【英文读物】The Story of the Highland Regiments.docx

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1、【英文读物】The Story of the Highland RegimentsPREFACEIt is a perplexing thing when the making of history is often terrible, sometimes tragic, but hardly ever tedious, that the reading of history should be considered uniformly grey. In compiling the present book I shrank from the word HistoryI altered it

2、to Story. It is the same thing, but it does not sound so depressing.The Story of the Highland Regiments is not merely a narrative of regimental gallantryit is also the story of our Empire for nearly two hundred years, the story of strange lands and peoples, of heroism and endurance, of the open sea

3、and the frontier. It is even more than thatit is the story of self-sacrifice, of courage, of patriotism.Long ago, when my father related to me how, as a little boy, he had watched the Highlanders march into Edinburgh after the Crimean War, I determined to secure a book that would tell me, in simple

4、words, without any dates whatever, about the Thin Red Line at Balaclava, the relief of Lucknow, and the charge of the Greys. It was just because no such book existed that I was encouraged to write a narrative history that would cover, no matter how slightly, the entire period.Whatever may be the fau

5、lts of this book there are pictures, and there are not many dates. I have also, where I could, allowed the actual combatants or eye-witnesses to tell their story in their own way, and on occasions I have inserted verses that have either won popularity or deserve to do so.It is also my hope that, des

6、pite the simplicity of treatment, this story of the campaigns in which the Highland regiments took their part, will interest not only young people, but, for the sentiment of all things Scottish, their elders too.In some chapters minor campaigns may appear to receive an undue attention, and greater w

7、ars, such as the Peninsular, to be treated in outline. The reason for this is obvious. This record must follow in the footsteps of the Highland regiments, and the greater the campaign the less accentuated are individual achievements. For this reason, too, I have not attempted to treat the present Wa

8、r in any detail, for no detail is so far to hand, and in the vast forces raised since August 1914 the Highland regiments have passed into armies, and cannot be treated as single battalions. But already one thing calls for no chronicler. Never since those old days when the clans first fought beneath

9、the British flag has the imperishable star of the Highland regimentswhether of the Old Army or the New, Colonial or Territorialgleamed more steadily throughout the long night of War. In answer to the last and greatest summons of the Fiery Cross, the tramp of marching feet came sounding from the fart

10、hest outposts of the Empire.Of the books that have provided me with much of my working material I must acknowledge as the basis of this volume Brownes History of the Highlands, vol. iv., Crombs The Highland Brigade, Archibald Forbes The Black Watch, the various regimental records, and for their resp

11、ective campaignsMacleans Highlanders in America, Napiers War in the Peninsular, Dr. Fitchetts Wellingtons Men and The Tale of the Great Mutiny, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyles The Great Boer War. For the chapter on Afghanistan I have drawn upon Miss Brooke-Hunts Biography of Lord Roberts, and for the la

12、st chapter I have to thank the proprietors of the Scotsman for permission to quote some extracts from their files. I should also like to express my indebtedness to many other writers, whose books I have named where possible in the text.There are those whose personal assistance has saved me much labo

13、ur. In particular are my thanks due to my wife, who has collected much material and revised the proof sheets.FREDERICK WATSON.September 1915.CHAPTER ITHE FORMATION OF THE BLACK WATCHLet the ancient hills of ScotlandHear once more the battle-songSwell within their glens and valleysAs the clansmen mar

14、ch along!The Highland Regiments have always enjoyed a world-wide popularity quite apart from the quality of their achievements. This popularity is due to the appeal of imagination and romance. The spectacle of a Highland regiment, its pipes playing, and the kilts swinging file by file, recalls the o

15、ld days when the clans rose for the Stuarts. The Highland dress is not only linked for all time with Lucknow, Balaclava, and Quatre Bras, but, stepping farther backward, with Culloden, Killiecrankie, and Glencoe. People unacquainted with uniforms find a difficulty in recognising certain English line

16、 regiments whose records are the glory of our military history. But the Highlander, beyond his distinctive regiment, carries in the memories aroused a passport to popular favour.Fortunately the Highland Regiments have earned by more than glamour the admiration of Britain. In campaigns extending over

17、 the last hundred and fifty odd years the Highlanders have borne their share of the fighting, and whenever the call has come have proved themselves second to none.It was in the eighteenth century that the Jacobites rose for the last time against the King of England, and whatever the rights or wrongs

18、 of the rebellion, the loyalty and bravery of the clans will for ever remain undimmed by time. Loyalty may make mistakes, but it is none the less noble for that, and when the 45 was over it was the sons of the men who died for Prince Charlie who were ready to fight for King George.It is most importa

19、nt to understand, no matter how simply, the broad characteristics of the clan system, an established order of things that, in mid-eighteenth century times, the Government considered most dangerous to the peace of England. Their reason for thinking so is not hard to seek. Instead of a peaceful, pasto

20、ral country, the Highlands were an armed camp. In the twentieth century, when strong active men are needed so badly, such an organisation would have been of the greatest value; then it was rightly regarded as a menace both to the Lowlands and to the English throne.The clan was composed of a large or

21、 sometimes comparatively small number of people bearing the same name, and sworn to obey the Chief, whose word was absolute, and whose greatest ambition was the number of swords he could summon to his side.The Highlander took little interest in tilling or reaping. He left that chiefly to the women.

22、His bearing and instincts were those of a gentleman, while his ruling desire was to engage in fighting. He was proud, indolent, but faithful to the death. The chiefs, who dreaded the loss of their power more than anything else, and were not so blind as to believe that progress could be indefinitely

23、defied, rose for the cause of the Stuarts with the gamblers hope that the old days might remain a little longer.Every one knows how the clans rallied to the standard of Prince Charlie, of their march into England, and of their defeat by the Duke of Cumberland, who was the Princes cousin.The battle o

24、f Culloden was to seal the doom of the clan system, and to prepare the way for the history of the Highland Regiments. It was Pitt who sought for merit in the wild mountains of Scotland, and no finer recruiting ground could have been discovered. The Highlander was distinguished for his loyalty, his b

25、ravery, and his conservatism. War and hunting were his employment, but underneath his fiery temperament lay a deep vein of self-sacrifice and poetry. That none of those poor people gave up their Prince for gold is wonderful enough. That they never forgot him is more precious than all the treasures i

26、n the world.The love of the Celt for the place of his birth provided one of the most tragic periods in our history. Emigration, ruin, and the end of the clan system inspired some of the most beautiful and moving songs in our language. The point, therefore, that must be emphasised at the moment is th

27、e poetic temperament of the Gael, his love of romance, of old tales, of old times, of bravery, of loyalty, and of leading an active life.It was just through this love of adventure that cattle-raiding continued during the first half of the eighteenth century, and that is why people on the border line

28、 paid blackmail. In modern life one of the most valuable resolves to make is never, under any circumstances, to pay blackmail; never, that is, to allow freedom of action or will to pass into the hands of another person. Payment of blackmail once, invariably means payment for always. But in the Highl

29、ands there was no such ignominy attached to the word. Blackmail carried with it protection from theft, not shelter from disgrace. It was paid in much the same way as a citizen pays the Government taxes to provide policemen to guard his house. From the year 1725 onwards law-abiding people in the High

30、lands congratulated themselves, in all good faith, upon the excellent work that certain newly raised companies of Government militia were doing in keeping the district quiet. These companies were called the Black Watch, partly because of their dark tartan, partly owing to the nature of their duties.

31、ChiefA Highland ChiefLet us see what kind of corps this was. With the hope that some display of authority would quell the simmering spirit of revolt in the Highlands, the Government, at the suggestion of an ardent Hanoverian, decided in the year 1725 to raise a local force officered by Highland gent

32、ry. It was an insignificant body at first, but from time to time further companies were added, until in the year 1740 it was embodied under the number of the 43rd, to be changed some years later to the 42nd. In this fashion, and simply as a vigilance corps, the Black Watch, a regiment that has carve

33、d its name upon the tablets of history and romance, came to be formed.It may seem strange that the marauding habits of the clansmen should have come so admirably beneath the discipline of the army. The secret is not far to seek. The qualities that bound the clansmen to the chief were simply transfer

34、red to the new regime. No finer, simpler, more powerful tribute to these qualities could be found than in the words of General Stewart of Garth, written a century ago, but not without force at the present time:“In forming his military character, the Highlander was not more favoured by nature than by

35、 the social system under which he lived. Nursed in poverty, he acquired a hardiness which enabled him to sustain severe privations. As the simplicity of his life gave vigour to his body, so it fortified his mind. Possessing a frame and constitution thus hardened, he was taught to consider courage as

36、 the most honourable virtue, cowardice the most disgraceful failing; to venerate and obey his chief, and to devote himself for his native country and clan, and thus prepared to be a soldier he was ready wherever honour and duty called him. With such principles, and regarding any disgrace he might br

37、ing on his clan and district as the most cruel misfortune, the Highland private soldier had a peculiar motive to exertion. The common soldier of many other countries has scarcely any other stimulus to the performance of his duty than the fear of chastisement, or the habit of mechanical obedience to

38、command, produced by the discipline by which he has been trained. The German soldier considers himself as part of the military machine, and duly marked out in the orders of the day. He moves onward to his destination with a well-trained pace, and with his phlegmatic indifference to the result as a l

39、abourer who works for his daily hire. The courage of the French soldier is supported in the hour of trial by his high notions of the point of honour, but this display of spirit is not always steady: neither French nor German is confident in himself if an enemy gain his flank or rear. A Highland sold

40、ier faces his enemy whether in front, rear, or flank, and if he has confidence in his commander it may be predicted with certainty that he will be victorious, or die on the ground which he maintains.”1After the 45, when the last dream of the marauders was for ever shattered, the Highlands, possessin

41、g such unequalled military qualities of physique and imagination, were to prove a magnificent recruiting ground for the British Army. Not only the Black Watch but many other regiments were raised for the Government, and the military spirit was, by the genius of Pitt, guided into legitimate and honou

42、rable warfare.THE BATTLE HONOURS OF THE BLACK WATCH (ROYAL HIGHLANDERS)Guadeloupe, 1759; Martinique, 1762; Havannah; North America, 1763-1764; Mysore, Mangalore, Seringapatam, Corunna, Busaco, Fuentes de O?oro, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, Orthez, Toulouse, Peninsula, Waterloo; South Africa, 1846-1847,

43、1851-1853; Alma, Sevastopol, Lucknow, Ashanti; Egypt, 1882-1884; Tel-el-Kebir; Nile, 1884-1885; Kirbekan; South Africa, 1899-1902; Paardeberg.CHAPTER IIFLANDERS AND FONTENOY(1745)Hail, gallant regiment! Freiceadan Dubh,Whenever Albion needs thine aidAye ready! for whatever foeShall dare to meet the

44、black brigade!Witness disastrous Fontenoy;When all seemed lost, who brought us through?Who saved defeat? secured retreat?And bore the brunt?The Forty-Two.Dugald Dhu.On the head of Frederick (the Great) is all the blood which was shed in a war which raged during many years, and in every quarter of th

45、e globethe blood of the column of Fontenoy, the blood of the brave mountaineers who were slaughtered at Culloden. The evils produced by his wickedness were felt in lands where the name of Prussia was unknown; and in order that he might rob a neighbour whom he had promised to defend, black men fought

46、 on the coast of Coromandel, and red men scalped each other by the great lakes of North America.Macaulay.Flanders was not altogether unknown in the historic sense to the men of the North, and the cockpit of Europe, as it has been named for its successive tragedies of war, has been fated to become to

47、o often the Scottish soldiers grave. Campaign after campaign has raged across its fertile country-side, leaving in its trail desolation and despair.It is outside the story of the Highland Regiments to discuss the political situation at the time when the Stuart cause was for ever crushed. What must n

48、ot be overlooked, however, is that the French appeared more interested in the Jacobite Rebellion than could be attributed entirely to friendly feelings towards Prince Charles. No more ominous sign of how the wind really blew could be cited than the way in which Louis XV., King of France, hustled the

49、 unhappy young man out of the country in his hour of failure. The reason for his attitude was simple enoughthe Highland trouble was but an incident in the European situation, no more than a pawn in the great game of war. After many years of unbroken peace and prosperity, the fall of Walpole made way for the ambitions of the Earl of Chatham, whom we have already quoted as Pitt the Elde


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