九年级英语Unit1 Topic1练习题及答案解析(含听力)精选.doc

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1、Unit 1 Topic 1(满分100分,时间90分钟)题号第一部分第二部分第三部分总分 得分第一部分 听力(20分).听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )1. . .( )2. . .( )3. . .( )4. . .( )5. . .听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )6.A.Yes, I do.B.No, I have.C.Yes, I have.( )7.A.Sure.B.Yes, I could.C.No, I couldnt.( )8.A.Sure.B.Thats all right.C.Great.( )9.A.Yes, Id like to.

2、B.No, thank you.C.Yes, Id like.( )10.A.To the library.B.Never.C.No, I havent.听对话及问题,选择正确答语。每段对话和问题读两遍。(5分)( )11.A.She helped a girl.B.She helped a disabled boy.C.She helped her classmate.( )12.A.In Beijing.B.At home.C.At her uncles home.( )13.A.To play with her granny.B.To help the disabled granny.C

3、.To travel to America.( )14.A.To play basketball.B.To watch TV.C.To see a movie.( )15.A.Wide but dirty.B.Wide and clean.C.Narrow and dirty.听短文,完成下面表格。短文读三遍。(5分)In the pastNowStudyShe used to be 16. .She works very hard.HairIt used to be 17. .It is 18. .SportShe used to play ping-pong.She is on the 1

4、9. team.HobbyShe used to like collecting 20. .She likes collecting coins.第二部分 基础知识运用(55分).单项选择。(10分)( )1.Where are Maria and Kangkang?They _ England.A.have been toB.are awayC.have gone toD.had been in( )2._ the Great Green Wall, the land produces (生产出) more crops.A.Thanks forB.Thanks toC.Thank toD.T

5、hank for( )3.I think that you have made so rapid _ in math.A.a progress( )4.How do you like Beijing, Miss Read?Ive no idea. I _ there.A.have goneB.have beenC.havent beenD.havent gone( )5.What _ to your village in recent years?Lots of roads, buildings, parks and so on.A.takes placeB.have happenedC.ha

6、s happened( )6.What did you do during your summer holiday?I spent my holiday _ English in Summer Classes.C.to improve( )7. I have broken your glasses. I feel sorry _ it.A.toB.atC.withD.for( )8.The family was _ poor _ they couldnt buy a TV set.A.so; thatB.not; untilC.not; butD.so; but( )9._ my daught

7、er is only ten years old, she knows a lot.What a clever girl!( )10.Have you seen my brother?Yes. I _ him in the library five minutes ago.B.have metD.have been met.情景交际。(5分)A: Why doesnt Kitty come with us to the park?B: 11 A: Has she been to London before?B: Yes. 12 A: Why has she been there so many

8、 times?B: 13 She goes to visit them and spends her holiday there.A: 14 I hope I can go to England someday. 15 B: She said that she would stay there for about three weeks.A.What a wonderful experience!B.Did she tell you when she would be back?C.She has gone to London.D.What a pity!E.She has been to L

9、ondon several times.F.Because her grandparents live in London.G.Its really nice.完形填空。(10分)A professor(教授)told his students to go into the city slums (贫民窟) to study the life of 200 boys. He asked them to 16 reports about each boys life and future. One of the students wrote,“They dont have any hope.”T

10、wenty-five years 17 , another professor read about the earlier study. He told his students to 18 what had happened to the boys. They tried very hard and found that 176 of the boys had become successful 19 doctors, teachers and scientists.The professor was very 20 and decided to study it further. Luc

11、kily, all of them were living near the place and he was able to ask each one,“What made you 21 ?”Each one answered,“It was a teacher.”The teacher was 22 living there, so the professor found her and asked the old woman 23 she had done to pull those boys out of the slums, and change them 24 successful

12、 people.The teachers 25 began to shine and said with a sweet smile,“Its really very easy. I love those boys.”B.find outC.look after( B. too.阅读理解。(30分)(A) When Mencius(孟子) was a little boy, his father died. Mencius and his mother were quite poor. One day Mencius returned home from school and found hi

13、s mother making some cloth. It was very beautiful and expensive.“How much of the book have you read today?” Mencius mother asked him. “I havent read any of it yet.” Mencius replied, “I played with some friends of mine in the fields.”When his mother heard this, she picked up a pair of scissors and cu

14、t the cloth.“Why have you cut your cloth?” Mencius asked, “It was so beautiful but now youve wasted (浪费) it.” “You have wasted your time,” his mother said, “now I have wasted mine. Look at the terrible things we have done.”Mencius learnt a lot from this lesson. After that, he always studied hard.( )

15、26.When did this story happen?A.Not long before liberation(解放).B.More than 2000 years ago.C.About 400 years ago.D.In the 18th century.( )27.What was Mencius doing while his mother was cutting the cloth?A.He was reading his book.B.He was playing in the fields.C.He was trying to help her.D.He was watc

16、hing strangely.( )28.The mother cut the cloth because _.A.she thought making cloth was wasting timeB.she wanted to give her son a lessonC.she wanted to use more beautiful and expensive clothD.she wanted her son to do his lessons at once29.Mencius and his mother were quite poor because _.30.When the

17、mother knew Mencius had not read any books, she felt s_.(B) How much pocket money do you get from your parents every month200 yuan? Some may need more to buy birthday presents, fast food lunches, ice cream or cartoon (动画) books.But for Zhou Li, 30 yuan a month is enough. The only thing she buys is l

18、unch1.5 yuan each day. “My favorite is fried potato slices and rice,” said Zhou, “meat is too expensive for me.”Zhou, 14, is a Junior 1 student at Hongzhi Experimental School in Beijing. Her parents are migrant workers (外来务工人员). They came to Beijing from a village in Luohe of Henan two years ago. He

19、r father now works as a cleaner and earns 500 yuan every month. Her mother has no job.Every day, Zhou gets up at 5: 30 a.m. and rides 20 minutes to school. She studies hard, and even reads books during breaktime. Her favorite subject is computer.“Im learning typing now. I hope to be the fastest in m

20、y class.”said Zhou. Like many teens, Zhou has a lot of homework. It usually takes her at least one hour to do it every day. But that is not all her work. She helps her mom cook. On weekends, she helps wash clothes.“I could cook when I was eight. Father said sometimes I cooked better than mom!”Zhou s

21、aid she wanted to be a doctor when she grew up.“I watched TV and found that there were many people with AIDS in Henan. Some are kids. They need help.”said Zhou. But she is afraid of having to leave school.“I hope I will always be in school,” said Zhou. “Dad works hard to make money. I promise him I

22、will study hard to be a good student at present and a good doctor in the future.”( )31.Zhou Li came to Beijing from _.( )32.Which of the following is TRUE?A.The girls parents are both cleaners.B.Her parents gave her 30 yuan to buy books.C.She goes to school by bike.D.Now she types fastest in her cla

23、ss.( )33.Zhou Li spends _ on her homework every day.A.20 minutesB.at least one hourC.half an hourD.two hours( )34.Her wish is to be a doctor because _.A.she wants to help the people with SARSB.she wants to help the people with AIDSC.she wants to make her parents healthierD.she wants to help the poor

24、 kids( )35.The best title of the passage should be “_”.A.A Girl from a VillageB.A Hard but Hopeful LifeC.How to Spend Pocket MoneyD.A Girls School Life(C) Every four years, the greatest athletes from all over the world get together in one city to take part in the world sports meetingthe Olympic Game

25、s. The holy flame (圣火) is carried from one place to the next. In 2008, the holy flame was carried to Beijing, the capital of China.When Beijing was chosen as the host city to hold the Olympic Games in 2008, all the Chinese people were very happy, excited and proud. They showed their excitement in di

26、fferent ways when they heard the news. Some people cheered, jumped and shouted. In Beijing we built a new Olympic village with hotels for athletes and stadiums for matches.“One World, One Dream” is our slogan for the 29th Olympics. It expresses the wishes of 1.3 billion Chinese people for a peaceful

27、 and better world tomorrow.( )36.The Olympic Games is held every _ years.( )37.Beijing hosted the 29th Olympics in _.B.2008( )38. _ was built for the 29th Olympics in Beijing.A.HotelsB.StadiumsC.Olympic villageD.Villages( )39.When Chinese people heard the news that Beijing would hold the 29th Olympi

28、cs, they _.A.cheeredB.excitedD.all the above( )40.The slogan for the 29th Olympics is _.A.“Good, better, best”B.“Faster, higher, stronger”C.“One World, One Dream”D.“World, Dream”第三部分 写作(25分).词汇。(10分)(A) 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。ve _ (已经) read the book twice.2.In the past, my grandparents couldnt afford an _(教育

29、) for my father.3._ (尽管) life is hard for her, she is still happy.4.They are _ (考虑) buying a new house.5.China has _ (发展) rapidly in recent years.(B) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。6.Dont worry. I have made much p_ in learning English.7.Has she made r_ progress in her study?Yes, she has.8.Im sure youll s_ if you wo

30、rk hard.9.Miss wang asked the students to write a 400-word c_ about Autumn.10.Can you d_ it in detail?.英汉互译。(5分)11.我一直与大学时代的朋友保持联系。I _ _ _ _ my friends from college all the time.12.我哥哥去游泳了。My brother has _ _.13.在过去的十年我们国家取得了巨大进步。Our country has _ great _ in the past ten years.14.我虽然没时间去旅游,但是仍然觉得这个假期

31、很愉快。_ I had no time _ travel, I still felt very happy this holiday.15.为了养家糊口,她不得不放弃了学业。_ _ _ support her family, she has to drop school.书面表达。(10分)请根据下列表格的提示, 写一篇题为Changes in Our Hometown的英语短文。(80词左右)内容要点: 过去现在3.步行、骑自行车上班3.乘公交车、小汽车上班听 力 材 料Unit 1 Topic 1.听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。1.We have learnt a lot abou

32、t the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens.2.Today is Tree Planting Day.3.Ann used to go to school on foot, but now she goes to school by bike.4.Rita often searches the Internet for some information.5.Jane has gone abroad.听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。6.Have you ever fed the disabled granny?7.Could you please tell me

33、something about China?8.Why not go to Mount Tai for the summer holiday?9.Would you like to help the disabled children?10.Where have you been?.听对话及问题,选择正确答语。每段对话和问题读两遍。11.W: Maria helped her classmate study English last Sunday.M: Wow, she is helpful.Q: What did Maria do last Sunday?12.W: By the way,

34、where is Rita? Is she at home?M: Oh, no. She has gone to Beijing with her father.Q: Where is Rita now?13.W: Though I wanted to travel to America, I helped the disabled granny the whole holiday.M: What a wonderful experience!Q: What did the girl want to do in the holiday?14.M: Hurry up, Kate. The fil

35、m will begin in ten minutes.W: OK, Im coming.Q: What are they going to do?15.W: Jiangxis roads were narrow and dirty fifteen years ago.M: Yes, I know. But theyre wide and clean now.Q: What were the roads like in Jiangxi fifteen years ago?.听短文,完成下面表格。短文读三遍。Sally has changed a lot. At school she used

36、to be lazy, but now she works very hard. She is one of the top students in our class. She used to hate English, but now she is very good at it. She used to have long hair, but now her hair is short.As for sport, she used to play ping-pong, but now she is on the soccer team.As for her hobby, she used

37、 to like collecting stamps, but now she likes to collect coins.参 考 答 案 及 解 析Unit 1 Topic 1第一部分 听力第二部分 基础知识运用. 1.C 本题考查have gone to和have been to的区别。前者意为“去了某地”,说话时人还没回来;而后者意为“到过某地”,说话时人已经回来了。Maria和Kangkang不在说话地,故选C。2.B 本题考查thanks to固定搭配。其意为“幸亏,由于”,后接名词或名词短语;而thank you for+n./doing用于向对方表示感谢。3.B progres

38、s为不可数名词。故选B。4.C 本题考查have been to的用法。根据答语可知她没有去过北京。故选C。5.C 本题考查happen的完成时态。因句中有短语in recent years,谓语动词用完成时态,又因what作主语,谓语动词要用单数,故选C。6.A 本题考查spend (in) doing sth.词组的用法,故选A。7.D 本题考查feel sorry for sth. 意为“对表示遗憾”。8.A 本题考查so . that . 的用法。not . until表示“直到”;not . but表示“不是而是”;so that 表示“太以至于”。太穷了而不能买电视机,故选A。9.

39、C 从句意“尽管我女儿只有十岁,却知道很多。”可知应选though。故选C。10.A 本题主要考查现在完成时与一般过去式的用法。五分钟前见过,应用过去式,故选A。.16.C 根据下句One of the students wrote 得知。17.A 表示多长时间之后用时间接later, after后接时间。18.B search查询;find out指经过访问、调查等途径努力去弄明白;look after照看、照顾;see作动词,有“看到,理解”的意思,但与本文语境不符。19.C 作为医生、老师或科学家而成功,在职业前用as。20.C be glad高兴;be angry生气;be surpr

40、ised惊讶;be worried担心、焦虑。根据情境应选C。21.B make sb. + adj. 根据短文语境应选B。22.D already用于完成时态,too用于句末时表示也,even用于加强语气,still表示客观仍存在。根据上下文,老师仍然住在这里。应选D。23.A 从句what she had done to 在句中作间接宾语,指她(这位老师)过去对孩子们曾做过什么来把他们带出贫民窟的。应选A。24.D change sb. into 意思是“把某人改变成为”,应选D。25.B 从began to shine and said with a sweet smile中,可知眼睛放

41、光。应选B。.(A)26.B 由常识可知孟子生活于2000多年前。27.D 从下文母子对话得知,孟母是在用实际行动教育孟子,所以此时孟子应是惊讶地看着母亲剪掉了布。28.B “子不学,断机杼。”是教训孟子。29.his father died when Mencius was a child30.sad 根据故事可以看出,孟母感到很难过。(B)31.C 由They came to Beijing from a village in Luohe of Henan two years ago. 可知选C。32.C 由Every day . and rides 20 minutes to schoo

42、l. 可知选C。33.B 由It usually takes her at least one hour to do it every day. 可知选B。34.B 本文没有提到SARS和让她父母更健康,她想帮助患AIDS的孩子们而不是贫困的孩子们。由Zhou said she wanted to be a doctor . They need my help. 可知选B。35.B A、B两选项中B项与本文内容最符合,C、D两选项与本文关系不大。(C)36.D 由Every four years . 可知选D。37.B 文章中第二段可以看出,北京是在2008年举办的奥运会。38.C 由In B

43、eijing we built a new Olympic village with 可知选C。39.D 由Some people laughed, jumped and shouted. 可知选D。40.C 由“One World, One Dream”is our slogan for the 29th Olympics. 可知选C。第三部分 写作.(A)/Although(B)./Although, to15.In order to.参考范文: Changes in Our HometownIn the past ten years, great changes have taken place in our hometown. In the past, there used to be old houses. The river was very dirty. The roads were narrow and the living conditions were hard. People went to work on foot or by bike. But now, there are many tall buildings in my hometown. The river is clean and the water is


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