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《2022年湖北省恩施州中考英语试题.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年湖北省恩施州中考英语试题.docx(20页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 秘密启用前2022年恩施自治州中学毕业生学业考试英语试卷卷本试卷卷共 8 页,全卷满分120分,考试用时120分钟;留意事项:祝考试顺当1. 考生答题全部在答题卷上,答在本试卷卷上无效;2. 请仔细核对监考老师在答题卷上所粘贴条形码的姓名、准考证号码是否与本人相符合,再将自己的姓名、准考证号码用0.5毫 M 黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卷及本试卷卷上;3, 挑选题的作答:每道题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卷上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦擦洁净后,再选涂其他答案标号;4. 非挑选题用 0.5 毫 M 黑色墨水签字笔将答案直接答在答题卷

2、上对应的答题区域内;做听力部分时,先将答案标在试卷卷上;录音内容终止后,再将试卷卷上的答案转涂到答题卷上;5. 考生不得折叠答题卷,保持答题卷的洁净;考试终止后,请将本试卷卷和答题卷一并上交;第一部分听力测试 25 分)一、情形反应依据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并标在试卷卷的相应位置;听完每个句子后你有4 秒钟时间作答和阅读下一小题;每个句子读两遍;(共5 小题,计 5 分)1. A. I like it. B. I C. It m fine. s cold.2. A. Red. B. Size M. C. Its too big.3. A. Yes, I pr

3、efer soccer. B. No, I don C. I prefer soccer. 4. A. Sorry, I wont. B. Ill do it right away. C. Please do. 5. A. Yes, I know. B. Thank you. C. Thats OK.二、对话懂得第一节 :听 5 段小对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从语,并标在试卷卷的相应位置;听完每段对话后,你有段对话读两遍;(共 5 小题,计 5 分)6. What would the woman like to drink. A. Tea. B. Coffee. C. Water. 7. W

4、hat time will the two speakers meet. A. 10 :30. B.10:00. C.9: 30. A 、B、C 三个选项中选出正确答 5 秒钟时间作答和阅读下一小题;每名师归纳总结 8. Where does the dialog probably happen. 第 1 页,共 11 页A. In the library. B. In the shop. C. In the restaurant. 1 / 11 - - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 9. How much will the man pay for the

5、 two pens. A. Twenty yuan. B. Fifteen yuan. C. Thirty-five yuan. 10. Why does the woman buy a new bike. A. The old one is broken. B. She doesnt like the old one.C. The old one is lost. 其次节 :听两段长对话,每段对话后分别有几个小题,从 a、b、c 三个选项中选出正确答语,并标在试卷卷的相应位置;每段对话读两遍;(共5 小题,计 7.5 分)听第 11 段材料,回答第11 至 12 小题;听之前你有5 秒钟时间

6、阅读相关小题,听完后你有5 秒钟时间作答;11. What does Mr. White do. A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A student. 12. Whats wrong with Michael.A. He is late for school. B. He has a toothache. 听第 12 段材料,回答第 13 至 15 小题;听之前你有5 秒钟时间作答;13. What is Kangkang going to do this Saturday evening. A. See a film. B. Go to a concert. C.

7、 Do sports. 14. Where will the concert be held. A. In the gym. B. At the theater. C. At the Music Hall. 15. Is Jane going to the concert. A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn C. No problem. 三、短文懂得C. He has a cold. 5 秒钟时间阅读相关小题,听完后你有听短文,依据短文内容,从 A 、B、c 三个选项中选出所给问题的正确答案,并标在试卷卷的相应位置;听短文前你有 15 秒钟时间阅读相关小题,听完后你

8、有 10 秒钟时间作答;短文读两遍;(共 5 小题,计 7.5 分)16. Where is the parking lot. A. In front of the hotel. B. Across from the hotel. C. Behind the hotel. 17. How will the tourists go there. A. By train. B. By bike. C. By bus. 18. What need the tourists show when they have lunch. A. A blue card. B. A blue ticket. C.

9、A blue key. 19. What season is it now. A. Summer. B. Winter. C. Spring. 20. Which of the following is right. A. The tourists will visit Mount Huang. B. The tourists will have breakfast at eight. C. The tourists will get on the bus at the parking lot. 其次部分基础学问运用(30 分)四单项挑选请从以下各题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中,选出一个可以填

10、入空白处的正确选项;(共15小题,计 15 分)名师归纳总结 21. How far is it from your home to school. 第 2 页,共 11 页 It s about twenty _ walk. A. minutesB. minutesC. minutes 22. Would you like to have _ cake. No, thanks. I m full.A. more B. another C. other 23. Farmers have become _ in our hometown in recent years. 2 / 11 - - -

11、 - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - A. more and more rich B. richer and richer C. more rich and more rich 24. _ girl who will perform at the party tomorrow comes from _ European country. A. The; a B. A ; the C. The; an 25. You should _ it carefully before _ a composition. A. consider; write B. consider

12、; writing C. considering; writing 26. _ aniceday. _. A. How ; So is it. B.What ;Sois it.C. What ; So it is. 27. The boy is _ clever that everybody _ him. A. such; likes B. so; likes C. so; like 28. He _ go out with his parents, but now he _ staying at home alone. A. used to; is used to B. is used to

13、; used to 29. I m sorry for stepping on your toes. _. C. use to; is used to A. Bad luck B. You re welcome C. It doesnt matter30. I don t know when _ tomorrow. I will call you as soon as he _. A. will he come ; arrives B. he will come ; arrivesC. he will come ; will arrive 31. I called you last night

14、, but you didn t answer it. I m terribly sorry. I _ a meeting at that time. A. had B. was having C. am having 32. He wrote his _ novel when he was _. A. five ; fifties B. fifth ; fifty C. fifth ; fiftieth 33. It ssunny today. Lets go mountain climbing, Good idea. A. shall we B. will you C. won t you

15、34. When did you buy the computer. I have _ this computer for 5 years, but it still works well. A. bought B. have C. had 35. Is that girl under the tree Mary. No, that _be Mary. She is in New York. A. can B. mustnt C. can t五、完形填空请仔细阅读下面短文,然后从短文后各题所给的 选项;(共 15 小题,计 15 分)A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个正确As we all

16、know, the environment around us is getting worse and worse. In some places we can t see fish 36 in the river or trees on the hills. Some people even have no clean water to drink. Recently, a new lifestyle called low carbon life is 37 37 every comer of our country. The meanings of low carbon are 38 e

17、nergy and no waste. It is such an important project that I canwait 39 my ideas on how to promote it. First, we should 40 a no-car day every week in our school. Because cars not only cause serious air pollution but also waste energy. 41 the no-car day, neither students 42 teachers are allowed to driv

18、e to school. At the same time,just walk or run. Use our 43 and enjoy the fun. Second, we had better not use plastic bags 44 . No one can stand the “white pollution, 45 it ”is wise to use cloth bags which can 46 again and again. 47 ,one thing 48 we should keep in mind is that every big thing comes fr

19、om the small details. So, as students, we ought to turn 49 the lights the moment we leave, use 50 sides of the paper, and reuse our textbooks and so on. 名师归纳总结 3 / 11 第 3 页,共 11 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - All in all, it weighs greatly for all of us to put the low carbon lifestyle into pr

20、actice. Just set our mind to these:no-car days, no plastic bag s, and no waste. Lets do it now.36. A. swims B. swimming C. to swim D. swam A、B、C、 D 四个选项中,选37. A. spreading B. moving C. living D. becoming 38. A. below B. high C. above D. low 39. A. to express B. express C. expressing D. expressed 40.

21、 A. set off B. set up C. put on D. put down 41. A. in B. at C. on D. with 42. A. nor B. or C. both D. and 43. A. bikes B. cars C. buses D. legs 44. A. any more B. no more C. no longer D. never 45. A. because B. so C. but D. although 46. A. reused B. be used C. is used D. use 47. A. Finally B. Final

22、C. Last D. Lately 48. A. who B. what C. that D. whose 49. A. up B. down C. on D. off 50. A. both B. each C. every D. all 第三部分阅读懂得30 分)六、综合阅读(共15 小题,计 30 分)第一节:读A、B 两篇材料,依据材料内容,从各题所给的出正确选A 名师归纳总结 4 / 11 第 4 页,共 11 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - On October 25 , Liu Xiang picked up a gold medal

23、 at the 11th Chinese National Games. He is a first Chinese hurdler to win a gold medal three times. ,m feeling great , Liu said. “I started to take part in thNational Games at the age of 18. Now I Games again in four years. ”, m 26. I hope I can run at the Zhang Lili , a Chinese language teacher in

24、Jiamusi , Heilongjiang province ,was run over by a school bus as she pushed two students out of the way. After news of the accident was reported online, micro blogs were filled with concern 关 注 ) and admiration 钦 佩 ) for the teacher,with one netizen 网名) calling Zhang “ the most beautiful teacher in

25、China” .On November 16,an overloaded 超载) school bus ran into a coal truck in Gansu province. The accident killed at least 21 Peopleincluding 19 preschoolers 学龄前 匕童 and hurt another 43, mostly children. The nine-seated bus was overloaded with 64 people. 51. The three passages above are most probably

26、taken from . A. Newspapers B. Novels C. Diaries D. Books 52. What does the underlined part mean. A. 捡起B. 复原 C. 顺便学到D. 摘取53. What can be the best title for the second passage. A. Two pushed-away students.B. The most beautiful teacher in China. C. The most beautiful bride 新娘 . D. A Chinese language te

27、acher. 54. How many preschoolers were killed in the accident. A.64. B.21. C.19. D.43. 55. Which is Not mentioned in the passage. A. Zhang Lili comes from Heilongjiang province. B. Liu Xiang joined in the National Games when he was 18. C. The school bus accident happened in Gansu province. D. More ye

28、llow school buses will be seen on the road in China. B The 2022 Summer Olympics will be held in London, UK. The city will become the first in history to host the Olympic Games three times. The London 2022 Olympic mascots 吉利物), which are named after two small English to wns, are Wenlock and Mandevill

29、e. They only have one eye. But they look very friendly. Wenlock is wearingbracelets 手链) in the colors of the Olympic rings. UK children and families help design the mascots. London is now ready for the 2022 Olympics. On May 5,the Olympic Stadium 体育场 opened in east London. Schoolchildren in London we

30、re the stars of the day. Niamh Clarke-Willis is 9. She pressed the button to open the Olympic Stadium with London 2022 Chairman Sebastian Coe. There were more than 40,000 people taking part in the ceremony. The stadium can hold 80 ,000 people, It will host the Opening Ceremony of the London Olympics

31、 on July 27. Now you can buy tickets for the London 2022 Olympics. They went on sale on March 15,500 days before the Games begin. There are 6. 6 million tickets to buy in six weeks. The cheapest cost is $ 20210yuan . The most expensive is $ 2,01221 ,000yuan. 5 / 11 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 11 页精选

32、学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 56. How many times has London held the Olympic Games. A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times. D. Four times. 57. How soon will the Opening Ceremony of the 2022 Olympics be held. A. In about a month. B. In about 2 weeks. C. In about a week. D. In about 2 months. 58. What are the mas

33、cots like. A. They have two eyes. B. They look very friendly. C. They are careful. D. They look like the Olympic rings. 59. What do the names of the 2022 Summer Olympic mascots come from. A. Two small English towns. B. Two UK children. C. Two UK officers. D. Two UK families. 60. Which of the followi

34、ng is Not True. A. The Opening Ceremony of the London Olympics will be held on July 27. B. The Olympic Stadium opened in south London. C. The stadium can hold 80 ,000 people. D. Now you can buy the tickets for the London 2022 Olympics. 其次节 :阅读 C 篇材料,按要求完成以下各题;When I was a child, my parents always to

35、ld me that I should never talk to strangers. This was part of a whole list of things I should never do : Never acce pt food or candy from strangers ,never get in a car with strangers ,and so on. But if we didn t start a conversation with strangers, we,d never make new friends. We ,d never get a job.

36、We may miss the joy that comes from talking with strangers. And the more people you know, the more chances you can find. The following passage offers you some advice on how to break the ice. Don,t just stare at your shoes. Go and say “Hi ” to that new guy. It will be easier to break the ice if you k

37、now more about different cultures. British :Beautiful day, isnt it.The weather in Britain is changeable. So, it one of the topics the British care most about. And theres a simple rule:Say “Yes” whether you agree with the persons idea on the weather or not.That s because the British start a conversat

38、ion using the weather so that they can continue their talk. French:Where did yo u go on holiday. To talk with a French person, the safest way is to ask about his or her last holiday. French students enjoy a 10-to-15-day holiday every two months. French employees 雇员) get more than six weeks of holida

39、ys per year. American:So ,where are you from. The US is so big and people move so often that location is always a source 来源 of talk. You can try to find a connection with the place they from. For example, if someonefrom Los Angeles, you could say : “Oh, I have a friend who studied there.”61. 将文中处划线句

40、子翻译成汉语;_ 62. 将文中处划线短语翻译成汉语;_ 63 将文中处划线句子改写成同义句;6 / 11 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 11 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - That s because the British start a conversation using the weather _ _theirtalk. 64. What do you usually talk about to start a conversation with a French person. _ 65. What is the main idea

41、of the passage. _ 35 分)第四部分语言综合运用(七、双基综合运用(共 20 分)一)词汇运用(共 10 小题,计 10 分)依据以下句子的意思,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空限填一词;66. It _ possible to master English if you dont have enough practice.67. The lecture was so _ bore that some people fell asleep while listening. 68. Nothing can prevent us from _ realize our dream

42、s. 69. Many foreigners enjoy Chinese fashion, _ especial the Tang costume. 70. No one can _ success without any hard work. 依据以下句子的意思及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词,每空限填一词;71. Though he has grown up,he isnt brave e _ to go out alone at night. s education.72. The living conditions in the countryside have _ 改善)

43、a lot. 73. The children didnt go to bed u _ their mother came back. 74. Now parents are _ 花费) more and more money on their children75. Most people think bicycles are much safer than other v_ . 二补全对话(共5 小题,计10 分) 依据对话内容,在空白处填入一个适当的句子,使对话完整、正确;A:Good news. Our class has won the first place in the bask

44、etball game. B:Really. 76_. A:Mr. Zhang, our P. E. teacher told me about it just now. And he said that we would have a party to celebrate it. B:Sounds great. 77_. A : This Friday evening. B:78 _. A : I will sing an English song My Heart Will Go On.79_. B : Of course. I ha ve heard it many times. A:80_. B : It sounds beautiful. I like it very much. 八、书面表达(共 1 题,计 15 分)父爱如山!假设父亲节即 将来临,请你借此机会给你父亲写封信,和他谈谈心里话;写


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