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《扬州中学2009届高三英语12月月考试卷及答案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《扬州中学2009届高三英语12月月考试卷及答案.doc(23页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、扬州中学2009届高三英语12月月考试卷及答案扬州中学2009届高三英语12月月考试卷及答案:未经允许 请勿转载 江苏省扬州中学08-200学年度第一学期月考高三英语试卷 208.12.第一部分:听力共两节,满分20分第一节共5小题;每题1分,满分分听下面段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。未经许可 请勿转载1.hat are they alking out?A. Dier. B. Tp. C. rice.未经许可 请勿转载 What desthe

2、womnmean?A. Its exremely hot ousid .They huld hve ggs for spper.未经许可 请勿转载. e food shol keptwarm3. Wat oes the oman mean?A. The m should hve givnth pplicatio to her.B. Te an suldhav haded heappicin in bee Frida eenig.未经许可 请勿转载C. Sh ill helth ma ith th applicatin soo.4 ho waed t borrw te cama?A. Mry B

3、. ane C.lie.未经许可 请勿转载. Whee is Fred ow?A A h. In clas. . home未经许可 请勿转载第二节共15小题;每题1分,满分5分听下面段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的答题时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。未经许可 请勿转载听下面一段材料,回答第至8题。Whatwt man ding t the bginng of he coversatio?未经许可 请勿转载A. Readiga Frenchnov

4、el. B.Dicssin a planfo aaioiCaada.未经许可 请勿转载. ookig throh a anguage exbook.7.Wee is he an gong?A Fanc. B Cada. C. America.未经许可 请勿转载8. ho wilsupor e n?A Themns retive B. he ans ucl. C.hemans ucesfren.未经许可 请勿转载听下面一段材料,回答第9至11题。www.ksu.cm9. Wat i hereest reonforth reekscess ccording to Chras?未经许可 请勿转载A.

5、 TheGek players re mliawih e ther B. Th Geek cc is xer a makg the ootball sis. 未经许可 请勿转载C. The ther nionl teamsdin perform vry wl.未经许可 请勿转载10.Why id sme counties fail in thegaes accrdng he nvesaion?未经许可 请勿转载A. Becuse hey pid mor tention to th legue ams.未经许可 请勿转载B. ecause they pilitte ateton to e Gre

6、k tem.未经许可 请勿转载 Because t dit have god coahes on eir teas.未经许可 请勿转载11. Wht didnt h man eio in tetlk for heisucces?未经许可 请勿转载.Theirluck B. Ther uno. C. Thirard work.未经许可 请勿转载听下面一段材料,回答第12至题。12.Wee dos he conveatio take plae? In aop . Ia fctry. C.I a hospial未经许可 请勿转载1. Wycn he woanseep el?A. Bease sheh

7、as ben rkintohr. B Becaue sehas afami probe.未经许可 请勿转载B. Because she hasa ih fee.14. hat os hdotor ggetthathe wnhould do?未经许可 请勿转载A. Sheshuld ak ome medicine . Sh shd ake olidays. 未经许可 请勿转载C. Sh hld change a jo.听下面一段材料,回答第15至7题。1 Wt ho was obbed?A A gold h B Abrefcsesh C. A jwly shp.未经许可 请勿转载 Wht was

8、 th mngr og whenobey happeed?未经许可 请勿转载A. He was talking to his assisant n soffieB. ewas lyng own n the shop oor by fce.C. eas fillin the rfcasewithjewelry听下面一段材料,回答第8至2题。18 htdosth word“mote ma?A. odel hol . ern otl. . Motoristhoel.未经许可 请勿转载19. ere a otelsuallyloted?. ear parkingpace ncitie B. Outsi

9、ehe entr of wn. C Fr r th min rads.未经许可 请勿转载20 Whic of e followgsot mnined aot motls?未经许可 请勿转载. eal. B Pai spae. . Locaions未经许可 请勿转载第二部分:英语知识运用共两节,满分3分第一节:单项填空共15小题;每题1分,满分15分21 Ia lieingto _wndrful mscwentre ws _ knat he oor.未经许可 请勿转载 A. a; / . the; the C. a;a the;a未经许可 请勿转载22 -Y know wat?Wag Weiat

10、s to be Yao Mingafterhe gradatesro shool.未经许可 请勿转载 - Are ou kidig? He wll never _arsn likhm 未经许可 请勿转载 A. chn B. make . ur D. ge未经许可 请勿转载23. tirs i loked likeasiml accident, but later tholice became dubtfl. 未经许可 请勿转载A. sght B. view C look D gimpe未经许可 请勿转载4. I hv been seang for a anig to corate y rom,

11、 but _ seem relly dficutfor e tin_ I lk.未经许可 请勿转载A.tht;on . t;it C. tat;it D it;one未经许可 请勿转载25. Is quite time _ Liu Xingwa injre n he fot,b waresue itont be long_ he rturnsto the rack.未经许可 请勿转载 A. aftr; hen B beor;sin C.that; when . since;befoe未经许可 请勿转载6.The uprstr can e ry sad , toughn ulic hesetem

12、ly cheerful.未经许可 请勿转载 by hance B. inerson Cin prive .as ndividu未经许可 请勿转载7 e adystod i thst room ai a vsi fried. 未经许可 请勿转载 . epectingfrm B. xpctedrom Cexectto .expetngat未经许可 请勿转载28It i aJackie Chnse movie is wort _.未经许可 请勿转载A. being sen B. to be sen C. t see D. seeing未经许可 请勿转载 China wo 10 md in e Bei

13、ingOlyicGaes, whic re almo _ hoe of the SdneOlympiGame.未经许可 请勿转载. te man asB a anys twie . a uchastce D. twc as mch s未经许可 请勿转载30They wont buy a lothscause they _ mney for aew car.未经许可 请勿转载A. save wresvi C are saving D. have sav未经许可 请勿转载31Can yo ime om advice on wat Isaid us now?未经许可 请勿转载 Sorry. My m

14、ind _. is waen B.wa nrin C. as wanred.hwnerd未经许可 请勿转载32. The cach askd hs stafto th lare group o ounlits wan for im oanoce hi raining pans未经许可 请勿转载. da B atendo . reer o D appea to未经许可 请勿转载33 A student of Enlish_ limited exrcises fids it hard to eta ood mak i annlisheam.未经许可 请勿转载 A.is used t ea wh B

15、 dtodeal with 未经许可 请勿转载C. sudto dealing with D.used o dealig th未经许可 请勿转载34.Th artcentre is _ se to b afactor, _ mins of tractors wrmad.未经许可 请勿转载 ha; whre B. her; where C. w; wch D. here; whh未经许可 请勿转载3.-Betr get n to your ork, Ja - _.A.Its lasur B.oto metit 未经许可 请勿转载C Mindor ow business D.Youre welcm

16、e未经许可 请勿转载第二节:完形填空共20小题;每题分,满分20分www.kTeryas a ide-aed lathrtradrwhos repeatefailre n carer made hi apressedman,oten 36 tha h hadeen cheaed byothesOnedayheto hs ife he waso 37 it th ctythathe d t 未经许可 请勿转载o hisaly mve to anher ciIt a teeenin oa wed.e Tryand iswife re busiy 3 heir ne home, thelightdd

17、enly 39Trryws regrful to haveforgoten bringigang 0 ad a to ait 41 in low modJten he hard ligh, hesitan 42 on hisoo that were le audible 未经许可 请勿转载听到 i he 4 night“Wosit?he wondeed, since Tery ws 44 t tis city.And thiswas the momente esecaly hted to be 45 ,s e wnto the ooan oenei 6 A the or ws a ligirl

18、, sly skg, “Sir,oyou ve adles? m yuregbr “No, anwerd Teryi ager andshut te doo 47 “ata nusnce讨厌! hcmplained ve itwth is ife“No soner hadwe std down tha the eighbor came o tgs未经许可 请勿转载Aftr awle, he dor asknckedaHeopene t d foudh ame girloside. 9 thi time se as 50 twcndes, sying,“y grndm old th eweihb

19、o ownstairs migt ed cndleshe 1 m he to gie yu he Trr was very 52 wat he a未经许可 请勿转载A thatmomnt he sudenly raliz wht caed his in lfe.It washis 4 ad harness刻薄 withother pepleThe prsn whohad cheatedhim n lif ws55nood ese but himself, fors ees had ben blured蒙蔽byhis nsympteicmid.未经许可 请勿转载3A.complanngB.ref

20、lecting .yg.pretending未经许可 请勿转载37.A.nsiredBdispoind.trilD.ncoua未经许可 请勿转载3A.lookgB.turnngcmigD.tiying39Awent B.wnt onent outDwnt throgh未经许可 请勿转载40AcandesB.machesC.lih.laights未经许可 请勿转载A.appi.atentyC.hoeful.helplessly未经许可 请勿转载42AstepsB.wordsCknocsDscrs43.A.darkitC.sy.cowdd4.ewcomeBranerC.guestsettler45

21、.calleddisredwacedDoffered 4AsrpsedlyBdelightedlyCimatintly.wlngly未经许可 请勿转载47AgentlyinlyColielyD.violently4.lend B.sellCpurhsD.brr4.AndBBtC.So.or5.holiBdigCfetcinsking1.A.sggetedBforbadesntDe52.A.frigeedpeasedCpuzzedD.sured未经许可 请勿转载53.Aailu B.cceComplaitDdetrminati未经许可 请勿转载54.AwamthcoldnssC.kindnesD

22、ympathy未经许可 请勿转载55A.doubtfullyhadlC.reallyD.pobbly第三部分:阅读理解共小题;每题2分,满分3分AI stoe yur do tay. N, I didt set a foot oyrhoue, bu fmte cntin f yur g, caniagine what i ls lk. heordish come tomi未经许可 请勿转载I ounheaonga ro, witahevychain wrppd arn er nek, till ttaedto otten ords fromhe dhus.Nt o did I know tht

23、 mst of te twn popl hadalready ignoe h,judging he plac whre fund her, uI knewatf s hagttento the wod, e cross tha se dragebehind her would haewraed itself aund treeilstavtion r hrt killedher.未经许可 请勿转载he has beautiful nme w. Aledy i te first week se as come t loomorelike sheshul. Her ees spake nd s h

24、as larned t wg her ailin greting. She a stopped flincing畏缩wenI mae a de mvement, ecuhe knws o that wn beat her. Inact,she rrely leaves my sde. Shs ven ecome rve engh o bark at a cat d oday Ilooked out ofthwidow ash attemped to ply wth other dsNo, ts cleartht he does notms ou r hr fomer life n a hn.未

25、经许可 请勿转载It not clear e whete ell rmai here orwete Ill fnd her lvighome ere se can counn more indivdual atetion than I can gie he, btontin isce, is s b of tenproprty which is nver retnig toyou. se me, acuse me, pla with hert tha she i rigfuly yours. m cnned tat th isth escimeIe v coitd. Hardy anythig

26、as pesedme more tn the dahen I sole yor dgIne onlylook ito hr batfulbrown eysto know tha sd deed mdsio i her lifIf we ve oneprar,it is hat you wlnt eaceher,nd if we haeone speca day to cebateogethe, it ishe ayI soleyourdog and he dy shestoe my hear.未经许可 请勿转载56 Watthe auo atiude towad he formeowneof

27、the dg?未经许可 请勿转载 A Puzzled. B Angry. C. Shocd. Satsfied.未经许可 请勿转载57. a b iferfromthe passaethat_未经许可 请勿转载 A. h g i otlovely B.he gtred t id a kind master C. the og ws treae baby is forme master D. the auhor wlbe charge wihstalingthedog未经许可 请勿转载5. at dd heathor inkf hi thet? A.He ws fiof being unhd B

28、He thoughte hadto t . Hbievedthtthe a wod al hi to d o未经许可 请勿转载D. Heiditt pridBThe intevewhsbeen ging onfr abou 20 minute n erythig see to be gin wel.Then, suenly,the intrvierasks an uexecte queston, “Wc ismo motan, lao o?未经许可 请勿转载 Job aplcat n theWst increasingl nd theels asked strge qusions iketis

29、.And th signs re that is ibgini tohappn in China未经许可 请勿转载 Emplers at plewhoae skilled,enthusiastc and devotdSo eseae the qlties tha a reasonably inteligt jb appcan will try show o a wa his r her atulfeeingare.In response, mployrsare inceasinglyusi the uestons which and shw te apiants true pesonaiy未经

30、许可 请勿转载 he quetion in the firt pargraphcomes from a estcad h KieseyTemperamen SreIt s an aempt todor w peoplslvelems, rter thnwhat theynow.This i ofen cledptiude天资tst未经许可 请勿转载 Aording to ark Baldwin f liace,mny jobapplcant inina finng is type of estnsdiffcul.“en a Chines ills out an ptitude test, he

31、 r she wlthin hee is rigtane bu ey my fil becase heytry to gess whth exaier tto see.未经许可 请勿转载 Thiisometims cllethprionersilemma 窘境.pplicants re trin to atlvrly itir own inet, but hey fal becaustey dnt undestand h theinerviewer is lokng for.Rember at an aptitue test, cor answe is tehonest answ.未经许可 请

32、勿转载9.Wat i the pur of h passage? A.To give apec of avi frjointerviewes. Bll you o todal th ob intevew C.To as yu how to finda god o To dribe antitude est6owempoewanto hreworers_. A.ho wmuc morethan other Bh work had ha othes 未经许可 请勿转载.wh are beto slv the pobem Dwho are bete eduaed ha oher未经许可 请勿转载1.

33、Accordino t wrer, i n ptudeest, Chines ob applant should _未经许可 请勿转载 A.not tell hetruh .fer a comlet swer未经许可 请勿转载 Clear to tel whattey rlly hi .ind ou wat the exainwa too未经许可 请勿转载2.Frome pasage wenw tat _A.jobaplicnsare always asd such quesion B.pplcant oud notct as cleerlas possible未经许可 请勿转载 C.more Cines aplicantsfi to fin a joDptide test is becomg word-wideppula CFllng in comy applcation frms ca bema boring and ritivetask.Ye an crlessnes on appic pa can draw negtiv ctio from readers Eachcoma organizaton uully use on seialldesinerm tt, thugh it geraly asks for te samebsi nfomato, may y i d


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