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1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 1. experience 牛津高中英语模块一 Unit1 重点词词组n. 1 C 经受 something that happens to you or something you do, especially when this has an effect on what you feel or think: 1 This was my first experience of living abroad. 2 Failing an exam was a new experience for me. 这是我第一次在国外生活的经受;考试失败对我

2、来说是全新的体验;2 U 体会 knowledge or skill that you gain from doing a job or activity, or the process of doing this:1 Experience is the best teacher. 体会是最好的老师;2 I have some first-hand experience in skiing. 我有滑雪的第一手体会;v. 1 经受,体验,遭受 to have a particular situation affect you or happen to you Everyone experienc

3、es these problems at some time in their lives 每个人在人生中的某些时刻都经受过这些问题;2 感受,体会,体验 to experience pain/pleasure/unhappiness 感受痛楚 /开心 /不幸experienced adj. 有体会的an experienced teacher an experienced reporter be experienced at/in + 名词 /doing something 1 Jenny is experienced at teaching beginners. 珍妮在教初学者方面有体会;

4、2 Tom is experienced in dealing with difficult customers 2. earn v. 1 挣钱 to receive money by working 汤姆在与难应付的客户打交道方面有体会;1 She doesnt earn much money, but she enjoys the work.她赚不到许多钱,但是她喜爱这个工作;earn a living = make a living, earn one s living = make ones living2 He earns his living as a teacher. 他靠当老师

5、谋生;2 赢得 to get something as a result of ones efforts1 He earned respect from his students. 他赢得了同学的敬重;2 She earned a reputation as the best teacher of the school. 她赢得了最优秀老师的荣誉;3. devotevt.1 致力于,献身 to give most of your time, energy, attention, etc. to sb./sth. She devoted herself to her career. 她全力倾注于

6、自己的事业;2 把 用于 to give an amount of time, attention, etc. to sth. devoted I could only devote two hours a day to work on the project. 我一天只能在这个项目上花两小时;adj. 挚爱的,忠诚的,全心全意的They are devoted to their children. 他们深爱着自己的孩子;a devoted son /friend / fan 孝子; 忠诚的伴侣;狂热的崇拜者devotion n. 4. average adj.1 平均的 the averag

7、e rainfall平均降雨量1 Tom is of average height. 汤姆是平均身高 2 The average age of the students in this school here is 16. 该校同学的平均年龄是 16 岁;2 一般的,一般的 neither very good nor very bad 1 She looks like an average teacher. 她看起来是一名一般的老师;2 An average American eats more than 10 pounds of chocolate a year. 美国人平均每年吃掉 10

8、磅多的巧克力;n. 平均,平均数”1 The average of five and three is four. 5 和 3 的平均数是 4 2 Do you know how to work out an average. 你知道怎样算平均数吗?3 This year s rainfall comes close to the average.今年的降雨量接近平均水平;average 的词组:* on the average 平均而言名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 4 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - On the average, I recei

9、ve 15 e-mails every day. * above the average / below the average 高于 /低于平均水平1 Her grades are above the average 她的成果高于平均分;2 The cost of living in this city is below the average. 这个城市的生活费用低于平均水平;5. struggle n. 1 只用单数 难事 to do sth. It was a real struggle to be ready on time.要按时做好预备确非易事;2 斗争;努力 struggle

10、with sb. against/for sth. 和某人为反对 /争取 -而斗争vi. 奋斗;努力;挣扎 struggle for freedom 为争取自由而努力struggle to do sth. struggle against/with sb./sth. 斗争,抗争He struggled agaisnt cancer for two years. 他同癌症抗争了两年;6look back on 回首(往事),回忆,回忆look back on ones childhood 回忆自己的童年7exchange n. 1 交换,互换(giving and receiving)the e

11、xchange of prisoners 交换俘虏2 沟通 promote an open exchange of ideas and information促进思想和信息的公开沟通3 交谈,争辩 There was only time for a brief exchange.只有简短的交谈时间;4(金钱)兑换,汇兑 exchange rate/ rate of exchange 兑换价5(不同国家人或团体之间的)沟通,互访 v. 1 交换 exchange sth. with sb.trade and cultural exchanges with China 与中国的贸易和文化沟通*ex

12、change ideas/news/information 沟通思想,互通信息 I shook hands and exchanged a few words with the mangers. 我与经理握手,相互交谈了几句;2(金钱)兑换 , 商品 更换 exchange A for B 1 You can exchange your currency for dollars in the hotel. 2 If it doesn t fit, take it back and the store will exchange it. 你可以在旅社里把你的钱兑换成美元;不合适就拿回来,商店将给

13、你调换;changeable adj. 可交换的,可交易的,可兑换的,可更换的8. graduate n. 1高校毕业生,学士学位获得者 a graduate in history 历史学学士 2 毕业生 a high-school graduate 高中毕业生 v.1 高校毕业,获得学士学位 graduate in sth./from sth. She graduated from York with a degree in Psychology.她毕业于约克高校,获心理学学士学位;2 毕业 graduate from high school 高中毕业graduate school 讨论生院

14、graduation n. 1 U 毕业after graduation 毕业后2)C, U 毕业典礼graduation day 毕业典礼日9. donate v. 1 捐献,捐款donate something to sb./sth. She donated one million yuan to the Hope Project. 她向期望工程捐款一百万;2 donate blood 献血* donation n. 1C 捐献尤指钱 ,捐赠物make a donation to 捐款2 U捐赠行为10. inform v. 通知1 inform sb. about/of sth.正式 告

15、知某人某事 如有地址变更,请尽快告知;2 inform sb. + that-从句 告知某人 Please inform us of any change of address as soon as possible. We regret to inform you that your application has been rejected. 我们很遗憾地通知你,你的申请未被接受;11. approve 1 vt. 批准,通过”to officially accept a plan, proposal, etc. The President approved the building pl

16、an. 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 4 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 2 vi .赞成,认可,同意”to think that something /somebody is good, right, or suitable * approve of 1 Her parents dont approve of their marriage.她的父母不同意他们结婚;2 I dont approve of your choice. 我不赞成你的挑选;3 approve approval 名词 approve disapprove反义词12. char

17、gen. 1 负责,掌管sb. be in charge of 某人负责 ;put sb. in charge of 让某人负责 take charge of 负责 in/under the charge of sb. 由某人负责The company is now in the charge of Mr. White. =Mr. White is now in charge of the company. 公司现在由怀特先生负责;2 费用 free of charge 免费; no extra charge for delivery 不另收运费3 指控,控告 bring the charge

18、s against sb. 对某人起诉4电荷,电量 on charge 在充电v. 1 使承担责任2 收费 charge sb. $50 for a meal 3 指控,控告 He was charged with murder. 他被控犯有谋杀罪;in charge of 负责 used to do过去经常做take charge of负责 be used to doing习惯于in the charge of 受 治理,被照料 be used to do被用于forget doing sth遗忘做过了某事 regret to do sth遗憾要去做某事forget to do sth遗忘(

19、去)做某事 regret doing sth懊悔做过了某事remember doing sth记起做过了某事 remember to do sth 记起去做某事13.miss miss- 思念: I miss Miss Chiang every day. Missing 丢失的,不在的,失踪的miss- 未击中: I missed the bird. Miss doing 未 miss- 错过 机会 :I missed the chance to go to college. 错过上高校的机会 I missed going to college. 错过上高校的机会 miss 当动词用,后跟动名

20、词,又如:Dont miss missing me, Miss Chiang.不要忘了思念我 14. Funfun:1. 作不行数名词,表示 “乐趣,享乐 ”;例句: 1.We had a lot of fun at the party. 我们在派对上玩得很高兴;2.Have fun. 玩得高兴点!2.作形容词,表示 “逗乐的,好玩的 ”;例句:Thiss a fun game. 这是个好玩的嬉戏;Make fun of sb. 取笑某人 =laugh at sb.=play tricks on=make jokes about Fou fun 为了兴奋,为了好玩15. As asAs as

21、句式中,第一个 as 是副词,其次个 as 是连词; As as 中间主要用形容词或副词,1. as+adj./adv.+as The paper is as soft as silk. 这纸像丝一样松软;2. as+adj.a/an+ 单数名词 +as the soldier is as brave a man as Dong Cunrui.3. As+adj. 可数名词复数 / 不行数名词 +as they are as great writers as Lu Xun and Ba Jin. 他们是象鲁迅和巴金一样宏大的作家;You haven t made as much progres

22、s as you should. 你没有取得应有的进步;4. As+adj./adv.+as+possible/ 主语+can/could ,表示“ 尽可能地 ”They ran as fast as they could. 他们尽可能快的跑;名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 4 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 5. As many/much/tall/long/wide as+ 表数量的名词,表示“ 多 /高/长/宽达 Todays temperature is as high 6. as35 .今日的气温高达35 摄氏度;It is not as/

23、so hot as yesterday. As as 的否定句式为: not as/so as 16Time A time of 时期 ,时代,可数名词 in modern times 在现代 in no time=at once 立刻,立刻At times 有事,时不时的 at a time , 一次,每次 at one time 曾经 at the same time 同时,尽管如此Onceupon a time=long long ago 很久以前 at the time , 始终,老是 at once time and another 在不同场合,在不同时候 H 欧文 time fli

24、es !光阴似箭Its the first time that sb .have/has done 这是 第一次做 Its time for sb.to do sth. 该某人做某事Its about /high time that sb.did /should do sth. 17.What s like. .是.样的 .-人的品质 /外表18.Enjoy enjoy doing sth. Enjoy oneself earn 指为钱或其他酬劳工作 win 指在竞争中获胜,并可能获奖gain 指获得有用或重要的东西,与钱无关 achieve 通过努力达成目标 get 常规动词专心做某事,忠于

25、做某事 devote sb. to sth./doing sth.=be devoted to sth./doing sth. Prepare Prepare+n. 预备prepare for+n. 为 预备 prepare+sb.to do sth 使某人做预备去做某事prepare to do sth. 预备做 be prepare for 为 预备 be prepared to do sth. 做好预备做某事19.look back on look for 查找 look through 浏览 look at sb.doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事look like 看起来像 l

26、ook after 照料 look down on 看不起 look up to 敬重look forward to 期望 look into 调查 look up sth.in the dictionary 查字典20.satisfaction to one s satisfaction 使某人中意 in with satisfaction 中意的 sth.be a satisfaction to sb. 某事令人中意21.first of all 第一,第一above all 第一,最重要的是 at all 根本 after all 究竟 in all 总共 add up to 加起来22

27、.not until 与 until 名师归纳总结 not until 直到 才主语谓语动词一般为终止性动词第 4 页,共 4 页 until 直到 才主语谓语动词为连续性动词I dont leave until she came back. You can t get off the bus until it has stopped. She will wait until her mother come back home. Not a bit 一点也不 =not at all not a little 特别=very much bit by bit 逐步的Wait a bit 等一会quiet a bit 相当多的do youre a bit 干分内的事- - - - - - -


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