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《2023年翻译软件翻译质量的人工测评翻译质量大比拼翻译软件.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023年翻译软件翻译质量的人工测评翻译质量大比拼翻译软件.doc(16页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、翻译软件翻译质量的人工测评 翻译质量大比拼 翻译软件评选 最佳的汉译英软件 2023.7.5一、翻译软件比拼结论(2023年7月5日):1.英译中时,百度和爱词霸翻译质量评选第一,有道的也不错。谷歌在线翻译结果不行,不能用。译典通7.0英译中效果太差,2.汉译英时,百度和爱词霸翻译质量最佳且两者翻译结果一致,也许两者使用的为同一种翻译引擎。有道的效果也不错。其它如译典通9.0、谷歌和必应翻译质量次之。译典通7.0不行。译路通的也不行,语句及选词上NG。3.百度在线翻译和百度手机翻译两者翻译出来的结果一致,有道也是这样。4.自己选择常用翻译工具为:平时翻译单词时用金山词霸2023;平时翻译文章、


3、软件)。2. 翻译例句:英译中例句1:The olympic flame is a symbol reminiscent of the ancient olympic games. 标准中文意义:奥运圣火是人们怀念古代奥运会的象征。翻译软件对比效果:Dr.eye 7.0: 奥林匹克圣火是一个使人想起古老的奥运会的符号。 对的。Dr.eye 8.0: 奥林匹克圣火是一个使人想起古老的奥运会的符号。 对的。译典通9.0: 奥林匹克圣火是一个使人想起古老的奥运会的符号。 对的。Dr.eye在线: 奥运圣火是使人想起古代奥林匹克运动会的象征。 对的。COOGLE在线翻译: 奥林匹克火焰是一个符号,让人

4、想起古代奥运会。 对的。百度在线翻译: 奥运圣火是人们缅怀古代奥运会的象征。 百度在线翻译完胜! 爱词霸翻译: 奥运圣火是人们缅怀古代奥运会的象征。 同百度在线翻译有道在线翻译: 奥运圣火是人们缅怀古代奥运会的象征。 同百度在线翻译百度手机翻译: 奥运圣火是人们缅怀古代奥运会的象征。 同百度在线翻译必应在线翻译: 奥运圣火是使人想起古代奥林匹克运动会的象征。 对的。英译汉文章例子1:The boys name is Karl. His mother took him to the dentists because he had a toothache. He was very nervous

5、at first. The doctors words made him feel comfortable. The nurse had a warm smile on her face. After the check, Karl and his mother went to McDonalds and the tailors. the delicious food and the new suit made Karl forget all about his toothache.中文意思:男孩的名字叫做卡尔。由于他的牙疼,他的妈妈带他到牙医诊所。开始他很紧张。医生的话让他觉得很舒适。护士的

6、脸上洋溢着温暖的微笑。检查结束后,卡尔和妈妈去了麦当劳和裁缝店。美味的食物和新衣服让卡尔完全忘掉了他的牙痛。翻译软件对比效果:译典通7.0:基本上能明白意思。The boys name is Karl. Dr.eye: 男孩的名字是卡尔。 His mother took him to the dentists because he had a toothache. Dr.eye: 他的母亲对牙科医生那儿带他,由于他牙痛。 He was very nervous at first. Dr.eye: 他最初非常紧张。 The doctors words made him feel comforta

7、ble. Dr.eye: 医生的话使他感到舒适。 The nurse had a warm smile on her face. Dr.eye: 护士在她的脸上有一个热情的微笑。 After the check, Karl and his mother went to McDonalds and the tailors. Dr.eye: 在检查之后,卡尔和他的母亲去麦当劳和裁缝那儿。 the delicious food and the new suit made Karl forget all about his toothache. Dr.eye: 美味的食品和新衣服使卡尔忘掉关于他的牙痛

8、的所有。 翻译效果:效果不佳,一半语句不通顺,大意能基本了解。 共10分,可得7分,依据为句子对的数。译典通8.0: 男孩名字是卡尔。 他的母亲把他带到牙科医生那里,由于他牙痛。 他最初非常紧张。 医生话让他感到舒适。 护士在她的脸上有一个热情的微笑。 在检查之后,卡尔和他的母亲去麦当劳和裁缝。 美味的食品和做卡尔的新衣服忘掉关于他的牙痛的所有。 可得8分译典通9.0:男孩名字是卡尔。 他的母亲把他带到牙科医生那里,由于他牙痛。 他最初非常紧张。 医生话让他感到舒适。 护士在她的脸上有一个热情的微笑。 在检查之后,卡尔和他的母亲去麦当劳和裁缝。 美味的食品和新衣服使卡尔忘掉关于他的牙痛的所有。

9、 得9分译典通在线翻译:男孩的名字叫卡尔。他妈妈带他去看牙医的由于他有牙痛。他是很紧张在第一次。医生的话让他感到舒适。护士她脸上露出一个温暖的笑容。后检查,卡尔和他的母亲去麦当劳和裁缝的。美味的食物和新西装作卡尔都忘了他的牙痛。 翻译效果:效果勉强可以,约20%语句不通顺,大意能基本了解。 可得9.5分百度在线翻译:这个男孩的名字叫卡尔。他的母亲带他去看牙医,由于他牙疼。起初他很紧张。医生的话让他感觉很舒适.护士的脸上有一种温暖的微笑。检查结束后,卡尔和他妈妈去了麦当劳和裁缝店。美味的食物和新衣服让卡尔完全忘掉了他的牙痛。 翻译效果:翻译结果完全对的,翻译效果最佳,所有语句均通顺,和原文意思完

10、全一致。可得10分爱词霸:翻译结果和百度完全一致。翻译效果:翻译结果完全对的,翻译效果最佳,所有语句均通顺,和原文意思完全一致。 可得10分有道翻译: 这个男孩的名字叫卡尔。他的妈妈带他去看牙医,由于他牙疼。他起初很紧张。医生的话让他感觉很舒适。护士的脸上洋溢着温暖的微笑。检查后,卡尔和他的妈妈去了麦当劳和裁缝的。美味的食物和新衣服让卡尔完全忘掉了他的牙痛。 翻译效果:翻译结果完全对的,翻译效果非常佳,所有语句均通顺,和原文意思完全一致。 可得9.5分COOGLE在线翻译:翻译效果不好,完全比不上百度。这个男孩的名字是卡尔。他的母亲带他到牙医的,由于他有一个牙痛。他当时很紧张,在第一。医生的话

11、让他感觉很舒适。护士有一个温暖的笑容在她的脸上。检查结束后,卡尔和他的母亲去麦当劳和裁缝的。美味的食品和新衣服卡尔忘掉所有关于他的牙痛。 可得7.5分百度手机翻译:结果和百度在线翻译相同,质量很好。只是输入字母麻烦。必应翻译:男孩的名字叫卡尔。他妈妈带他去看牙医的由于他有牙痛。他是很紧张在第一次。医生的话让他感到舒适。护士她脸上露出一个温暖的笑容。后检查,卡尔和他的母亲去麦当劳和裁缝的。美味的食物和新西装作卡尔都忘了他的牙痛。7.5分汉译英文章例子1:英文原文:The boys name is Karl. His mother took him to the dentists because

12、he had a toothache. He was very nervous at first. The doctors words made him feel comfortable. The nurse had a warm smile on her face. After the check, Karl and his mother went to McDonalds and the tailors. the delicious food and the new suit made Karl forget all about his toothache.中文原文:男孩的名字叫做卡尔。由

13、于他的牙疼,他的妈妈带他到牙医诊所。开始他很紧张。医生的话让他觉得很舒适。护士的脸上洋溢着温暖的微笑。检查结束后,卡尔和妈妈去了麦当劳和裁缝店。美味的食物和新衣服让卡尔完全忘掉了他的牙痛。翻译结果:(一句错误少一分,一个单词错误少0.5分)译典通7.0 :男孩的名字叫做卡尔。 Dr.eye: The boys name is named Karl. 由于他的牙疼,他的妈妈带他到牙医诊所。 Dr.eye: Because he has a toothache, his mother takes him to dentists clinic. 开始他很紧张。 Dr.eye: He is very

14、nervous at the beginning. 医生的话让他觉得很舒适。 Dr.eye: The doctors words let him feel very comfortable. 护士的脸上洋溢着温暖的微笑。 Dr.eye: The nurses face is permeated with the warm smile. 检查结束后,卡尔和妈妈去了麦当劳和裁缝店。 Dr.eye: After checking, Karl and mother have gone to McDonald and dressmakers. 美味的食物和新衣服让卡尔完全忘掉了他的牙痛。 Dr.eye:

15、 Delicious food and new clothes let Karl totally forget his toothache. 翻译效果:2处局限性,8分译典通8.0翻译: The boys name is named Karl. Because he has a toothache, his mother takes him to dentists clinic. He is very nervous at the beginning. The doctors words let him feel very comfortable. The nurses face is per

16、meated with the warm smile. After checking, Karl and mother have gone to McDonald and dressmakers. Delicious food and new clothes let Karl totally forget his toothache. 得8分译典通9.0:The boys name is named Karl. Because he has a toothache, his mother takes him to dentists clinic. He is very nervous at t

17、he beginning. The doctors words let him feel very comfortable. The nurses face is permeated with the warm smile. After checking, Karl and mother have gone to McDonald and dressmakers. Delicious food and new clothes let Karl totally forget his toothache. 得8分The boys name is Karl. His mother took him

18、to the dentists because he had a toothache. He was very nervous at first. The doctors words made him feel comfortable. The nurse had a warm smile on her face. After the check, Karl and his mother went to McDonalds and the tailors. the delicious food and the new suit made Karl forget all about his to

19、othache.男孩的名字叫做卡尔。由于他的牙疼,他的妈妈带他到牙医诊所。开始他很紧张。医生的话让他觉得很舒适。护士的脸上洋溢着温暖的微笑。检查结束后,卡尔和妈妈去了麦当劳和裁缝店。美味的食物和新衣服让卡尔完全忘掉了他的牙痛。译典通在线翻译: Boys name is Carl. Because his teeth hurt, his mother took him to a dentists Office. At first he was nervous. Doctors made him feel comfortable. Nurses face brimming with warm sm

20、ile. After the check is complete, Carl and MOM went to McDonalds and tailor shops. Delicious food and new clothes so that Carl has forgotten his toothache. 翻译效果:8.5分译路通翻译:That the name of boy is called blocks you. Because his tooth is ached, his ma takes him to arrive the tooth doctor clinic. He was

21、 very nervous at initial stage. The words of doctor let him feel very comfortable. The warm smile brim with on the face of nurse. After the check to finish block you going to and the tailor shop of wheat when expresses ones appreciation with ma. Delicious food food was forgotten by blocking you that

22、 his tooth is ached with the new clothing completely. 此翻译结果把卡尔名词翻译成中文意思了,修改后如下:The name of boy is called newton. Because his tooth is ached, his ma takes him to arrive the tooth doctor clinic. He was very nervous at initial stage. The words of doctor let him feel very comfortable. The warm smile bri

23、m with on the face of nurse. After the check to finish, newton and ma went to and the tailor shop of wheat when express ones appreciation. Delicious food food was forgotten by blocking you that his tooth is ached with the new clothing completely. 翻译效果最差,5分百度在线翻译:The boys name is Carle.Because of his

24、 teeth,his mother took him to the dentist. He was very nervous.The doctors words made him feel comfortable.The nursehad a warm smile on her face.After the inspection, Carle and his mother went to theMacdonald and tailor shop.The delicious food and the new suitmade Carle forget all about his toothach

25、e. 得9分 完胜!爱词霸在线翻译:The boys name is Carle. Because of his teeth, his mother took him to the dentist. He was very nervous. The doctors words made him feel comfortable. The nurse had a warm smile on her face. After the inspection, Carle and his mother went to the Macdonald and tailor shop. The deliciou

26、s food and the new suit made Carle forget all about his toothache. 得9分 完胜!GOOGLE在线翻译:Boys name is Carl. Because of his toothache, his mother took him to the dentist. First he was nervous. The doctors words made him feel very comfortable. Nurses face filled with a warm smile. After the inspection, Ka

27、rl and my mother went to McDonalds and tailors shop. Delicious food and new clothes so Carl completely forget his toothache. 8分有道翻译:The boys name is Karl. Because of his toothache, his mother took him to the dentist. He is very nervous. The doctors words made him feel comfortable. The nurse is perme

28、ated with warm smile on her face. After the check, Karl and her(换一个人名时OK) mother went to McDonalds and the tailors. Delicious food and new suit made Karl forget all about his toothache. 完胜,得9.5分百度手机翻译:和百度在线翻译结果完全同样。效果较好。有道手机翻译:和有道在线翻译结果同样。是手机联机状态下的翻译。必应翻译:Boys name is Carl. Because his teeth hurt, h

29、is mother took him to a dentists Office. Start he was nervous. Doctors made him feel comfortable. Nurses face brimming with warm smile. After the check is complete, Carl and MOM went to McDonalds and tailor shops. Delicious food and new clothes so that Carl has forgotten his toothache. 7.5分(以上,亚欧说百度

30、和有道最佳。)中文例句翻译成英文:中文原文:英文意思:How is your new boyfriend? 你的新男友怎么样?译典通:How is your new boyfriend? 10分译典通8.0 :How is your new boyfriend? 10分译典通9.0:How is your new boyfriend? 10分百度在线:How is your new boyfriend? 10分爱词霸:How is your new boyfriend? 10分GOOGLE:How about your new boyfriend? 10分有道:Hows your new bo

31、yfriend? 10分必应翻译:Hows your new boyfriend? 10分丽:Well, he is ok, just sometimes I think he is too careful.嗯,他不错,只是有些时候我觉得他太认真了。译典通:Eh, he fine, I think he too conscientiously one time just. 8分译典通8.0 :Eh, he fine, I think he too conscientiously some time just. 8分译典通9.0:Eh, he fine, but I think he too c

32、onscientiously some time. 8分百度在线:Well,he is OK,just sometimes I think he is too careful. 10分爱词霸:Well, he is OK, just sometimes I think he is too careful. 10分GOOGLE:Ah, he was good, but sometimes I think he is too serious. 9分有道:Well, he is pretty good, just some times I think hes too serious. 9分必应翻译:

33、Well, hes good, but there are times when I think too hard. 7分杨:Do you have some details? Normally careful is a good point.能不能说具体点呢?通常来说认真是优点。译典通:Generally it is a advantage that serious. 8译典通8.0 :Say a bit more concretely, OK? Generally it is the advantage that serious. 9分译典通9.0:Say a bit more concr

34、etely, OK? Generally it is the advantage that serious. 9百度在线:Can not saythe specific points?Normally careful is a good point.爱词霸:Can not say the specific points? Normally careful is a good point. 9.5GOOGLE:Whether or not that specific point? Generally speaking seriously be an advantage. 9有道:Can you

35、say specific point? Is usually serious advantages. 9丽:He calculates everything during our dating, taxi, drinks and even tips.我们约会时他计算每一分钱, 出租车,饮料甚至小费。译典通:He calculates every fen when we date, the taxi, beverage even tip. 8分译典通8.0 :He calculates every fen when we date, the taxi, beverage even tip. 8译

36、典通9.0:He calculates every fen when we date, the taxi, beverage even tip. 8百度在线:When we were dating he calculatedevery penny,taxi,drinks and even tips. 9分爱词霸:When we were dating he calculated every penny, taxi, drinks and even tips. 9分GOOGLE:We calculate every penny he was dating, taxis, drinks and e

37、ven tip. 7分有道:He calculated every penny when we date, taxi, drinks and even tips. 9分必应翻译:When we were dating, he calculate every penny, taxis, drinks and even a tip. 10分杨:Its ok, why not?这不错啊,为什么不呢?译典通:This is good, why not? 9分译典通8.0 :This is good, why not? 9分译典通9.0:This is good, why not? 9分百度在线:Thi

38、s is good,why not? 9分爱词霸:This is good, why not? 9分GOOGLE:This is good ah, why not? 9分有道:This is good, why not? 9分必应翻译:Well, why not? 9分I just doubt maybe he records each bill he pays for me or for us. I think it is Gods truth that man pay for woman during dating.我只是怀疑他会记录每一笔为我或我们一起花掉的钱。我认为约会时男人为女人花钱

39、是天经地义的。译典通:I only suspect he will write down every money used up for I or us together. I think was right and proper that the man spends the money for the woman while dating. 5译典通8.0 :I only suspect it is money that I or we used up together that he will record every one. I think was right and proper

40、that the man spends money for the woman while dating. 5译典通9.0:I just suspect he will record every money used up together for I or us. I think was right and proper that the man spends money for the woman while dating. 8分百度在线:But I suspecthe will record every for me or for usto spend the money. I thin

41、k dating men pay for womanis as unalterable principles. 9爱词霸:But I suspect he will record every for me or for us to spend the money. I think dating men pay for woman is as unalterable principlesGOOGLE:I just doubt that he will record each for me or us to spend money. I consider dating a man for the

42、woman to spend money is unalterable. 9分有道:I just doubt that he will record every for me or for the money we spend together. I think that dating a man for a woman to spend money for granted. 6分必应翻译:I doubt that he will record every for me or us to spend money. I think dating a man for a woman, spend

43、money and that is only right and proper. 10分Actually its not. If you want to keep a long relationship with him, then you must find a proper way to deal with money issues.事实并不是这样。假如你想跟他保持长期的关系,那么你就必须找到合适的方法来解决钱的问题。译典通:If you want to keep the relation for a long time with him, then you must find the s

44、uitable method to deal with the problem of the money. 6译典通9.0:The fact is not like this. If you want to keep the relation for a long time with him, then you on the issue to must find the appropriate method to deal with the money. 7分百度在线:The fact is not like this.If you want to keep a long relationsh

45、ip with him,then you must find a proper way to deal with the problem of money. 8.5分爱词霸:The fact is not like this. If you want to keep a long relationship with him, then you must find a proper way to deal with the problem of money.GOOGLE:This is not true. If you want him to keep long-term relationshi

46、p, then you have to find the right way to deal with the issue of money. 7.5分有道:Its not. If you want to keep long relationship with him, then you will have to find the right way to deal with the problem of money. 8.5分必应:Is not the case. If you want to keep a long-term relationship with him, then you

47、have found the right way to handle a matter of money. 7.5分Then what shall I do?那么我应当怎么办呢?译典通:Then how should I do? 9分分译典通8.0 :What about should then I? 7 译典通9.0:What about should then I? 7百度在线:So what should I do? 10分爱词霸:So what should I do?GOOGLE:So how should I do it? 10分有道:So what should I do? 9分必应:So what should I do? 9分杨:I think you shall set up a joint account and get a budget, then put money together.我认为你们应当建立一个共同帐户,预算一下,然后共同存点钱。译典通:I think


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