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《初一英语第五讲.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《初一英语第五讲.doc(7页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、第五讲:Module 5阅读进阶训练AName: Edward ScottSchool: Kelvin Stove State High School, LondonGrade7Term EndingMay 6th Subjects:MathsHe is a little weak in this, but he has tried his best to catch up with others.ScienceHe can work out many difficulties. Well done!EnglishHe is the best in the class. Keep it up!

2、FrenchHis reading is really good, and he can remember many words.HistoryHe is not so good at this, but he has done better than before.GeographyHe knows the names of many places in the world.MusicHe does like pop songs, and he sings very well.Remarks (评语)He has the ability to do a lot better. More wo

3、rk is need next term.Class teacherIvyPrincipalM. L. MartinSchool reopensSeptember 11th 1. After reading this, we know this is _. A. a studying planB. a teaching plan C. a school report D. a working plan2. Which of the following is not mentioned in the form? A. PE. B. Music.C. Maths. D. History.3. Ed

4、wards best subject is _. A. scienceB. EnglishC. geographyD. French4. Edward is not so good at _. A. maths and historyB. science and geographyC. history and FrenchD. Music and English5. According to the form, which of the following sentences is true? A. Edward cant sing songs very well.B. School will

5、 begin again on May 6th.C. Edward can do better if he works hard next term.D. Edward doesnt do well in science.BElena wanted to be an artist when she grew up - but sadly, when she was only five years old, she had a cancer.Elena spent the long days in the hospital drawing pictures. She drew many pict

6、ures of hearts and smiling families. One of her pictures was on show in a museum, right next to a Picasso painting. As she got worse she couldnt speak; she began to communicate with her family by writing notes.Elena died in 2007, just a year after she had a cancer. Even though they knew Elena would

7、leave them, her parents Keith and Brooke were very sad. But they soon found that she left a gift behind for them.Not long after Elenas death, Elenas parents were cleaning her room when they began to find notes that she wrote to them. “They were between CDs or between books on our bookshelf,” said Ke

8、ith.All through her final days, Elena wrote love notes to her family, and put them in secret places throughout the house.“We started to collect them and they would all say, I love you Mom, Dad and Grace. We kept finding them, and still to this day, we keep finding them,” Keith told the reporter.1. W

9、hat did Elena want to be when she grew up? A. A teacher.B. A. doctor.C. An artist.D. A singer.2. When was Elena born? A. In 2001.B. In 2003.C. In 2006.D. In 2007.3. What did Elena leave her parents as gifts? A. CDs.B. BooksC. Money.D. Notes.4. When did Elena write the notes? A. Before she had a canc

10、er.B. After she really got well.C. While she couldnt speak.D. While she talked with her parents.5. Which of the following is true? A. Elenas parents have found all the notes. B. Elena did well in drawing pictures. C. Elenas parents didnt know she would die. D. Elena stopped writing in her final days

11、.C15 years ago, something was wrong with Lin Yans eyes and then she couldnt see. Then Sherry went into her _1_.Lin and her friends are getting ready to have a party to _2_ her thanks to Sherry, who has brought Lin many _3_ in the past years.Now Sherry is her eyes. _4_ her help, she can know more abo

12、ut the outside world._5_ a long time she was afraid to go out after she couldnt see. When she had _6_ to do outside her home, she would go after her mother arm in arm.“With Sherry, I _7_ without my mom for the first time last April,” Lin said. “I was very anxious at first, but Sherry made me feel _8

13、_. She told me about stairs and crossroads.Lin _9_ from home to work place every morning with the help of Sherry. And when Lin wants to take a bus to a supermarket, Sherry _10_ acts as a guide then.Lin said she didnt know there were guide dogs until 2006, when she _11_ a Japanese film titled Quill.

14、It was a documentary about a guide dog which _12_ moved her so much so that she found herself wanting to have her own guide dog.1. A. lifeB. workC. familyD. idea2. A. haveB. giveC. takeD. show3. A. difficultiesB. joysC. happinessD. health4. A. As a resultB. For exampleC. Because ofD. Instead of5. A.

15、 InB. OnC. AtD. For6. A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. everything7. A. went inB. went outC. went onD. went up8. A. interestingB. interestedC. relaxedD. relaxing9. A. runsB. walksC. drivesD. flies10. A. tooB. eitherC. alsoD. neither11. A. foundB. lookedC. heardD. saw12. A. greatlyB. quicklyC. slow

16、lyD. sadlyDKids birthday parties are more fun than adults parties. You dont have to be so serious. But there are still many things to do for a kids party. The passage will tell you some hows:Make a list. Write down all your childs ideas on a piece paper and then get things ready according to the lis

17、t.Get invitations. Make sure you wont have the party at the same time as your childs soccer game. Make sure you write down the name of each guest, so you know how many chairs, how much food and good bags, etc.Buy something. If you go to a party store, they will have everything you need, and you wont

18、 have to go to many different stores for all your things.You need to decide whether to buy a cake or make one. Make sure to get the food ready on time. Decide what kind of food to have. You may get some pizzas, sandwiches and lunch bags with a sandwich.You could have some drinks such as coke, coffee

19、 and juice. Having a cooler filled with small bottles of water is a good idea, too, especially during hot weather.1. The passage mainly tells us _.A. how to have kids birthday partiesB. when to have kids birthday partiesC. where to have kids birthday partiesD. why to have kids birthday parties2. At

20、first, we should _ for a kids birthday party. A. buy somethingB. make a cakeC. get invitationsD. make a list3. Which may be the right time to have a party? A. At the same time as the kids soccer game.B. On the night before the kids English test. C. At the time when the kid is free.D. On the first da

21、y when the school year begins.4. Which is the best place to buy things for the party? A. In the supermarket.B. At the party store. C. In the nearest shop.D. In the mall.5. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. Kids cant eat junk food in the party.B. Mothers should make cakes fo

22、r their kids. C. You may have some cold drink.D. You cant drink cold water in cold weather.EI met eighteen-year-old Mumin in the Baja Caf, my evening hang-out (住所) in Baghdad last summer.Mumin, a thin and handsome kid, was there almost every night, but still open to talking with me. I had spent time

23、 in his neighbourhood while reporting on the war for the past seven years, and we chatted about dead militia (民兵) leaders and American soldiers we both knew.When the Americans invaded in 2003, Mumin was eleven years old, living in West Baghdads district. His father was a retired police officer. Thei

24、r life before the war had been good, he recalled.On one of those early days of the war, Mumin and his father drove to the airport to take food to his uncle, a soldier in the Republican Guard. They found him shot to death. It was the first time Mumin ever saw a dead body.Later that year Mumins father

25、 was out driving, moonlighting as a taxi driver. A bomb targeting Americans exploded, and American soldiers arrested all the men in the area. Mumins family could not find his father. They held a funeral for him one year later. On the third and last day of the funeral, a man who had seen Mumins fathe

26、r in prison told the family that he was alive.“At first we didnt believe him. We tried to find my father in Abu Ghraib. When we went there, the Americans said that they dont have anybody with that name.”One night, more than two years after he disappeared, Mumins father showed up. He was wearing his

27、prison clothes. His hair had turned gray. He had trouble in walking. He was thin. His skin was yellow and his lips were blue. His personality had changed. He would wake up at night screaming.The next year Mumin, too, was imprisoned, after he took his fathers gun and chased after some men who were st

28、ealing his car. An American patrol (巡逻队) arrested him and accused him of being a terrorist. They put him in prison, beat him, and released him three months later.“I cant go back to school after what happened to me,” he explained. Now he does odd jobs and hangs out at the caf every night, just one of

29、 another lost Iraqi generation.1. From the passage, we can learn that the author is _.A. a retired police officerB. a war reporterC. an American soldierD. a taxi driver2. What can be inferred from Paragraph 1? A. The author lives in one caf during the past summer. B. Mumin was too young to talk with

30、 the author. C. The author was talkative but unwilling to know more about the war. D. Mumin knew little about the war but he wanted to know more from the author.3. The year when the passage was written may be close to _. A. 2004B. 2003C. 2012D. 20114. Which of the following is true according to the

31、passage? A. Militia leaders and American soldiers were invited together in the Baja Caf. B. Mumins uncle and his father were both soldiers in the Republican Guard. C. Mumins family held a funeral for his father because they thought he was dead. D. The Iraqi militia force arrested Mumin and accused h

32、im of being a terrorist.5. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A. Iraqs Death and American SoldiersB. Sufferings in the Iraq War C. The Americans ScreamingD. Iraqs Lost Generation课内知识复习单项选择1. We often have art _ four oclock _ Monday afternoon.A. at; inB. at; atC. on; onD.

33、 at; on2. We _ play football at five. A. didB. dontC. doesD. doesnt3. -Do we have maths on Tuesday? -_. A. We haveB. Yes, we do.C. Yes, we dontD. No, we do4. -When does Tom _ lunch? -At 12 oclock. A. hasB. haveC. eatsD. makes5. -_? -At seven thirty. A. What time do classes beginB. When time do class

34、es beginC. What are classesD. How many hours are classes6. Maths and Chinese _ my favourite lessons. A. isB. areC. haveD. be7. Mr. Hall often runs _ the morning. But _ morning he doesnt. A. in; inB. at; atC. on; inD. in; on8. I have _ at twelve and then have _ break. A. the; aB. /; /C. /; aD. a; /9.

35、 He is tired, _ he is happy. A. andB. withC. butD. of10. Lessons begin _ eight oclock and I am good _ English. A. at; forB. at; atC. for; atD. for; for11. Some of the students are nearsighted (近视), _ they spend too much time watching TV or playing online games. A. whenB. thoughC. becauseD. unless12.

36、 Betty likes _ very much. She draws pictures every day. A. artB. musicC. sportD. science13. I often play _ football in _ afternoon. A. the; theB. a; anC. the; aD. /; the14. I like English very much, _ I dont like history. A. butB. andC. soD. or15. -I like chemistry. _ you? -I like it, too. A. What a

37、boutB. Where areC. How areD. What are16. -_ do you have PE? -We have it on Wednesday and Friday. A. WhyB. WhenC. WhatD. How17. Lisa is good at _. A. drawsB. drawingC. to drawD. draw18. The water here is polluted (污染), _ even the animals cant drink it. A. soB. becauseC. thoughD. but19. -_ they have a

38、ny sports collections? -Yes, they _. A. Are; areB. Do; doC. Can; doD. Do; can20. Steve Jobs was born _ 1955 and died last year. A. onB. at C. toD. in句型转换1. We go to the park on Sundays. (改为否定句)_.2. We have maths on Monday. (改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答)_.3. We have chemistry at half past seven. (对画线部分提问)_.4. We h

39、ave a picnic on Saturday afternoon. (对画线部分提问)_.5. I do my homework at 10:00 in the evening. (改为否定句)_.6. We have Chinese lessons at 8:30. (对画线部分提问)_.7. I play football at 4:30. (改为一般疑问句)_.8. We have some classes on Friday. (改为否定句) _9. I have a Chinese lesson today. (对画线部分提问) _10. I have two lessons in the afternoon. (对画线部分提问) _翻译句子1. 我们上午上四节课。_2. 我喜欢吃苹果,你呢?_3. 今天我们没有历史课。_4. 你们的英语课在什么时候?_5. 我经常在上午九点半打篮球。_6. 地理是我最喜欢的课。_7. 我们10点上数学课,但是我不喜欢数学。_8. 我们12点半在餐厅里吃午饭 _9. 在晚上我们吃晚饭并看电视。_10. 我早上六点起床。_11. 我们星期一上午上体育课。_12. 我们不在10点钟休息。_


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