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1、丹青不知老将至,贫贱于我如浮云。杜甫天行健,君子以自强不息。地势坤,君子以厚德载物。易经现代大学英语听力 2听力原文及题目答案 Unit 4Unit 4 Task 1【答案】1)They were orphans and had nobody to support them.2)Each boy was given only one bowl of gruel for supper and no more far from enough.3)They boys were so hungry that they could not bear it any more.They decided th

2、at tone of them must ask the master for more gruel.Olive Twist was chosen by casting lots.4)He never thought that any boy would dare to ask for more food than the given portion.Therefore,he was both surprised and angry on hearing Olivers request.5)He was struck on the head by the master and pushed o

3、ut of the room.And for a week Olive remained prisoner in the cellar.【原文】Oliver Twist had no parents and lived in the workhouse.The room in which the boys had their food was a large stone hall.Each boy was given one bowl of gruel and no more.The bowls never needed washing.The boys polished them with

4、their spoons.But still the boys were hungry.Oliver Twist and the other boys suffered from slow starvation for three months.At last they got so wild with hunger that one of the boys,who was tall for his age,said:If this goes on,I am afraid I shall eat the boy who sleeps next me.He had wild hungry eye

5、s and the boys believed him.The boys gathered and thought of a plan.One of us must walk up to the master at supper this evening and ask for more gruel,said one boy.Let us east lots,said another.In that way we shall see who must go up to the master and ask for more.So they cast lots.The lot fell to O

6、liver Twist.He had to go up to the master and ask for more gruel.The evening came.The boys took their places and quickly ate up their gruel.Then they looked at Oliver.He rose from his place,bowl and spoon in hand,went up to the master and said,Please,sir,I want some more.The master was a fat,healthy

7、 man,but he turned pale.What!he said at last.Oliver repeated:Please,sir,I want some more.The master struck Oliver on the head and pushed him out of the room.For a week Oliver remained a prisoner in the cellar.Task 2【答案】A.1)F 2)F 3)T B.1)d 2)b【原文】Mark Twain was a famous American writer.There were man

8、y stories about him.One day 非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。诸葛亮云路鹏程九万里,雪窗萤火二十年。王实甫Mark Twain was fishing.A stranger came along.Good morning!said the stranger.Good morning!said Mark Twain.Nice weather were having!Very nice indeed,said the stranger.How was fishing Very good.I caught three trout here yesterday in just

9、 about an hour.Is that so said the stranger.Yes.Im very fond of trout.By the way,said the stranger,do you happen to know who I am No,I havent any idea,said Mark Twain.Well,Im the game warden of this county,said the stranger.Fishing is not allowed here.Mark Twain paused a minute.Then he asked:By the

10、way,do you know who I am No,I dont.Well,I am the biggest liar in the country.Task 3【答案】A.Name:Lewis Carroll Occupation:mathematics;Oxford University Literary works:Alices Adventures in Wonderland;1865;Through the Looking-Glass;1871 B.These stories are about a dream world in which Alice meets strange

11、 creatures and has interesting adventures.【原文】Which would you rather be A mathematician or a writer Perhaps you will never be faced with this kind of choice.Lewis Carroll was both a mathematician and a writer.He was a lecturer in mathematics at Oxford University.But he is better known as the author

12、of two of the most famous children s books that have ever been written:Alices Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass.The authors real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson,but he preferred to use the pen-name“Lewis Carroll”when he wrote Alices Adventures in Wonderland and this is the nam

13、e we remember him by.Alices Adventures in Wonderland was published in 1865,when its author was 33 years old;it was followed by Through the Looking-Glass in 1871.Both books were written for a real girl called Alice,but they have been read by millions of children since they were first published.These

14、stories are about a dream world in which Alice meets strange creatures and has interesting adventures.Im sure you know this already,but if you dont,you had better read the stories yourselves.Task 4【答案】the Greeks,closed the gates of the city and stayed behind the walls,the Greeks,a huge wooden horse,

15、hide inside it,the horse,they stopped,hid their ships,Greek 百川东到海,何时复西归?少壮不尽力,老大徒伤悲。汉乐府长歌行万两黄金容易得,知心一个也难求。曹雪芹prisoner,the horse,The Greek soldiers,the wooden horse 【原文】Many,many years ago there was a war between the Greeks and the Trojans.The Greek ships sailed up to the city of Troy.When the Trojan

16、s saw the Greek ships,they closed the gates of their city and stayed behind the walls.The Greeks attacked the city many times,but could not take it.Then one of the Greeks thought of a plan.The Greeks made a big wooden horse and had some soldiers hide inside the horse.In the morning the Greeks burned

17、 their camps and sailed away.Only the big wooden horse remained in front of the city gate.But the Greek ships did not sail far.The Greeks stopped at a place near Troy,where the Trojans could not see them,and hid their ships.At first the Trojans wanted to burn the wooden horse,but a Greek prisoner sa

18、id,Dont bum the horse.Bring it into Troy.It will help you.The horse was very big,and the Trojans could not bring it in through the gate.They had to make a hole in the wall.Then they brought the wooden horse into the city.The next day was a holiday in Troy.At night all the Trojan soldiers fell asleep

19、 after a heavy festive drinking.The Greek ships came back to Troy in the night.When everything was quiet,the Greek soldiers came out of the wooden horse and opened the gates of the city.The Greek army came into the city,killed many Trojans and took the city.Task 5【答案】A.1)c 2)a B.1)All the animals th

20、ought that he was the king of beasts.Actually he was a coward.He was afraid of human beings and other big animals.He roared only to scare them away and never really hurt them.2)Dorothy and her dog wanted to get back to Kansas.The Scarecrow wanted some brains and the Tinman wanted a heart.The Lion wa

21、nted to have courage.【原文】The following story has been taken from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz written by L.Frank Baum in 1900.The book is a modern fairy tale and is one of the great favorites of American children.One day a tornado carried away Dorothy and her dog Toto from their home in Kansa sand lan

22、ded them in the wonderful land of Oz.Here they made friends with two strange fellows,a scarecrow and a tin man.The four were now on their way to the Emerald City where the Great Oz lived.Just as the Tinman spoke there came from the forest a terrible roar,and the next moment a great Lion rushed into

23、the road.With one blow of his paw he knocked the Scarecrow to the edge of the road,and then he hit the Tinman with his sharp claws.But,to the Lions surprise,he could make no mark on the tin,though the Tinman fell over in the road and lay still.一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。增广贤文古之立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。苏轼 Little T

24、oto,now that he had an enemy to face,ran barking towards the Lion.The great beast had opened his mouth to bite the dog.Dorothy feared that Toto would be killed.She forgot all danger and rushed forward.She slapped the Lion upon his nose as hard as she could,and cried out:Dont bite Toto!You should be

25、ashamed of yourself,a big beast like you,to bite a poor little dog!I didnt bite him,said the Lion,as he rubbed his nose with his paw where Dorothy had hit it.No,but you tried to,she said in anger.You are nothing but a big coward.I know,said the Lion,and he hung his head in shame.Ive always known it.

26、But how can I help it I dont know,Im sure.But how can you hit a stuffed man like the poor Scarecrow Is he stuffed asked the Lion,in surprise,as he watched her pick up the Scarecrow and set him upon his feet,while she patted him into shape again.Of course hes stuffed,replied Dorothy.She was still ang

27、ry.That explains it.He really went over easily,said the Lion.It surprised me to see him turn around so.Is the other one stuffed also No,said Dorothy,hes made of tin.And she helped the Tinman up again.He really hurt my claws,said the Lion.When they scratched against the tin it made a cold shiver min

28、down my back.What is that little animal you are so kind to He is my dog,Toto,answered Dorothy.Is he made of tin,or stuffed asked the Lion.Neither.Hes a meat dog,said the girl.Oh.Hes a curious animal,and seems really small,now that I look at him.No one thinks of biting such a small,little thing excep

29、t a coward like me,continued the Lion sadly.What makes you a coward asked Dorothy.She looked at the great beast in wonder,for he was as big as a small horse.I dont know,replied the Lion.I suppose I was born that way.All the other animals in the forest expect me to be brave,for the Lion is everywhere

30、 thought to be the King of Beasts.I learned that if I roared very loudly every living thing was afraid and got out of my way.Whenever Ive met a man Ive been very much frightened;but I just roared at him,and he has always min away as fast as he could go.If the elephants,tigers and bears ever tried to

31、 fight me,I would run away Im such a coward;but just as soon as they hear me roar,they all try to get away from me,and of course I let them go.But that isnt right.The King of Beasts shouldnt be a coward,said the Scarecrow.I know it,said the Lion,and he wiped a tear from his eye with the tip of his t

32、ail.It is a great sorrow,and it makes my life very unhappy.But whenever there is danger,my heart begins to beat fast.Perhaps you have heart disease,said the Tinman.穷则独善其身,达则兼善天下。孟子好学近乎知,力行近乎仁,知耻近乎勇。中庸 It may be so,said the Lion.If you have,continued the Tinman,you should be glad,for it proves you ha

33、ve a heart.For my part,I have no heart;so I cant have heart disease.Perhaps,said the Lion,I am a coward because I have a heart.Have you brains said the Scarecrow.I suppose so.Ive never looked to see,replied the Lion.I am going to the great Oz to ask him to give me some,remarked the Scarecrow,for my

34、head is stuffed with straw.And I am going to ask him to give me a heart,said the Tinman.And I am going to ask him to send me and Toto back to Kansas,added Dorothy.Do you think Oz can give me courage asked the Cowardly Lion.Just as easily as he can give me brains,said the Scarecrow.Or give me a heart

35、,said the Tinman.Or send me back to Kansas,said Dorothy.Then if you dont mind,Ill go with you,said the Lion,for life is hard without courage.You will be very welcome,answered Dorothy,for you will help to keep away the other wild beasts.I think they must be more cowardly than you if they allow you to

36、 scare them so easily.They really are,said the Lion,but that doesnt make me any braver,and as long as I know myself to be a coward I shall be unhappy.So once more the little company set off upon the journey.The Lion walked at Dorothys side.Toto did not like the Lion at first,because he could not for

37、get how nearly he had been crushed between the Lions great jaws;but after a time he became more at ease,and before long Toro and the Cowardly Lion became good friends.Task 6【答案】A.1)Civil War 2)first,equality 3)battlefields,bloodiest 4)ordinary B.1)d 2)c【原文】Walt Whitman is often called the poet of Am

38、erican democracy.He lived during the American Civil War,and he admired President Abraham Lincoln very much.Whitman was the first American poet who wrote about tree equality among all people.In a poem called Song of Myself he compared himself to all other people,and he found no difference.He wrote:.e

39、very atom belonging to me.belongs to you.In the same poem Whitman spoke up for women.He wrote:The Female equally with the Male I sing.He also wrote:宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落;去留无意,望天上云卷云舒。洪应明人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?论语 In the faces of men and women I see God.and A great city is that which has the greatest men and women.Whitm

40、an understood war and the results of war.He worked in a hospital,taking care of wounded men.In a description of northern soldiers who had returned from prisons in the south he wrote:The sight is worse than any sight of battlefields or any collection of wounded,even the bloodiest.In Whitmans words:Th

41、e real war will never get in the books.Whitman was the first important American poet to write about ordinary people,using ordinary language.Task 7【答案】A.1)A red,red rose thats newly spring in June and the melody thats sweetly played in tune.2)He will love her till all the seas are dried and the rocks

42、 melt in the sun.his love will last as long as the sands of life run(there is life on earth).3)Yes,he is,and he will come back no matter how far it is.B.June-tune I-dry sun-run while-mile【原文】O,my love is like a red,red rose,That is newly sprung in June.O,my love is like the melody,That is sweetly pl

43、ayed in tune.As fair are you,my lovely lass,So deep in love am I,And I will love you still,my Dear,Till all the seas go dry.Till all the seas go dry,my Dear,And the rocks melt with the sun!O I will love you still,my Dear,While the sands of life shall run.And fare you well,my only Love,And fare you w

44、ell a while!And I will come again,my Love,Although it were ten thousand mile!Task 8【答案】1)Tall stories,that is,unlikely ones.2)Because he wanted to be a member of a certain club.3)He went there because he was told that a lion came there each evening to drink 非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。诸葛亮老当益壮,宁移白首之心;穷且益坚,不坠青云之志

45、。唐王勃water.4)Sixteen times.5)He killed sixteen lions.【原文】A famous French writer who wrote many books about England and the English people once wrote about the Englishmans fondness for improbable or tall stories.In one of his books about the First World War,an English priest tells the following story:

46、He had wanted to become a member of a certain club in Africa.In order to become a member,each person had to shoot at least one lion.The priest had never shot an animal in his life.So,armed with a rifle and accompanied by a young African boy,the priest set out one evening for a pool in the jungle whe

47、re he was told a lion came each evening to drink.He waited patiently for a few hours until shortly before midnight when he heard a rustling noise.Sure enough a few yards away the head of a lion appeared above a bush that separated the priest and the pool.He aimed and fired.The head of the lion immed

48、iately fell behind the bush but a moment later reappeared.So the priest aimed and fired again.The head of the lion immediately fell behind the bush but a moment later reappeared.The priest fired again:the same result.He remained calm because he knew he had brought sixteen bullets with him.After his

49、fourth attempt his aim seemed to become more and more inaccurate.In fact,after his fifteenth attempt the African boy had to warn him,This is your last chance.If you miss this time,we are in trouble.The priest then realized how serious the situation was,so he took a deep breath,aimed very carefully a

50、nd fired.They waited a moment,then slowly counted up to twenty:the head of the lion did not reappear.The priest was certain that at last he had shot his lion.They rushed forward together to the spot behind the bush.And what do you think they found Sixteen lions.Task 9【答案】I.a young prince who lived o


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