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《新人教版-小学六年级-英语上册第三单元教学教案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新人教版-小学六年级-英语上册第三单元教学教案.doc(11页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、|人教版小学六年级英语上册英语教案Unit 3 My weekend plan第一课时 Part A Lets try Part A Lets talk教学目标:1. 能够听、说、认读句型:What are you going to do tomorrow? Im going to have an art lesson. I have to do my homework now.2. 能够运用句型讨论自己的活动计划。3. 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能进行角色扮演。4. 能够合理计划自己的活动。教学重点:听、说、认读句型?What are you going to do tomorrow

2、? Im going to have an art lesson. I have to do my homework now .教学难点:运用句型讨论自己的活动计划。教学过程:Step 1 Warm-upFree talk T:What do you often do on the weekend?S:I often .T:What are you going to do this weekend? 引出本单元的话题 My weekend plan。|Step 2 Presentation1. Lets try (1)听录音,完成选择题。(2)教师检查答案。2. New sentence le

3、arning(1)What is Sarah going to do? She is going to.(2)讲解:be going to 的意思是“打算做什么事情 ”。3. Lets talk(1)听录音,回答问题。a. What is Sarah going to do tomorrow?b. What is Mike going to do tomorrow?(2)再次听录音,学生跟读。(3)角色扮演,练习对话。Step 3 Cosolidation and extension情景设计:Its Friday ,you are talking the weekend plan with y

4、our friend.1. 教师请一名学生与之进行示范表演,要求用上短语:go ice-skating,wash clothes.2. 与搭档进行对话练习。Step 4 Homework 完成家庭作业中的相关习题。|Unit 3 My weekend plan第二课时 Part A Lett learn Part A Make a plan教学目标:1.能够听、说、读、写本课核心词组:visit my grandparents ,see a film ,take a trip ,go to the supermaket。2.能够运用核心句型:What are y ou going to do

5、today ?Im going to see a film .并能再真实的情境中交流周末计划。3.能够合理安排和计划自己的周末生活。教学重点:掌握三个四会词组和两个句型。教学难点:合理和科学的安排自己的周末生活。教学过程:Step 1 Warmup 1.Sing a song “What are you going to do ”? 2.Free talk T:What are you going to do tomorrow?S:Im going to.Step 2 Presentation1.出示短语 this morning,this afternoon,this evening 和单词

6、 toinght。2.出示句型:What are you going to do.?Im going to.教师给出此部分出现的短语,让学生进行句型操练。|3.听录音,了解对话内容。Step 3 Cosolidation&ExtensionIts Saturday morning.Two girls are asking the plan.Lets help them make a plan.1. Fill in when ang what ?2. Talk about the weekend plan .Step 4 Homework 完成家庭作业中的相关习题。Unit 3 My weeke

7、nd plan第三课时 Part B Lett try Part B Lets talk教学目标:1.能够听、说、认读句型:Where are you going?Were going to. When are you going ?Were going to. Were going to see a film about space rravel.2.能够运用句型 What are you going to do ?Where are you going?When are you going ?进行某项计划活动的讨论。教学重点:用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并进行角色表演。区分并熟练运用句型:

8、What are you going to do ?Where are you going ?When are you |going ?教学难点:在实际情景中灵活运用上述句型及其答语。教学过程:Step 1 Warmup1.Sing a song”What are you gooing to do ”?2.Read the words quickly:tonight,this morning,this evening,this afternoon,see a film3.Free talkT:What are you going to do tonight?S:Im going to.Step

9、 2 Presentation1.Lets try(1)听录音,回答问题。(2)校对检查,课件出示答案。2.Lets talk (1)承接 Lets try 部分,导入对话学习。(2)Watch and answerWatch the video,课件出示问题:What is John going to do next week?(3)教师校对答案。(4)讨论关于电影的更多细节。(5)听录音,学生跟读并试着模仿其语音、语调。|(6)与搭档进行对话练习。Step 3 Cosolidation&Extension1. Talk about “What? Where? When?”教师示范填写表格。

10、2. Talk about with your parterner and fill in the form.3. FeedbackStep 4 Homework完成家庭作业中的相关习题。Unit 3 My weekend plan第四课时 Part B Lets learn Part B Roleplay教学目标:1.能够听、说、读、写本课的五个新单词:dictionary,comic book,word book,postcard。2.能够掌握并运用句型:Where are we going?To the bookstore.What are you going to buy?Im goi

11、ng to buy.3.能够用 What are you going to do?Where/When.?进行自由的表达与交流。教学重点:dictionary 的拼写。教学难点:区分 what,where,when,并作自由的交流与运用。|教学过程:Step 1 Warmup1.Sing a song “What are you going to do ”?2.Free talk 讨论上一节课填写的周末计划表格。Step 2 Presentation1.情景导入(1)教师问:After John and his cousin seeing the film ,where are they go

12、ing?Guess!(2)听录音,教师检查答案。Listen and check the answer.2.Learn the new words 分别出示单词 dictionary,comic book,word book,postcard。3.Practice听录音,学生跟读。Step 3 Cosolidation&ExtensionRoleplay1.教师请一名学生示范表演此部分内容。2.与搭档进行对话练习。3.学生上台表演,表演出彩的予以奖励。Step 4 Homework 完成家庭作业中的相关习题。|Unit 3 My weekend plan第五课时 Part C Read and

13、 wrire教学目标:1.能够读懂文章中的日记,并能够完成稳重的信息表。2.能够用正确的语音、语调朗读语篇,并熟练的掌握日记的格式。3.能够更多的了解 MidAutumn Festival 的节日特征,以及相关家人团聚的一些节日文化。教学重点:正确地理解短文。教学难点:完成读后的信息表填空,了解节日文化。教学过程:Step 1 Warmup1.Greeting 2.Free talk Where are you going next weekend?Step 2 Presentation 1.教师出示一些图片,问:What are these holidays?从而引出 National Ho

14、liday ,Spring Festival,Christmas。教师接下来问:What do your family do on these holidays?从而引出 have a big dinner 等短语。2.教师出示“中秋节”图片,问:What holiday is it ?What do your family do on this holiday?学生一一进行回答。|3.Read and answer.T:This is Wu Yifans diary. Lets read the diary.教师呈现以下问题:What are Wu Yifans familygoing to

15、 do ?学生阅读后进行回答。4.Read and finish the table.5.Check the answers.Step 3 Cosolidation&Extension 1.Discuss with your partner:What are you going to do for MidAutumn Festival?先让学生口头交流。2.Write down your plan.Step 4 Homework完成家庭作业中的相关习题。 Unit 3 My weekend plan第六课时 Part C Lets check Lets wrap it up Story tim

16、e教学目标:1.复习一般将来时态的三个核心问句 What are you going to do ?When are you going ?Where are you going?及其应答语。2.巩固一般将来时的句法要点,能够用不同的主语进行 Be going to 的造句以及自由表达。3.能够理解,听懂并讲 Story time 中的故事。|教学重点:一般讲来时的语法要点复习。教学难点:在实际情景中灵活运用上述句型及其正确的应答语。Step 1 Warmup 1.Free talk What are you going to do ?When are you going ?Where are

17、 you going ?Step 2 Presentation Lets check$Lets wrap it up 1. 教师将提到的三个问题写到黑板上,并询问一般将来时的特点。2. How many sentences can you make ?造句练习。3. 完成此部分的听力练习。4. 教师检查答案。Step 3 Cosolidation&Extension Story time 1.看图片并回答问题:What is Zoom going to do tomorrow?Where are they going to learn ?2.学习新短语:disturb me, be afraid of,learn by doing3.表演故事。


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