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《PMP资格认证考试-项目时间管理(二)131717.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《PMP资格认证考试-项目时间管理(二)131717.pdf(8页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、古之立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。苏轼大丈夫处世,不能立功建业,几与草木同腐乎?罗贯中PMP 资格认证考试-项目时间管理(二)(总分:20.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、单项选择题(总题数:20,分数:20.00)1.If task A has seven days of free float and 15 days of total float and the early start date is delayed 5 days,what does this do to the completion date of the project?A)Pushes the fini

2、sh date out ten days.B)Delays the early start date of the next dependent task five days.C)Allows the project to finish five days earlier.D)The finish date doesnt change.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.解析:由于自由时差和总时差都大于5,所以最早开始时间延迟5 天将不影响项目完成。如果任务A 有 7 天的自由时差和15 天的总时差,最早开始时间延迟了5 天,这对项目的完成有什么样的影响?A)将完工期限推迟10 天。B)推迟下一

3、个相关任务最早开始日期5 天的时间。C)使项目提前5 天完成。D)完工时间不变。2.If Task B has 15 days of free float and 25 days of total float,and the early start date of Task B is delayed 30 days,how is the project affected?A)The next dependent tasks start date will be delayed 15 days.B)The duration of the task will be shortened 15 day

4、s.C)The completion date of the project will be pushed out 5 days.D)Both A and C.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.解析:如果任务B 有 15 天的自由时差和25 天的总时差,并且最早开始时间延迟了30 天,对项目有什么影响?A)下一个相关的任务会延迟15 天。B)任务会缩短15 天完成。C)项目会推迟5 天完成。D)A 和 C。3.If Task C has 0 days of free float and 0 days of total float,what does this mean to the proje

5、ct?A)The project does not have adequate lead and lag times built in.B)The task is on the critical path.C)The duration of the task should be compressed.D)The dates for the task are not accurate.非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。诸葛亮忍一句,息一怒,饶一着,退一步。增广贤文 (分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.解析:如果任务C 具有零天的自由时差和零天的总时差,对项目意味着什么?A)项目不具有充足的推迟和提前

6、时限。B)任务在关键路径上。C)任务的周期应该被压缩。D)任务的日期不准确。4.A master schedule is delayed or an executive presentation.What information must the PM gather to complete this schedule?A)Dates of major activities.B)Key milestones.C)Summary level task descriptions.D).All of above.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.解析:项目经理应该明确在什么时间必须还要做什么?所以应该

7、收集主要活动的日期,主要的里程碑及摘要级别的任务描述。一个主进度计划由于管理汇报而延迟了。项目经理必须收集什么信息以完成这个进度?A)主要活动的日期。B)主要的里程碑。C)摘要级别的任务描述。D)以上全部。5.What is one of the key problems with using crashing rather than fast tracking to compress project duration?A)Personnel overlap.B)Budget constraints.C)Sub-dividing critical path tasks to work in p

8、arallel.D)Finish to start relationships are modified.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.解析:赶工往往会影响的预算。使用赶工而不是快速跟进方法来压缩项目周期时,产生的主要问题之一是什么?A)人员重叠。B)预算限制。人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?论语好学近乎知,力行近乎仁,知耻近乎勇。中庸C)细分主线任务以便于并行处理。D)修改了开始到结束的关系。6.Time planning _.A)involves determining how the various tasks required to completed the project,and t

9、he activities within the tasks,will be accomplished in terms of sequence and dependency B)refers to setting up the vacation schedule for each member of the project team C)is the sole responsibility of the project scheduling department D)is having a well staked scheduling department (分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.

10、解析:时间计划_。A)涉及如何将不同的任务按顺序和相互关系结合在一起来完成整个项目 B)指的是为项目成员制定休假计划 C)是项目进度规划部门的唯一责任 D)是拥有一个良好的进度规划团队 7.A prerequisite of effective time management is _.A)knowing the dictated project completion date B)having the most advanced software package for project planning,scheduling,and control C)having a good proje

11、ct WBS which identifies the major project deliverables and tasks,and the person responsible for each of them D)having a well staffed scheduling department (分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.解析:WBS 是范围基线的一部分,范围基线是定义活动的重要输人,因此也是时间管理的前提条件。有效时间管理的先决条件是_。A)了解口述的项目完工日期 B)拥有最先进的,用于项目规划、进度计划和控制的软件工具 C)拥有一个良好的WBS 来指明主要的项目可交付成

12、果,任务和责任人 D)拥有一个良好的进度规划团队 8.Slack time is _.A)a way of decreasing the time required for decision making B)not used to level resources C)the same as float time D)used to assist in developing a timetable of the major components of a schedule (分数:1.00)A.B.非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。诸葛亮其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不从。论语 C.D.解析:

13、松弛时间_。A)是一种减少决策支持时间的方式 B)不是用来平衡资源的 C)和浮动时间的概念是一样的 D)用来帮助完成进度计划主要部分的时间表 9.Network planning(PERT/CPM/PDM)methods _.A)are usually too complicated for practical use on most projects B)require highly trained specialists for effective use C)always require computer support to be practical D)are based on fl

14、ow charts and they allow observation of what happens to the project schedule when changes occur to a tasks start and stop dates (分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.解析:网络计划方法(计划评审技术/关键路径法/前导图)_。A)对于大部分项目的使用来说通常太过复杂 B)需要受过良好训练的专家才能有效使用 C)总需要计算机支持以实用化 D)以流程图为基础,并当任务开始和结束日期发生变化时,可以显性化地了解项目进度的执行情况 10.The critical path _.A)

15、is the earliest series of events and activities which have the highest technical risk in the project B)is the series of events and activities which have the highest cost in the project C)is the longest chain of events and activities from todays date to the end of the project,if the plan represented

16、by the current network plan is executed D)is an interesting concept,but is has little significance to the project functional managers assigned to the project (分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.解析:关键路径_。A)是最早一系列在项目中具有最高技术风险的事件和活动 B)是一系列在项目中具有最高成本的事件和活动 C)如果按现有网络计划执行的话,是项目生命期中最长的一系列事件和活动 D)是一个有趣的概念,对于项目的职能经理来说影响不大 11.T

17、rending is _.A)the practice of keeping up with the latest fashions in project management(newest software packages,terms,concepts,etc)B)recording and evaluating the trends regarding schedule accomplishment,resource expenditures,先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。范仲淹吾日三省乎吾身。为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎?论语and forecasting the im

18、pacts of the trends on the future work and ultimate completion of the project C)generally impractical and not very useful on larger projects D)when the project manager determines the degree to which the schedule is meeting expectations (分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.解析:使用排除法。趋势是_。A)在项目管理中保持和潮流的一致(最新的软件包,术语,概念,等等)

19、B)记录并评价进度完成,资源花费以及对未来工作和项目最终结果产生影响 的趋势 C)对于大项目来说通常不十分实用 D)项目经理决定进度满足期望的程度 12.The work breakdown structure(WBS)used in the classical sense is a practical methodology used for _.A)adding activities to the project B)expanding the scope of the project C)developing a responsibility matrix for work assign

20、ments D)delineating project work effort into discrete and logical sub-elements (分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.解析:WBS 用来把项目工作人工量分成逻辑上独立的子元素。正统意义下的工作分解结构是一种方法学,用来_。A)为项目添加活动 B)扩大项目的范围 C)为工作分配完成责任矩阵 D)把项目工作人工量分成逻辑上独立的子元素 13.The expected time TE used in the PERT algorithm is calculated using the following equation _.

21、A)(a+3m+b)/6 B)(a+4m+b)/6 C)(a+5m+b)/6 D)(a+m+b)/3 Note:A major assumption for all network methods is that activity durations are statistically dependent and where a=most optimistic time,b=most pessimistic time,m=most likely time.(分数:1.00)A.B.人人好公,则天下太平;人人营私,则天下大乱。刘鹗吾日三省乎吾身。为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎?论语

22、C.D.解析:在PERT 算法中使用的期望时间TE 使用_计算。A)(a+3m+b)/6 B)(a+4m+b)/6 C)(a+5m+b)/6 D)(a+m+b)/3 注意:所有网络方法的一个主要假设是所有活动周期在统计上是互相依赖的,其中,a=最乐观时间,b=最悲观时间,m=最可能时间。14.In order to compute the probability of completing a project on time,the standard deviations(SD)of each activity must be known.These can be calculated usi

23、ng the following expression _.A)SD=(b-a)/6 B)SD=b-a/6 C)SD=(a-b)/6 D)SD=(b-a)/12 Note:The definitions of a=most optimistic time and b=most pessimistic time.Use the following information for questions 10 and 11 for the following is duration data related to an activity in a time scale network.Optimist

24、ic time=a=10 days Pessimistic time=b=20 days Most likely time=m=12 days (分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.解析:为了计算按时完成项目的概率,必须知道每个活动的标准方差。可以通过_计算相应的方差。A)SD=(b-a)/6 B)SD=b-a/6 C)SD=(a-b)/6 D)SD=(b-a)/12 注意:定义a=最乐观时间,b=最悲观时间。使用以下的条件来解答第10 和第11 题。乐观时间=a=10 天 悲观时间=b=20 天 最可能时间=m=12 天 15.Using this data,what is the expect

25、ed time for this activity?A)12 days.B)13 days.C)17 days.D)16 days.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.良辰美景奈何天,便赏心乐事谁家院。则为你如花美眷,似水流年。汤显祖百川东到海,何时复西归?少壮不尽力,老大徒伤悲。汉乐府长歌行解析:(10+412+20)/6=13。使用上面的信息,这个活动的期望时间是多少?A)12 天。B)13 天。C)17 天。D)16 天。16.The standard deviation for the activity is _.A)1.66 days B)5.00 days C)3.88 days D

26、)6.05 days (分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.解析:活动的标准方差是_。A)1.66 天 B)5.00 天 C)3.88 天 D)6.05 天 17.The difference between a project and a program is that the _.A)program has many projects B)Project is typically longer than a program C)program is another name for process D)both B and C (分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.解析:项目群和项目之间的区别是_

27、。A)项目群由很多项目组成 B)项目一般比项目群时间长 C)项目群又称为过程 D)B 和 C 18.If you were crashing a project,you would focus attention on _.A)all non-critical tasks B)only those on the critical path without concern for cost C)accelerating performance by minimizing cost D)the critical task with the least cost first (分数:1.00)A.常

28、将有日思无日,莫待无时思有时。增广贤文我尽一杯,与君发三愿:一愿世清平,二愿身强健,三愿临老头,数与君相见。白居易 B.C.D.解析:起工时要权衡成本与进度,确定如何以最小的成本最大限度地压缩进度。如果你要赶工的话,你应该集中精力于_。A)所有不重要的任务 B)不惜成本,仅考虑关键路径的任务 C)通过减少成本来加速绩效 D)首先考虑成本最低的关键任务 19.What is the key purpose of using project control?A)Ensuing the project stays on track.B)To have a good WBS.C)To satisfy

29、the customer.D)To assist in developing the upper management reports.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.解析:项目控制的目的是确保项目按步进行。使用项目控制的主要目的是什么?A)确保项目按步进行。B)建立良好的WBS。C)满足顾客。D)帮助完成上层管理报告。20.Gantt charts are great for _.A)showing task relationships B)tracking actual versus planned C)good communications with the customers,management,and project team D)B and C (分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.解析:甘特图擅长于_。A)表明任务关系 B)跟踪实际和计划情况 C)和顾客,管理层和项目团队之间的良好沟通 D)B 和 C


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