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《高中英语高考英语名词必考题型及答题技巧带答案第h2209期.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语高考英语名词必考题型及答题技巧带答案第h2209期.docx(14页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高中英语高考英语名词必考题型及答题技巧带答案单项选择题(精选试题一名师出品)1、The only way to improve is through hard work and strong.A. confirmationB. registrationC. perseveranceD. significance2、Weve had a few, but were still good friends.A. disagreeB. disagreesC. disagreementD. disagreements3、We have entered into age humans are concer

2、ned about animal welfare.A. thatB. whenC. whichD. while4、High-speed trains are seen as one of the new Four Great of China.A. AgreementsB. EnvironmentsC. InstrumentsD. Achievements5、In our mind, Professor Wang is a learned and kind man, so we showed our for him.A. attentionB. respectC. struggleD. req

3、uest6、Still, one thing is clear: speaking a language well needs both fluency and.A. accuracyB. magnificenceC. significanceD. stimulation7、Because of the tight and heavy workload of Grade 12, many students have to make use of their lunchbreak to finish homework.A. scheduleB. pressureC. performanceD.

4、impression8、Miss Sweets smile always makes me feel warm and lively. Its like a hidden to me.A. treasures. traditionC. interviewD. competition9、Most vegetables we buy in winter are planted in the.A. packageB. creditC. arrangementD. greenhouse10、The selection process in the job market is based on stan

5、dard tests of and experience.15、答案:C解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:早晨的1=1出是一幅美丽的景色。A. tradition传统;B. gravity重力;C. scene景色;D. dessert甜点。根据The sunrise可知,日出是一幅美丽的景色。应选C.16、答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:越来越多的旅行者于私家住房中寻求带有早餐的住宿。A. accommodation住宿;B.occupation工作;C. equipment设备;D. furniture家具。根据句意,此处指住宿”,应该用名词 accommodation在介词for后作宾

6、语。应选A项。17、答案:C解析:考查名词和非谓语动词。句意:这种新的音乐形式正在世界各地传播。根据不定冠词a,此处用单数名词 phenomenon (现象)。分析句子结构,空格二用非谓语动词,与前面名词phenomenon构成主动关系,用现 在分词形式,spreading符合题意。应选C项。18、答案:D解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:这份工作的申请人必须有好的表达技巧。A. cheater骗子;B. philosopher哲学家;C. warrior勇士; D. applicant申请人。只有applicant可以job形成词组“工作申请人,其他项均与语义不符, 应选D项。19、答案:B解析

7、:考查名词词义辨析。句意:George几天前买了一张由银行发行的彩票。昨天开奖了,他赢得了 500000美元的大奖。A.medals奖牌,奖章;B.awards奖金,奖品;C.rewards奖励,报酬;D.sum金额,款项。由句意及 其中的lottery ticket和prize可推知,此处要表达的是彩票开奖,强调的是奖品、奖金”的含义,B选项符合10 题意。应选B项。20、答案:C解析:考杳名词词义辨析。句意:虽然三个小组对这个问题采取了不同的方法,但他们都成功了。A. methods方法;ways方式,方法;C. approaches方法;D. means方法。浏览选项可知,四个选项都有方

8、法的意思,但根 据句中to the problem”可知,句中涉及固定短语“an approach t。sth.,意为”.的方法,此时气。”为介词,而 “method和means不和介词to连用,a way to do sth.意为”做某事的方法”,但这个短语中“to为不定式符 号,不是介词。应选C项。21、答案:A解析:考杳名词词义辨析。句意:现在,能源供应的减少导致了新能源汽车技术的更多进步。A. advances进步;B. traditions传统;C. behaviors行为;D. examples例子。由语意可知,能源供应的减少导致了新能源汽车技术的 更多进步。应选A项。22、答案:

9、B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们已订好计划,现在必须付诸实施。A. fact事实;B. practice实践;C. reality现 实;D. deed 行动。根据上文Weve made our plans, and now we must put them into指把计划付诸实施应用 put into practiceo 应选 B。23、答案:D解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:别骂他,他只是想做一件好事。A. thing事情;B. act行为;C. manner举止;D. deed行为;事迹。根据上文“He was just trying to do a good”可知,此处表示“做一件

10、好事”,应用固定搭配do a good deed,应选 D。24、答案:C11解析:考杳名词词义辨析。句意:我常想,如果每个人在他成年初期的某段时间里,都遭受失明和失聪的痛苦,那 将是一件幸事。A. blanket毯子;B. contest比赛; C. blessing幸事;D. outcome结果。根据句意结合生活 常识,可知如果每个人在他成年初期的某段时间里,都遭受失明和失聪的痛苦,那将是一件幸事。应选C。25、答案:A解析:考查名词。句意:写这篇论文是我成为记者的第一步,所以这对我来说是成功的。A:a success一件成功的 事;B:succeed 成功;C:success 成功;D:

11、is successful 是成功的;结合句意,this 指代上句Working on this paper is my first step towards becoming a journalist,(写这篇论文是我成为记者的第一步)是指的具体一件成功的事,为 抽象名词具体化。应选A。26、答案:B解析:考查形容词,副词,名词。句意:采用了新方法后,他们工作得很有效率。老师表扬了他组织会议的工作效 率。A. efficient高效的(形容词);efficiency效率(名词);B. efficiently高效地(副词);efficiency效率(名词);C. efficiently 高效地

12、(副词);efficient 效率(名词);D.efficient 高效的(形容词),efficient W 效的(形容词)。第一空需要副词修饰动词worked;第二空需填一个名词作介词for的宾语。应选B项。27、答案:D解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:耐心是快乐而有意义的生活的重要品质。毕竟,在我们的生活中总有一些值得等 待的东西。A. lesson 课程;B. experience 经历;C.purpose 目的;D.quality 品质。根据上文Patience is an important指耐心是重要品质,应用quality。应选D。28、答案:C解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:减轻疼

13、痛很容易,但疾病很难治愈。A. harmony和谐;B. relaxation放松;C. relief12 减轻;D. ease 舒适。根据后文“of the pain can be easily achieved but the disease can be hardly cured”可知指减轻疼痛应用relief,应选C。29、答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:王子住在一座又大又漂亮的城堡里。A. hurricane飓风;B. castle城堡;C. petrol汽 油;D. calligraphy书法。根据常识判断可知,王子一般住在城堡里。应选B。30、答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析

14、。句意:我们都带着人生的使命来到这个世界,我们都可以为让世界变得更美好做出贡献。A. mission使命;B. substance物质;A authority权力:D. collision碰撞。根据句意可知,“为让世界变得更美 好而做出贡献应该是我们每个人的使命,mission”意为“使命,名词词性,符合句意。应选A项。31、答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管大学教育带来了更多更好的就业机会,但它并不是一个成功的未来的唯一选 择。A. option选项,选择;B. gorge峡谷;C. principle原那么。根据句意可知,句中指大学教育并不是通向成功 的未来的唯一选择,由此可知,空

15、格处应用option”,意为选项,选择,名词词性,符合句意。应选A项。32、答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:警方在该市的一系列谋杀案中逮捕了嫌疑犯。A.suspect嫌疑犯;B.conflict矛盾; C.virus病毒。根据a series of killing in the cit/、可知此处是指抓到了一个嫌疑犯。应选A。33、答案:C解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:让你等了这么长时间,我该向你抱歉。A. judgment判断,判决;B. argument争论;C apology抱歉;D. intention意图,目的。由语意可知,让你等了这么长时间,这里表达歉意,apology抱歉,

16、13符合题意。应选C项。34、答案:C解析:考杳名词和动词辨析。句意:当地政府在这个城市启动了一个方案以减少交通事故。A. protest抗议(动词或 名词);B. protect保护(动词);C. project方案(名词):计划(动词);D. propose提议(动词)。根据 冠词a可知,设空处需填入名词,结合主语government可知,名词project方案”符合句意。应选C。35、答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:目前的教育制度需要改进。A. system制度;B. dawn黎明:C. comet彗星:D.vitamin维生素。由of education可知,此处指教育制度,sy

17、stem符合句意。应选A项。36、答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:俗话说:“改变河流的源头比改变一个人的本性更容易。A. source起源,资源:B. course课程;C. texture纹理;D. perception知觉。结合句意可知和“一个人的本性能够并列的是“河流的源头, 填入source符合题意。应选A。37、答案:D解析:考查名词。句意:老板在解决这样的问题上有丰富的经验。空处为宾语,应用名词,名词experience意为“经 验时是不可数名词,意为“经历时是可数名词,根据句意可知,此处表示“有很多经验,不可数名词用much 修饰,应选Do38、答案:A解析:考查名词。句意

18、:作为高三的学生,我们尽可能多地听取老师和家长的建议;虽然他们有点唠叨,但我们确 实有望在各方面取得进步。advice (建议)和progress (进步)都是不可数名词,应选A。1439、答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:一一我在减价时只花了五十元买了这件衣服。一一真的?真划算。我多么希望我有 这样一个好机会! A. goal目标;B. bargain廉价货;C. exchange交换;D. business生意。根据后文How I wish I would have such a good chance!”可知回答者认为这件衣服很划算,短语a real bargain合算的交易”。应选

19、B。40、答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:学生们正在进行一场有关孩子是否应该上课后辅导班的辩论赛。A.encounter遇见;debate辩论;C. impact影响;D. reaction反响。由句意可知,学生们正在辩论孩子是否应该上课后辅导班。 应选B项。41、答案:B解析:考杳名词词义辨析。句意:十五头野生亚洲象向北进发,没有人知道它们的目的地。A. response回应;B.destination目的地;C. failure失败;D. demand要求,需要。该句是并列句,根据and前面的headed north可 知,没人知道它们去哪里。应选42、答案:C解析:考查名词词义辨析

20、。句意:你这周有工作安排吗,多琳? A. headline头条新闻;B. attitude态度;C. schedule 日程、计划;D. identity身份。这里指工作安排。应选C.43、答案:D解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:这家汽车厂生产了一款高质量的新车:它唯一的缺点是耗油量大。A.advantage有 利条件,优势;B. profit利益,好处;C. mistake错误,过失;D. drawback缺点,不利条件。由语意可知,新 车有一,个缺点,drawback符合语境,在句子作主语。应选D项。1544、答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:为了得到这份工作,应试者必须制作一个简短的视

21、频,展示他们对大堡礁了解多 少。A. operators操作人员;B. candidates候选人,应试者;C. conservationist自然环境保护主义者;D.manager经理。根据前文To get the job可知,此处指应试者。应选B项。45、答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:为了不辜负父母的期望,大多数孩子甚至在假期也要努力学习。A. expectations期 望;B. qualifications 任职资格;C. applications 应用;D. innovations 创新。根据In order to live up to their parents可知此处指父

22、母的“期望。应选A。46、答案:B解析:考杳被动语态和名词。句意:政府宣称资助将由参加就业培训课程的人士获得。由by可知,第一空处用被动 语态,would是情态动词,其后跟be done,因此第一空是be obtained;根据句意可知,training courses意为“就业培训课程”,空格处用名词employment作定语,修饰training courses,应选B。47、答案:B解析:考查词义辨析。句意:我觉得读英语故事书很有趣,这是提高我英语水平的好方法。A. interest名词,兴趣, 爱好;B. interesting形容词,有趣的;C.interests名词,利益,好处;D

23、. interested形容词,感兴趣的。分析 可知,本句使用了 think it+adj.+tod。的句式,it为形式宾语,adj.此处为宾补,不定式结构为真正的宾语,表 示读英语故事书,所以要用-ing结尾形容词。应选B。48、答案:A解析:考杳名词和宾语从句。句意:我们都知道老实是一个重要的价值观,说谎是错误的。分析句子结构可知,第16 一空为句子主语需要用名词,即第一空填honesty;第二空and所并列的是know所引导的宾语从句。在从句 中,句子结构和意义完整,用连接词that引导宾语从句。此处为and并列的第二处宾语从句,所以that不可 省略,故第二空填that。应选A。49、

24、答案:C解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:这本宣传手册提供了多种多样的酒店、公寓和度假别里的信息。A. disaster灾难; B. path 道路:C. brochure 小册子;宣传手册;D. personality 性格。由下文“offers a wide choice of hotels, apartments and holiday homes.可知,宣传手册能提供多种多样的酒店、公寓和度假别墅的信息,应选C。50、答案:B解析:考杳名词词义辨析。句意:考虑到它的方便性和广泛应用性,投资者对这种新型数字设备的未来前景越来越 兴奋。A. expense费用;B. prospect前景;C.

25、 property财产,所有物;D. profit利润。根据句意可知,因为它 的方便性和广泛应用性,投资者应该是看好这种新型数字设备的未来前景,prospect”意为“前景,名词词性, 符合句意。应选B项。51、答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:肯的父亲是一名运发动,而肯对体育运动也有相似的热情。A. enthusiasm热情;B.sustainability持续性:C.extent程度。根据上文的similar可推断,肯对运动有相似的热情。应选A。小提示:52、答案:A解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:在中国文化中,圆圆的月饼是团圆和幸福的象征。A. symbol象征:B. signal信号

26、;sign 迹象;D. view 观点。由上下文“The round mooncake is a of reunion and happiness in Chineseculture,可知,在中国文化中,月饼是团圆和幸福的象征,应选A。1753、答案:C解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:你试图保存文件的磁盘对文件名的长度有限制。根据空格前的冠词a,可知空格处 要填可数名词单数“根据句意,可知此处意指在文件名长度上有限制。应选C项。54、答案:D解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:使用华为产品的人数越来越多。A. cultures文化;B. customers客户;C. histories 历史;D. p

27、roducts产品。根据the people using Huawei及常识可知,此处指华为产品。应选D。55、答案:D解析:考查感叹句和非谓语动词。句意:我们堆雪人是多么有趣啊!“做某事开心”是have fun (in)doing sth.此处用 making,句子是what+(a/an)+形容词+可数名词/不可数名词+主语+谓语+其他!结构的感叹句,句中名词fun 是不可数名词,前面不用不定冠词。应选D。18A. concepts. crewC. competenceD. cruelty 11、The map shows the to the base of the mountain, w

28、hich can be reached in an hour.A. routeB. prospectC. gesture12、The university will reach its of 5,000 students next September.A. accounts. benefitC. targetD. process13、Some experts claim that the of students should cover more aspects, such as activity involvement andteamwork contributions.A. admissi

29、onB. assessmentC. awarenessD. ambition14、The branch of olive is the of peace.A. symbolB. signC. signalD. mark15、The sunrise is a beautiful in the morning.A. traditions. gravityC. sceneD. dessert16、More and more travelers are looking for bed and breakfast in private rooms.A. accommodationB. occupatio

30、nC. equipmentD. furniture17、This new variety of music is a around the world.A. phenomenon; spreadsB. phenomena; spreadingC. phenomenon; spreadingD. phenomena; spread18、The job must have good expression skills.A. cheaterB. philosopherC. warriorD. applicant19、George bought a lottery ticket issued by a

31、 bank a few days ago . The opened yesterday and he won a prize of $500000.A. medalsB. awardsC. rewardsD. sum20、Although three teams adopted different to the problem, they all succeeded.A. methodsB. waysC. approachesD. means 21、Now, reduced energy supplies have led to more in the technology of new en

32、ergy vehicles.A. advancesB. traditionsC. behaviorsD. examples22、Weve made our plans, and now we must put them into.A. factB. practiceC. realityD. deed23、Dont scold him. He was just trying to do a good.A. thingB. actC. mannerD. deedI have often thought it would be a if each human being were stricken

33、blind and deaf for a few days atsome time during his early adult life.A. blanketB. contestC. blessingD. outcome25、Working on this paper is my first step towards becoming a journalist, so this has been for me.A. a successB. succeedC. successD. is successful26、(l)Having adopted a new method, they work

34、ed.(2) The teacher praised him for his working in organizing the conference.A. efficient;efficiencyB. efficiently;efficiency;C. efficiently;efficientD. efficient;efficient27、Patience is an important of a happy and rewarding life. After all, there is always something worthwaiting for in our life.A. l

35、essonB. experienceC. purposeD. quality28、The of the pain can be easily achieved but the disease can be hardly cured.A. harmonyB. relaxationC. reliefD. ease29、The prince lived in a large and beautiful.A. hurricaneB. castleC. petrolD. calligraphy30、We have all come into the world with a/an in life and

36、 we can all contribute to making the world abetter place.A. missionB. substanceC. authorityD. collision31、Though college education leads to more and better employment opportunities, it is not the only for asuccessful future.A. optionB. gorgeC. principle32、Police have arrested a in a series of killin

37、g in the city.A. suspectB. conflictC. virusI owe you a(an)for having kept you waiting for such a long time.A. judgments. argumentC. apologyD. intention34、The local government has begun a in this city to cut down the traffic accidents.A. protestB. protectC. projectD. propose35 The present of educatio

38、n needs improving.A. systemB. dawnC. cometD. vitamin36、A popular saying goes, “It is easier to change the of a river than a person/s nature/A. sourceB. courseC. textureD. perception37、The boss has in solving such a problem.A. many experiencesB. many experiencedC. much experiencedD. much experience38

39、、As senior three students, we had better follow the as much as possible from our teachers and parents;although they are a bit nagging (唠叨),indeed we are expected to make in all aspects.A. advice; progressB. advices; progressC. advices; progressesD. advice; progresses39、I bought the dress for only fi

40、fty yuan at the sales.Really ? It was a real. How I wish I would have such a good chance!A. goalB. bargainC. exchangeD. business40、The students are having a(n)on whether children should attend tutorial classes or not after school.A. encounterB. debateC. impactD. reactionFifteen wild Asian elephants

41、headed north and no one knew their.A. responseB. destinationC. failureD. demand42、Do you have a work for this week, Doreen?A. headlines. attitudeC. scheduleD. identity43、The car factory has produced a new car of high quality; its only is that it uses a lot of petrol.A. advantages. profitC. mistakeD.

42、 drawback44、To get the job, the had to make a short video showing how much they knew about the Great BarrierReef.A. operatorsB. candidatesC. conservationistD. manager45、In order to live up to their parents*, most of the kids have to study hard even over vacations.A. expectationsB. qualificationsC. a

43、pplicationsD. innovations46、The government declared financial assistance would by those in the training courses.A. obtain;employeeB. be obtained; employmentC. be obtained; employeeD. obtain;employment47、I think it to read English storybooks and its a great way to improve my English.A. interests. int

44、erestingC. interestsD. interested48、We all know that is an important value and lying is wrong.A. honesty; thatB. honest; /C. honesty; /D. honest; that49、The offers a wide choice of hotels, apartments and holiday homes.A. disasterB. pathC. brochureD. personality 50、Considering its convenience and wid

45、e application, the investors are becoming increasingly excited about the future of the new digital device.A. expenseB. prospectC. propertyD. profit51、Kens father is an athlete, and Ken has the similar for sports.A. enthusiasmB. sustainabilityC. extent52、The round mooncake is a of reunion and happine

46、ss in Chinese culture.A. symbolB. signalC. signD. view53、The disk where you are trying to save the file has a on length of the file names.A. contexts. qualitiesC. limitationD. ranges54、The number of the people using Huawei is getting larger and largerA. culturesB. customersC. historiesD. products55、

47、great fun we had snowmen!A. What a, makingB. What a, to makeC. What, to makeD. What, making高中英语高考英语名词必考题型及答题技巧带答案参考答案I、答案:C解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:进步的唯一途径是通过努力和坚强的毅力。A. confirmation确认,证实;B.registration登记,注册;C. perseverance毅力;D. significance重要性。根据句意及常识可知,只有通过努力 和坚定的毅力才能取得进步。应选C。2、答案:D解析:考查名词。句意:我们有过一些分歧,但我们仍然

48、是好朋友。分析句子可知,设空处单词在句中作宾语,应 用名词,“disagree”意为“不同意”,动词词性,故A和B排除,disagreement”意为分歧,为可数名词,句中 a few意为一些,几个,后接可数名词复数形式,故空格处应用disagreement”的复数形式disagreements。 应选D项。3、答案:B解析:考查定语从句。句意:我们已经进入了关心动物福利的时代。先行词age,后接限定性定语从句,先行词在从 句中作时间状语,应用关系副词引导从句。应选B项。4、答案:D解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:高速列车被认为是中国新的四大创造之一。A. Agreements同意;B. Environments 环境;C. Instruments 仪器,工具;D. Achievements 成就。The Four Great Achievements 为固定用法,意为“四 大创造应选D项。5、答案:B解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:在我们心目中,王教授是一个博学的,和蔼的人,因此,我们对他很尊敬。A


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