中学英语公开课优质课件精选——《unit4 Global warming usinglanguage》.ppt

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《中学英语公开课优质课件精选——《unit4 Global warming usinglanguage》.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中学英语公开课优质课件精选——《unit4 Global warming usinglanguage》.ppt(29页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、,unit4 Global warming usinglanguage,执教教师:XXX,Unit 4 Global warming,Reading and writingWhat can we do about global warming ?,Whats the result of global warming,rising of sea level,severe storm,What cause the Global Warming?,smoke from cars,smoke from factories,citys litter,Water pollution,Deforestati

2、on,The war,The earth is in danger.,Reading,What can we do about global warming?,Goals,1.知识目标To get the general idea of the passage and understand what can we do about global warming.,2. 能力目标To improve reading ability and writing skills.,3. 情感目标To know what the effects global warming has brought abou

3、t and what we should do to protect our earth.,Skim the two letters, and answer the questions below:,1. Who are the writers of these two letters?,2.What is the purpose of writing the letters?,3.Does Earth Care agree that individuals can have no effect?,Task 1:,1. Who are the writers of these two lett

4、ers?,Ouyang Guang and Earth Care.,2.What is the purpose of writing the letters?,Getting and giving some suggestions.,3.Does Earth Care agree that individuals can have no effect?,No, Earth Care does not agree.,Task 2: Listen to the tape and answer:,A. He is doing a project on global warming.B. He fee

5、ls individuals can affect huge environmental problems.C. He isnt sure where to start with his project.D. He wants to get some suggestions from Earth Care.,4.Which is not the reason why Ouyang Guang writes the letter?,5 Which is not true according to the editors letter?,A. Together, individuals can m

6、ake a difference to environmental problems.B. Individuals must put up with pollution.C. Many activities can produce carbon dioxide.D. Individuals can save energy to slow down global warming.,What can we do about global warming? 1. Turn a(n) _ _ off when youre not using it. 2. Put on more clothes ins

7、tead of turning up the _. 3 .Walk or _ _ _ instead of taking motor vehicles. 4 ._ cans, bottles, plastics and newspapers. 5 .Buy things made from _ _. 6. Buy products that are economical with _. 7._ _ in your garden or your school yard. 8.Talk with your family and friends about_ _.,Task 3 Read the s

8、econd letter and fill in the blanks.,Listen to the text and fill in the blanks.,What can we do about global warming? 1. Turn a(n) _ _off when youre not using it. 2. Put on more clothes instead of turning up the _ . 3 .Walk or _ _ _ instead of taking motor vehicles. 4 ._ cans, bottles, plastics and n

9、ewspapers.,electrical appliance,heat,ride a bike,Recycle, 5 .Buy things made from _. 6. Buy products that are economical with _ . 7._ _ in your garden or your school yard. 8.Talk with your family and friends about _ _ .,recycled materials,energy,Plant trees,global warming,To save energy is another w

10、ay of saving the earth.,Have you found that in school.,Waste of energy and sources,Have you found that in school.,Wasted paper and rubbish thrown everywhere,discussion,From your point of view, what more measures can we students take to reduce the emissions of CO2? Directions: 1.Have a discussion on

11、the tips in groups. Be sure to make your point clear .2.Make a list of the result of your result.,鉴于你在校园中发现的一些不环保的现象,请你写一篇演讲稿(speech),倡议同学们成为“低碳一族”(be low-carbon people),节约资源,爱护地球。 要点如下: 1.步行或骑自行车上学,锻炼身体,减少大气污染; 2.不浪费水和食物,充分使用纸张; 3.不乱扔垃圾,做好垃圾分类(waste sorting) 4.离开宿舍或教室时,记得关上灯和电扇,节约用电。 注意:1.词数100-120

12、字,可适当增加细节,行文要规范。 2.请尽可能把本课中的重点词汇用到你的作文当中去。 on behalf of put up with advocate so long as commitment individual make a contribution to Dear teachers and students,Nowadays its common to see students wasting things on our school. .,Writing,only if we understand can we care; 唯有了解,我们才会关心 ; only if we care will we help; 唯有关心,我们才会行动; only if we help shall all be saved. 唯有行动,生命才会有希望。 Jane Goodall 珍妮古道尔,谢谢观看,请指导,


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