecteaus boss, the CIA unit chiefwho in fixing a tactical problem (the lack


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