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1、|Key to ExercisesOpener1. Mr. Qian Xuesen was a distinguished and world-renowned rocket scientist. Steve Jobs was a famous American entrepreneur, the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc.2. Both of them were dream pursuers and hard workers who finally succeeded in fulfilling their dreams in th

2、eir own specialized domains. Qian Xuesen became universally acknowledged as the father of Chinas space programs, and Steve Jobs came to fame as a creative entrepreneur who revolutionized many products, including personal computers and smartphones.3. In the early 1950s, Qian, a scientist working in t

3、he United States, suffered serious persecution by the US government just because he sympathized with New China. However, he remained firm and overcame lots of difficulties and returned to his motherland in the end. Following that, he devoted himself whole-heartedly to the development of Chinas nucle

4、ar weapons program. As to Jobs, he also had to overcome a lot of obstacles on his way to success. Once he was forced out of Apple, the company he had co-founded. But years later he came back and became its CEO, and led the world in tablet computing and smartphones.Reading we should have got to Beiji

5、ng by now.9. How determined one is to achieve ones dream is clearly a sign that can be used to predict success.10. Setting a goal and going all the way to achieve it can be a great test of ones will and perseverance.11. The doctor tried to prevent the infection spreading to other parts of the body.1

6、2.I was told that my computer wasnt powerful enough to run that software.13. Corporate executives usually have high salaries.14.The art exhibition is great; its a pity you dont have time to go there but you can see it on your computer screen.|15. The researchers are concerned about the increasing fr

7、equency of the illness in the village.1.2 1) big on 2) all the way 3) motivation 4) predicting 5) hooked 6) pursuit of 7) elementary 8) folk 9) taken over1.31. We waited for Phil for two hours, but he didnt show up. We had to cancel the appointment.2. Nowadays the price of hiring a tutor is very hig

8、h. So many parents choose to tutor their kids/ children themselves.3. Be positive about your life and see amazing things you have achieved. In other words, believe in yourself!4. When were young, we take risks and may fail. However, we should keep chasing our dreams and never give up.5. Ill find a j

9、ob and become a skilled worker after graduating from college. I have no motivation for going to graduate school.2. Word Formation1. When you email me, dont forget to attach a copy of the document.2. Sea level rise can increase the height of storm waves, making more areas vulnerable to storm damage.3

10、. The letter must have sat in the drawer for such a long time that it has yellowed.|4. Bob lives not far from the school he attends. So he bicycles to school.5. Green means theyre doing well; red means they might fail.3. Sentence Patterns1. I know youve set your goal. Why not make a plan?2. When one

11、 door closes, another opens for you. How about looking for other opportunities?3. It is not enough to learn from textbooks. Why not take a part-time job to gain some practical experiences?4. The school doesnt have a student society that provides community services. How about starting one with your c

12、lassmates?5. If we agree that college life is a new experience for growing up, why not take a more active part in various activities on campus?4. Comprehensive Practice1. A: Our government encourages college students to be creative and start career planning early. What does this mean for your dream

13、of a future job?B: As a college student, I am big on learning and applying skills our future job needs instead of book knowledge only. I would like to take on challenges during college. And I have strong motivation to go abroad to learn more someday.2. A: My problem is that I have dreams but they al

14、ways seem so far away and hard to achieve. Whats your advice?B: First, you need to look inside yourself and know what you really want to do. In other words, you need to build up your confidence and believe in yourself/your dream. Second, create a concrete plan and take action in pursuit of your drea

15、m. By so doing, you will, Im sure, make your dream come true over time.3. A: Do you have a dream job in mind already? If so, what is it? Would you mind sharing it with us?B: My dream job is a corporate position such as a manager leading a team to help the company reach its goals. What I like most ab

16、out the job is to overcome challenges and make decisions |with creativity. Ive got hooked on reading books on team leadership now!4. A: In chasing my dream, obstacles come my way from time to time. I sometimes think of giving up. As a successful CEO, can you share your experience with me about how t

17、o deal with them?B: Yes, Id be more than happy to do so. To deal with things holding me back, Ill look closely at them first, and then make a list, instead of saying to myself “Why not just give up?”. For some obstacles, I will not let excuses take over. For example, it actually doesnt help if my bl

18、ame goes all the way to life not treating me well. By finding the right kind of help, I can grow stronger no matter what and do well.Reading & ComprehendingReading 11. Comprehension Check for Reading 1 1) T 2) F 3) T 4) F 5) F 6) T 7) T 8) F 9) T 10) T2. Translation1.我喜欢读塞涅卡的作品,因为这些书中弘扬的正是我的家庭教育所推崇的

19、精神不追名逐利,过简单、诚实、体面的生活。2.他以优异的成绩毕业,是因为他有坚强的意志去克服长达 12 年的学习中所遇到的一切困|难,包括阅读用古拉丁文和希腊语写的文献。3.他非常谦卑,并怀有感恩之心,但是他是一个创造自己未来的人。4.我的财富是内在的,它在我的心中和头脑中,而不是在我的口袋里。Reading 2Comprehension Check for Reading 21. He is dreaming of building New Oriental into a model for Chinas private education.2.1) He was born to poor

20、peasant parents.2) He failed university entrance exams twice.3) He had to take a years sick leave while at university.4) He wanted to study in the US, but he failed repeatedly to obtain a visa.5) He was almost killed by some dangerous thieves.3. He has a positive attitude toward life when he says, “

21、These ordeals make me treasure every minute of life and be ready to help others.”4. Perseverance and a good sense of direction.Integrated Skills PracticingI. Viewing & Listening1) “You know, I still consider it as a hobby. I really do love it. Like I dont see it as a job, you know. And thats the bes

22、t part, if you love something, you know, you dont consider it as a job, you know, youre happy to go to work.”2) “You know, I dont want you to see me as a deaf DJ, or a deaf kid trying to DJ. I want you, I want you to see me as a great DJ that happens to be deaf, you know, because, you know, I dont w

23、ant sympathy, I dont want, Oh, lets give him a gig, because, you know, his hearing is impaired.”3) “You know, theres a lot of sounds out in the world you dont want to hear. I like it muffled. Its, itsyou know, I like who I am. Im proud of who I am.”Transcript:Reporter: Its New York Fashion Week and

24、DJ Robbie Wilde is busy working the exclusive Project |Runway designer reunion Party. Wilde lives in a world of rhythm and bass, he just cant hear it. Ear infections as a child left Wilde completely deaf in his right ear and with only 20-percent hearing in his left.Woman: Did you ever feel sorry for

25、 yourself?Wilde: Never, no. Sometimes Id even forget it sometimes myself.Reporter: Although hearing is the most important sense in a DJs life, Wilde was determined to make it. He got his first shot to perform at his fathers restaurant nearly a decade ago and hasnt looked back since.Wilde: You know I

26、 still consider it as a hobby. I really do love it. Like I dont see it as a job, you know. And thats the best part, if you love something, you know, you dont consider it as a job, you know, youre happy to go to work.Reporter: Wilde went to DJ school to learn the art of turntablism. And also relies o

27、n his computer to see the music and feels the vibration, literally. Hes dubbed “That Deaf DJ” by club goers and promoters and its a moniker even he uses. But Wilde says its more than just about his deafness.Wilde: You know, I dont want you to see me as a deaf DJ or a deaf kid trying to DJ. I want yo

28、u, I want you to see me as a great DJ that happens to be deaf, you know, because, you know, I dont want sympathy, I dont want, “Oh, lets give him a gig, because, you know, his hearing is impaired.”Reporter: His skills got noticed by HP and earned him a spot in a commercial, thrusting him onto the wo

29、rld stage.Wilde: It doesnt matter that I cant hear the music.Another Woman: That hes doing it through touch without being able to hear the music is a wonderful story.Reporter: Besides, some things are better left unheard, he says.Wilde: You know, theres a lot of sounds out in the world you dont want

30、 to hear. I like it muffled, you know. Its, itsyou know, I like who I am. Im proud of who I am.Reporter: When hes not DJing, Wilde is in the studio producing music.Woman: Whats your message for those who are trying to chase a dream, just like you?Wilde: Just, honestly, never, never give up.Reporter: Sarah Hoye CNN, New York.


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