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《高三therebe句型.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高三therebe句型.doc(18页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 There be 句型及其考点 “There be”是英语中最常见的又是非常重要的句型,不管在口语中还是在书面语中,there be 句型的使用频率是很高的。仔细分析近几年的中考试题,几乎每年都以不同形式、从不同角度考查该句型的运用。因此,很有必要对此进行认真的分析和总结, 从而达到熟练掌握和运用这一句型的目的。我们都知道,“There be”是表示“存在”的一种基本方式, 其句型结构通常为::There be + sb./sth. + somewhere/doing sth。但仅仅知道这点用法还远远不够,“There be”还有更多较为特殊的用法。一、“There be”后面可以跟名词或动

2、名词在“There be +主语+状语的句型中, 作主语的名词一般是非限定的,常是泛指而不是特指, 故一般不用this, that, these, those 等词修饰, 修饰主语的一般应该是不定冠词、零冠词、基数词或a, an, some, any, no, several, many, much, a few, a little, another, a lot of, enough等非特指的词汇。请看下面例句: There is a shop at the corner. 在拐角处有家商店。 There are two books on the desk. 课桌上有两本书。 There a

3、re many sheep bleating in the field. 田里有许多绵羊在叫。二、我们也可以根据表达的需要, 在There与be之间用上恰当的情态动词can, may, must, should, will等,构成: There will /may/must/can, etc. be.:There will be an interesting talk on English next week. 下个星期有个关于英语方面的有趣报告。My watch doesnt work, there may be something wrong with it. 我的手表不走了,可能出了故障

4、。三、“There be” 句型还有扩展形式在There be 句型中, 除be之外, 某些表示存在概念的不及物动词也可以用于这种句型, 这些动词大致是: live, come, stand, lie等。请看:Once there lived an old fisherman near the sea. 海边曾经住着一位老渔夫。There stands a big tall apple tree in front of my house. 我家屋前有一棵高大的苹果树。Then there came a knock at the door.那时传来了敲门声。四、使用“There be”句型时要注

5、意主谓一致在There be引导的句子中, 谓语动词be的人称和数应该和它后面的主语(名词)保持一致, 当有两个或两个以上的名词作并列主语时, be的形式则和第一个名词保持一致(就近原则)。如: There is a small river near the village. 村子附近有条小河。There are two thousand students in our school. 我们学校有2000名学生。There is a pen and two books on the desk. 课桌上有一枝钢笔。五、There be句型与have的区别:二者都表示汉语中的“有”。但是在用法上有

6、区别: There be 句型表示“某处(某时)有某物”; 而have则表示“某人或某物拥有某物”, 强调主语和宾语的所属关系。如: There are quite a few pine trees on the campus. 校园里有许多松树。Each supergirl has her merits and faults.每个超级女生都有他的优点和缺点。We have ten copies, but we shall need more. 我们有10册,但是我们还需要更多。六、There be 句型的转换一般地说, There be 句型的基本转换还是比较容易掌握的, 关键要注意句型中名

7、词的转换形式, 请看下面的例句: Are there any boats on the lake? (一般疑问句) There are not any students in the classroom. (否定句) Whats in the bag? (对主语提问的特殊疑问句) There are many oranges in it.七、There be 句型的时态:There be 句型没有语态形式, 但是却有比较复杂的时态形式, 以及可以表达不同的情态语境,请看下面的例句: There will be a class meeting this afternoon. (一般将来时)今天下

8、午有班会。There was a football match in our school yesterday. (一般过去时)昨天我们学校有一场足球赛。There have been great changes in China in the past twenty years. (现在完成时)在过去20年里中国发生了巨大变化。There are going to be two English parties next week. (一般将来时)下周有两场英语晚会。There must be something wrong with the computer. ( must + be)这台计

9、算机一定出问题了。八、即时练习用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. There was a tractor _ (work) and some cows _ (eat) grass on the farm.2. Look! There _ (come) the No.7 bus.3. There _ (be) sheep and goats on the hill yesterday morning.4. There must _ (be) somebody in the corner because there was something _ (move) quickly.5. There _

10、 (be) a writer and singer in our school last week.6. There _ (be) a writer and two singers in our school last week.7. _ there _ (be) an exciting concert in town tomorrow?8. There _ (be) a lot of changes in my hometown in the last two years.9. Once there _ (live) some hard-working people in the fores

11、t.10. Did there _ (stand) a statue (塑像) by the sea?高考语法Therebe句型There be句型:表示某地存在有某物,而不是某人有某物。There be句型中的be为系动词,有人称、数和时态的变化。be的人称、数的变化由be后面的名词或代词(第一个)决定。一There be基本句型几种形式:肯定式:There + be + 主语+其他(状语等) e.g. There are two books on the desk.否定式:There + be + not (any)/no+主语+其他(状语) e.g. There is no book o

12、n the desk.一般疑问式:Be + there+ 主语+其他(状语) e.g. Are there two books on the desk?特殊疑问式:How many/How much+主语+be + 其他(状语)e.g. How many students are there in your class?e.g. How much money is there in your pocket?二There be 句型的特殊句型。(一)There be句型和情态动词/助动词连用,表示说话人对某地存在有某物的看法和态度,或者某地存在某物的时间.肯定式:There + 情态动词/助动词

13、+ be+主语+其他否定式:There + 情态动词/助动词+ not + be+ 主语+其他疑问式:情态动词/助动词+there + be +主语+其他e.g. There may be tigers in the forest.e.g. There cant be any tigers in the forest.e.g. Can there be any tigers in the forest?e.g. There has been a lot of rain this summer.e.g. There has not been much rain this summer.e.g.

14、Hasnt there been any rain this summer?(二) There + be likely to be,happen to be,seem(to be), occur等,用来描写事物。e.g. There are likely to be more difficulties than they have been prepared for e.g. There happened to be nobody in the room e.g. There doesnt seem to be much hope of our beating that team e.g. T

15、here have occurred many great changes since we met last(三)there +live,stand,exist,remain等,用来表示静止、存在、有。e.g. There lives a family of five in the village e.g. There remains nothing more to be donee.g. There stood a tower at the top of the hill.e.g. There exist different opinions on this question (四)The

16、re + come,spring up,appear,emerge,arrive,enter,follow, 等,用来表示突然出现。e.g. There appears to be no substitute for this stuff yete.g. There came a company of actors and actresses e.g. There followed a spirited discussion after class 二 (for)there +to be,这种不定式结构在句中作宾语(无须for引导)、状语和主语(须有for引导), there做逻辑主语。(一)

17、 作宾语: there +to bee.g. The students expected there to be more reviewing classes before the final exams(二) 作状语:for+ there+ to be/beinge.g. They planned for there to be another meeting(目的)e.g. For there to be life there must be air and water. (条件)(三) 做主语:for+ there+ to bee.g. It s a great pity for the

18、re to be much trouble in the companye.g. For there to be so few people in the streets was unusual 四There + being,在句中做主语、宾语和状语e.g. There being a bus stop so near the house is a great advantage(主语)e.g. John was relying on there being another opportunity(宾语)e.g. There being no money then, we had to wal

19、k home.(状语)五There +be+主语+修饰/说明成分(一) there be 主语+to do修饰语,用来修饰主语的不定式可以用被动形式,也可以用主动形式。在口语中多用主动形式。但是有时候两种形式可能表示不同的意思。E.g:There is no time to lose to be lost 试比较: There is nothing to see(nothing worth seeing) There is nothing to be seen(nothing there at all) (二) there be 主语+doing 修饰语e.g. There were 200

20、children studying(who were studying)music.e.g. Is there anything planned(that has been planned)for tonight?(三) there be 主语+定语从句 (定语从句的关系代词做主语,也可以省略)e.g. There is something (that) puzzles me.e.g. There is a stranger (who) wants to see you.(四) there be 主语+同位语从句e.g. There came the news that the Preside

21、nt had been murdered.六用在从句中的there be结构,在从句中可以做主语、宾语、定语、状语、表语和同位语等。e. g It is reported that there are a number of wounded on both sides.(主语从句)e.g. They said there were quite a number of very valuable jewels stolen.(宾语从句)e.g. Such wind as there was came up the river.(定语从句)e.g. Where there is a will, t

22、here is a way.(状语从句)e.g. The problem is that theres too much difficulty in fulfilling the task.(表语从句)e.g. The fact that there occurred another accident surprised us all.(同位语从句)七There be句型需要掌握的重点句型1.There is no doubt/question that-:-毫无疑问。There is no question of doing sth. :是毫无疑问的。.是不可能的。e.g. There is

23、 no question that it is true.e.g. There is no doubt that they can get the machine working very soon.2. There is no + doing:不可能;无法;没有办法There is no joking about it.这事开不得玩笑。There is no telling what will happen.无法预料会发生什么。There is no holding back the wheel of history.历史车轮不可阻挡。3. There is no + 名词+ in doin

24、g : 是没有意义的/无用的There is no point in doing sth. 是没有意义的There is no sense in doing sth. 没有理由/没有好处;There is no use/good in doing sth没有好处There is no harm in doing sth没有害处e.g. There is no point in arguing with him further.进一步和他争论是没有意义的。e.g. here is no harm in doing sth.=it does no harm (for sb.) to do sth.

25、八There be 句型的反意疑问句(仍然用there)e.g. There will be a special exhibition tomorrow, wont there?e.g. There used to be a lake here, usednt there/didnt there.There be句型练习1. How many students, do you think, will be present at the speech?I expect over 200 students then. Athere beingBthere to be Cthere beDthere

26、 been2. Ann never dreams of _ for her to be sent abroad very soon A. there to be a chance B. there being a chance C. there be a chance D. being a chance3. No one had told Smith about _ a lecture the following dayA .there be B. there would be C. there was D. there being 4. There _ be a lot of small h

27、ouses on both sides of the street.A. used to B. get used to C. would D. did use to5. If ever again _ happens an accident like this, we will have only ourselves to blame. A. it B. so C. there D. that6. He said it was impossible for _ a mistake in a computers calculation, so you can rly on that.A. the

28、re being B. there would be C. there to be D. there was7. Ann never dreams of _ for her to be sent abroad very soon.A. there being a chance B. there to be a chanceC. there be a chance D. being a chance8.Once he starts talking about Chinese or foreign affairs, ancient or modern, _.A. there is no stopp

29、ing of him B. he is not to stopC. there is no stopping him D. it is no stopping him9. The chairman insisted that there be a meeting _ within the shortest possible time.A. to hold B. to be held C. to have been held D. to be holding10. Where _ dirt, there are flies. A. there has B. is C. there is D. h

30、as there11. Around the world _ may be as many as a million earthquakes in a single year.A. yet B. they C. there D. has there12. _ no air, there would be no life on the earth.A. There was B. There were C. Was there D. Were there13. _, she went back to her room.A. There was no cause for alarm B. Witho

31、ut having cause for alarmC. Being no cause for alarm D. There being no cause for alarm14. _ to the railway station, we missed the train. A. There is no bus B. No bus goesC. There not being any bus D. Not any bus15. He said, “_ a long way to school. _ a long way to go yet before we arrive.”A. It is T

32、here is B. There is It isC. It is It is D. There is There is16. There has been a great increase in retail sales, _?A. does there B. isnt there C. hasnt there D. isnt it17. We left the meeting, there obviously _ no point in staying.A. were B. being C. to be D. having18. There is no point _ with him,

33、since he has already made up his mind.A. argue B. to argue C. in arguing D. of arguing19. There was a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, _ a sudden loud noise.A. being there B. should there be C. there was D. there having been20. It isnt cold enough for there _ a frost tonight,

34、 so I can leave Jims car out quite safely. A. would be B. being C. was D. to be练习二: 1There _ a bed and a big wardrobe with a mirror Aare Bwere Cwas Dbe 2No one would have dreamed of such a good place Athere is Bthere to be Cthere being Dthere was 3I should prefer _ no discussion of my private affair

35、s Athere to be Bthere being Cthere is Dthere are 4It was too late _ any buses Afor there to be Bthere to be Cthere being Dfor there being 5There _ a war between his heart and his head Abeing Bappeared to be Cto be Dwere 6 _in his imagination visions of a world empire ARising BRose CRise DThere rose

36、7If the police hadnt reacted quickly,_ a bad accident Athere were Bthere will be Cthere could have been Dthere had to be 8Uncle Jesse,why _ poor people like those? Aare there have to be Bdo there have to be Chave there to be Dthere have to be 9 _ more difficulties than you thought AIt is likely BIt

37、is likely to be CThere is likely DThere are likely to be 10 _just twenty-eight pounds AThere remained BIt remained CThere were remained DThat remained 11You wouldnt want _ another war Athere be Bthere to be Cto be Dthere being 12There _ nobody in the room Awere just Bhappened being Cwere happened Dh

38、appened to be 13There is no point _ about it again Ain talking Btalking Cto talk Dtalk 14There is no need _Weve got plenty of time Ahurrying Bin hurrying Cto hurry Dhurry 15 _no further business,the Chairman closed the meetingAThere was BThere to be CThere being DBeing Key 11. B 2. B 3. D 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10. C 11.C 12.D13. D 14.C 15.A 16. C 17.B 18. C 19.B 20.B Key2:(1C 2C 3A 4A 5B 6D 7C 8B 9D 10A 11B 12D 13A 14C 15C)第 18 页


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