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《2022年课堂教学用语.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年课堂教学用语.docx(12页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 下载资源包中包含有常用课堂用语大全和以下的课堂教学用语;课堂教学用语Classroom English 1上课 Beginning a class Stand up, please. 起立! Sit down, please. 请坐下!Have you got everything ready for class. 你们做好上课的预备了吗? Let s start now. / Lets begin our class / lesson. 让我们开头上课; Let s start a new lesson / Lesson 9. 我们开头上新课

2、 / 第九课; Let s get ready for class. 预备上课;2问候 Greeting Hello ,boys and girlschildren 同学们好!Good morning ,classeveryone everybody children boys and girls早上好,同学们;Good afternoon,class everyoneeverybodychildren boys and girls下午好, 同学们;How are you today ?今日好吗?3考勤 Checking attendanceWho s on duty today ? Whos

3、 helping this morning today?今日 早上 谁值日?Is everyoneeverybody herepresent?全部人都到齐了吗?Is anyone away? Is anybody away ?有人缺席吗?Is anyone absent? Is anybody absent?有人缺席吗?Who s absent? Whos away?谁缺席了?Why is he / she absent today. 他 / 她为什么缺席?Try to be on time. / Don t be late next time. 下次别迟到;Where is he she.

4、他 / 她在哪里呢?Go back to your seat, please请回到座位上去吧;What day is it today ?. 今日星期几?What s the date today?今日是几号?What s the weather like today ?今日天气怎么样?What s it like outside ?外面天气怎么样?4宣布 Announcing Lets start working Lets beginstart a new lesson让我们开头上课;Lets beginstart our lesson让我们开头上课;First,let s reviewdo

5、 some review让我们先来复习一下吧;What did we learn in the last lesson ?我们昨天学了什么内容?Who can tell remember what we did in the last lesson yesterday?谁能告知我们昨天学了什么内容?Lets review our lessons. 让我们开头复习;What did we learn last lesson. 上一课我们学了什么?What did we talk about last time. 上一次我们争论了什么问题?Who can tell me what we learn

6、t today. 谁能告知我,今日我们都学了些什么?1 / 6名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 6 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - What did you learn today. 今日你们学了些什么?Now we re going to do something new different 我们来学新学问;Now let s learn something new我们来学新学问;We ll learn something new . 我们来学新学问;We have some now wordssentences咱们学些新单词句子;Lets lear

7、n some new words/ sentences. 咱们学些新单词句子;Lets review what we learned yesterday. 咱们复习一下昨天学过的内容;Ready. Are you ready. 预备好了吗 . Start. 开头;Stop talking. / don ;Look at my mouth, please. 请看我的口型;Quickly, /Be quick, please. 请快速点;Hurry. Hurry up, please. = Please a little faster. 请快点;5提起留意 Directing attention

8、Did you get there ? Do you understand ?你懂了吗?You got me. 你懂我的意思了吗?Do I make sense. 听得懂吗?Is that clear?你懂了吗?Can you catch it. 你懂了吗?Have you got my idea. 你懂我的意思了吗?It is above my head. 我不懂!Any volunteers ?有谁自愿做这件事吗?Do you know what to do ?你知道怎么办吗?Be quiet,please Quiet,please请寂静;Listen, please. 请听;Please

9、 listen to me. 请留意听我说;Please listen to the tape recorder/ to the recording. 请听录音;Listen carefully, please. 请认真听;Look carefully. 认真看;Please look at the blackboard/picture/ slide /map . 请看黑板图片幻灯片地图;Look over here 留意看这里;Watch carefully 认真看;Are your watching ?你在认真看吗?Pay attention to your spelling pronun

10、ciation 留意你的拼写发音;6课堂活动 Classroom activities Start! Start now 现在开头;Everybody together All together 一起开头;Get into groups of three four 三人/ 四人一组;2 / 6名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 6 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - Everybody find a partner friend每人找一个同伴;In pairs,please请两人一组练习;In twos In pairs请两人一组练习;Lets do it

11、one by one请一个接一个地做;Lets do it. One by one , please. 请一个接一个地做;One by one One at a time,please请一个接一个地做;Now you, please. / Would you, please. Now you , please Your turn 请你来;请你来;It s your turn now. / you want to try. Next, please. 请下一个;Now you do the same. 现在你做同一个;Lets act Let s act outdo the dialogue让我

12、们来表演表演对话;Who would like to act out the dialogue. 谁情愿来表演表演对话. Who wants to be A ?. 谁想演 A?Practise the dialogue,please请练习这段对话;Now Tom will be A ,and the other half will be B 现在汤姆演A ,另一半演B;Please takeplaythe part of 请扮演 Whose turn is It ? . 该轮到谁了?It s your turn. 轮到你了;Wait your turn ,please请等等,就轮到你了;Sta

13、nd in line Line up 站成一排;Don t speak out别大声说;Turn around 转身;Please get your things ready. 请把你的东西预备好;Please put away your things. 请把你的东西整理好;Practice the dialogue, please.请练习这个对话;Ask each other questions. 相互问问题;Think it over. 认真想;This half of the class will be/read/act/play A and the other half will be

14、 B. 班级这一半扮演A ,另一半扮演B. Can you spell the word. 你能拼读这个单词吗?Spell the word., please. 请拼读这个单词;Practice in groups, please. / In groups , please. 请按小组练习 Who can pronounce this correctly. 谁能发这个音?How do you read this sound / letter/ word. 你怎么读这个字母单词的音?Pardon. I can t hear you clearly. Louder, please. 请原谅 .我没

15、能听清你的话请大点声;Lets have a dictation.咱们听写吧;Is this right or wrong. / Is this correct. Is it easy/ difficult. 它简单难吗?Stop here. / Now stop. 到此为止;Go on, please. 请连续;这个是对仍是错?这个正确吗?Lets sing an English song. 让我们唱一首英文歌吧;7恳求 RequestCould you please try It again ?你能再试一下吗?3 / 6名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 6 页精选学习

16、资料 - - - - - - - - - Could you please try the next one ?你能试下一个吗?Who can help him/her. 谁能帮忙他 /她?Will you please help me. 请你帮忙我好吗?8勉励 Encouraging Can you try. 你能试一下吗?Try, please. 请再试一下;Do you want to try it. 你能试一下吗?Think it over and try another answer. 请再想想;认真想一下,再试试;Think it over and then give me you

17、r answer. 请再想想,然后告知我;Think it over and try again. 认真想一下,再试;Don t be afraid. 别可怕;Don t be shy. 别害羞;Try your best. / Do your best. 尽力尽你最大努力;9指令 Issuing a commandSay after me, please. 请跟我说;Read after me, please. 请跟我读;Follow me ,please请跟我读;Try to keep up with me, please. 请跟我学;Please say it again. 请再说一遍;

18、Once more,please请再来一次;One more time,please. 请再来一次;Please repeat. 请再来一次;Again, please. 请再来一次;Who s going to . . 谁预备 . Who wants to. 谁想要 . Please come to the front. 请到前面来;Come here,please请过来;Come up and write on the blackboard chalkboard 过来把它写在黑板上;Put up your hands, please. / raise your hands, please.

19、 请举手;Put down your hands, please. / Hands down, please. 请放下手;Put it/ them into Chinese/English. 把它们译成汉语;英语;In English, please. 请用英语;Say itWrite it in Chinese English请用汉语 /英语说 /写;What s this in English / Chinese. 这个用英语汉语怎么说?Please take out your books. 请拿出你们的书;Please open your books to page78. 请打开书,翻到

20、 78 页;Find page 89. 翻到第 89 页;Turn to page 5. 翻到第 5 页;Close your books, please. 请把书和上;Please answer my questions. 请答复我的问题;Please answer the question. 请答复以下问题;Please answer my questions on 请答复我关于 的问题;4 / 6名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 6 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - Please say this letter / word / sentence

21、to the class. 请对全班大声读这个字母单词句 子;Please read this letterwordsentence out loud请读出这个字母单词句子;Please read out this letterword sentence请读出这个字母单词句子;Please stop now Stop now,please Stop here,please到此为止;It s clean-up time到打扫卫生的时间了;Clean up your deskthe classroom, please请把课桌整理洁净;/ 请打扫教室;Tidy up your desk the cl

22、assroom请把课桌整理洁净;/ 请打扫教室;Put your things away Clean off your desk Pick up the scraps. 请把课桌整理洁净;Clean the blackboard 把黑板擦洁净;Plug in the tape-recorder, please给录音机插上电源;Put the tape-recorder away收起录音机;Listen and repeat听,跟读;Look and listen 看,听;Repeat after me跟读;Follow the words 跟着指着单词;Fast Quickly ! Be qu

23、ick , please快点!Hurry ! Hurry up ,please快点!Slow down ,please慢点!Slowly 慢点!Bring me some chalk ,please给我拿些粉笔;10禁止和警告Prohibition and warning Stop talking Stop talking now ,please别说话了;Don t talk Everybody quiet ,please别说话了;请寂静;Don t be silly 别傻了;Settle down安下心来;静一静;11评判 Good,thank you好的,感谢;GoodVery good

24、God job Good work Good example好特别好;A good answer Nice work 好特别好;Excellent Great! Well done Very good I like the way you 优秀太好了做得好;Thats interesting!有意思!Don t worry about it No problem 别担忧! / 没问题;OK ! That s OK好!I don t think so我不同意;Thats not quite right ,any other answers? Thats closeThats almost rig

25、ht 不太正确,其它答案呢?/ 差不多,接近正确答案;Not quite ,can anyone help him her? Try again不太正确, 有人能帮忙吗?/ 再试试;A good try 好,不错;There will be a test/ quiz/ mid term exam/ final exam/term exam. 将有个小测验 /期中考试 /期末考试;There will be a written exam/ oral exam/spoken test/ make-up exam/ supplementary exam. 将有个笔试 /口试 /补考;5 / 6名师归

26、纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 6 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - Excellent. 优秀;Good. / Above average. 良;Average. 中;Fail / Poor. 差,劣;12布置作业 Setting homework For today s homework今日的作业是 Practice after class Practice at home课后要练习;Say it out loud ,before you write it down 大声读出来,然后写下来;Copy PrintWrite each word twice

27、每个单词誊写 / 打印两遍;RememberMemorize these words sentences背会这些单词 /句子;Learn these words these sentencesthis text by heart背会这些单词 /句子 /课文;Do your homework Do the next lesson Do the new work 做作业吧;13下课 Dismissing the classHand in your workbooks , please请把练习本交上来吧;Time is up 时间到了;The bell is ringing 铃声响了;Theres the bell铃声响了;There goes the bell铃声响了;Lets stop here就到这里吧;Thats all for today 今日就讲到这里吧!Class is over下课;Good bye Bye See you next time再见;6 / 6名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 6 页


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