人教高中英语必修4 Unit 3Unit 3 同步评估.doc

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1、Book 4 Unit 3 同步评估第二部分: 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. What shall we have for supper, dear? _. I am not particular about what to eat, you know.A. At your serviceB. Go ahead C. Never mind D. As you please 22. The experiment cannot be described as _ failu

2、re; its _ experience that will lead to our future success. A. a; an B. a; 不填 C. 不填; an D. 不填; 不填 23. Id like to pick up your cousin Mike at the railway station, but Im afraid I cant recognize him. Dont worry. It is easy to _ Mike he has a thick black moustache.A. pick out B. cut off C. come across D

3、. focus on 24. The actress _ in the comedy is well-known in the US. In fact, she was the Oscar winner last year. A. stars B. starred C. starring D. being starred 25. I complained to the manager of the hotel about the poor service last month, but up to now, I _ his reply. A. didnt receive B. havent r

4、eceived C. wouldnt receive D. wasnt receiving 26. Dont lose heart. Keep on trying and most probably youll be _ at how much you can achieve. A. confused B. bored C. amused D. astonished 27. _ great changes have taken place in this country over the years, some people are still badly off. A. Though B.

5、Since C. Before D. Unless 28. I was _ that I saw you there, but it must have been someone else. A. depressed B. worried C. convinced D. pleased 29. Shall I introduce you to the detective? No, you neednt. Ive met him on several _ before.A. situations B. occasions C. positions D. conditions 30. The En

6、glish teacher has a good sense of humour, _ makes him particularly popular among his students. A. such B. which C. that D. what 31. Nancy, will you come with me to the movie on Saturday?Im not sure, Joe. I _ watch football match on TV instead. A. must B. would C. might D. should 32. The letter _ int

7、o his pocket by Jim while no one was looking. A. slides B. slid C. was slid D. was sliding 33. People in town reacted in different ways _ the news: some got angry, but others were wild with joy. A. with B. to C. against D. for 34. The boys were caught _ in class and as a punishment, they were made t

8、o clean the library. A. whisper B. to whisper C. whispered D. whispering 35. We worked out two plans for the business, _ of which the manager felt content with, though. A. either B. both C. neither D. none 第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。An American busines

9、sman who travelled in southern Mexico met with one young Mexican fisherman rowing a small boat at the dock (码头).Inside the boat were several large 36 . Enjoying the warmth of the sun, the American 37 the Mexican for the quality of his fish. He thought they must bring the Mexican lots of money.“How l

10、ong did it take you to 38 them?” the American asked. “Oh, a few hours,” the Mexican fisherman 39 . “Why dont you 40 longer and catch more fish?” the businessman then asked. The Mexican answered, “With these fish I have more than enough to 41 my family.” The businessman then became 42 , “But what do

11、you do with the rest of your 43 ?” With a smile, the fisherman answered, “I 44 with my children, watch ballgames, see my friends, sing songs .” The American businessman cut in, “Look, I have an MBA, and I can help you 45 more money. You can start by fishing several hours longer every day. You can th

12、en sell the 46 fish you catch. With the money, you can buy a bigger boat, then a third one, and so on, 47 you have an entire fleet (船队) of fishing boats. You could leave your village and move to a big city, where you could even further 48 your business. Finally, youll be able to set up your company

13、and become very 49 . What do you think?”Having never 50 such things, the Mexican fisherman asked, “Really? 51 would I do with it all?” The businessman said proudly, “Then you could 52 retire (退休) with all the money. You could 53 to your peaceful fishing village where you could play with your grandch

14、ildren, and watch ballgames. And you could 54 your friends often and sing with them.”The story tells us: Know what really matters in life, and you may find that it is already much 55 than you think. 36. A. equipment B. cloth C. wood D. fish37. A. terrified B. praised C. puzzled D. spotted38. A. catc

15、h B. eat C. feed D. sell 39. A. agreed B. doubted C. replied D. promised 40. A. give up B. dig down C. settle back D. stay out41. A. avoid B. support C. show D. understand 42. A. angry B. serious C. excited D. sad43. A. time B. money C. food D. work44. A. fight B. deal C. play D. meet 45. A. spend B

16、. borrow C. make D. save 46. A. small B. dead C. extra D. last 47. A. until B. though C. because D. if 48. A. start B. expand C. leave D. plan49. A. rich B. confident C. healthy D. clever50. A. relied on B. suffered from C. thought of D. set down 51. A. What B. When C. Where D. Why 52. A. regretfull

17、y B. happily C. carefully D. tiredly 53. A. devote B. lead C. return D. refer 54. A. judge B. visit C. remind D. find 55. A. closer B. simpler C. slower D. wider第三部分: 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A A cowboy named Bud was looking after his herd in a mounta

18、in in Alberta when suddenly a BMW moved forward towards him. The driver, a young man in a suit, sunglasses and a tie, leaned (靠着) out of the window and asked the cowboy, “If I tell you exactly how many cows and calves (小牛) you have in your herd, will you give me a calf?” Bud looked at the man, then

19、looked at his herd and calmly answered, “Sure, why not?” The man parked his car, took out his computer and surfed a NASA (美国航空及太空总署) page, where he called up a GPS (全球定位系统) satellite to get an exact fix on his location. Within seconds, the young man received an email on his cellphone. Finally, he pr

20、inted out a full-color, 150-page report on his hitech HP printer, turned to the cowboy and said, “You have exactly 1,586 cows and calves.” “Thats right. Well, I guess you can take one of my calves,” said Bud. He watched the young man select one of the animals and looked on him with amusement as the

21、young man put it into his car.Then Bud said, “Hey, if I can tell you exactly what your business is, will you give me back my calf?”The young man thought for a second and said, “Okay, why not?” “Youre a government official,” said Bud. “Wow! Thats correct,” said the man, “but how did you guess that?”

22、“No guessing required,” answered the cowboy. “You showed up here even though nobody called you; you wanted to get paid for an answer I already knew, to a question I never asked. You used millions of dollars worth of equipment trying to show me how much smarter than me; and you dont know a thing abou

23、t how working people make a living or about cows. This is a herd of sheep . now give me back my dog.”56. The young man asked Bud for a calf because _. A. he really liked raising a calf B. he just wanted to show off C. he preferred helping the poor D. he guessed the number of calves 57. Which of the

24、following is TRUE about Bud according to the text? A. Bud gave a good lesson to the young man. B. Bud gave his calf to the young man at last. C. Bud had to look after his herd because of his hard living. D. Bud admired the young man for his wealth very much. 58. The underlined sentence in the last p

25、aragraph implies that _. A. Bud wanted to drive the young man away B. Bud got a dog as a prize for his correct guessC. the young man learned how to tell dogs from sheep D. the young man thinking himself smart was foolish in fact B I was eleven years old, waiting for my exam at Saraswati Vidyalaya, m

26、y school in Nagpur. “No. 12, please come forward.” Kirti, a very fat girl from my class, stepped ahead. I heard my classmates laughing and so I tried to stop them with my eyes. But my good intentions were mistaken. The next morning, my teacher, Mrs. Kamble, told me, “Ashwini, Ive received a complain

27、t about you.” I was shocked. The girl I was protecting thought Id been laughing at her.I tried to explain but the teacher refused to hear me out. She punished me by making me stand by the door. I knew I was right. Such punishment to a class topper was simply unheard of. But, slowly, my pride disappe

28、ared. Instead of being angry, I understood the other students who have been punished at times. For the first time, I felt humbled (谦逊的). Three years later, I was in the math class. Mr. Prabhuraman, wrote an equation (方程式) one hed taught us the day before on the blackboard. “Anyone who doesnt know ho

29、w to solve this,” he said, “please leave the class at once.” I knew I could solve only the first two steps. But my pride made me stay there. Unfortunately, the one who was asked to solve it was me. I just stood there, chalk in hand, trying not to look foolish. I prepared myself for a good talking-to

30、 (斥责), but Mr. Prabhuraman told me kindly, “Go back to your seat.” Today, two decades later, those incidents have made me think. One teacher punished me for something I didnt do; the other forgave me for something I did wrong. Both experiences had an effect on me. They remind me that no matter what

31、you accomplish (完成), you must always be humble.59. When the very fat girl appeared, Ashwini _. A. took no notice of her B. laughed at her C. said hello to her D. tried to stop others making fun of her 60. After receiving a complaint, Mrs. Kamble _. A. said nothing about it B. was disappointed C. fel

32、t very angry D. tried to find out the truth 61. Why did Ashwini refuse to leave the class? A. He felt it would make him lose face. B. He could work out the equation. C. His teacher believed in his ability. D. His teacher never asked him any questions. 62. The text is a story about _. A. how to commu

33、nicate with others B. how to get along with teachers C. the ways to protect others D. the danger of prideC We do not know when man first began to use salt, but we do know that it has been used in many different ways throughout history. Historical evidence shows, for example, that people who lived ov

34、er 3,000 years ago ate salted fish. Thousands of years ago in Egypt, salt was used to preserve (保存) the dead. Stealing salt was considered a major crime (罪行) during some periods of history. In the eighteenth century, for example, if a person was caught stealing salt, he could be put in prison and hi

35、s ears could be cut off.In the Roman Empire, one of the most important roads was the one that carried salt from the salt mines to Rome. Guards were stationed along the route to protect against salt thieves, and they received their pay in salt, thus bringing the English word, salary. Any guard who fe

36、ll asleep while on duty was thought to be “not worth his salt”, and as a result he would get a little less salt on his next payday. The expression, “not worth his salt”, is still used today in English.In the modern world salt has many uses beyond the dining table. It is used in making glass and airp

37、lane parts, in the growing of crops, and in the killing of weeds (杂草). It is also used to make water soft, to melt (融化) ice on roads and highways, to make soap, and to fix colors in cloth. Salt can be got in various ways besides being taken from mines underground. Salt water from the ocean, salt wat

38、er lakes or small seas can be used to make salt. Yet, no matter where it comes from, salt will continue to play an important role in the lives of people everywhere.63. According to the text, salt can be used in the following EXCEPT _. A. keeping dead bodies B. punishing thieves C. protecting crops D

39、. making industrial products 64. In the Roman Empire many people were employed as guards to _. A. protect the city of Rome B. watch people carrying salt C. prevent thieves from stealing salt D. carry salt from the mines to Rome 65. The expression “not worth his salt” used today refers to the one who

40、 _. A. fails to do his work well B. should not be paid in salt C. doesnt want to work at all D. should use less salt 66. The main purpose of the text is to tell readers _. A. how salt was found and got B. salt is important in peoples life C. salt was difficult to get in the past D. what salt brings

41、to the English languageD Johann Gutenberg, who worked as a goldsmith (金匠), took what had already been discovered, and created a small invention that changed history. He created a machine that allowed him to move small blocks of letters in such a way that written material could be printed and mass-pr

42、oduced. Few people could read before Guttenberg made the invention, but once books became less expensive, more Europeans could read and write.Block printing existed long before Gutenberg. The Chinese had been using wood blocks to print books as early as 868, but a new set of woodcuts (木刻印版) had to b

43、e made for each book. Producing one book was not easy; producing all kinds of books was more difficult. Writing ink dates from about 2500 BC in Egypt and China. Gutenberg used an oil-based printing ink that would last longer than other inks used in his time. We dont know much about Gutenberg because

44、 he was not famous during his lifetime. He was born in Germany about 1400. In 1448, Gutenberg developed signatures for each number, letter, and punctuation mark (标点符号). He then built the molds (模型) to hold the signatures in place. Gutenberg published the first mass-produced book: a 1,282 page Bible.

45、 To this day, more copies of the Bible have been printed than any other book. Copies of Gutenbergs invention spread throughout Europe, but the German goldsmith did not get rich from his invention. Some officials denounced the invention of printing because they feared that it would spread bad ideas.

46、By 1500 there were 1,700 printing presses in Europe. The presses had already produced about 20 million volumes (册) of 40,000 different books.67. What happened after Johann Gutenbergs invention? A. People could afford to read books. B. People became interested in inventing. C. It was still difficult to print all kinds of books. D. Punctuation mark began to be used in printing. 68.


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