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《2022年小升初常考词组吐血整理.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年小升初常考词组吐血整理.docx(16页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 精选资料 欢迎下载小升初常考词组整理1. worry about=be worried about 担忧”Dont worry about Jimmy always tells his mom 本例句送给天下全部爱操劳的妈:me.” But his mom is worried about him all the time. 2. be proud of 和 be famous for 隐匿词组: always=all the time 高大上有节操的例句: Guangzhou is famous for Guangzhou Tower, I

2、am proud of living in GZ. 3.be interested in 和 be good at=do well in 期望 Q 小姐将来成为美食家吧;Queenie is very interested in cooking because shes good at it. But I do very badly in cooking. 4. be full of & be filled with 布满 凄惨的事实 I thought the moneybox is full of coins, but dad tells me the truth: it is fille

3、d with sand. Oh,no, I dont want to accept the truth. 我之前以为存钱罐里都是硬币,但爸跟我说里面都是沙子;我不想 接受这个事实;5.in a mess=messy 乱糟糟的Dont make your room in a mess 6. be tired of 厌倦,being tidy is good. My parents are tired of the winter in GZ, because they dislike being wet all day. 7. feel like doing sth. 想要干某事I am extr

4、emely 极端,特别 hungry, I feel like eating 5 chicken wings. 8. stop from doing sth. 阻挡 干某事My deskmate wants to stop me from playing games.“ 中国好同桌”名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 10 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 精选资料 欢迎下载9. either or 或者 或者 ,不是 就是 Tom is going to buy either a guitar or a violin. 汤母不是要买一把吉他就是要买一把小

5、提琴;10. neither nor 既不 也不 Neither my brother nor sister is from Class 3. 千万留意就近原就11. wait for 等待 关联记忆: waiting room 候诊室,候车室I ve waited for you for hours in the waiting room. 留意本句的现在完成时的时态12. in time 准时我在候车室等了你好几个小时了;Firemen reached the house on fire in time. 消防员准时赶到失火的房子;13. on time 按时 To our surpris

6、e,he handed in the homework on time. 让我意外的是,他按时交了作业;14. like to do sth 和 like doing sth I usually like eating pizza, but I like to try rice noodles tonight. 依据例句去懂得两者区分;15. first of all 第一,第一;关联记忆: at first 起初16. go bad 变坏,变质 go out 熄灭17. be/get lost 迷路18Be angry with sb, 关联学习 be pleased with sb=be

7、satisfied with sb19. get on 上车 get off 下车20. such as, for example 举例,比如;对某人愤怒 / 中意for example后一般跟句子, such as 后一般跟词第 2 页,共 10 页名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 精选资料 欢迎下载21. line up=stand in line=queue 站队 ,排队22. even though=even if 即使Even though/if you dont like it, but you have to do it.

8、即使你喜爱,但也不得不做;(多么血淋淋的人生道理啊,鸡汤鸡汤! )23. throw away 丢掉关联记忆: run away 逃跑,跑开 , far away 遥远24be sick/ill in hospital 生病住院 at table 就餐,吃饭无 the, 表示相应地点或物品的功能性25 decide to do sth 打算做某事相近关联:make a decision 26. in fact 实际上近义关联:To tell you the truth, as a matter of fact 27. laugh at 嘲笑相近词组:“ 瞧不起” look down upon

9、或 look down on 都可It s impolite to laugh at others. 嘲笑别人是粗鲁不礼貌的;28. have a good time=enjoy oneself 玩得开心29. quarrel with sb. 和某人吵架 同义词组:argue with sb 30. take ones temperature 给某人体温31. have/get a pain in某处疼痛He has a pain in the knee. 他膝盖疼痛32 To one s surprise 使某人感到惊讶To our surprise, he didnt fail the

10、Chinese test.33. 表示“ 到达” 的词组:arrive at, arrive in, get to, reach 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 10 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 精选资料 欢迎下载在英语中, at 后一般跟相对较小的地点,in 跟相对大的地方 ,如国家,城市 arrive in Paris 34. put on穿上 反义关联: take off 脱下/ 起飞After putting on the coat, I feel hot, so I take it off. 35. try on试穿, try out试

11、验 / 海选Mom wants me to try on the new shirt, but I only think of trying out the new game. 妈妈让我试穿下新买的衬衣,我只想着试玩新款嬉戏;36. fall asleep 入睡 关联记忆: fall into deep deep sleep, go to bed 37. again and again 一再地,反复地 = time and time again=repeatedly 38. wake up 醒来,叫醒 get up 起床 use up 用光, eat up 吃光 39. instead of

12、代替 近义词组: take the place of = replace I give him advice instead of money.40. ASAP : as soon as possible 尽快 41. take exercise 运动 42. help sb with sth=help sb todo sth 帮忙某人做某事 My deskmate often helps me with my homework.期望,希望 千万记得后面跟名词或动名词 v-ing 43. look forward to+n./v-ing I look forward to being alon

13、e. 我希望着能独自一人; (简言之:我想悄悄)44.take part ina party 参与 关联拓展: join the army 参军 45.on one s way 在.的路上 on her way home, on our way to school. 46. all by oneself 独立,单独,独自 =by oneself=oneself He manages to repair his car all by himself.47.talk to himself/herself/myself 自言自语第 4 页,共 10 页名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -精选学习

14、资料 - - - - - - - - - 精选资料 欢迎下载48. no longer=no more=not any more =not any longer 不再I m no longer a child. 我不再是个孩子了You can t drink any more.=You can drink no more. 你不能再喝了;49. get back 回来,取回 =return 留意回家是return home, 不是 return to home,没有 to ;go home 也是一样的; .50. sooner or later 迟早51. come across=meet 遇

15、到52. be able to=can 能够53. run after 追逐 catch up with sb 54. take sth. with sb. 某人随身带着某物55. take (good) care of sb =look after sb(well ) (好好)照管,照管56. think of 考虑到,想起57. keep a diary 坚持写日记58. keep in touch with sb 与 sb 保持联系反义词组:lose touch with sb 失去联系59. see off 送行(字面意思:看 sb 离开)I used to see my relati

16、ves off.我过去常给亲戚送行;关联拓展:show off 炫耀 take off 起飞60. turn on=switch on打开反义词组: turn off=switch off关(电灯、收音机、煤气等)关联拓展: turn up/down the volume 调高 / 调低音量第 5 页,共 10 页61.chat online网上谈天62. leave for前往名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 精选资料 欢迎下载63. across from=opposite 在.对面 My school is across from

17、the bank. 64. on fire=catch fire 着火 put out the fire 熄灭Cotton catches fires easily. 棉花易燃关联拓展: fire sb 把某人开除65. at the end of 在的末端 at the beginning of 在.一开头in the end=finally“ 最终,最终”(留意没有 in the end of 的用法)at the head of 在 的前头66. depend on. 依靠,依靠 拓展词汇: independent 独立的经典例句,生活中也可耍酷:It depends on me. 这事

18、听我的; / 由我来打算Children depend on their parents for food and clothes. 这也是大实话,所以对爹爹妈咪好一点,哪一天断了你的粮食,就死翘翘了;67. be nervous about 对紧急I am never nervous about my English test. 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 10 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 精选资料 欢迎下载常考区分点1.“ 借”:去借别人的,借入, borrow sth from sb. 借给别人 ,借出: lend sth to sb.

19、 例句:“ 借钱的苦恼”,I had little money,I wanted to borrow 5RMB and a pencil from Lucy, but she didnt lend them to me, she said she had nothing. 2. besides,except 它们究竟有那么难分难舍难区分吗?except 表示“ 除外” 可以懂得成除了except 后面的 sb,其他人都做了那件事情;They all went to sleep except me. 在小升初的备考夜晚,应当常常这样;besides “ 除外,仍”beside 就是“ 旁边” 的

20、意思,side 是边 例一: I m very tired, besides, I have a cold. 我很累,除此外,我仍感冒了;例二: There will be five of us for dinner, besides Lily. 除 Lily 外,我们仍有 5 个人吃饭2.use 的用法:一从词意变化上: used cars 二手车, useful 有用的, useless 无用的, user 使用者,用户二从构成的短语词组上(重点 重点 并 难点)1 used to do sth. 过去常常做某事;(现在不做了)例如: My father used to be a teac

21、her. He used to have long hair. 其否定形式常用 didnt use to 或 used not to ; (如何变否定特别重要)例如: She didn t use to / used not to play badminton. 变成反义疑问句呢是不是会了呢?She didn t use to play the piano, did she. 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 10 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 精选资料欢迎下载to 为介 2 be used to sth = be used doing sth.习惯

22、于某事或者习惯做某事,其中词,其后跟名词,代词或形容词;例如: Old people are used to getting up early. I wasnt used to city life, but now I have got used to living in this city.我之前不习惯城市生活,但现在已经习惯了; 3.be used to do sth = be used for sth / doing sth. 中 to 为不定式符号;例如: A knife can be used to cut things. 被用来做 ,是被动语态,其 Fox s fur can be

23、 used for coats. 狐狸皮可以(被)用来做外套;4 make use of sth. 利用,使用某物; 其中 use 也是名词, 可用 good、full 、more 、little 等形容词修饰;例如:We must make good use of time to study. 5 use oned 动脑筋,认真考虑;例如:Use your head and youll find a way.3. 四大“ 花费”spend 的主语必需是人:1 spend time money on sth. 在 上花费时间(金钱);例:I spent two hours on this ma

24、ths problem. 这道数学题花了我两个小时;2 spend time money in doing sth. 花费时间(金钱)做某事;例:They spent two years in building this bridge. cost 的主语是物或某种活动,仍表 “值”:造这座桥花了他们两年时间;名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 10 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 精选资料 欢迎下载1sth. costs sb. 金钱 ,某物花了(某人)多少钱;例:A new computer costs a lot of money. 买一台新电脑要花

25、一大笔钱;留意: cost 的过去式及过去分词都是 cost, 并且不能用于被动句;take 1 It takes sb. 时间 to do sth. 做某事花了某人多少时间;例:It took them three years to build this road. 他们用了三年时间修完了这条路;2doing sth. takes sb. 时间 ,做某事花了某人多少时间;例:Repairing this car took him the whole afternoon. pay 1 pay sb. money for sth. 付 的钱;他花了一下午修车;例:I have to pay he

26、r 50RMB for the lost book. 我不得不为丢失的书付她 50 元;2pay sb. 付钱给某人;例: They pay us every month. 他们每月给我们酬劳;(5)pay money back 仍钱;例: May I borrow 12 yuan from you. Ill pay it back next week. 你能借给我 12 块钱吗?下周仍你;附:pay off ones money 仍清钱;4. to 不定式ask/tell/order sb to do sth. ask sb not to do sth 5make 的常用搭配make fac

27、es 做鬼脸 make mistakes 犯错误be made up of由.组成, make a call 打电话, make a bed (make beds )铺床 , make a living 谋生=earn one s bread 字面意思:挣钱赢得面包,也就是生计 第 9 页,共 10 页make sense 讲得通,有道理What he said doesnt make sense. 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 精选资料 欢迎下载make it 做得到, 胜利; We ll make it if we really

28、want to. 假如我们想去做,我们会胜利的;6. look 的常用搭配:look at, look through=browse 浏览look around 四处看看,转转 , look up 查找/ 向上看 , look after sb well=take good care of sb 照管某人Look out=Take care!=Caution !当心!look out of 往外看 关联拓展: fly out of, run out of=rush out of look like 看起来像 He doesn t look like his dad. 他长得不像他爸; look

29、 the same 看起来一样 look over 检查7up 的常用搭配,分别表示“ 上升”;“ 用完,用完” 等get up 起床, wake up 醒来 stand up 起立, look up 向上看eat up 吃光, use up 用完, shut up 闭嘴8. had better(not ) do sth. 最好(不要)干某事千万记住后面直接加动原,否定直接加not Youd better not speak ill of him behind his back. 你最好不要背后讲他坏话;(这个肯定要做到哦,所谓“ 闲谈莫论他人非” )9. 表示时间的搭配:just then

30、 正在那时, just now 刚才, 都表示 ”等一下 ”, in the past在过去 , at wait a minute, wait a second,wait a momentthe moment此刻, 2 days ago, 10 years later, right now= at once=immediately=right away 立刻,立刻第 10 页,共 10 页from now on从现在开头;延长关联: from then on, from that day on in the future, in the near future将来名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -


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