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《pep五年级上册第五单元.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《pep五年级上册第五单元.doc(25页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、倪邱小学教学设计 教学科目英语教学年级五年级备课组常识组教学内容Unit Five Part A Lets learn教学课时第一课时主备人张莉教学目标知识与能力:1.四会单词:mirror、curtain、closet、end table、trash bin。 2.句型: Is this your. ? I have .过程与方法:情景教学法情感态度价值观: 有兴趣用英语表达,能积极参与活动。注意观察、比较,积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。教学重点掌握Lets learn 部分六个四会单词,并能进行简单问答、介绍。教学难点单词air-conditioner的发音教学方法情景教学法,任务型教

2、学法教学准备录音机及录音带,单词卡片教学过程Preparation 准备活动1.Lets sing.My small bedroom.【设计意图】学生感知本单元的新语言。为下一步的提高输出作好铺垫。2. Who is the winner?(谁是大赢家?)教师低声把句子:“I have a study,a bathroom,a bedroom,a living room and a kitchen.”告诉分别告诉男生组与女生姐的第一名学生,这名学生低声向后传句子,每组的最后一名学生大声说出句子,看哪组做得又快又正确。【设计意图】在游戏的过程中学生的注意力高度集中,同样也体现出了团队的合作精神.

3、 3.Lets do.【设计意图】让学生在活泼的活动中运用并复习所学的动词短语,提高学生的学习积极性,也为以后的学习打下了基础。Presentation新知呈现1. Lets spell.老师出示单词卡片door,chair,window,desk,bed,引导学生快速看图拼读四会单词。【设计意图】通过对于简单单词的拼写,为下一步的书写打下了一定的基础,学生乐于去接受。2.Present the words.(呈现词汇)(1)展示房间图片,教师说:“Look! This is my new room. I have a bed and a shelf. What else do I have?

4、 ”,出现单词mirror,然后拿出一面镜子,示范朗读mirror,学生跟读。教师手拿着镜子分别问几名学生:“Do you have a mirror in your bedroom? ”如果学生的回答是肯定的,教师则再次重复一下“mirror”一词,说:“Oh,you have a mirror in your bedroom.”,如果学生的回答是否定的,教师可以说:“Oh,sorry. You dont have a mirror in your bedroom. Where is the mirror? ”(Is the mirror in the bathroom?),学生回答。(2)

5、教学其它curtain,closet,end table,trash bin,air-conditioner五词,方法同mirror,通过模仿、问答等形式,学生初步掌握这五个词。在教学air-conditioner一词时,可做“冷暖”游戏:教师让一名学生A看一下air-conditioner图片,然后离开教室。教师藏起该卡后认学生A回到教室找那张卡片。如果学生A走近该卡片,其他学生就大声说“air-conditioner”,如果学生A离卡片越来越远,其他学生就轻声说单词。如果教师发现学生哪一词掌握不太好,也可以做这个游戏进行巩固。(3) Lets chant. 学生随着音乐边做边说:Close

6、t,closet,open the closet!Curtain,curtain,close the curtain!Mirror,mirror,clean the mirror!Trash bin,trash bin,empty the trash bin!End table,end table,move the end table!Air-conditioner,air-conditioner,make me cool!【设计意图】音乐节奏感强,学生乐于接受,并能训练学生的乐感及听说技能。感觉与欣赏并存;放松与紧张并重。Practice巩固练习活动设计:听Lets learn录音、模仿并表

7、演活动设计: Lets play学生手持标有朋友及家务的圆盘,随意转动指针,根据指针停下的位置用句型:I have a/an进行交流,巩固所学新单词。Production输出运用课外活动设计:做“Tiddly Winks”游戏:学生2人一组把两套词卡排放在课桌上,依次投掷硬币或扁平标示物,如果硬币落在一张卡片上,而且这个学生能读出上面的单词,他就可以拿回硬币,若能拼出该词则能再得到一枚奖励硬币。若不会读该词或硬币没有落到卡上,则要交出硬币。【设计意图】学生对于自己喜欢的内容总是会积极地投入精力去做!二次备课板书设计Unit5 My new room. Part (A) Lets learn 单

8、词:mirror、curtain、closet、end table、trash bin。 句型: Is this your. ? I have .课后反思24倪邱小学教学设计 教学科目英语教学年级五年级备课组常识组教学内容Unit Five Part A Lets talk教学课时第二课时主备人张莉教学目标1能听懂、会说本课对话,并能做替换练习。2能够听、说、认读句型 There is a. / There are. 并能在情景中运用。教学重点句型为:There is . There are.教学难点句型有:I have my own room nowWhats it like? 教学方法听说

9、法,任务型教学法教学准备录音机及录音带,单词卡片教学过程Preparation 准备活动1.Lets chant. 学生随着音乐边做边说:Closet,closet,open the closet!Curtain,curtain,close the curtain!Mirror,mirror,clean the mirror!Trash bin,trash bin,empty the trash bin!End table,end table,move the end table!Air-conditioner,air-conditioner,make me cool!【设计意图】音乐节奏感强

10、,学生乐于接受,并能训练学生的乐感及听说技能。感觉与欣赏并存;放松与紧张并重。2.Lets play 学生手持标有朋友及家务的圆盘,随意转动指针,根据指针停下的位置用句型:I have a/an进行交流,巩固所学新单词。讲解: 如果在表示一个物体时,其发音为元音要用an, 反之则用a.如: a university student; a desk; a closet; a trash bin. an end table; an air conditioner; an hour; an umbrella.Presentation新知呈现Task 1. 教学句型:There is a a、通过评价

11、介绍boys room, girls room, 再介绍 Miss Xies room. 课件出示一间房间.T: I have my own room now. (学习句型: I have my own room now.)老师随手拿起keys, book等。T: I have my own book/ keys. What do you have? 学生仿说造句 S: I have my own板书: I have my own room now.T: What can you see in my room? S1: I can see a closet.T: Yes. In my room

12、, there is a closet. (出示句型: There is a closet. 学生跟读句子)(用课件出示:air-conditioner的图片)S2 : There is an air-conditioner.b、操练新句型。课件逐个出示物品,学生运用句型练说。S1: There is a closet.S2: There is an air-conditioner.S3: There is a mirror.做接龙的游戏(先示范老师与学生说,再三人一小组练说,哪个小组说的最好得一张图片)S1: There is a closet.S2: There is a closet a

13、nd an air-conditioner. S3: There is a closet, an air-conditioner and a mirror.再利用课件出现另一幅片,让学生自己练说,结合升降调的练习。【设计意图】从旧句型in the room, I have导入到新句型There is a的学习,比较自然。新句型呈现后,引导学生自己表达,把教师的语言输入转为学生的语言输出,符合语言习得规律。Task 2. 教学句型:There area.课件中的图片经过闪动,然后再问学生T:How nany end tables can you see?S: I can see two end

14、tables.在图片上把end table 圈出来。T: Yes. There are two end tables.S: There areb.课件出示 end tables, lights, curtains等物品,学生重点操练there are 句型。c.综合练说 there is/are 句型, 注意修饰语的运用。【设计意图】让学生在实际的语言中体味there be句型的用法.Practice巩固练习活动设计:Memory(记忆力)a. 课件出示的房间中,突然少了一样物品T: Whats missing?S: There is a mirror.T: Whats mirror like

15、?S: There is a small mirror.c .Say the chant. Whats it like? Whats it like? Small, small, small, a small mirror.d.看图片问答。在房间中逐个出示物品,让学生练说。S1: Whats it like? S2: There is a big bed. S3: Whats it like?S4: There are yellow curtains.e.给说的好的同学物品,然后进行评价T: Look at the boys room. Whats it like?Ss: There is T

16、here are【设计意图】在机械操练的基础上,通过“记忆力游戏”,激发学生学习兴趣,进而进行有意义的句型操练。活动设计: Role playa .T: Sarah has her own new room now. Lets listen and answer: Whats it like? b .Play the CAI.c .Ss try to answer the question. S: There is There are(给答对的同学加图片,并板书完整)d .Listen and repeat. 全班跟读,分角色读。e .Look at the book and then act

17、 the dialogue in pairs.【设计意图】把本课中出现的新知识融入句型教学中,大量输入,做到词不离句,句不离篇,有助于学生对所学内容的理解,并能真实地感受到语言的交际功能。让学生了解本课需要掌握的知识。同时通过让学生做活动手册的听音练习,旨在巩固学生所学的知识,达到活学活用的目的。活动设计 Lets play学生同桌或四个小组,轮流掷骰子(橡皮)看图说话。如:In my room there is an air-conditioner,a telephone,a比一比谁说的句子最长。Production输出运用“风采明星”大赛 学生作品:室内物品Tan Li WangMuClo

18、set3Mirror1computer1Air conditioner1Sofa4Trash bin2Picture8TV1End table2a. Free talk(自由交际)I have my own room now.Really? Whats it like?There is a big closet,a new air-conditioner and a new mirror. There are new curtains.Wow, its cool!b. Describe your roomThere are three closet, a mirror, a computer

19、and an air-conditioner in my room.二次备课板书设计 Unit5 My new room. Part (A) Lets talk句型:I have my own room now.Really? Whats it like?There is a big closet,a new air-conditioner and a new mirror. There are new curtains.课后反思 教学科目英语教学年级五年级备课组英语组教学内容Unit Five Part A Read and write教学课时第三课时主备人张莉教学目标1. 四会句子Ther

20、e are two bedrooms,a kitchen,a bathroom and a living room. There is a mirror,a bed and a big closet.2. 使学生熟练掌握 There be 句型的简单表达法,掌握四会句子的正确书写。难点在于帮助学生区分使用 There is 和 There are 的表达法。3. 有兴趣用英语表达,能积极参与活动。注意观察、比较,积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。教学重点使学生熟练掌握There be句型的简单表达法,掌握四会句子的正确书写。教学难点帮助学生区分使用There is和There are的表达法。

21、教学方法任务型教学法教学准备词卡、图片、录音机、磁带。 教学过程Preparation 准备活动1. Lets sing.2. Free talk(自由交际)A:I have my own room now.B: Really? Whats it like?A: There is a big closet,a new air-conditioner and a new mirror. There are new curtains.B: Wow, its cool!3.Make sentences with there is or there are(造句子)There is a desk, a

22、 closet, a new air-conditioner and a big chair.There are some new curtains and anair-conditioner in my room.Prereading阅读前活动1.做“炸弹”游戏复习四会单词 curtain, closet, mirror, end table,trash bin 等。2.Practice(练习)(1)教师在黑板上简单画一个房间,然后将两张 end tables 的词卡贴在房间里,介绍说:There are two end tables让学生跟说,然后换其他相同的卡片做替换练习。(2)做“听一

23、听,贴一贴”活动:教师课前在黑板上画好一座多层楼房子,向学生介绍:I have a new house now教师向学生介绍各层房间:There is a kitchen on the first floorThere are . 学生根据老师描述,选择相应图片贴在正确位置。学生跟说句子:Its on the first floorIts on the second floor. Its on the third floor.Third floorSecond floorFirst floorflat(3)教师指黑板上的房子问学生:Whats it like? 学生用 There is /ar

24、e 句子来描述,如:There are two big bedrooms注意形容词的拓展与运用:big, small,nice, green, red, cool.等(4)教师课前在黑板一边画一所公寓楼,向学生介绍:This is a flat让学生跟说flat 一词并引出文本内容.Inreading阅读中活动1.General reading略读简单判断:The rabbits have a new flat. ( )The rabbits room is nice and small. ( )【设计意图】通过简单判断,给与学生阅读的自信并通过快速阅读理解语篇的大意。2.Detailed r

25、eading细读细读文章,并选择中下列问题的正确答案:The rabbits room is on the _floor? A: first B: thirdThere are _curtains and two end tables.A: green B: yellow【设计意图】培养学生获取信息、处理信息的能力。3.Read and write读写、There are two ,a ,a and a in the rabbits new flat. 、Whats in the rabbits room? There is a ,a ,and ain his room. And there

26、are two 【设计意图】落实到写。阅读前可布置书上的填空题或教师设计的书面练习4.Listen to the tape听音看录像,听出主句型。模仿。【设计意图】通过看录像或听录音听模仿语音语调。5.Read aloud朗读个人自由朗读 小组合作朗读 全体学生齐读【设计意图】大声朗读培养朗读能力、增强语感。Postreading阅读后活动1. Lets play(1)Lets play:学生同桌或四个小组,轮流掷骰子(橡皮)看图说话。如:In my room there is an air-conditioner,a telephone,a比一比谁说的句子最长。(2)做“Bingo”游戏:让

27、学生任选九张词卡排列好,教师给出提示,如:There is a 学生按所给提示翻卡。翻过一行三张卡(横、竖、斜)的学生,大声喊:“Bingo”。如果他能读出两张以上卡片上的单词就能得到奖励。2.“风采明星”大赛 学生作品:室内物品Tan Li WangMuCloset3Mirror1computer1Air conditioner1Sofa4Trash bin2Picture8TV1End table2There are three closet, a mirror, a computer and an air-conditioner in my room二次备课板书设计Unit5 My ne

28、w room. Part (A) Read and write.思维拓展:There is+( )There are+( ) 课后反思 教学科目英语教学年级五年级备课组常识组教学内容Unit Five Part B Lets learn教学课时第四课时主备人张莉教学目标1. 能够听、说、读、写单词in、on、under、behind、near。over、in front of和句子Wheres the . ? Its. 并能在情景中正确运用。2. 能读懂对话,并能根据实际情况替换句型熟练运用。有兴趣用英语表达,能积极参与活动。注意观察、比较,积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。教学重点使学生熟练

29、掌握七个方位介词的用法教学难点in front of渗透 There be 长句的内容,为B部分的对话教学进行铺垫。教学方法情景教学法,任务型教学法教学准备录音机及录音带,单词卡片教学过程Preparation 准备活动1.Lets sing.2. Free talk(自由交际)A:I have my own room now.B: Really? Whats it like?A: There is a big closet,a new air-conditioner and a new mirror. There are new curtains.B: Wow , its cool!3. L

30、ets do Put your notebook under your bag.Put your pencil in your desk.Put your pencil-case on your chair.Put your eraser near your pencil-case.Put your English book on your head.【设计意图】通过做一做,让学生在活泼的活动中运用并复习所学的动词短语,提高学生的学习积极性,也为以后的学习打下了基础.Presentation新知呈现1. Lets think and say(想一想,说一说)教师做出动作,让学生说,如:“The

31、 book is on the desk.”,后让一个学生做,其它学生说。2.Present the words.(呈现词汇)(1)教师拿出一个盒子,让学生猜猜里面有什么东西,问:“Whats in my box?”,并引导学生使用there is/are句式进行回答,在猜的时候,教师可让男女学生轮流猜,猜中了,给予奖励。当学生猜中了,教师引导学生用there is/are说,再加上方位词in the box。在盒子里可以放:mirror,books,pencil等物品,或是卡片,所涉及的单词就好是本单元学过的。There be名词的单数或复数形式方位介词的初步运用(2)猜完后,教师拿着mir

32、ror放进盒子,问:“Where is the mirror?”,引导学生回答:“Its in the box.”,然后把mirror放在桌子上,再问,再答。用不同的物品或卡片,采用不同的位置,先可以是学过的in、on、under,(3)出示新的位置over、behind、in front of、near,其中通过教师动作或图片区别over与on的不同,behind与in front of通过对比进行教学,学要注意near与behind、in front of的比较。Practice巩固练习活动设计:听Lets learn录音、模仿并表演活动设计: Lets play学生手持标有朋友及家务的圆

33、盘,随意转动指针,根据指针停下的位置用句型:There is a/an(可数名词单数)There is (不可数名词)There are (可数名词复数)进行交流,巩固所学新单词。复习: 如果在表示一个物体时,其发音为元音要用an, 反之则用a.如: a university student; a desk; a closet; a trash bin. an end table; an air conditioner; an hour; an umbrella.活动设计::发指令教师发指令 “Put the book behind the chair. Put your pencil ove

34、r your pencil-box. Put your pencil on your pencil-box.”,在指令注意几个词之间的区别与联系。Production输出运用There is a/anThere are课外活动设计Write a report【设计意图】活动的设计要符合五年级学生的特点,有一定的笔头作业能让他们对英语的热情及掌握英语的能力增强。二次备课板书设计 Unit5 My new room. Part (B) Lets learn .单词:主句型:Where is the trash bin? Its near the river.课后反思倪邱小学教学设计 教学科目英语教

35、学年级五年级备课组常识组教学内容Unit Five Part B Lets talk教学课时第五课时主备人张莉教学目标1能听、说、认读句子:There is a . near /. the . 和The . is near /. the ., 并能在情景中运用。2能运用所学语言对房间摆设作介绍。教学重点使学生熟练掌握 There be 结构较长句式的表达法教学难点The books are on the shelf一句为复数句式,在教学中教师不应过多强调语法,而重在结合图画让学生理解语意。教学方法情景教学法,任务型教学法教学准备录音机及录音带,单词卡片教学过程Preparation 准备活动1

36、.Lets sing.2. Lets do Put your notebook under your bag.Put your pencil in your desk.Put your pencil-case on your chair.Put your eraser near your pencil-case.Put your English book on your head.【设计意图】通过做一做,让学生在活泼的活动中运用并复习所学的动词短语,提高学生的学习积极性,也为以后的学习打下了基础.3. Free talk(自由交际)A:I have my own room now.B: Rea

37、lly ? Whats in your room?A: There is a big closet,a new air-conditioner and a new mirror. There are new curtains.B: Wow , its cool!Presentation新知呈现1.Lets try Woman: The mirror is over the end table .The toys are in the closet .The trash bin is in front of the shelf .The sofa is under the picture.2.T

38、:I have a beautiful room.(出示一幅房间图画)What can you see in the room?(引导学生用There are /is a in/on near the来回答)S1:There are /is a in/on near theS2:There are /is a in/on near the2.Lets talk 教师播放Lets talk部分录音两遍。 教师给出5道判断题,让学生带着问题再听一遍录音。There is a bed, a desk, a closet and shelf in my room. ( )There are three

39、 end tables near the bed.( )The computer is in the desk.( )The books are on the shelf.( )The trash bin is in front of the door.( ) 学生看书62页,教师播放录音,学生逐句跟读。 学生两人一组画一画Lets talk部分中提到的房间,而后展示房间的样子。 学生朗读短文。3.Lets check1.Listen and match 教师播放录音,学生根据录音内容对每幅图判断对错。 再次放录音,请若干名学生重复句子,其他同学一起核对答案。错的句子,教师可以让学生说出正确的

40、句子。Practice巩固练习活动设计:.Lets say: Can you tell me more?学生看图62页,说一说图中物品的所在位置,教师用“Can you tell me more?”鼓励学生说出更多的句子。如:This is my room. There is a bed, a desk, a closet and a shelf. There are two end tables near the bed.活动设计: “走迷宫”活动a.教师课前在黑板上贴好两排图片,第一排为房间物品,第二排为方位介词,两排图片之间空出距离,并用粉笔将物品卡片与介词卡片一一相连,一件物品图连一个

41、介词卡。教师在第三排贴上一张床的图片并在旁边画一个问号。如图所示:学生根据路线图迅速找出物品放在床的相对位置,并用 The . is . / . the bed表述。b.教师在黑板上写好句子,如:There is a the 教师把相应物品和介词图片贴进空格里。教师先说句子的最后一个词,学生跟读。然后教师说最后两个词,学生重复,用同样方法,每次增加一个词,直至学生能流利重复整个句子。活动设计:做替换练习:教师替换板书句式中的三张卡片,学生做替换练习。教师将黑板一的句子改写成 There is a and a the .然后贴上三张物品图和一张介词卡片,引导学生说出较长的句子,如 There i

42、s a bed and a mirror in the bedroom. 然后教师再把黑板上的句子改写成 There are two the . 在前两个空格里贴上两张相同的物品卡片,在后面的两个空格里依次贴进一张介词卡片和一张物品/房间卡片,引导学生说出 There be 结构复数形式的句子,如:There are two beds in the room.Production输出运用1.表演2.Lets practice“小小推销员”活动:学生介绍课外收集到的各具特色的房间图片。用There be句型介绍房间里的物品。)可先让学生准备一两分钟,然后介绍给同桌或是教师。【设计意图】整理成语言

43、,形成一定的语言系统。以学生喜爱的竞赛形式激发学生学习并运用语言的兴趣。让学生展现自我风采,超越自我。二次备课板书设计 Unit5 My new room. Part (B) Lets talkThere is / are 物品+方位短语. (in on near under in front of behind over)The books are on the shelf.课后反思倪邱小学教学设计 教学科目英语教学年级五年级备课组英语组教学内容Unit Five Part B Read and write教学课时第六课时主备人张莉教学目标1. 听、说、读、写句子:The closet is near the tab


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