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《【自考英语】2022年5月北京市东城区英语(一)模拟题(解析版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【自考英语】2022年5月北京市东城区英语(一)模拟题(解析版).docx(51页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、备注:本套试卷附有答案解析,答案解析字体为白色,预览无法观看,如需观看试题的答案解析,请下载试卷CTRL+A 选中全部文字,然后将答案字体调整为黑色即可。【自考英语】2022年5月北京市东城区英语(一) 模拟题(解析版)第1题【单项选择题】【阅读理解】Young musicians in African countries are creating a new kind of pop music. The tunes and the rhythms of their music combine African traditions with various forms of music pop

2、ular today, such as hip-hop, rap, rock, jazz, or reggae. The result is music that may sound familiar to listeners anywhere in the world, but at the same time is distinctly African. It is different also in another way Many of the songs are very serious and they deal with important social or political

3、 issues in Africa today. This passage is about how African pop music is.A、usually about love and romanceB、more serious than most pop musicC、popular with young people in AfricaD、mostly written just for entertainment【正确答案】B第18题【单项选择题】【阅读理解】A new study has found no evidence that sunscreen, commonly use

4、d toreduce the risk of skin cancer, actually increase the risk.Researchers from theUniversity of Iowa based their findings on a review of 18 earlier studies that looked they found flaws in studies that had reported associations between sunscreen use and higher risk of melanoma.The word “flaws in the

5、 2nd paragraph most probablyat the association between sunscreen useat the association between sunscreen useand melanoma (黑素瘤).They said thatmeansA、evidenceB、factsC faultsD、failures【正确答案】C第19题【单项选择题】【阅读判断】As a father, I believe that the death of a child in Africa is no less poignant or tragic than t

6、he death of a child anywhere else, and that it doesnt take much to make an immense difference in these childrens lives.To Bill Gates mind, there is a big difference between the death of the poors children and the death of the richs children.A、TrueB、FalseC、Not Given【正确答案】B第20题【单项选择题】【填句补文】 We all hav

7、e our own comfort foods. Interestingly, they may vary according to moods and gender. One study found that happy people seem to want to eat things like pizza, while sad people prefer ice cream and cookies.Researchers also found that guys seem to prefer hot, homemade comfort meals, like steaks and cas

8、seroles. Girls go for chocolate and ice cream.A、 Bored people crave salty, crunchy things, like chips.B、 Emotional eating patterns can be learned.C、Dont let emotional eating disturb your weight.D、 But emotional eating can be linked to positive feelings too.【正确答案】A第21题【单项选择题】【阅读理解】He is a resolute ma

9、n. Once he makes up his mind to do something, hewon,t give it up halfway.The word “resolute means.A、strongB、firmC、kindD、clever【正确答案】B第22题【单项选择题】【阅读理解】Once all this ended, I followed Ed and Helen home to be sure they arrived safely. After I waved goodbye and wished them my best, I thought, “That is t

10、he kind of love in life. The love is not physical or romantic but care in any timeJWe can learn from the story that.A、life is full of surprisesB、love is both physical and romanticC、care is a kind of love in lifeD、you will feel good when helping those in trouble【正确答案】C第23题【单项选择题】【填句补文】Gang Xiao and B

11、en Schrag at Brown University, visualize the current by measuring subtle (2田彳散的) changes in the magnetic field of an object and.A、to shrink it to the size of a desktop computerB、to make it capable of measuring very weak changes in magnetic fieldsC、as well as revealing microscopic defects in anything

12、 from aircraft to banknotesD、converting the information into a color picture showing the density of current at each point【正确答案】D第24题【单项选择题】2005.4 Some people who are very intelligent and successful in their fields find difficultto succeed in language learning.A、whichB、howC、 thatD、it【正确答案】D第25题【单项选择题

13、】【填句补文】Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants, and are known for their role in pollination (授粉)and for producing honey and beeswax.The best-known bee species is the European honey bee, which, as its name suggests, produces honey, as do a few other types of bee.A There is only one

14、queen in a hive.B、 Every bee does a job without being told.C、There are nearly 20,000 known species of bees.D、Bees do not like ice and snow.【正确答案】C第26题【单项选择题】概括大意Paul Wignall from the University of Leeds was investigating the link between volcanic eruptions and mass extinctions. Not all volcanic erup

15、tions killed off large numbers of animals, but all the mass extinctions over the past 300 million years coincided with huge formations of volcanic rock. To his surprise, the older the massive volcanic eruptions were, the more damage they seemed to do.The main idea of this paragraph is.A、Association

16、of Mass Extinctions with Volcanic EruptionsB、Killing Power of Ancient Volcanic EruptopmsC、A Mass ExtinctionsD、Volcanic Eruptions That Caused No Mass Extinction【正确答案】A第27题【单项选择题】【阅读理解】Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect of

17、 their total personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills, and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning.The author argues that a teache

18、rs chief concern should be the development of the student/s.A、personal qualities and social skillsB、total personalityC、learning ability and communicative skillsD、intellectual ability【正确答案】B第28题【单项选择题】概括大意Paul Wignall from the University of Leeds was investigating the link between volcanic eruptions

19、and mass extinctions. Not all volcanic eruptions killed off large numbers of animals, but all the mass extinctions over the past 300 million years coincided with huge formations of volcanic rock. To his surprise, the older the massive volcanic eruptions were, the more damage they seemed to do.The ma

20、in idea of this paragraph is.A、Association of Mass Extinctions with Volcanic EruptionsB、Killing Power of Ancient Volcanic EruptopmsC、A Mass ExtinctionsD、Volcanic Eruptions That Caused No Mass Extinction【正确答案】A第29题【单项选择题】2005.10 When he was young, he used to spend his time collecting stamps.A、smartB、

21、specialC、solidD、spare【正确答案】D第30题【单项选择题】【填句补文】The black robin (旅鸦)is one of the worlds rarest birds. It is a small, wild bird, and it lives only on the island of Little Mangere, off the coast of New Zealand. In 1967 there were about fifty black robins there; in 1977 there were fewer than ten.A、These

22、are the only black robins left in the world.B、 Those that fail to meet the challenges will disappear early.C、 Both represent orders in the classification of life.D、Detailed studies are going on, and a public appeal for money has been made.【正确答案】A第31题【单项选择题】【填句补文】 Mothers Day is a special day for eve

23、ryone! We use this day to honor our mothers all over the world!It is held on the second Sunday of May in many countries, such as Australia, Canada and the United States. It is held exactly three weeks before Easter Sunday in the United Kingdom. Sundays are usually non-school and non-working days in

24、these countries.A She wanted to memory her mother, Ann Jarvis.B、When is the earliest Mothers Day celebrationD、 Many families begin Mothers Day with breakfast in bed.E、 Mothers Day falls on different days in different the countries.【正确答案】D第32题【单项选择题】【填句补文】 We all have our own comfort foods. Interesti

25、ngly, they may vary according to moods and gender. One study found that happy people seem to want to eat things like pizza, while sad people prefer ice cream and cookies.Researchers also found that guys seem to prefer hot, homemade comfort meals, like steaks and casseroles. Girls go for chocolate an

26、d ice cream.A、 Bored people crave salty, crunchy things, like chips.B、 Emotional eating patterns can be learned.C、 Dont let emotional eating disturb your weight.D、 But emotional eating can be linked to positive feelings too.【正确答案】A第33题【单项选择题】【阅读理解】My teacher once said to me, If you dont quit, you wi

27、ll win”. I have no desire to quit writing as Im having too much fun. My thanks go to Associated Content and the Yahoo! Contributor Network for all my progress in writing! And to my fellow writers thank you so much for your support and friendship. May we continue to support each other for many years

28、to come!We can learn from the passage that.A、the author thinks writing on the Net is very easyB、the author has his first book published on the NetC、two years has passed since the author began writingD、the author is grateful for the content sites sincerely【正确答案】D第34题【单项选择题】【阅读理解】The researchers also

29、gave the students tests to tell whether the students believed that a math superstar had to be a boy. Then the researchers turned to the teachers To find out which teachers were anxious about math, the researchers asked the teachers how they felt at times when they came across math, such as when read

30、ing a sales receipt. A teacher who got nervous looking at the numbers on a sales receipt, for example, was probably anxious about math. According to the experiment, those teachers were probably anxious about math when they felt.A、nervous memorizing the numbers of a sales receiptB、helpless saving the

31、 numbers of a sales receiptC、uneasy reading the numbers of a sales receiptD、hopeless filling in the numbers of a sales report【正确答案】C第35题【单项选择题】2005.4 It was long supposed that the main difference between animals and plants was that the former could move about while the could not.A、 otherB、latterC、 a

32、notherD、later【正确答案】B第36题【单项选择题】2005.4 The moon merely the light of the sun, like a huge mirror hung in the sky.A reflectsB、demonstratesC、transmitsD、launches【正确答案】A第37题【单项选择题】When you answer questions in a job interview, please remember the golden rule: Always give the monkey exactly he wants.A whatB

33、、whichC、whenD、that【正确答案】A第38题【单项选择题】【阅读理解】My teacher once said to me, “If you dont quit, you will win”. I have no desire to quit writing as Im having too much fun. My thanks go to Associated Content and the Yahoo! Contributor Network for all my progress in writing! And to my fellow writers thank you

34、 so much for your support and friendship. May we continue to support each other for many years to come!We can learn from the第2题【单项选择题】【填句补文】We all have our own comfort foods. Interestingly, they may vary according to moods and gender. One study found that happy people seem to want to eat things like

35、 pizza, while sad people prefer ice cream and cookies.Researchers also found that guys seem to prefer hot, homemade comfort meals, like steaks and casseroles. Girls go for chocolate and ice cream.A、 Bored people crave salty, crunchy things, like chips.B、 Emotional eating patterns can be learned.C、Do

36、nt let emotional eating disturb your weight.D、 But emotional eating can be linked to positive feelings too.【正确答案】A第3题【单项选择题】【填句补文】 More and more Americans are living alone. Some live alone because of divorce or the death of a partner. According to a recent U.S. census (人口普查),25 percent of all househ

37、olds in the U.S. are made up of just one person.A、 It seems that many grown-ups today are realizing that childhood dream.B、He says, zzl like being by myself/C、 However, even more people are living alone because they have chosen to.D、 Theres more pressure to get married nowadays.【正确答案】C第4题【单项选择题】2005

38、.10 Im afraid nothing I can do about it.passage that.A、the author thinks writing on the Net is very easyB、the author has his first book published on the NetC、two years has passed since the author began writingD、the author is grateful for the content sites sincerely【正确答案】D第39题【单项选择题】【阅读理解】It had been

39、 boring hanging about the hotel all afternoon. The road crew were playing a game with dollar notes. Folding them into small planes to see whose would fly the furthest. Having nothing better to do, I joined in and won five, and then took the opportunity to escape with my profit. Despite the evil-look

40、ing clouds, I had to get out for a while. Why did the writer want to leave the hotelA、To enjoy the good weather.B、To have a change of scene.C、 To spend all his winnings.D、To get away from the crew.【正确答案】B第40题【单项选择题】【阅读判断】Energy beamed down from space is one step closer to reality, now that Californi

41、a hasgiven the green light to an agreement that would see the Pacific Gas and 日ectric Company buy 200megawatt (3匕瓦) of power beamed down from solar-power satellites beginning in 2016. But some major challenges will have to be overcome if the technology is to be used widely.Solar-power satellites wil

42、l use radio waves to beam energy down from space. ()A、TrueB、FalseC、Not Given【正确答案】A第41题【单项选择题】【阅读理解】Until recently, the science of the future was supposed to be electronics and artificial intelligence. Today it seems more and more likely that the next great breakthroughs in technology will be brough

43、t through a combination of those two sciences with organic chemistry and genetic engineering. This combination is the science of biotechnology.According to the passage, the science of the future is likely to be.A、electronicsB、biotechnologyC、genetic engineeringD、nuclear technology【正确答案】B第42题【单项选择题】【阅

44、读理解】Scientific conservatism suggests that a biological explanation shouldbe the last choice after all non-biological explanations are addressed/1 Allen said. We have a lot of work to do to rule out (排除的可能性)possible non-biologicalexplanations. It is more likely that a chemical process, without biolog

45、y, can explain these results.What can be inferred from what Allen said?A、 Scientists have different arguments over whether there is life on Titan.B、 Scientists all agree that there is life on Titan.C、 Scientists all suggest that a biological explanation is reasonable.D、 Scientists all agree that a n

46、on-biological chemical reaction is a possible explanation.【正确答案】A第43题【单项选择题】【阅读理解】Most of us walk and carry items in our hands every day. These are seemingly simple activities that the majority of us don/t question. But an international team of researchers, including Dr. Richmond from GWs Columbian

47、College of Arts and Sciences, have discovered that human walking upright may have originated millions of years ago as an adaptation to carrying scarce, high-quality resources. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the first two paragraphsA、Many people question the simple human a

48、ctivities of walking and carrying items.B、 Chimpanzees behaviors may suggest why humans walk on two legs.C、 Human walking upright is viewed as an adaptation to carrying precious resources.D、Our ancestors/ ecological conditions resembled those of modern-day chimpanzees.【正确答案】A第44题【单项选择题】2005.4 Many of the younger buyers say they are turned off by the poor of moderngoods.A、securityB、quantityC、 safetyD、quality【正确答案】D第45题【单项选择题】【阅读理解】The structure of a f


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