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1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 美剧中老外常说的 40 句俚语1. In the nick of time 紧要关头 They arrived in the nick of time to save us. 在紧要关头他们正好赶到来救我们;注:2. Let the cat out of the bag 说出隐秘 Their engagement was to be a secret but the ring on her finger let the cat out of the bag. 他们俩的订婚原本是个隐秘,可她手指上的戒指却将这个隐秘泄露了出来;3. Let the

2、 chips fall where they may 让某事发生,不管是好是坏 Im going to just try out for the cheerleading squad and let the chips fall where they may. 不管结果是好是坏,我都会去试着参与啦啦队;注:4. Lose your marbles 变得疯狂 Mom has really lost her marbles; shes making me practice writing the Enhanced ACT Essay seven times this week. 我妈妈已经完全失去

3、理智了;这个星期她让我写了七遍 ACT 的作文!注: marble n.大理石、理智5. Once in a blue moon 罕见的 In Florida, the temperature drops below freezing only once in a blue moon. 在弗罗里达,气温降到零度以下是特别罕见的;6. Plain as day 显而易见的It s plain as day that youre in love with her, so just admit it.很明显你已经爱上她了,承认吧;注: plain n.平原 /adj. 平淡的、淳朴无华的7. Pla

4、y second fiddle 居次位 I hate playing second fiddle to my sister; she always does things better than I do. 我厌恶总是比不过我姐姐,她什么都做得比我好!注:类似小提琴/v. 瞎搞、欺诈8. Put your foot in your mouth 说错话Jessica really put her foot in her mouth when she asked about Johns job right after he lost it.杰西卡竟然在约翰失业后问起他的工作,真是说错话了;9. P

5、ull yourself together 冷静下来;振作起来 Pull yourself together, man. Sure, your girlfriend just dumped you and then you got hit by a car, but you cant let those things get you down. 振作起来,兄弟!虽然你被女伴侣甩了,又被车撞了,但你不能让这些事把你击垮;名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 5 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 10. Sick and tired 被打扰或困扰 She is

6、sick and tired of her dog chewing up her shoes every day 她的狗每天都会啃她的鞋子,这让她郁闷不已;11. Sleep on it 在做打算前先考虑一会Dont tell me whether youll move to Texas with me or not today. Sleep on it, and get back to me tomorrow. 你今日不用告知我会不会和我一起搬去德克萨斯;先考虑一下,明天再回复我;12. Snug as a bug in a rug 暖和舒服的;满意的 That baby looks as

7、snug as a bug in a rug cuddled up next to his mother. 那个小珍宝蜷缩在妈妈的身边,露出很暖和舒服的表情;注:打扰13. Step up your game 迎头赶上 Listen, Jen. Youd better step up your game if you want to get all As in Miss Finchs Physics class. She isnt easy. 听着,珍;假如你想在芬奇老师的课上得全14. Stick your nose into something 干预A,就得奋起直追;她可不是好糊弄的!Sh

8、aron always sticks her nose into everyone elses business.莎伦常常干预别人的事;注:15. Straight from the horses mouth 来自最牢靠的消息Listen to the news straight from the horses mouth; wes this week. re all getting bonuse据最牢靠的消息说,我们这周都会领到奖金!16. Take it easy 放松I know youre not feeling well, so try to take it easy today.我

9、知道你觉得不舒服,所以今日就试着放松一下吧;17. Tip of the iceberg 冰山一角 The fact that Carrie is dating a member of the mafia is just the tip of the iceberg; she s also smuggling contraband into the country. 卡莉和黑手党的人见面的事其实只是冰山一角,她仍向这个国家走私违禁品;注:18. To not see the wood for the trees 一叶障目She always argues about the silliest

10、things; its like she cant see the wood for the trees.她总是在纠结一些鸡毛蒜皮的事;就好像看不到最重要的事是什么一样;19. Up a creek without a paddle 处于困境之中名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 5 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - If you dont have any money to pay for the repairs we just made to your car, I guess youcreek without a paddle because you

11、 cant have your car back.假如你没钱支付汽车的修理费的话,那你就麻烦了,由于你别想要回你的车;注: creek n.小溪 paddle n.桨/v. 涉水、用桨划船20. You rock. 你真棒!Dude. You rock. Thanks for offering to watch my pet iguana all week. 兄弟,你真棒!感谢你情愿照料我的蜥蜴一整周;21. 24/7 一天二十四小时;一周七天;始终;连续地 My little sister irritates me 24/7. 我的小妹妹成天都在惹我愤怒!22. A short fuse 急

12、性子 Jamie is known for his short fuse; just a few days ago he screamed at his coach for not letting him play. 杰米是出了名的急性子;几天前,由于没被支配上场,他就朝着教练大声嚷嚷;注:23. A taste of your own medicine 自己尝尝相同的味道 After constantly being prank-called, Julian decided to give Juan a taste of his own medicine and ordered twenty

13、-seven pizzas to be delivered to Juans house.在被胡安戏弄了很多次后,朱利安打算也要让胡安尝尝同样的味道,所以就订了 27 块披萨 送到胡安的家里;24. Butterflies in my stomach 紧急的 Liam had butterflies in his stomach before he went on stage to play the violin. 利亚姆在上台演奏小提琴之前特别紧急;25. By the skin of your teeth 将就做成某事 Lester made the dance team by the s

14、kin of his teeth; you can tell he hasnt been dancing jazz for very long. 莱斯特将就组成了舞蹈队;你可以看出来他已经好久没跳爵士了;26. Cat got your tongue. 怎么不说话了?通常说出来是为了让对方难堪I just saw you kissing my boyfriend. Whats the matter. Cat got your tongue.我刚刚观察你亲了我男伴侣;怎么回事?你怎么不吭声了?27. Crying wolf 假意求救 You have cried wolf so many tim

15、es that no one believes you when youre really hurt. 你已经玩了这么多次“ 狼来了” 的把戏,没人会信任你是真的受伤了;28. Cut someone some slack 放某人一马 Hey. Cut me some slack. I was really busy with my frog hunting business last week and forgot to call. Im sorry. 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 5 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 嘿,放我一马吧;上个星期我真

16、的是忙着捉青蛙了,忘了给你打;对不起嘛!注:裤29. Down for the count 疲惫的;舍弃;不能或不愿再参与No, you cant take my dog for a walk she s down for the count after chasing cats all day. 不,你不能遛我的狗;它追猫追了一天,已经累坏了;30. In the fast lane 繁忙刺激的人生 When Curtis turned forty, he decided he needed to live life in the fast lane, so he quit his job

17、as a dentist and decided to tour Europe by motorcycle. 当柯蒂斯四十岁的时候,他决心过刺激的人生,所以他辞去了牙医的工作,打算骑摩托车环游欧洲;注: lane n.车道、小巷31. Draw the line 停止;判定好坏的分界线 I dont mind helping, but I draw the line at doing everything myself. 我帮忙倒无所谓,但可不能什么事都让我做;32. Easier said than done 知易行难 You want me to come to work at 6:00

18、AM. Easier said than done. 想让我 6 点就开工?说得简单!33. Every cloud has a silver lining 困境中总会发觉转机Even though you just got fired, remember that every cloud has a silver lining at least you dont have to work for that grouchy boss anymore. 即使你被解雇了, 你也要记住, 柳暗花明又一村;了!注:34. Finding a needle in a haystack 大海捞针至少你再也

19、不用为那个坏脾气的老板工作The movie theater was so crowded that getting a seat was like finding a needle in a haystack. 电影院人满为患,想找到一个座位可谓大海捞针;注:35. Fish out of water 不得其所,格格不入 Tom felt like a fish out of water at the Star Trek convention his new girlfriend begged him to attend. 汤姆的新女友恳求他去星际迷航的影迷会,这让他感到浑身不悠闲;36.

20、Get something off your chest 说出困扰了你很久的事;承认你做错了某事 I have to get this off my chest I copied your answers on the Redesigned SAT. Thanks for the 15th percentile score, by the way. 名师归纳总结 我得承认,在入学考试时我抄了你的答案;顺便感谢你让我进了前15%名;第 4 页,共 5 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 37. Give it a whirl 尝试做某事I ve neve

21、r gone kite-boarding, but Im prepared to give it a whirl.我从没玩过风筝冲浪,但我预备尝试一下!注: whirl v. 旋转、飞奔 /n. 回旋38. Go down in flames 在众人面前失败 The football players career went down in flames after the media learned hed been losing on purpose to settle gambling debts. 在被媒体爆出身负赌债后,这名足球选手的事业一落千丈;注:39. Go the extra

22、mile 加倍努力 My dentist always goes the extra mile, offering free back massages at the end of a stressful tooth extraction. 我的牙医总是特别尽心尽力,会在紧急的拔牙手术后给病人按摩;40. Hang in there 有耐心,坚持下去 I know youre struggling right now in school, but just hang in there. Itll get easier. I promise. 我知道你现在在学校里的日子不好过,但你要坚持下去;一切都会好起来的,我保证;名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 5 页


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