英语演讲励志小故事 .docx

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1、英语演讲励志小故事篇一:英语演讲小故事(双语版) The hidden gold 隐藏的金子 There was once a farmer who had a fine olive(橄榄树) orchard(果园) . He was very hardworking, and the farm always prospered under his care. But he knew that his three sons despised(轻视,看不起) the farm work, and were eager to make wealth, trough adventure. 从前有一个

2、农夫,他有一座美丽的橄榄园。他特别勤劳,而且农场在他的照管下蒸蒸日上。可他知道自己的三个儿子瞧不起农活,都迫不及待的想通过冒险发家致富。 When the farmer was old, and felt that his time had come to die, he called the three sons to him and said, My sons, there is a pot of gold hidden in the olive orchard. Dig for it, if you wish it. 这个农夫上了年岁,感到死期快要来临时,将三个儿子叫到身边说:“儿子们,

3、橄榄园里藏有一罐金子。你们想要,就去挖吧。” The sons tried to get him to tell them in what part of the orchard the gold was hidden; but he would tell them nothing more. 儿子们想让父亲告知他们金子藏在果园的那一块地方,可他什么也没再给他们说。 After the farmer was dead, the sons went to work to find the pot of gold; since they did not know where the hiding-

4、place was, they agreed to begin in a line, at one end of the orchard, and to dig until one of them should find the money. They dug until they had turned up the soil from one end of the orchard to the other, round the tree-roots and between them. But no pot of gold was to be found. It seemed as if so

5、meone must have stolen it, or as if the farmer had been wandering(漫游,闲逛) in his wits. The three sons were bitterly disappointed to have all their work for nothing. 那个农夫死后,三个儿子就起先挖地,想找到那罐金子;因为他们不知道金子藏在什么地方,所以他们一样同意排成一行从果园的一头起先挖起,知道其中一人挖到金子为止.The next olive season, the olive trees in the orchard bore

6、more fruit than they had ever given; when it was sold, it gave the sons a whole pot of gold. 到了其次年的橄榄季节,果园里的橄榄树接出的果子比以往的都多;卖完果子后,三个儿子赚了整整一罐金子。 And when they saw how much money had come from the orchard, they suddenly understood what the wise father had meant when he said, There is gold hidden in the

7、 orchard. Dig for it, if you wish it. 他们从果园里得到这么多钱后,突然明白了聪慧的父亲所说的“果园里藏有金子,想要就去挖吧”这句话的含义. The Gold and the Fur Coat 金子与皮外套 A young man and an old man were waiting for a bus at a station. They sat next to each other. “Good morning, sir.” said the young man. “Good morning.” said the old man. “Where are

8、 you going, sir?” asked the young man. “I want to go to the bank.” answered the old man. “Is there a bank near here?” “Yes, you can take the No.2bus.Then get off the next bus stop, it is near here.” answered the young man “Thank you.” said the old man. “Whats that in your bag? It is so big.” asked t

9、he young man, pointing to a big bag beside the old man. “Gold, nothing but gold,” answered the old man. The young man could hardly believe his own ears,” What?” he said to himself in surprise.” So much gold? My God! How I wish to be able to get so much gold!” Then he began to think about how to get

10、the gold. The old man looked tired and sleepy and it seemed that he could hardly keep his eyes open.” Are you sleepy, sir?” asked the young man.” Then youd better lie down on the chair and have a good rest. Dont worry about the bus. Ill wake you up in time.” “All right. Its very kind of you, young m

11、an.” The old man lay down and before long he fell asleep. The young man took the big bag gently. But when he was about to run away, he found a corner of his fur coat was under the old mans body. Several times he tried to pull it out, but he couldnt. At last he took off his coat and went away with th

12、e bag. The young man ran out of the station as quickly as his legs could carry him. When he reached a place where he thought the old man couldnt find him, he stopped and quickly opened the bag. To his surprise, there was nothing but a lot of small stones in it. He hurried to the station at once. But

13、 when he got there, he found the old man was gone. 一个美国人乘英国火车 A young American entered a railway compartment on a British train, to discover that all seats were occupied, Including one on which was seated a small dog. To its owner, a middle-aged lady wearing a large hat, he said politely,“Excuse me,

14、 maam, but may I sit down?” She said nothing, but merely sniffed and turned over the pages of her newspaper. Again he said,“Excuse me, maam, but may I have this seat, please? And again she ignored him. For a third time the young American said,“Maam, would you please remove your dog so that I may sit

15、 down?” And for the third time the snooty matron totally ignored him, so he opened a window, picked up the dog, threw it out, and then sat on the empty seat. There was a stunned silence, and then an Englishman sitting opposite said,“You know, you Yanks are the strangest people. You drive on the wron

16、g side of the road. You eat with the fork in the wrong hand, you name the floors in the wrong numbers, and now youve just thrown the wrong bitch out of the window!” 胜利的秘诀 The Secret To Success A young man asked Socrates the secret to success. Socrates told the young man to meet him near the river th

17、e next morning. They met. Socrates asked the young man to walk with him toward the river. When the water got up to their neck, Socrates took the young man by surprise and ducked(vt.将?猛按入水) him into the water. The boy struggled to get out but Socrates was strong and kept him there until the boy start

18、ed turning blue. Socrates pulled his head out of the water and the first thing the young man did was to gasp(vi.喘息) and take a deep breath of air. Socrates asked, “What did you want the most when you were there?” The boy replied, “Air.” Socrates said, “That is the secret to success. When you want su

19、cceas badly as you wanted the air, then you will get it.There is no other secret.” 一个年轻人向苏格拉底询问胜利的秘诀,苏格拉底让年轻人其次天早晨到河边见他。他们见面后,苏格拉底叫年轻人和他一起走向河里,当河水淹至他们的颈项时,苏格拉底出其不意地抓住年轻人并把其压入水中,那人想要挣出水面,而强壮有力的苏格拉底将他摁在水中直到他变得无力抗争,脸色发青。苏格拉底将他的头拖出水面,这个年轻人所做的第一件事就是大口喘息后,深吸一口气。苏格拉底问:“当你闷在水里的时候你最想要的是什么?”年轻人回答说:“空气。”苏格拉底说:

20、“那就是胜利的秘诀。当你像渴望空气一样渴望胜利,你就能够获得它!没有其他的隐私了。 The old man and the starfish 老人与海星 There was a young man walking down a deserted beach just before dawn. In the distance he saw a frail old man. As he approached the old man, he saw him picking up stranded starfish and throwing them back into the sea. The yo

21、ung man gazed in wonder as the old man again and again threw the small starfish from the sand to the water. He asked, Old man, why do you spend so much energy doing what seems to be a waste of time? The old man explained that the stranded starfish would die if left in the morning sun. But there must

22、 be thousands of beached and millions of starfish! exclaimed the young man. How can you make any difference? The old man looked down at the small starfish in his hand and as he threw it into the safety of the sea, he said, I made a difference to this one. 有一个男人沿着茺凉的海滩观赏日落时,望见远远的海岸边有一个老人。当那男人靠近时,他才知道

23、那老人是把海水冲刷上岸的海星,一 篇二:适合初中生英语演讲的小故事 初中英语演讲小故事 who deserves help? many years ago, there lived a very rich man who wanted to do something for the people of his town. but first he wanted to find out whether they deserved his help. so he placed a very large stone in the center of the main road into town.

24、then he hid behind a tree and waited. soon an old man came along with his cow. the young man then began to move the stone. he pushed and pulled with all his strength to move it to one side. but imagine his surprise when under the stone he found a bag full of money and this message: this money is for

25、 the thoughtful person who removes this stone from the road. that person deserves help. hello everyone,today im very glad to be here to addrea speech about joking.as we all feel, we are having a busy life - busy working,busy studying,busy talking,busy eating,and even,busy falling asleep!in this rapi

26、d developing world,we have to be busy or we will fall behind篇二:适合中小学生讲演的英语小故事my first and my last an indian farmer and his child were toiling in the fields. it was almost dark by the time they had finished their work and the farmer said to the child, wow! its getting dark! quickly pack up the tools

27、and run. lets run quickly! relax. were not far from home and we know the way home.why are you in such a panic? asked the child. theres something you dont know. im not afraid of tigers or lions. im only afraid of the night. answered the farmer。 it so happened that a lion was hiding nearby and overhea

28、rd their conversation. whats this thing called the night? how could it be more fearful than i am? i must find out about it. go home with him. early the next morning, on the way, another lion passed by and found it hilarious to see a lion obediently following a farmer. the lion asked, what are you do

29、ing? why are you walking behind this man? shh! keep your voice down and leave quickly. dont you know that this being walking in front is something called the night. hes very terrible. last night, he beat me and shackled me, leaving me cold and starving the entire night. i have no idea where hes taki

30、ng me now. run along or your life will be in danger! 第一次与最终一次 乔治35岁时买了架小型飞机,并起先学习驾驶。不久,他就能很娴熟地驾机做各种各样的绝技飞行了。 乔治有个挚友名叫马克。一天,乔治主动邀请马克乘他的飞机上天兜一圈。马克心想,“我乘大客机飞行过好几次,还从来没有乘过小飞机,我不妨试一试。” 升空后,乔治飞了有半个小时,在空中做了各种各样的飞行绝技。 后来他们着陆了。马克很兴奋能够平安返回地面。他用颤抖的声音对他的挚友说:“乔治,特别感谢你让我乘小飞机做了两次飞行。” 乔治特别惊讶地问:“两次飞行?” “是的,我的第一次和最终一

31、次。”马克答道。 my first and my last when george was thirty-five, he bought a small plane and learned to fly it. he soon became very good and made his plane do all kinds of tricks. george had a friend. his name was mark. one day george offered to take mark up in his plane. mark thought, ive travelled in a

32、big plane several times, but ive never been in a small one, so ill go. they went up, and george flew around for half an hour and did all kinds of tricks in the air. when they came down again, mark was very glad to be back safely, and he said to his friend in a shaking voice, well, george, thank you

33、very much for those two trips in your plane. george was very surprised and said, two trips? yes, my first and my last, answered mark. an indian farmer and a lion 狮子和农夫 an indian farmer and his child were toiling in the fields. it was almost dark by the time they had finished their work and the farme

34、r said to the child, wow! its getting dark! quickly pack up the tools and run. lets run quickly! 有一个印度的农夫跟他的小孩子出去耕田,当耕完了以后,天快要黑了,他就跟小孩说:哇!天快黑了!不行、不行了!快收东西,快点走,我们赶快走吧! 小孩说:哎呀!你别惊慌嘛!回家的路不远,而且我们也知道路,你干什麽这麽惊慌呢?农夫说:不行啊!你不知道啊!我什麽都不怕,我不怕老虎、不怕狮子,我最怕那个晚上!只要晚上一来,我就软趴趴。那个晚上最恐怖了,我好怕、好怕,我受不了!it so happened that

35、a lion was hiding nearby and overheard their conversation. whats this thing called the night? how could it be more fearful than i am? i must find out about it, the lion mused as it moved closer to the farmer, hoping to learn more about this night that was even more frightening than itself. 刚好有一只狮子躲在

36、旁边听到了,它就想:这个晚上是什麽东西?它怎麽可能比我还恐怖呢?我倒要试试看!它就靠近农夫,想查看晚上是什么种类的东西,竟然比狮子还要恐怖。 那个时候天已经黑了,那个农夫有老花眼,看不清晰,只看到一个动物跑过来靠近他,认为是他那头刚刚走掉的驴子,就打它几下,说:找你成天找不到,去哪里了?现在才回来!这只狮子心想:完了!我怎麽那么笨,跑来靠近这个,刚刚打我就是叫晚上的东 西吧!好恐怖啊!现在怎么办呢?它在想的时候,农夫又打了它好几下,催它赶快回家去,这只狮子怕死了,就跟着农夫走回去。 it was even darker when they reached home. since the far

37、mer continued to mistake the lion for his donkey, he tied it in a corner outside his house before he went to bed. that night, the lion stayed out in the cold, starving, petrified and not knowing what to expect of the night when morning dawned. it believed that the farmer was the night. 回家时天更黑了,因为农夫认

38、为是他的驴子,就把狮子绑在屋外的角落边,然后进去睡觉。那只狮子在那边又饿又冷整个晚上,又胆怯,不晓得明天早上那个晚上会再对待它怎么样?它认为农夫就是所谓的晚上。early the next morning, before dawn broke, the farmer got up and took his donkey to the fields. on the way, another lion passed by and found it hilarious to see a lion obediently following a farmer. it then approached th

39、e captive lion and asked, what are you doing? why are you walking behind this man? 隔天一大早,天还不怎么亮的时候,农夫已经起来了,出门带那头驴子要去耕田。走到半路时,刚好有另外一只狮子经过,它看到这只狮子乖乖地跟着农夫走在后面,就感觉到好笑,它靠近这只狮子,问:你做什么啦?为什么跟着那个人的后面走呢? shh! keep your voice down and leave quickly. dont you know that this being walking in front is something c

40、alled the night. hes very terrible. last night, he beat me and shackled me, leaving me cold and starving the entire night. i have no idea where hes taking me now. run along or your life will be in danger! 被绑的狮子说:嘘!你不要那麽吵,赶快离开!你不知道前面走的那个,就是叫晚上的东西,他很恐怖啊,昨天我被他打,然后被绑了整个晚上又饿又冷,现在不晓得要带我到哪里去。你赶快跑,不然的话你生命难保

41、啊! 另外那只狮子听说这样,就说:你真好笑,你笨蛋!你是狮子、是动物之王啊!你被骗了!你现在吼他一声,就知道谁才恐怖。果真,这只狮子听它的话大吼一声以后,那个农夫就靠过来看,现在天亮了,一看是只狮子,哇!跑得要命。然后这只狮子就自由了。篇三:初中生英文小故事_1 once upon a tine, there lived a rich man. he had a servant. he and the servant loved wine and good food very much. each tine the rich man left his home; the servant wou

42、ld drink the wine and eat up all the nice food in the house. the rich man knew what his servant did, but he had never caught his servant doing that. one morning, when he left home, he said to the servant, “here are tow bottles of poison and some nice food in the house. you must take care of them.” w

43、ith these words, he went out. but the servant knew what the rich man had said was untrue. after the rich man was away from his home, he enjoyed a nice meal. because he drank too much, he was drunk and fell to the ground. when the rich man came back, he couldnt find his food and his wine. he became v

44、ery angry. he woke the servant up. but the servant told his story very well. he said a cat had eaten up everything. he was afraid to be punished, so he drank the poison to kill himself. 从前有一个时候,有一个富人。他有一个仆人。他和仆人爱酒水和良好的食物特别多。每当有钱人离开家;仆人就喝葡萄酒,吃的全部食物中的好房子。有钱的人知道仆人做了什么,但是他从来没有被他的仆人这样做。 一天早上,当他离开家时,他对仆人说

45、,“这里有两瓶毒药和一些不错的食物在家。你必需好好照看它们。”说完这些话,他出去了。 仆人知道富人说是不真实的。在富人离开家后,他有一个很好的餐。因为他喝得太多了,他喝醉了,倒在地上。富人回来后,找不到他的食物和酒。他变得很生气。他醒来的仆人了。仆人告知他的故事特别好。他说,猫吃了一切。他胆怯受到惩处,所以他喝毒药自杀 once upon a time, there was a wolf. the wolf was maimed . he couldnt out to eat.he was very hungry and thirsty. he saw a sheep. if you brin

46、g me the water, he said, i will find to get some food. but the sheep said , if i bring you the water, then i will be your food. 狼和羊 很久很久以前,这里有一只狼。他受伤了。他不能外出捕食。他感到又饿又渴,这时,他望见一只羊。“你给我一点水解渴”,他说,“我就能自己去找寻食物了。” “是呀”,羊回答说,“假如我给你送水喝,那么我就会成为你的食物。” once upon a time, a mountain shaked . people came from far a

47、nd near to see what would happen. a river will be appear. a people said .will soon have a dragon appear. another man said . after the day, a mouse jumped out from there. 山 很久以前,一座大山隆隆作响,摇摆起来。远近各处的人都来看是怎么回事。 一个人说:要出现一条大河了。 另一个人说:准会出现一条巨龙。 等了几天之后,山坡上最终裂开一条小缝,却蹦出来一只耗子。 bighead “all the kids make fun of

48、 me”the boy cried to his mother.“they say i have a big head” “i havent got one,use your hat.” 大脑袋 “全部的孩子都拿我开玩笑,”小男孩哭着跟妈妈说:“他们说我长了一个大脑袋。” “别听他们的,”他妈妈劝慰说:“你的脑袋长得很美丽。好了,别哭了,去商店买10磅土豆来。”“购物袋在哪?” “我没有购物袋,就用你的帽子吧。” the thirsty pigeon口渴的鸽子 a pigeon, oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard. not supposing it to be only a picture, she flew towards it with a loud whir and unwittingly dashed against the signboard, jarring herself terribly. having broken her wings by the blow, she fell to


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