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《科技论文写作整理系列(5~)——Result.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《科技论文写作整理系列(5~)——Result.doc(32页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、|科技论文写作整理系列(6)Result此部分分为“内容要点写法数据图表 ”五部分。1.内容1-1H. Results1. Purpose: a. To tell what happened during the studyb. To present the findings of the study2. Explain any deviations from the study as planned3. Provide a schematic summary of the study to:a. Show the study design b. Indicate the flow of su

2、bjects throughout the studyc. Account for all subjects or observations4. Present the results of the studya. Use figures or tables when possible- Table 1 compares groups at baseline- Present data in Systems Internationale (SI) units if required by journalb. Focus on the primary comparisons first and

3、give:- The actual change or difference between groups (the “estimated treatment effect”)- The 95% confidence interval for this estimate- If reported, the exact P value of the difference (until P It must be emphasized that, due to the special biodegradation mechanism of PECs, comparisonsof biodegrada

4、tion of particular PECs can only be made using the same shape and amount ofimplantates at the same implantation site.This effect, which is unusual in polymerization reaction, has always been observed within thetemperature investigated.A careful study of revealed thatIt must be pointed out thatThese

5、results clearly indicate thatOur studies indicate thatTherefore, it is reasonable to postulate thatTherefore, we may conclude thatIt appears clearly thatThis means thatThis elucidates thatThis suggests thatThe cause for this is certainly Clearly, Definitely, 表示与期望相符:As expected, copolymers became so

6、fter and lost much of their stiffness and strength in the wetstage. Generally, copolymers containing more than 5 mol% of PEG were flexible.23This is in accordance with the results discussed in the pervious chapter and supports theproposed degradation mechanism for the PHACs.is in good agreement withThese observations are consistent with 表示与期望相反:Surprisingly, our result does not show the same trend reported in the pervious references 3,4.表示否定及未来工作期望From these results we can conclude that the presence of primary amines has a significant toxic


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