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《2023年徽商银行招聘考试笔试试卷真题及答案解析.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023年徽商银行招聘考试笔试试卷真题及答案解析.doc(48页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 2023年招聘综合素质能力测试试题时间:120分钟 祝各位考生发挥出自己的最佳水平!绝密说明:请仔细阅读以下的注意事项,这对你顺利通过考试非常重要: 监考老师宣布考试开始时,你才可以开始答题。 请用2B铅笔在答题卡上作答,写在本题册上的答案无效,请勿折叠答题卡。 答题卡“试卷类型”必填,“准考证号”栏填准考证号,如有漏掉,视作废卷。 请勿在本题册上书写、涂改或留下任何标记,题册最后两页是空白草稿纸,可拆下来正反使用,假如需要增长,请举手示意监考老师。 在考试结束时,请留在座位上,等监考老师收取答题卡、考卷和草稿纸。不得将这些物品带出考场。如需提前交卷,请先举手示意监考老师收取。第一部分 英语

2、能力测试(限时60分钟)一、单项选择题(每题1分,共20题)1.This ticket _ you to a free boat tour on the lake.A) entitlesB) appointsC) grantsD) credits2.This is the nurse who _ to me when I was ill in hospital.A) accompaniedB) attendedC) entertainedD) shielded3.I was about to _ a match when I remembered Toms warning.A) rubB) h

3、itC) scrapeD) strike4.The advertisement says this material doesnt _ in the wash, but it has.A) contractB) shrinkC) slimD) dissolve5.He was proud of being chosen to participate in the game and he _ us that he would try as hard as possible.A) insuredB) guaranteedC) assumedD) assured6.Not only the prof

4、essionals but also the amateurs will _ from the new training facilities.A) deriveB) acquireC) benefitD) reward7.The work was almost complete when we received orders to _ no further with it.A) progressB) proceedC) marchD) promote8.I waited for him half an hour, but he never _.A) turned inB) turned do

5、wnC) turned offD) turned up9.A house with a dangerous gas _ can be broken into immediately.A) leakB) splitC) messD) crack10.A dark suit is _ to a light one for evening wear.A) favourableB) suitableC) preferableD) proper11.It was in the United States that I made the _ of professor Jones.A) acknowledg

6、ementB) acquaintanceC) recognitionD) association12.Could you take a _ sheet of paper and write your name at the top?A) bareB) vacantC) hollowD) blank13.A culture in which the citizens share similar religious beliefs and values is more likely to have laws that represent the wishes of its people than

7、is a culture where citizens come from _ backgrounds.A) extensiveB) influentialC) diverseD) identical14.Areas where students have particular difficulty have been treated _ particular care.A) byB) in C) underD) with15.He gave a _ to handle the affairs in a friendly manner.A) pledgeB) missionC) plungeD

8、) motion16.Dont let the child play with scissors _ he cuts himself.A) in caseB) so thatC) now thatD) only if17._ the danger from enemy action, people had to cope with a severe shortage of food, clothing, fuel, and almost everything.A) As far asB) As long asC) As well asD) As soon as18.Many people lo

9、st their jobs during the business _.A) desperationB) decreaseC) despairD) depression19.Whenever a big company _ a small one, the product almost always gets worse.A) gets on withB) cuts downC) takes overD) puts up with20.Mr. Smith was the only witness who said that the fire was _.A) matureB) delibera

10、teC) meaningfulD) innocent1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.二、完形填空题(每题1.5分,共20题)In most countries, the law on organ transplantation(器官移植) is poorly defined. The existing framework 【B1】 to physical assault and care of the dead has no 【B2】 for organ transplantation.

11、 It is 【B3】 to get the permission of the relatives, 【B4】 because organ 【B5】 must take place immediately after death, it may be impossible to reach the relatives 【B6】 time. It has been suggested that there should be a widespread campaign to encourage persons to 【B7】 in their wills that their organs b

12、e used for transplantation. An 【B8】 is to provide by law that permission is 【B9】 unless removal has been forbidden by the individual in his lifetime. It is, of course, important that there 【B10】 public reassurance that consideration of transplantation would not 【B11】 normal resuscitative(抢救的) effort

13、s of the 【B12】 donor. Transplantation has obviously 【B13】 important ethical considerations 【B14】 the diagnosis of death. Every effort must be made to 【B15】 the heartbeat to someone who has a sudden cardiac arrest(心博停止) or 【B16】 to someone who cannot breathe. 【B17】 artificial respiration and massage

14、of the heart, the standard methods of resuscitation, must be continued 【B18】 it is clear that the brain is dead. Most physicians consider that 【B19】 this point efforts at resuscitation are 【B20】 .1. A relatingB associatedC associatingD related答案:A语义干扰题。选项中A)relating+to意为“与有关的”;B)associated意为“与相联系的”,

15、后面接with;C)associating通上;D)related+to意为“与有联系的”,其中A表达的意思最为准确。为对的答案。2. A descriptionB provisionC ruleD statement答案:B语义干扰题。选项中A)description意为“描写,记述”;B)provision意为“条款,规定”;C)rule意为“规则,准则”;D)statement意为“声明,陈述”。本句的意思是“在现有的关于人生袭击和看护死者的法律框架中并没有关于器官移植的规定”,B表达的意思最为准确,是对的答案。3. A impossibleB vitalC ritualD custom

16、ary答案:D语义干扰题。本句的意思是“进行器官移植要取得亲属的批准”,选项中A)impossible意为“不也许”。用在句中不恰当;B)vital意为“生死攸关的”,此词的色彩过重;C)ritual意为“仪礼的”,用在句中也不合适;D)customary意为“习惯的,惯例的”,符合句意,为答案。4. A andB orC butD then答案:C语篇理解题。本题考察句子间的逻辑关系。上文中说到“进行器官移植一般的作法是要取得亲属的批准”,而下文叙述的是器官移植要立即进行,也许来不及告知家属,显然上下文之间是转折关系,因此本题对的答案为but。5. A replacementB transp

17、lantationC removalD burial答案:C语义干扰题。根据上下文可知,空白处所填单词与organ(器官)表达的意思是器官切除、移除选项中A)replacement“复位。代替”,不合题意;B)transplantation意为“移植”,也不合题意;C)removal意为“移除,切除”,符合题意;D)burial意为“埋葬”,不合题意,所以对的答案为C。6. A atB inC onD within答案:B固定搭配题。句中in time构成固定搭配。意为“及时”。句子的意思是“也许不能及时联系到家属”,选项中on time也构成固定搭配,但意思是准时,不合句意,因此对的答案为B

18、。7. A sayB provideC supplyD mention答案:B语义干扰题。根据上下文可知本句要表达的意思是“鼓励病人在遗嘱中说明自己的器官用于移植”,选项中A)say意为“说”。泛指说话;B)provide意为“供应,提供”,此外尚有规定的意思,在指遗嘱这种具有法律效力的文献时比较合适;C)supply意为“补给,提供”;D)mention意为“提到,说起”,由此可见B表达的意思最为准确,为对的答案。8. A alterationB operationC optionD alternative答案:D语义干扰题。选项中A)alteration意为“变更,改造”;B)operat

19、ion意为“行动,实行,手术”;C)option意为“选择”,强调选择的权利;D)alternative意为“可供选的方法”,强调所选的事物,本句表达意思是“也可由法律规定没经特殊说明就认定为可以进行器官移植”,因此D为对的答案。9. A gainedB acquiredC assumedD got答案:C语义干扰题。选项中A)gained意为“得到”,指通过自己的劳动努力而得到;B)acquired意为“获得”,指后天通过自己的努力得到;C)assumed意为“没有确凿的证据就假定为对的的或真实的”;D)got意为“得到”,根据上下文可知C为对的答案。10. A isB beC areD w

20、ould be答案:B语法知识题。本题考察虚拟语气的用法,在it is important that的从句中要用虚拟语气,谓语动词应用should+do的形式,而should可以省略由此可知本题的对的答案为be。11. A impairB repairC harmD hurt答案:A语义干扰题。选项中A)impair意为“削弱”;B)repair意为“修理修补”;C)harm意为“伤害,损害”;D)hurt意为“伤害,危害”,本句表达的意思是“考虑器官移植不能影响到对器官捐献者的正常抢救”,由此可知A)impair的意思比较准确,是对的答案。12. A futureB tomorrowC po

21、tentialD possible答案:C语义干扰题。空白处所填单词修饰donor(捐献者),A)future意为“将来的”;B)tomorrow意为“明天的”,引申为“将来的”;C)potential意为“潜在的,也许的”,强调潜力;D)possible意为“也许的”,强调也许性。比较可知C更为准确,是对的答案。13. A roseB arousedC aroseD raised答案:D语义干扰题。分析句子结构可知空白处所填单词为及物动词,与important ethical considerations(重要的道德考虑)搭配,A)rose常作不及物动词,不合本句结构;B)aroused为及

22、物动词,意为“唤醒,唤起”,不合句意;C)arose为不及物动词,意为“引起,源自”;D)raised为及物动词,意为“提出,引起”,符合题意和句子结构,为对的答案。14. A concerningB concernedC relatingD associating答案:A语义干扰题。本句的意思是“器官移植明显地引起了关于死亡诊断的道德思考”,空白处所填单词的意思是关于,选项A)concerning意为“关于”,符合句意;B)concerned意为“关心的”,C)relating意为“与有关”,后接to;D)associating为“与相关联”,因此对的答案为A。15. A giveB res

23、toreC lendD help答案:B语义干扰题。从上下文可以判断,本句的意思是“必须尽一切努力恢复心搏停止的人的心脏跳动”,空白处所填单词表达的意思是恢复,选项中A)give意为“给”,B)restore意为“恢复”;C)lend意为“借给”,D)help意为“帮助”,所以对的答案为B。16. A breathB respiringC breathingD air答案:C语义干扰题。选项A)breath意为“呼吸,气息”,强调状态;B)respiring是respire呼吸的现在分词;C)breathing意为“呼吸”,强调动作;D)air意为“空气”,本句的意思是“要尽力恢复那些停止呼吸

24、人的呼吸”。强调的是动作,因此对的答案为C。17. A In contrastB In additionC ConsequentlyD However答案:B语篇理解题。本题考察上下文之间的逻辑关系。上文中提到要尽一切努力恢复病人的心跳和呼吸,下文中叙述了人工呼吸、按摩心脏等标准的抢救方法应当一直进行,直到拟定病人的脑死亡,显然上下文之间是补充关系,选项A)In contrast表达对比关系;B)In addition表达补充关系;C)Consequently表达因果关系;D)However表达转折关系,因此对的答案为B。18. A thatB untilC whenD since答案:B结构

25、辨析题。本句的意思是“抢救措施应一直进行,直到拟定病人脑死亡”,所以对的答案为B)until表达直到的意思。19. A onB inC atD beyond答案:D语法知识题。本题考察介词的运用。本句的意思是多数外科医生认为人脑死亡后所有的抢救措施就都没用了,选项中只有D)beyond表达超过那一点,也就是脑死亡之后,所以D是对的答案。20. A promisingB profitableC uselessD worthy答案:C语义干扰题。本句意思是多数外科医生认为人脑死亡后所有的抢救措施就都没用了,选项中A)promising意为“有希望的”;B)profitable意为“有利可图的”;C

26、)useless意为“无用的”;D)worthy意为“值得的”,所以C为对的答案。三、阅读理解题(每题2.5分,共20题)1、The Colonel ask Ashenden a good many questions and then suggested that he had particular qualifications for the Secret Service. Ashenden knew several European languages and the fact that he was a writer provided excellent cover: on the p

27、retext that he was writing a book he could, without attracting attention, visit any neutral country. It was while they were discussing this point that the Colonel said,You know you might get material that would be very useful to you in your work. Ill tell you an incident that occurred only recently.

28、 Very dramatic. A foreign government minister went down to a Mediterranean resort to fecover from a cold and he had some very important documents with him that he kept in a despatchcase. A day or two after he arrived, he picked up a blonde at some restaurant or other, and he got very friendly with h

29、er. He took her back to his hotel, and when he came to himself in the morning the lady and the despatch-case had disappeared. They had one or two drinks up in his room and his theory is that when his back was turned the woman slipped a drug in his glass. Do you mean to say that happened the other da

30、y?said Ashenden wearily. The week before last. Impossible,cried Ashenden. Why, weve been putting that incident on the stage for sixty years, weve written it in a thousand novels. Do you mean to say that life has only just caught up with us?Well, I can vouch for the truth of the story. said the Colon

31、el, And believe me, the government concerned has been put to no end of trouble by the loss of the documents. Well sir, if you cant do better than that in the Secret Service, sighed Ashenden, that Im afraid that as a source of inspiration to the writer of fiction, its washout. 1.How did the Colonel s

32、uggest that Ashendens being a writer would relate to his work as a spy?a.It would make travelling abroad more possible.b.It would make it easier for him to meet people.c.It would enable him to avoid arousing suspicion. d.It would enable him to use the languages he knew.2.The reason for the Ministers

33、 trip was _ .a.to fetch some documentsb.to get over an illnessc.to meet a spyd.to deliver some papers3.According to the Colonel the incident happened _ . a.a few days beforeb.a few weeks before c.two weeks befored.sixty years before4.Ashenden cried Impossible after hearing the Colonels story because

34、 he thought _ . a.it could not possibly happenb.it was too embarrassingc.it was too close to fiction d.it was too recent5.The effect of the loss of documents on the foreign government was that _ .a.it put an end to one source of troubleb.it caused them a lot of inconveniencec.they merely denied it h

35、ad happenedd.they refused to believe it【答案】:cbccd 2、Culture shock occurs as result of total immersion in a new culture.It happens to people who have been suddenly transplanted abroad.Newcomers may be anxious because they do not speak the language,know the customs,or understand peoples behavior in da

36、ily life.The visitor finds that yes may not always mean yes,that friendliness does not necessarily mean friendship,or that statements that appear to be serious are really intended as jokes.The foreigner may be unsure as to when to shake hands,when to start conversations,or how to approach a stranger

37、.The notion of culture shock helps explain feelings of bewilderment and disorientation.Language problems do not account for all the frustrations that people feel.When one is deprived of everything that was once familiar,such as understanding a transportation system, knowing how to register for unive

38、rsity classes,or knowing how to make friends,difficulties in coping whth the new society may arise. .when an individual enters a strange culture,he or she is like fish out of water.Newcomers feel at times that they do not belong to and feel alienated from the native members of the culture.When this

39、happens visitors may want to reject everything about the new environment and may glorify and exaggerate the positive aspects of their own culture.Conversely visitors may scorn their native country by rejecting its values and instead choosing to identify with(if only temporatily)the value of the new

40、country.This may occur as an attempt to over-identify with the new culture in order to be accepted by the people in it.1.The expression he or she is like fish out of watersuggests _.a.people away from their cultures can hardly survive in a new cultureb.a fish can not survive without waterc.people aw

41、ay from their culture experience mental isolationd.people away from their culture have difficulties in new environment 2.In order to identify with the new environment,some people may _.a.give an exaggerated picture of their own countryb.criticize the positive aspects of their own countyc.abandon the

42、ir original beliefsd.accept a temporary set of values 3.Which of the following statements is true according to the author? a.Perplexity results in culture shock.b.A typical symptom of cultur shock is confusion.c.Culture shock is the explanation of anxiety.d.Culture shock happens to foreign students

43、only.4.Newcomer may worry about _.a.their ignorance of the alien customsb.their knowledge of Yes in the native languagec.their understanding of friendship d.their control of their behavior5.When the foreign visitor is immersed in new problems he finds hard to cope whith,he is most likely to feel _.a

44、.uninsuredb.deprivedc.alienatedd.baffled【答案】:cbbac3、The orange towers of the Golden Gate Bridge-probably the most beautiful,certainly the most photographed bridge in the world-are visible from almost every point of elevation in San Francisco. The only crack in Northern Californias 600-mile continent

45、al wall,for years this mile-wide strait was considered unbridgeable. As much an architectural as an engineering feat, the Golden Gate took only 52 months to design and build, and was opened in 1937. Designed by Joseph Strauss, it was the first really massive suspension bridge,with a span of 4,200ft, and until 1959 ranked as the worlds longest. It connects the city at its northwesterly point on the peninsula to Marin County and Northern California, rendering the hitherto essential ferry crossing redundant, and was designed to withstand winds of up to a hundred miles an hour and to swin


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