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1、周末画报简介周末画报创刊于1980年,至今已有25年历史,最高发行量高达150万份,于1998年12月重新改版,成为新世纪中国精英读品。l 非主流的主流媒体l 杂志式的报纸l 中国最具革命性变革的媒体l 捕捉中国超级消费群的媒体l 本土最具国际化的综合性周报l 以全方位为广告客户解决方案模式运作的媒体Launched in 1980 with a history of 25 years, Modern Weekly has maintained a high circulation reaching even 1.5 million at its peak.Revamped by Modern

2、 Medai Group in December 1998, it has become a high-quality publication for the Chinese Elite of the new century.l The mass media of the Non-Mainstream Mediuml A magazine-like newspaperl The media that captures the Up-Market Elite Group of Chinal The media that is the most international in the local

3、 market of weekly publicationsl The media that provides the most comprehensive solutions to advertisers周末画报 2005大方向MODERN WEEKLY Major Direction of 2005“读周末画报,与世界同步”Modern Weekly Keeps Your Pace With The World形式新颖 特色鲜明Innovative format, refreshing contentsl 全国首创全彩色印刷、全国发行的杂志式周报l 以最具冲击力图片图解时代的杂志式周报l

4、一报四册:新闻版、财富版、生活版、城市版First of its kind in China-full color, glossy, magazine-like newspaper distributed throughout China.Presenting the era with the strongest-impact photos.Four major sections: International News, Business, Lifestyle, and Citylife.出版宗旨 AIM国际化、时尚化、高品位International, Stylish, High Class

5、定位 POSITIONING非主流的主流媒体、杂志式的报纸The mass media of the non-mainstream medium, a magazine-like newspaper.新闻版 INTERNATIONAL NEWS SECTION新闻时尚化:纸上CNN,重点关注新闻背后的意义。Presents news in a stylish way, stressing on the meaning behind the news just like CNN.财富版 BUSINESS SECTION财富新潮化:传播全球财经新信息、新理念、新智能;打造中国环球视野财经读品。De

6、livers global financial news, new concepts and the new intelligence in a fashinable way and in a timely manner.生活版 LIFESTYLE SECTION生活品味化:生活方式的指引,关注消费趋势,告诉读者国际性的生活品味知识。Makes your lifestyle more tasteful. Acts as a guide by reporting on the international lifestyle and the consumption trend.城市版 CITYLI

7、FE SECTION城市体验化:国际化与本地化信息并重,在城市体验最时尚Lifestyle。Allows you to truly experience the city and the talk-of-the-town, both local and international.别册 SUPPLEMENT别出心裁的分册,从概念、内容到设计都与众不同的专题特刊,以国际化的视野刷新对概念的诠释、品牌的理解、时尚的捕捉。A special and separate insertion booklet that carries unique and outstanding concept, cont

8、ent and design layout, which set a brand new and innovative publication approach from an international perspective.品牌传播行销的最佳渠道 实施品牌战略的理想工具THE BEST CHANNEL FOR BRAND MARKETING读者才识 卓越超群 ELITE READERS读者遍布全国各大城市,主要为社会成功人士、公司决策阶层,具有高品味、高收入及高消费力的精英人士。Modern Weekly captures readers from all major cities in

9、 China, with the majority from the upper class society, the corporate decision makers, and the tasteful group who possess high disposable income and strong consumption power.目标受众 TARGET AUDIENCE2045岁、个人年收入达八万元人民币以上的大都市精英Age 20 to 45, personal annual income of RMB80,000 and above.传阅率 PASS-ALONG READE

10、RSHIP高达1:4,保存时间长达一周以上(较一般新闻性报刊保存时间更长)4 times for a duration of seven days (longer life span than daily newspapers)总受众量 TOTAL READERSHIP超过191万Over 1.91 million总发行量 TOTAL CIRCULATION高达每周48.8万488,000 copies per week 周末画报新闻版 INTERNATIONAL NEWS SECTION主要栏目 MAJOR CONTENT:国际观察 OBSERVATION言论版,一周国际时事观察An opi

11、nion page observing the news that has happened during the week.国际头条 NEWS世界各地主要媒体一周头条新闻解读Report on the weekly headline news of the major media worldwide.历史镜像 HISTORY周末画报出报日曾经发生的新闻回放Recall of historical events that had happened on the same date as the publication date of each issue.国际焦点 FOCUS国际热点新闻聚焦F

12、ocus on international hot news地区动态 LINK展现世界各地区的政治、经济与社会现状Deliver the political, economic and social status of regions around the world.现场直击 SPOT COVERAGE本报特约记者深入世界各地的一线报道On-site reports on global issues by our regional contributing reporters.封面故事 COVER STORY多角度报道国际最炙手可热的新闻人物或重大新闻事件A multi-angle repo

13、rt on the worlds most popular and significant news and the people.国际纵横 ISSUE捕捉世界文化、艺术界的新闻热点,展现世界多姿多彩的另一面Capture the worlds hot cultural and art issues, present the colorful side of the world.国际名人 CELEBRITY国际知名人物的最新动向及名人心声披露Report the latest news of international celebrities and their innermost world

14、s.国际科技TECHNOLOGY及时披露国际最新科技资讯Timely report on the latest technological information worldwide.国际娱乐 ENTERTAINMENT点击评述世界娱乐圈里的潮流事件与娱乐红人Bring you the popular news on both events and celebrities of the entertainment industry.国际体育 SPORTS追踪与剖析全球体育界热点人物和热点新闻事件Track and analyze the global sports news and the h

15、ot athletes.国际外交 DIPLOMATISM国际外交舞台新闻追踪,包括中国与世界各国的外交关系分析Track the news happened on the international diplomatic platform, including analysis on the diplomatic relationship between China and other countries.随笔 ESSAY新闻类随笔,约请有文采的专栏作者撰写专栏文章,内容谈及社会、教育、文化、艺术等Invite high quality columnists to write on topic

16、s relating to various issues such as on the social, educational, cultural and art aspects.镜像 IMAGE一周软性新闻图片荟萃A photo galaxy of the weekly news. 周末画报财富版BUSINESS SECTION主要栏目 MAJOR CONTENT财富观察 FINANCIAL OBSERVATION专家点评国内外财经事件,揭示事件背后的意义Experts to comment on the financial news and uncover the meanings beh

17、ind.财经要闻 VITA FINANCIAL NEWS图文并茂,国际财经界重大事件、最新动态The most updated, vital movements and events that took place in the international financial industry, with both pictures and texts.国际经贸 GLOBAL ECONOMY关注世界经济大环境的变化,聚集各国之间的贸易活动Paying close attention to the changes occurred in the global economy with focus

18、 on the trade activities between counties.封面故事 COVER STORY把握企业掌门人变更所带来的战略及战术调整,配合深度评论分析,挖掘管理智能,故事性、时效性、评论性并重,提供最新参考几指引价值Grasp the transformations of business strategies of different corporations caused by the changes taken place in the top management in charge. Dig our the management intelligence in

19、 a timely and commenting manner to provide readers with the most updated and valuable reference.行业精英 BUSINESS ELITES职场精英的所言所行、所思所想及采访实录Interview with the top professionals in the career world to deliver their minds and their ways of management.高管对话 TALK WITH THE TOP与企业高层领导对话,了解企业家精彩人生和商业心得Direct tal

20、k with the business top management for better understanding of their splendid lives and the commercial knowledge they have gained.公司聚焦 COMPANY INTERNATIONAL凝眸国内外知名企业商业动态,分析企业的经营战略Keep an eye on the business activities of renowned enterprises and analyze their operating strategies.抢滩中国 FOREIGN VENTUR

21、ES外资进军中国实录,给中国带来的利与弊Report the participation of foreign companies in the China market to analyze the pros and cons hence brought to China.汽车 AUTOMOBILIES聚集全球汽车行业动态及汽车公司新闻Report the movements in the automobile industry worldwide and the news of different automobile companies.IT世界 IT WORLD聚焦IT业促进商业社会发

22、展的过程Focus on the process of how the information technology industry has helped in accelerating the development of the business world.国际金融 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE关注国际金融的发展动态和趋势Watch closely on the developments and movements of the international financial world创业 BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENT国际商业精英创造财富,建造丰盛人生的

23、历程Learn the way how the international business elites establish their plentiful lives and generate their fortunes.理财 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT分析在经济大势下三高人群应当如何把握趋势,据此投资理财Explore the appropriate way of investment and financial planning under the current economical situation.竞争焦点 BUSINESS COMPETITIONS各个产业中势

24、均力敌的公司在商海中比拼实况分析Report the intense competitions between companies in the business world.品牌思维 BRADING对创建、培育以及提升品牌价值提出独到的见解Bring up unique opinions on how to establish, cultivate and enhance the value of a brand.商业先知 BUSINESS FORECAST介绍全球最先进的管理理念和竞争模式Introduce the most advanced management concepts and

25、 competition models in the globe.随笔 ESSAY财经界有影响力人物的随笔感想Personal thoughts of the influential people of the financial world. 周末画报生活版LIFESTYLE SECTION主要栏目 MAJOR CONTENT:封面明星 COVER STAR汇集中外一线明星,演绎明星风采Feature the top stars around the world.流行通信 GLOBAL NEWS报道世界第一手潮流资讯、时尚热点Release the latest fashionable tr

26、ends from all over the world.摩登盛会 PARTY!报道城中最热的时尚派对Bring out the hottest parties and events held in the cities.潮流热点 WHATS IN?当季最热的时装产品Introduce the up-to-the-minute fashion and accessories of the season.时尚装扮 FASHION展现国际时装趋势,高品味的时装搭配Showcase of the international fashion direction and of the stylish m

27、ix & match. 美容健康 BEAUTY & HEALTH提供最新、最美、最实用的国际美容护肤、美发、美体及健康等资讯Bring you the newest, the most decent and practical beauty & health information.生活空间 LIVING聚焦和展示最国际化设计,最新潮的家居設計Bring in the most international and modern interior designs and home decorations.经艳事件 INSPIRATION香港著名出版人、设计界先驱施养德先生的专栏,探讨文化、艺术、

28、设计界令人思考,令生活“经艳” 的事件。A special column written by Mr. Alan Zie Yongder, a reputable publisher and pioneer of the design field in Hong Kong to probe into the astonishing issues under topics such as art, culture and design.品味人生 INTERVIEW采访各行业有品味的成功女性/男性背后的生活故事Interview with successful individuals of dif

29、ferent career fields and reveal their unique, tasteful lifestyle behind.科技速递 TECHNOLOGY EXPRESS汇聚最新的IT产品以及手表资讯Gather the most up-to-date information on IT products and watches.汽车新知 AUTO介绍最新款国际知名汽车及国际大型车展Present the top new automobile designs and the reputable international auto exhibitions.环球旅游 TRAV

30、EL精选世界各地旅游景点,展示独特风土人情Select nice travel spots in the globe and exhibit their special culture and living styles.电影 MOVIES介绍最新国际影片,评论世界电影的最新趋势Introduce the latest international movies and comment on the new direction of the industry.文化 CULTURE作家访谈,新书推荐以及精选CD推荐Talk with the writers, newly released book

31、s and CDs review plus recommendation. 周末画报城市版CITYLIFE SECTION主要栏目 MAJOR CONTENT城市观察 CITY SPY掌握全球最权威杂志最新题材,明快信息总览国内大都会脉搏A quick glance of hot topics from different international magazines. Short bits from major Chinese cities.城市表情 CITY STYLE北京、上海、广州三地最具特色的人物访问,呈现个人鲜明性格融合城市背景的独特大都市生活态度,以大片拍摄为主,并由外国驻中国

32、的摄影师操刀Interviews featuring celebrities of special interests. A showcase of extraordinary lifestyles shot by famous foreign photographers.封面专题 COVER STORY关注国际都会潮流现象,深入浅出趣味性报道In-depth and timely feature on local and global social issues. 品味地图 CITY MAP主题策划串连三大城市品味生活地标信息Information collection from Beiji

33、ng, Shanghai and Guangzhou, with interesting comparison.奢华世家 CITY LUXE三地奢华品牌生活消费指南。由品味领袖每周到各大奢华品牌店精选最新最有趣的产品作介绍,助高消费族群尽享生活情趣严选精致产品A personal shopping guide to your luxurious commodities selected by various taste-leaders from 3 major cities.新体验:吃 EXPERIENCING:FOOD饕餮美食地图,搜刮每一道令人垂涎的极品Colorful, practica

34、l guide for fine dining. 新体验:穿 EXPERIENCING:SHOPPING点击最IN时尚胜地,报道潮流新宠Make use of fashiong to reflect the lifestyle of the cities.新体验:玩 EXPERIENCING:FUN城中玩乐最新情报,享乐一派最佳指引Reports on night-life and different happenings of the cities.新居住 NEW HOME地产界焦点,最新楼盘及家居设计好介绍Close monitoring the real estate and new t

35、rends of home decoration.城市热读 POP READING每周三大城市话题书及畅销榜一次曝光Every weeks bestsellers in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.艺术新闻 ART NEWS网罗三地每周最热门话题性文艺活动Monitoring the art scenes of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.城市精灵 CITY MIND三地最活跃及最具影响力的作家,撰写城市生活、建筑、两性关系趣味点滴Well-known and influential local writers expre

36、ssing their love and discovering in their cities.城市笔记 EDITORS CHOICE商业活动、商品信息丰富详实On time reporting of day-to-day business activity and commodity information.别册 SUPPLEMENT别出心裁的分册,从概念、内容到设计都与众不同的专题特刊,以国际化的视野刷新对概念的诠释、对品牌的理解、对时尚的捕捉。别册与周末画报主刊既成互补又有呼应,从时尚、生活到因应客户需要而制作,设计形式不拘一格,以给予创新意念及客户品牌全方位的展现空间。秉承一向的专业

37、策划和制作,2005年的别册为读者和客户带来时装、美容、汽车、手表、缤纷圣诞等精彩内容,这些都让2005年更值得期待。A special and separate insertion booklet that carries unique and outstanding concept, content and design layout, which set a brand new and innovation publication approach from an international perspective.Extending from the editorial directi

38、on of Modern Weekly, the supplement continues the distinctive way of publication production that helps to deliver our clients marketing objectives and to meet their needs, allowing a whole new custom-made channel for conveying novel creative concepts and brand building messages.In 2005, our suppleme

39、nts will keep on bringing to our readers and advertisers new exciting insights on fashion, beauty, automobiles, watches as well as the wonderful Christmas and any made-to-measure version for advertisers.发行量 CIRCULATION华南 Southern China广州Guangzhou115,000深圳Shenzhen 25,000厦门 / 福州 Xiamen / Fuzhou 6,500海

40、口 / 三亚Haikou / Sanya 6,000重庆Chongqing 10,000成都Chengdu 13,000长沙 Changsha 3,000武汉 Wuhan 3,000昆明Kunming 3,000华南Sub-total184,500华北 Northern China北京Beijing96,000西安Xian10,000大连Dalian12,000长春Changchun 4,000沈阳Shenyang 5,000哈尔滨Haerbin 2,000天津Tianjin 3,000青岛Qingdao 2,000华北Sub-total 134,000华东 Eastern China上海Sh

41、anghai136,000杭州Hangzhou 10,000苏州Suzhou 5,000南京Nanjing 10,000无锡Wuxi 3,500宁波 / 温州Ningbo/Wenzhou 5,000华东Sub-total169,500总量 Grand Total 488,000 周末画报读者调查资料READERSHIP PROFILE资料研究背景 RESEARCH BACKGROUND资料来源:2004年11月 新生代市场研究公司Information Source: Sinomontor Marketing Research Co., November, 2004第一部分 PART 1采用固

42、定地点拦截访问的方式调查,样本量是北京、上海和广州各800个样本,一共2,400个样本。Interview with passer-by at fixed center location. Sampling includes a total of 2,400 samples from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, with 800 from each city respectively.第二部分 PART 2采用固定地点拦截访问及邀约面访的方式调查,样本量是北京、上海和广州各300个样本,一共900个样本。Interview with passer-by a

43、t fixed center location and personal interview appointments. Sampling includes a total of 900 samples from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou with 300 from each city respectively.调查对象:高收入、高学历、高消费TARGETED SAMPLES:HIGH INCOME, HIGH EDUCATION, HIGH SPENDING21-45岁的当地城区居民(在当地连续居住1年以上),个人月收入2500元以上,学历在大专以上,符

44、合市场研究的行业规定。Citizens aged between 21 and 45 with personal monthly income of over RMB2,500 whose education levels are matriculated or above. This sampling is coherent with the regulations set by the market research industry.第一部分 PART 1品牌 BRADING知名度 Brand Awareness 65%到达率 REACH PER YEAR年到达率 Reach Per Y

45、ear 45%阅读率 READING RATE平均每期阅读率 Weekly Average Reading Rate 11%阅读来源 READING SOURCE零购 Self-purchase76%赠阅 Complimentary4%订阅 Subscripting3%借阅 Borrowed15%其他 Others2%性别 GENDER男 Male49%女 Female51%学历 EDUCATION LEVEL大专 Matriculated64%本科 Bachelor32%硕士或以上 Master or above3%其他 Others1%工作单位性质 NATURE OF COMPANY WORKED AT国营企/事业单位 Government-Owned19%外商独资企业/公司 Foreign-Owned20%中外合资/合作企业/公司Sino-Foreign Joint Venture17%民营(私人)企业/公司 Private38%大专院校 Colleges2%政府机关 Government Sector3%其他 Others1%职位 OCCUPATIONAL POSITION国家干部/公务员 Ci


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