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1、1Nanny Mc PheeWe must begin our story, sad to say, with an empty chair.If it were not empty, we would not have a story.But it is, and we do, and it is time to tell it.birds twitter(vi.吱吱叫)whooshing and tinklingThis is the story of my family,of my seven children, who are all very cleverbut all very,

2、very, very naughty.Aaaaah!Aaaah!Aaaaa-aaaagh!This is Nanny Whetstone,the 17th nanny I had hired to look after my children.Aaaaagh!She was the strictest, the toughestand the most fearless nanny in all the land.As I went to work that day at the funeral parlour(a funeral parlour 殡仪馆),I was confident in

3、 the knowledge that there was nothing, absolutely nothingthat my children could do upset her.shrieking approachesTheyve eaten the baby!Except that.Quick! Hes coming! Hide!Quiet! Stop it!Shh!urgent whisperingchild burps(vt. 债主) prison for me, workhouse for the older children.Goodness only knows whatl

4、l happen to little Chrissie.And as for Aggyits unimaginable.squeakingsprings boingWhere are you? You mewling(mewl v.低泣声) half-bakes! 00:11:31Im ready for you. And Im hard(严厉的,苛刻的, 刻薄的 a father 严父.a woman 刻薄的女人.)!boing!childrens laughter and shouting echoesThis is fun!We got Cook!mysterious womans vo

5、iceThe person you need is Nanny McGhee.Chrissie Ju-ump!Cook shrieks through gagEric, youre not making another bomb, are you?he cackles maniacallyechoing McPheeWhee!Jump!8Oh!Jump!yellsTheyre in the kitchen.No! No! You took them down for toast!I never did! You sent them to bed with no dinner.Thats wha

6、t done it!Dont tellbangingthunderclapelectrical crackleIll, erWhy dont you?Ill go.No, Id betterWell, no, I canYou, erm IllIll be off, then.Yes, you Ill justelectrical cracklethunder rumbles(vi.(雷,炮;车辆等)发隆隆声,发辘辘声)door creaksthunderclapGood evening, Mr. Brown.I am Nanny McPhee. Oh, youre Er of course.

7、Good heavens. I suppose the agency9I do not belong to any agency, Mr. Brown. I am a government nanny.A government nanny? Howunusual.May I come in?Yes, by all means, dodo come in.Hm.thunder rumblesI understand you have extremely ill-behaved children.No. No, no. No. No Good grief(天哪), what a suggestio

8、n.china shatters, child roarsPlayful(爱打趣的 , 多趣的, 嬉戏的).child Shut up!What are your main concerns?Concerns?Mm. Do they go to bed when theyre told?Well, no, not, er No.Do they get up when theyre told?Erwell, no, not exactly.Get dressed when theyre told?Now, thats a good question.Do they say “please” an

9、d “thank you”?In what context?That will do to be going on with(这些情况还会继续下去的) .child laughs wickedly(ad.坏透地 ,不愉快地 wicked a.坏的, 邪恶的, 缺德的)Your children need me.china shatters10Ill go and make sure everythings in order before I introduce you.I shall introduce myself.Please, Mr. Brown, go back to your new

10、spaper.tiny bells tinklingclattering and wild yellingchildren squeal and yellmuffled(muffle vt.包 ,裹 ,蒙住 ,捂住 ) shoutingOh, look.The doors open and theres nobody there.muffled shrieksI am here.I am Nanny McPhee.Oh, diddid somebody speak?I didnt hear anything.Thats because nobodys there.gaspsclanging(v

11、i.发出铿锵声) Then listen carefully and try to hear this.Stop what you are doing, put the kitchen to rights( 复真相,原状)and go upstairs to bed.muffled shoutingDid you hear what I said?Ive just had an idea.Why dont we play here in the kitchen all night long?Lets, lets!Excellent notion.Sebastian Tomatoes!Jump! Jump, jump! Jump!


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