2022届高考英语一轮复习Unit6Design学案北师大版 (1).docx

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1、Unit 6 Design微时光背诵由教材充盈“语料库一、背单词与词块(一)背阅读单词一一会认就行(背诵时遮住右侧汉语,先自主翻译,1. abstract adj.2. shade n.3. sweat n.4. statue n.5. offering n.6. jewellery n.7. damp adj.8. garage n.9. garbage n.10. curtain n.(二)背重点单词一一写对才行straight adj.adv.1. pain n.2. youth n.3. creature n.4. artist n.5. emphasise vt.6. detail

2、n.7. shallow adj.8. feature n.9. ruin_ vt.10. dynasty n.11. purpose n.12. happiness n.13. narrow adj.14. downtown adv.adj.(三)背拓展单词一一用准才行后比对词义)抽象的,深奥的(色彩的)浓淡;阴影汗雕像供品,祭品(总称)珠宝潮湿的车库垃圾,废物窗帘直的直,直接痛苦;疼,痛青春;年轻人动物;(有特性或特质的)人画家,艺术家强调细节,详情浅的特征,特色毁坏,毁灭朝代目的,意图幸福,快乐狭窄的在市区,往市区市区的First of all, having lived in Chin

3、a for sixteen years and having learnt English since I was a child, I have a good command of English and Chinese, which is beneficial for introducing Chinese paintings. Besides, having a good knowledge of Chinese paintings and being familiar with Chinese painting culture, I can get foreigners and the

4、 locals to know more about it. Last but not least, through my introduction and efforts, I believe I can strengthen the friendship between China and England.I would appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration.Yours,Li Hua 学亮点1 .学谋篇布局2 .学亮丽开头开头首先作了自我介绍。然后用现在分词短语Having heard that.

5、说明信息来源, 接着用I am writing to apply to be.直奔主题,既说明了写信目的,又使得语言表达 干净利落。3 .学高级表达使用高级词汇和 语块,如:apply to, be beneficial for, have a good command/knowledge of, strengthen the friendship between . and . . . , take . into consideration 等。(2)熟练使用高级句式,如:现在分词短语作状语Having heard that having lived in China for sixteen

6、 years . ., having a good knowledge of .; 非限制性定语从句 who is studying in London now 和 which is beneficial . . . ; it 作形式宾语 I would appreciate it if.等,都为文章增添了亮点,提升了文章的档次。4 .学精彩结尾结 尾使用 I would appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration.一句表达了愿望,措辞礼貌、诚恳。5 .学过渡衔接考生使用了 now, first of al

7、l, besides, last but not least等衔接词语和过渡句 I have some advantages for the job.使文章富有条理性,语意连贯,上下文衔接自然。6 .防微点失分考生容易把Im Li Hua, an outgoing Chinese boy”中的冠词an误用成a,或把“having lived in China for sixteen years and having learnt English since I was a child .”中的was时态错用为am,从而导致失分。蓝新学案设计由课堂提升“高素养” 学案(一)重点单词的查漏补缺一一

8、打牢必备知识全面练一一练清易错微点i.单词拼写1. Its very convenient to go to school or the downtown (市区)from where we stay.2. The exhibition (展览会)not only shows paper-cuts in different regions, but also presents to us the history and development of paper-cutting in China.3. Following the guide, we walked down a narrow (狭

9、窄的)passage to the back of the building.4. When we are bathed (沐浴)in the sunlight in winter, we feel quite warm.*5. Because of unemployment, the young man can,t afford to pay the rent (租金).6. As we all know, typing patterns (模式)vary from person to person.7. To have a good eyesight (视力),we should take

10、 more outdoor activities and spend less time watching TV.H.根据语境写出加蓝局部的汉语意思1. Does Kilimanjaro deserve its reputation as a crowded mountain with lines of tourists ruining the atmosphere of peace ? 毁掉,毁坏2. Our village is making efforts to transform its development pattern to promote greengrowth.方式We s

11、houldn,t cut down the tree because it,11 give us shade in the summer, w 荫3. I liked facts, things that are concrete. I thought anything abstract left too muchroomforargument.抽象的4. It had been known for a long time that Yellowstone was volcanic in nature thats what accounted for all its hot springs a

12、nd other steamy features. 特征5. By opening a novel, I can leave behind my burdens and enter a wonderful andmysterious world where I am now a new character.人物,角色*7.(熟词生义)Employees asked tough questions, he gave straight answers. 直率的III.单句语法填空1. Back home, Shirley plays with, feeds and bathes (bath) th

13、e baby.*2. Only when I had another failure in my job seeking did I realize knowledge is valuable (value).3. (2018 全国卷 I 书面表达)In China, red stands for beauty, life and happiness (happy), so you can visit a Chinese family dressed in red.4. Of the first Spanish to go to California, the majority were re

14、ligious (religion) men.*5. The statue on exhibition left a deep impression on the visitors.6. It is known that applying for jobs can be a long and painful (pain) process.7. She was elegantly (elegant) dressed with a double strand of pearls about her neck.*8. The paper was used for sealing up holes i

15、n walls and roofs (roof).名师点拨“一站清”(l)rent 的常用短语有:for rent “供租用的;rent sth. (out) (to sb.) “将出租给某人;rent at/for sth.以一定租金出租”。(2) straight一词既可以作形容词也可以作副词。作形容词意为“直的”;作副词意为 “直,直接”。(3) valuable为形容词,意为“有价值的,invaluable意为“极有用的;极珍贵的”。(4)on exhibition为固定搭配,意为“在展出”。(5)roof的复数直接加-s,类似规律的还有:proof “证据;chief “首领”;gu

16、lf “海 湾;belief “信心”等。重点练深化高频考点1. imagination明其义n.想像;想像力通其用(1)单句语法填空Sometimes, imagination (imagine) is more important than knowledge during our studies.The damage that staying up late can do to our health is beyond imagination.Just to be sure, she carefully drew an imaginary (imagine) line with her

17、foot.1 can,t imagine working (work) with the noisy boys.(2)同义句转换The teacher can,t imagine that the top student cheated in the exam.fThe teacher can,t imagine the top students cheating in the exam.解其困imagine意为“想像”时,假设表达“想像某人做某事”,其结构为:imaging sb.,s doing sth.,而不能说 imagine sb. do sth. o2. pain明其义m 痛苦;疼

18、,痛;劳苦;努力通其用(1)单句语法填空It is obvious that the injured man was i_n pain.Having gone through many painful (pain) experiences, he came to realize how important it was to be healthy.We should take pains to improve (improve) ourselves through learning and get prepared for the future.(2) 一句多译作为高三的学生,我们应全力以赴地

19、为高考做准备。(4) As senior three students, we should spare pains/effort to make preparations for the college entrance examination.(5)As senior three students, we should try our best to make preparations for the college entrance examination.解其困pain指“精神上的痛苦”时为不可数名词;指“肉体上的疼痛”时,可数、不可数均 可;指“辛苦,刻苦,努力”时,要用复数形式。3

20、. typical明其义adj.典型的,有代表性的;象征性的;特有的通其用(1)单句语法填空As a carrier of culture, Jiaozi is typical of traditional Chinese cuisine culture. The world famous designer is typically (typical) modest about his achievements.(3)It is typical of the Chinese government to rid the rural areas of poverty by investing he

21、avily in transport.(2)句式升级Typically, he always plays jokes on others.(用 it 作形式主语改写)fIt is typical of him o play jokes on others.解其困表示“某人一向做某事,做某事是某人的典型特征应用句型it is typical of sb. to do sth. 而不能用 sb. be typical to do sth. o4. ruin明其义Vt.毁坏,毁灭;使破产毁灭,毁坏;废墟,遗址(常用复数)通其用(1)单句语法填空As far as I am concerned, gi

22、ving up learning means ruining yourself (you).After the earthquake, the whole city lay Ln ruins.(3)Many factories fell into ruin after the financial crisis in the world.(2)句式升级The graduate made a mistake, and it ruined his chance of going abroad.The graduate made a mistake, which ruined hiw chance o

23、f going abroad.(用定 语从句升级)The graduate made a mistake, ruining his chance of going abroad.(用分词作 状语升级)解其困ruin作名词,意为“废墟”时用复数形式,而意为“毁灭,破产”时为不可数名词。5. purpose明其义n. 目的,意图通其用(1)单句语法填空The motivation to succeed comes from the burning desire to achieve a purpose.Whether you broke the phone on purpose or by acc

24、ident, you should apologize to your mother.(2) 一句多译许多人来北京是为了寻找好的工作机会。Many people came to Beijing with th? aim of seeking good job opportunities.(4) Many people came to Beijing with the purpose of seeking good job opportunities.解其困on purpose意为“故意地”,同义词(组)有:by design, deliberately;反义词(组) 有:by accident

25、, accidentally。6. relate明其义应.联系,把与联系起来;表达,讲述通其用(1)单句语法填空Trainees should be invited to relate new ideas to their past experiences.A number of small- scale studies have already indicated that there is a relation (relate) between diet and cancer.Putting up signs related (relate) to banning smoking was

26、advised by the government.(2)句型转换(4)It is agreed that happiness doesn,t always relate to wealth.fit is agreed that happiness isn t always related to wealth.(3)完成句子(5)It is requested that all the articles (should) be related to the students, life.据要求,所有的文章都应与学生的生活有关。 The state hasstaged aseries ofpol

27、icy measuresin/with relation to/related to western region development.国家已经出台了一系列有关西部开展的政策措施。解其困relate用作不及物动词时常与介词to连用;用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语, 宾语后常接介词with。7. conclusion明其义口结论;结束通其用(1)单句语法填空In conclusion, Id like to say how much Ive enjoyed staying here.We will conclude the concert with the classic song.(2

28、)句型转换I have concluded from my own experiences that “Where there is a will, there is a way. ”一 Ihave drawn/com to/arrived at/reached 旦 conclusion from my own experiences that “Where there is a will, there is a way.”解其困conclude表示“断定”或“推出”,是及物动词,但通常只接that从句或不定式的 复合结构(且不定式只能是to be型)作宾语,通常不接简单宾语,也不用于进行时态

29、。学案(二)词块、句式的活学活用一一强化关键能力词块的验收盘点I .词块点点练一一选词填空hold one,s breath, share . with, try out, fix one,s eyes on, date back to, add .to, lost in thought, sort of*1. The famous tower, dating ack to the tenth century, stands on the top of the mount for at least one thousand years.*2. Although my deskmate fixe

30、d his eyes on the teacher, he didn,t hear what the teacher said.3. Tom lay still on the ground and held his breath when the bear came to him.4. If you want to try out our newly-developed robot, you can get in touch with us.5. Lost in thought, the architect didn,t notice what happened in the office.6

31、. I hold the belief that true friends are people who you can share everything with.*7. The girl was sort of disappointed that Grandma didn,I come to her birthday party.8. The teacher suggested that we should add more details to our report.名师点拨“一站清”(1) date from和date back to常指以“现在为起点”向前推,故在句中作谓语时,常 用

32、一般现在时,该短语没有进行时态,也没有被动形式,常用其现在分词形式作后置定语。(2)fix one,s eyes on意为“注视,凝视”,其同义短语为stare at。(3) sort of为非正式口语用法,与slightly同义,表示“有点,在一定程度上”,其 同义短语为kind ofoII.易错对对碰一一辨析比拟1. add . to VS add to2. try out VS try out for比较As we all know, good friends add happiness and value to life. The heavy rain added to our dif

33、ficulty in finishing the task on time.辨add . to意为“把增加到”,add后的要跟增加的内容;清而add to意为“增添”,to后面跟增添的内容。比较The method that the boy suggested seems good but it needs to be tri6d out.My son is interested in football, so he hopes to try out for the school football team.辨 清try out意为“试用,试验,而try out for意为“参加选拔/竞 赛”

34、。m.多义比比看一一一词多义(写出以下句中come up的含义) The student came up to his teacher and asked for advice. 走近The plan of enclosing the city of Wuhan came up by an experienced expert. 被 提出The sky was dark blue and clear when the moon came up.升起I planted some seeds in the yard. But they failed to come up. 发芽The Greens

35、 had intended to pay a visit to Xi an but something unexpected came up. 发 生 句式的验收盘点(一)leave+宾语+宾语补足语通其用单句语法填空/完成句子They always leave their mother tQ “esh (wash) dishes after dinner, which makes her unhappy.The young man was fired, because he always left his job half finished (finish).It is required t

36、hat all the teachers and students shouldn,t leave the water running (run) when they don,t use it.Toms funny performance left thq whole class Icughicg.汤姆的滑稽表演让全班同学一直在笑。解其困(1) leave用作使役动词,意为“使处于某种状态”,其具体构成为:名词/形容词/副词/介词短语eave+宾语 + 宾补veave+宾语 + 宾补v过去分词现在分词I动词不定式(2)在“leave +复合宾语”结构中,宾补为现在分词时,通常表示主动、进行的动

37、作; 宾补为过去分词时,通常表示被动、完成的动作;宾补为不定式时,通常表示动作过程。(二)动词不定式作目的状语通其用1 .完成句子We should take regular physical exercises to build ouc bodies.我们应该定期进行体育锻炼来增强体质。2 .句式升级Most of the students review their lessons carefully so that they can get top marks in the final exam.(用不定式升级)Most of the students review their lesso

38、ns carefully to get top marks in the final exam.Ir rdec jbo get top marks in the final exam, most of the students review their lessons carefully.Our monitor won the first prize in the speech contest and it made our teacher satisfied .(用现在分词进行升级)fOur monitor won the first prize in the speech contest,

39、 making our teacher satisfied.They reached the airport out of breath, but they were told that the plane had taken off.(用不定式升级)f They reached the airport out of breath, only to be told the plane had taken off.解其困(1)在动词不定式前可加上in order (to), so as (t。)等用以表示目的,其区别在于 in order to可以位于句首或句中,so as to不能置于句首。(

40、2)动词不定式还可以作结果状语,一般放在句子后面,且表示意料之外的结果,常与 only, just等词连用。而现在分词作结果状语那么表示自然而然的结果。学案(三)高考语篇的价值开掘一一提升学科素养2020全国卷n 完形填空一一对接课标主题:绘画、建筑等领域的代表性作品和人物 (一)精读真题一一拓展语言能力(语篇中黑体词汇为主题词汇,请注意积累并揣摩其 用法)1 It was just after sunrise on a June morning. Nicolo, “ whose real name cannot be to the public because of Italys priva

41、cy laws, 42 working the whole night at a factory in Turin. As he often did, he stopped by the uafter work auction (拍卖)“ 43 by the Italian police where things 44 on the trains were sold to the highest bidder. There, among many other things, Nicolo spotted two paintings he thought would look 45 above

42、his dining room table. Nicolo and another bidder 46 until Nicolo finally won the paintings for $ 32.2When Nicolo retired and went to live in Sicily, he 47 the paintings with him. He hung them above the same table he had 48 from Turin. His son, age 15, who had 49 an art appreciation class, thought th

43、at there was something (0 about the one with a young girl sitting on a garden chair. It was signed (签名) “Bonnato” or so he thought, but when he 51 it, he only found uBonnard, a French52 he had never heard of. He bought a book and was 53 to find apicture of the artist Pierre Bonnard sitting on the sa

44、me chair in the same 54 as his fathers painting.3 Thats the garden in our picture, “ Nicolo, s son told his father. They 55 learned that the painting they 56 was called “The Girl with Two Chairs. ” They 57 the other painting and learned that it was _58 Paul Gauguins Still Life of Fruit on a Table wi

45、th a Small Dog. The 5 called the Italian Culture Ministry; the official confirmed that the paintings were 60 and worth as much as $ 50 million.,析微点厚积语言基础1. imagine 一 想像f imagination n.想像;想像力f imaginative “力:富有想像力 的f imaginary ad/,想像中的,幻想的,虚构的2. exhibit 展览;显示.展览;展览品f exhibition n.展览会3. poet n.诗人f poe

46、try n.诗(总称)f poem n.诗f poetess n.女诗人4. value n. &匕价值;评价f valuable ad/贵重的,有价值的5. typical adj.典型的f typically adv.典型地;有代表性地6. elegant a以优雅的;高雅的f elegantly adv.优雅地f elegance n.优雅7. religion n.宗教f religious打打,宗教的,虔诚的8. character n.(书写或印刷的)字,字体f characteristic adj.典型的,特有的n. 特征,特点9. relate vt.把与联系起来f relat

47、ed adj.有联系的;相关的f relation n.关系,联系f relationship n. 关系10. mercy n.慈悲,怜悯,同情心f merciful ad/.仁慈的,慈悲的f merciless adj. 毫不怜悯,无情的11. bath n.洗澡;沐浴f bathe ”洗澡;沐浴12. conclude vt.结束;推断f conclusion n.结论;结束语境活用1. The researcher concluded his research with the conclusion that he drew from his work, (conclude)2. It is required that all the visitors can,t take photos of the exhibits on exhibition, (exhibit)3. The poet wrote many poems, and has


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