【英文读物】The Three Brothers Complete.docx

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1、【英文读物】The Three Brothers CompleteCHAPTER I. THEIR FATHER.The reason why Mr. Rentons sons were sent out into the world in the humble manner, and with the results we are about to record, must be first told, in order that their history may be comprehensible to the reader. Had they been a poor mans sons

2、 no explanation would have been necessary; but their father was anything but a poor man. The family was one of those exceptional families which add active exertion to hereditary endowments. Though the Rentons had been well-known people in Berks for two or three centuries, it had almost been a family

3、 tradition that each successive heir, instead of resting content with the good things Providence had given him, should add by his own efforts to the family store. There had been pirates among them in Elizabeths time. They had made money when everybody else lost money in the time of the South Sea. Mr

4、. Rentons father had gone to India young, and had returned, what was then called, a Nabob. Mr.v.1-2 Renton himself was sent off in his turn to Calcutta, as remorselessly as though he had not been the heir to heaven knows how many thousands a-year; and he too had increased the thousands. There was no

5、t a prettier estate nor a more commodious house in the whole county than Renton Manor. The town-house was in Berkeley Square. The family had everything handsome about them, and veiled their bonnet to none. Mr. Renton was a man who esteemed wealth as a great power; but he esteemed energy still more,

6、and placed it high above all other qualities. As he is just about to die, and cannot have time to speak for himself in these pages, we may be permitted to describe a personage so important to this history. He was a spare, middle-sized man, with a singular watchfulness and animation in his looks; his

7、 foot springy and light; his sight, and hearing, and all his senses, unusually keen;a man always on the alert, body and mind, yet not incapable of repose. Restless was not an epithet you could apply to him. A kind of vigilant, quiet readiness and promptitude breathed out from him. He would have soon

8、er died than have taken an unfair advantage over any one; but he was ready to seize upon any and every advantage which was fair and lawful, spying it out with the eyes of an eagle, and coming down upon it with the spring of a giant. Twice, or rather let us say four times in his life he had departed

9、from the traditions of the Rentons. Instead of the notable, capable woman whomv.1-3 they had been wont to choose, and who had helped to make the family what it was, he had married a pretty, useless wife, for no better reason than that he loved her. And partly under her influence, partly by reason of

10、 a certain languor and inclination towards personal ease which had crept over him, he had beenas he sometimes feltbasely neglectful of the best interests of his sons. The eldest, Ben, had not been sent to India at sixteen, as his father was; nor had Laurie, the second, gone off to the Colonies, as w

11、ould have been natural; and as for Frank, his fathers weakness had gone so far as to permit of the purchase of a commission for him when the boy had fallen in love with a red coat. Frank was a Guardsman, and he a Renton! Such a thing had never been heard of in the family before.The eldest surviving

12、aunt, Mrs. Westbury, who was full of Renton traditions, almost went mad of this event, so afflicted was she by such a departure from use and wont. She had two boys of her own, whom she had steadfastly kept in the family groove, and, accordingly, had the very best grounds for her indignation. But wha

13、t was to be expected, she said, from such a wife? Mrs. Renton was as harmless a soul as ever lay on a sofa, and had little more than a passive influence in the affairs of her family; but her husbands sister, endowed with that contempt for the masculine understanding which most women entertain, put a

14、ll the blame upon her soft shoulders. Twov.1-4 men-about-town, and a boy in the Guards! Is Laurence mad? said Mrs. Westbury. It was her own son who had gone to the house in Calcutta, which might have mollified her; but it did not. My boy has to banish himself, and wear out the best of his life in th

15、at wilderness, she said, vehemently, while Ben Renton makes a fool of himself at home. When they brought their fine friends to the Manor for shooting or fishing, she had always something to say of her boy who was banished from all these pleasures; though, indeed, there had been a great rejoicing in

16、the Westbury household when Richard got the appointment. It was but a very short time before her brothers death that Aunt Lydias feelings became too many for her, and she felt that for once she must speak and deliver her soul.Ben is to succeed you, I suppose? she said, perhaps in rather an unsympath

17、etic way, as she took Mr. Renton to the river-side for a walk, under pretence of speaking to him about the boys. He thought, poor man, that it was her own boys she meant, and was very good-natured about it. And then it was his favourite walk. The river ran through the Renton woods, at the foot of a

18、steep bank, and was visible from some of the windows of the Manor. The road to it was a charming woodland walk, embowered in great beeches, the special growth of Berks. Through their vast branches, and round about their giant trunks, playing with the spectators charmed vision like a child, camev.1-5

19、 glimpses of the broad, soft water, over which willows hung fondly, and the swans and water-lilies shone. Mr. Renton was not sentimental, but he had known the river all his life, and was fond of it;perhaps all the more so as he found out what mistakes he had made, and that life had not been expended

20、 to so much purpose as it ought to have been; so that he walked down very willingly with his sister, and inclined his ear with much patience and good-nature to hear what she had to say about her boys.Ben will succeed you, I suppose? she said, looking at him in a disapproving way, as they came to the

21、 very margin of the stream where Lauries boat, with its brightly painted sides and red cushions reflected in the water, lay moored by the bank. It was a fantastic little toy, meant for speed, and not for safety; and Mrs. Westbury would have walked ten miles round by Oakley Bridge rather than have tr

22、usted herself to that arrowy bark. She sighed as her eyes fell upon it. Poor Laurie! poor boy! she said, shaking her head. The sight seemed to fill her with a compassion beyond words.Why poor Laurie? said Mr. Renton; but he knew what she meant, and it made him angry. Of course Ben will succeed me. I

23、 succeeded my father. It is his right.Ah, Laurence, but how did you succeed your father? said Mrs. Westbury. You had the satisfaction of being the greatest comfort to dear papa.v.1-6 He felt the property would be safe in your hands, and be improved, as it has always been. People say we are such a lu

24、cky family, but you and I know better. We know it is work that has always done it,alas! until now! she said, suddenly lifting up her eyes to heaven. Truth compels us to add that Mr. Renton was very much disconcerted. He could not bear to hear his own family attacked; but he felt the justice of all s

25、he said.Well, Lydia, manners change, he said. It seemed natural enough in our time; but, when you come to consider it, I dont see what reason I have for sending the boys away. I can leave them very well off. We were never so well off as we are now. You know I managed to buy that last farm my father

26、had set his mind upon. I dont see why I should have broken their mothers heart.Ah, I knew it would come out, said Mrs. Westbury, with a little bitterness. Why should Marys heart be more tender than other peoples? I have to send my boys away, though I love them as well as she does hers; and people co

27、ngratulate me on having such a good appointment for Richard. It never occurs to anybody that I shall break my heart.You are a Renton, said her brother, with some dexterity. I often think you are the best Renton of us all. But if poor Westbury had lived, you know, he might have contrived to spare you

28、 the v.1-7parting, as I have spared Mary; and The short and the long of it is the boys are doing very well. I have no fault to find with them, and I mean to take my own way with my own family, Lydia; no offence to you.Oh, no; no offence, said Mrs. Westbury, with a little toss of her head. It is all

29、for my advantage, I am sure. When my Richard comes home at a proper time with the fortune your Ben ought to have made, I shall have no reason to complain for one.Ben will be very well off, said Mr. Renton, but with an uncomfortable smile.Oh, very well off, no doubt, said his sister, with a touch of

30、contempt; a vapid squire, like the rest of them. People used to say the Rentons were like a fresh breeze blowing in the county. Always motion and stir where they were! And, poor Laurie! she added once more, with offensive compassion, as they turned and came again face to face with Lauries boat.I sho

31、uld like to know why Laurie so particularly excites your pity, said Mr. Renton, much irritated. Laurie was his own namesake and favourite, and this was the animadversion which he could least bear.Poor boy! I dont know who would not pity him, said Aunt Lydia; it would melt a heart of stone to see a b

32、oy with such abilities all going to wrack and ruin. It is all very well as long as he is at home; but when he comes to have his own moneyv.1-8 what will he do with it? Spend it on pictures and nonsense, and encourage a set of idle people about him to eat him up. Laurence, you mark my wordsthat is ju

33、st the kind of boy to be eaten up by everybody, and to come to poverty in the end. Whereas, if he had been taught from the first that work was the natural destiny of manThere, Lydia,there,I wish you would make an end of this croaking, cried Mr. Renton. I am not quite well to-day, and cant bear it. T

34、hats enough for one time.As for Frank, I give him up, said Mrs. Westbury,a soldier, that can never make a penny,and, of all soldiers, a Guardsman! I am very sorry for you, Laurence, I am sure. How a man of your sense could give in so to Marys whims I cant understand.Mary had nothing to do with it, s

35、aid Mr. Renton angrily; and he led the way up the bank, and changed the subject abruptly. Mrs. Westbury, though she was not susceptible, felt that she must say no more; and they returned in comparative silence to the house. This walk had been taken late in a summer evening after dinner, and in the s

36、olemnity of evening dress, over which, Aunt Lydia, who was stout and felt the heat, had thrown a little shawl. As they reached the lawn in front of the Manor they came upon a pretty scene. Mrs. Renton, who was feebly pretty still, lay on a sofa, which had beenv.1-9 brought out and placed in the shad

37、ow of the trees. Mary Westbury, her godchild, who bore a curious softened resemblance to her mother, sat upright on a footstool by her aunts side, working and talking to her. The third figure was Laurie, lying at full length on the soft grass. Probably since dinner he had been having a cigar; for in

38、stead of the regular evening coat he wore a fantastic velvet vestment, which half veiled the splendour of his white linen and white tie. He was lying stretched out on his back,handsome, lazy, and contented,a practical commentary on his aunts speech. There were books lying about, which his energetic

39、cousin had been coaxing and boring him to read aloud; but Laurie had only shaken his head at her, ruffling his chestnut locks against the grass: and a little sketch-book lay by his side, where it had fallen from his indolent hand. Mrs. Westbury looked at him and then at her brother. What words could

40、 say as much? There lay lazy Laurence, with an unspeakable sentiment of far niente, in every line of him; and he a Renton, whose very ease had always been energetic! Mr. Renton saw it, too, and, for once in his life, was heartily ashamed of his favourite son.There you lie, said Aunt Lydia, resting a

41、fter your hard days work. What a laborious young man you must be, Laurie! I never saw any one who wanted so much rest.Thanks, said Laurence, with a little nod of his chin from the grass. My constitution requires av.1-10 great deal of rest, as you say. If you dont mind moving a little, Aunt Lydia, yo

42、u are sitting on my note-book. Thanks. There are some swans there I should not like to lose.And of what use are swans? said Mrs. Westbury. I wish you would tell me, Laurie; I am such an ignorant creature, and I should like to know.Use? said Laurie, opening his eyes. They dont get made into patties,

43、as far as I know;but they are of about as much use as the most of us, I suppose.The most of us have a great deal to do in the world, said Aunt Lydia, growing very red, for she was fond of pats; if you knew how many things have to pass through my hands from morning to nightYes, I know, said lazy Laur

44、ence, raising his hand in soft deprecation. Mary has been telling us;but what is the use of that, Aunt Lydia? Why should you worry yourself? Things would go on just as well if you let them alone,thats what I always tell Ben. Whats the good of fidgeting? If youll believe, continued Laurie, raising hi

45、mself a little on one elbow, all the people who have ever made any mark in the world have been people who knew how to keep quiet and let things work themselves out. Theres your Queen Elizabeth, he said, warming to his subject, and giving a slight kick with his polished boot to a big volume on the gr

46、ass; the onlyv.1-11 quality she had was a masterly inaction. She kept quiet, and things settled themselves.Oh, Laurie! not when she killed that poor, dear, Queen Mary! cried his mother from the sofa. I hate that womans very name.No, said Laurie, gracefully sinking down again among the grass, thats a

47、n instance of energy, mother,a brutal quality, that always comes to harm.Laurence, you are a fool! said Mr. Renton sharply, to his sons surprise; and he turned his back upon them all abruptly, and went in across the soft grass, through the magical, evening atmosphere that tempted all the world to re

48、st. His sister had taken all restfulness out of him. Though he was a sensible man, he was a Renton; and the family traditions when thus recalled to his mind had a great power over him. He went into the library, which looked out upon a dark corner of the grounds full of mournful evergreens; the blank

49、 wall of the kitchen-garden showed a little behind them, and the room at this time of day was a very doleful room. It was a kind of penance to put upon himself to come in from that air, all full of lingering hues of sunset and soft suggestions of falling dew, to the grim-luxurious room, in which he alrea


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