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《中小学公开课优质课件推选------《趣味定语从句》.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中小学公开课优质课件推选------《趣味定语从句》.ppt(67页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、,趣味定语从句复习,执教教师:XXX,Enjoy the flash,-The name of the song is Lemon Tree.,Whats the name of the song?,Do you like the song whose name is Lemon Tree?,- I like the song whose name is Lemon Tree very much.,I wonder how I wonder whyYesterday you told me bout the blue blue skyand all _ I can seeand all _ I

2、 can seeand all _ I can seeIs just a yellow lemon tree,that,that,that,Find out the missing words.,I like the song whose name is Lemon Tree very much.all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree.,What type of clause are the underlined parts in the two sentences?,the Attributive Clause,Grammar,定语从句,

3、Revision for,Attributive Clause , which is used to modify a noun or a pronoun.,The clause used as the attribute in a sentence is called,Structure:,antecedent +,relative pronoun (as subject , object or predicative) (as attribute),relative adverb (as adverbial),(that / which / who/whom/as) ( whose),(w

4、hen / where / why),efinition:,Test how well you master it?,趣味定语从句复习竞赛,competition,第一部分.语法知识,(必答),1、引导非限制性定语从句的which可以指代前面的_ ,也可以指代前面_ 。,先行词,整个句子,2,Whose(作定语):指人=_,指物=_.,of whom,of which,1,先行词既有人又有物时,定语从句关系词用_不用which和_.,that,who,2, 关系副词why 表原因,常用在先行词reason后面,= _ _.,for which,1,当先行词是表示时间的名词,如time, day

5、, year, month, week等,同时又在从句中作状语时,定语从句需要用关系副词_引导。引导定语从句的when也可以转换成“_”的形式。,介词which,when,2先行词指物时,先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时,常用_,不用_.,that,which,1.关系代词指物时,只用which不用that的两种情况:,(1).引导非限定性定语从句时;(2).关系代词在从句中做介词宾语 并且介词提到关系代词前时。,2.当先行词是表示地点的名词,如place, room, mountain, airport等,同时又在从句中作状语时,定语从句需要用关系副词_引导。但表地点的先行词在从句中做主语

6、或宾语时,定语从句需要用关系代词或that引导。,where,which,第二部分.选择题,(必答),1.The girl _ you saw in the street is Jane. A. that B. whose C. which D. as,A,2. This is the best book _ I have been looking for all this year. A. who B. whom C. which D. that,D,1. This is the place _ I am dying to visit these years. A. which B. whe

7、reC. in which D. to where,A,2. Tom didnt pass the exam, _ surprised me a lot. A. which B. that C. who D. it,A,1. This is the school _ Mr. Smith once taught. A. in that B. when C. where D. there,C,2. Is that the reason _ you are late for school today? A. which B. what C. why D. for that,C,1. He has t

8、wo sons, _ work as chemists. A. two of whom B. both of whom C. both of which D. all of whom,B,2. She is one of the students_ been to Beijing. A. who have B. who has C. which have D. which has,A,第三部分.格言英译中,(抢答),1. God help those who help themselves .,天助自助者.,笑到最后的人才是英雄.,2. He who laughs last laughs be

9、st .,Translate the following English proverbs into Chinese and then pick out the attributive clauses.,3. He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true man .,不到长城非好汉.,知足者常乐.,4. He who is content (满足) is always happy.,(抢答),第四部分.看图填空,Enjoy the pictures and videos about Beijing Olympics and Shenzhou

10、then fill in the blanks with the proper relatives to complete the attributive clauses.,1._ is known to us all, the Five Friendlies are the mascots for 2008 Beijng Olympics.,2. The Five Friendlies, one of _ is Panda Jingjing are lovely cartoon images, standing for 北京欢迎你.,As,which,This is the Logo of

11、the Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay, _ presents the image of two runners holding the Olympic Flame high, in _ the phoenix(凤凰) image is used to stand for Olympic Flame.,which,which,Video - Smiling Angel in a Wheelchair,Smiling Angel in a Wheelchair,2. A 27-year-old Paralympic fencer _name is Jin Jin

12、g used her own body to protect the Olympic torch in Paris when a “pro-Tibet independence” activist attempted to disrupt the torch relay.,whose,1. The dancing girl Jin Jing, _ is a Paralympic fencer was the third torchbearer in the Olympic torch relay in Paris.,who,The reason_ she was called the Smil

13、ing Angel in a Wheelchair and the Most Beautiful torchbearer by Chinese netizens was _she did her best to protect the torch, her face exhibiting courage and pride in spite of the chaotic situation .,why,3.Why was she called the Smiling Angel in a Wheelchair and the Most Beautiful torchbearer by Chin

14、ese netizens ?,that,introduces a predicative clause,The Water Cube,1. The charming blue-colored National Aquatics Center (NAC), nicknamed the Water Cube, by _ people are all attracted at night.,which,2. It took over four years to construct Water Cube, _ is a new landmark in Beijing.,which,3. The Wat

15、er Cube, _ many new world records in swimming were made in 2008 Beijing Olympics, becomes a must-see place for tourists.,where,1.Amaicas Usain Bolt, _ father said he owed his speed and power to the local yam番薯 vegetable, became the first man to break world records while winning both 100m and 200m ra

16、ces at a single Games.,whose,2.Winning both 100m and 200m races at Beijing 2008 Olympics was a big present for birthday to Usain Bolt himself, _ was just 22 years old.,who,Video - Chinas first EVA,1.CHINAS third manned spacecraft Shenzhou VII, _ carried three 42-year-old astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Liu

17、 Boming and Jing Haipeng, lifted off (发射) at 9:10 pm on September 25, 2008 from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Gansu Province to fulfill (完成) its most ambitious and risky mission (任务): spacewalk.,2.The astronauts orbited (绕轨道运行) the earth for three days. In a special spacesuit, _ weighs 120

18、kilograms and cost about 30 million yuan, Zhai Zhigang was scheduled to walk in space about 343 kilometers above the earth on September 27.,which,which,3.The moment _ astronaut Zhai Zhigang in a Chinese-made spacesuit waves a Chinese national flag as he conducts Chinas first spacewalk outside the Sh

19、enzhou Spacecraft makes all the Chinese feel proud. It is a great achievement. The successful spacewalk mission makes China the third to master the extravehicular activity (EVA) technology following the USA and Russia.,when,(抢答),第五部分.看图组句,Enjoy the pictures and videos about Beijing 2008 Olympics and

20、 then finish the tasks given about attributive clauses.,You and Me,1.British singer Sarah Brightman and Chinas Liu Huan sang You and Me at the opening ceremony for the 2008 Olympics. 2.You and Me is the theme song of the 2008 Olympic Games.,Join two simple sentences to make a complex sentence with a

21、n attributive clause.,British singer Sarah Brightman and Chinas Liu Huan sang You and Me which is the theme song of the 2008 Olympic Games at the opening ceremony for the 2008 Olympics .,Greatest ever Olympian,1.Twenty-three-year-old Michael Phelps has become the greatest ever Olympian in swimming.2

22、.At the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Michael Phelps won eight gold medals.,Join two simple sentences to make a complex sentence with an attributive clause.,Twenty-three-year-old Michael Phelps, who won eight gold medals at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, has become the greatest ever Olympian in swimm

23、ing.,According to the following information, organise three sentences with attributive clauses.,Chinas Zhang Ning felt very excited and kissed her gold medal on the podium at the Beijing Olympic Games on August 16, 2008 after she had defended her Olympic title in the badminton womens singles.,1.Chin

24、as Zhang Ning, who had defended her Olympic title in the badminton womens singles, felt very excited and kissed her gold medal on the podium at the Beijing Olympic Games on August 16, 2008.,2.August 16, 2008 was the day when Chinas Zhang Ning defended her Olympic title in the badminton womens single

25、s at the Beijing Olympic Games.,3.The reason why Chinas Zhang Ning felt very excited and kissed her gold medal on the podium at the Beijing Olympic Games was that she had defended her Olympic title in the badminton womens singles.,Video - Closing ceremony staged in the Birds Nest,Join two sentences

26、to make a complex sentence with an attributive clause.,1.The Beijing Olympic Games are truly exceptional Games, said International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Jacques Rogge at the Games closing ceremony. 2. The Games closing ceremony was staged in the National Stadium on Sunday night.,The Beij

27、ing Olympic Games are “ truly exceptional Games,” said International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Jacques Rogge at the Games closing ceremony which was staged in the National Stadium on Sunday night.,Beautiful fireworks exploding over the Birds Nest lighted up night sky during the Closing Cerem

28、ony for the Beijing Olympic Games on August 24, 2008.,Rewrite the sentence using an attributive clause.,Beautiful fireworks which exploded over the Birds Nest lighted up night sky during the Closing Ceremony for the Beijing Olympic Games on August 24, 2008.,Organise a sentence in right order using t

29、he words or phrases given.,Which, Beijing, will be host city of the 2012 Olympic Games, passed its Olympic host baton to London, in the National Stadium or the Birds Nest on Aug. 24, 2008 .,Beijing passed its Olympic host baton to London, which will be host city of the 2012 Olympic Games, in the Nat

30、ional Stadium or the Birds Nest on Aug. 24, 2008 .,As the host country of the next Olympics, Britain praised the way how Beijing organized the Games.,Decide whether the relative used in the following attributive clause is right. If not, correct it.,that / in which / 不填,第六部分.幸运选择,Who is the luckiest

31、?,+ 50 points !,There is nothing!,+ 100 points !,Correction:,1. The students who cleans the blackboard should be praised.,clean,2. The reason why he told me is that his bike was broken.,that,Correction:,- 100 points !,Homework,根据下列中文信息,完成英语短文(不必逐字翻译)。注意:尽可能多地使用定语从句。,众所周知,北京已经成功地举办了2008年奥运会。通过本届奥运会,中

32、国完美地向世界展现了自己。英语是一种国际语言,在和外国人的交流中起着重要作用。本届奥运会上友好的志愿者们很好地利用了这个语言工具为各国运动员及客人服务,给他们留下了深刻印象。我渴望有一天能做一名传播中国灿烂文化的志愿者,所以我现在应该努力学好英语。只有这样,才能为国家贡献自己的力量。,As is known to us all, Beijing has successfully hosted the 2008 Olympic Games. Through the Olympics, China perfectly showed itself to the whole world. Englis

33、h, which is an international language, plays an important part in communicating with foreigners. Friendly volunteers who made full use of the tool of English as serving guests and athletes from all over the world during the Olympics, left deep impression on them. I desire to be a volunteer who is a carrier for our splendid culture some day. So now I should try my best to learn English well, by which I can make my contributions to my country.,谢谢观看,请指导,


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