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《句子成分掌握句子成分把握句子脉络有助于理解句子意思.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《句子成分掌握句子成分把握句子脉络有助于理解句子意思.ppt(39页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、句子成分掌握句子成分把握句子脉络有助于理解句子意思 Still waters run deep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深 Where there is life,there is hope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望 第一节第一节 主语主语主语是句子所要陈述的对象.它是一句话的“头”,它回答“谁”“什么”的问题.作主语的主要 是名词和代词,其次还有数词,动名词,不定式,从句等.例如:1)You are wanted on the phone.2)2)Mary is the cleverest of the tree.3)-What makes you so upset.-Losi

2、ng the wallet.4)Its no use crying over spilt milk.5)To see is to believe.6)Whether he comes or not doesnt matter.7)Its important for you to finish this task.(代词作主语代词作主语)(名词作主语名词作主语)(疑问词作主语疑问词作主语)(动名词作主语动名词作主语)(动名词作主语动名词作主语)(不定式作主语不定式作主语)(从句作主语从句作主语)(不定式作主语不定式作主语)主语一般情况下放在句首主语一般情况下放在句首,只有在疑问句或倒装句中后移只

3、有在疑问句或倒装句中后移.练习题练习题I.找出下列句中的主语并说出是有什么来充当的1.We wrote a letter of thanks to whoever had helped us.2.Whether you dont like him is none of my business.3.They live on a busy street.It must be very noisy.4.There are some boys and girls on the playground.5.To say it is easier than to do it.(代词)(主语从句)(代词)(代

4、词)(名词)(不定式短语)6.It is possible to fly to the moon by spaceship.7.My brother gave me two books.The first was a novel.8.Skating is good exercise.9.The wounded have already been sent to the hospital.10.How to do it well is an important question.不定式短语(名词);(数词)(动名词)(形容词)(带疑问词的不定式短语)II.用正确的词性填空1._(fight)br

5、oke out between the South and the North.2._(complete)the building in two months will be a great achievement.3._(succeed)or _(fail)depends on the support of the masses.4.What has _(happen)proves that our policy is right.5._(its)happened that I wasnt there that day.Fighting To complete Success failure

6、 happened It 第二节第二节 谓谓 语语谓语是句子的躯干,说明主语的动作.谓语动词随着主语的不同而变化,随着时间的不同而变化,随着与主语的不同关系(主动关系和被动关系)而变化,总之,时时在变.谓语有三种不同的形式:1)动词 They planted many trees on the hill.2)情态动词+动词 You must stay at home.3)系动词+表语 The report is very interesting.掌握谓语应注意它的几种变化:1)人称和数的变化 如:I work in a foreign country.He works in a foreign

7、 country.2)时态变化 如:I usually get up at six.(一般现在时)I am getting up now.(现在进行时)I got up at five yesterday.(一般过去时)I will get up at seven tomorrow.(一般将来时)I have already got up.(现在完成时)I was getting up when he came in.(过去进行时)I had got up when he came to my house.(过去完成时)I told my mother that I would get up.

8、(过去将来时)3)语态变化 如:The children carried school bags.(主动语态)School bags were carried by the children.(被动语态)4)语气变化 如:I was very busy,so I didnt go to see him.(真实语气)I would have gone to see him if I had not been ery busy.(虚拟语气)练习题练习题I.指出下列句中谓语并注意变化形式1.The earth moves round the sun.2.The factory has already

9、 gone into production.3.We must get rid of bad habits.4.Another kind of pollution is noise.5.Your sentence doesnt sound right.6.The leaves have turned yellow.7.The weather continued fine for several days.一般现在是第三人称单数 现在完成时 情态动词加动词 系表结构 系表结构否定式 系表结构完成时系表结构过去时II.填入动词的适当形式1.Fifty miles _(be)not a great

10、distance.2.He _(marry)for three years.3.So fast _ light _(travel)that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.4.A lot of trees _(must,plant)on the hills.5.What _ the boy _(do)in the room?6.The woman did _(stay)at home last Sunday.ishas been marrieddoes travelmust be plantedis doingstay 第三节第三节 宾宾

11、 语语宾语表示动作的对象,是动作的承受者,只有及物动词才会有宾语.宾语一般放在谓语动词之后.放在动词后的宾语叫做动词宾语,而放在介词之后的宾语叫做介词宾语.作主语成分的词也可做宾语成分,如:名词,代词,数词,动名词,不定式等.有一部分动词能跟双宾语(直接宾语和间接宾语)人称代词做间接宾语;表示物的名词做直接宾语.能跟双宾语的动词有:give,pass,choose,teach,buy,show,send,bring,cook 一般情况是间接宾语在前直接宾语在后,有时,需要直接宾语提前,这时需要在间接宾语之前加上to 或 for ;加“to”加“for”由动词决定,动词有“方向”含义的用“to”

12、,其余的 用 for 如:give the book to me 把书给我 pass the knife to her 把刀递给她 buy a nice book for me 给我买本书同源宾语是指一部分动词后跟上一个与它意义相同的宾语,如:live,die ,sleep,smile dream,fight,laugh 例句:We are now living a happy life.复合宾语是指动词后的宾语带上自己的一个补足语.宾语与补足语之间构成逻辑上的主谓关系.能跟复合宾语的动词有:call,make,let,ask,tell,see,hear 例句:We call him Tom

13、.我们管他叫汤姆.(him)Tom I saw him go into the classroom.我看到他进了教室.him go into the classroom 练习题练习题I.指出下列句中宾语并注意它们的形式1.Crusoe made another fence round his cave.2.He gave up teaching only two years ago.3.She has learned to play the piano.4.It is time for supper.5.Did you write down what he said?6.Hes going t

14、o teach us English next term.7.Could you spare me a few minutes?8.She smiled her thanks as she turned away.名词名词动名词动名词动词不定式动词不定式名词作介词宾语名词作介词宾语名词性从句名词性从句 代词作间接宾语代词作间接宾语名词作直接宾语名词作直接宾语代词作间接宾语代词作间接宾语名词作直接宾语名词作直接宾语名词作宾语名词作宾语II.完成下列各句1.I remember _(去过那里)2.Please remember _(锁上门)when you leave the room.3.I l

15、ike _(唱流行歌曲)4.I like _(唱一首英文歌曲)this time.5.The computer cant helps us _ (解决所有的问题)6.The girl couldnt help _(哭)when she heard the news.going there beforeto lock the doorsinging pop songsto sing an English song(to)solve every problem crying III.把下列句中的直接宾语提前1.Ill buy you a new shirt.2.Show me your passp

16、ort.3.Do bring me your textbook.4.Pour me a cup of tea.5.He paid the workers the money.Ill buy a new shirt for you.Show you passport to meDo bring your textbook to mePour a cup of tea for me.He paid the money to the workers.第四节第四节 表表 语语 表语是用来说明主语的身份,特征和状态的,只有系动词之后才有表语.常见得系动词有:be,become,appear,look,s

17、ound,seem,taste,smell,feel,get,grow,go,come 作表语的有:名词,代词,形容词和分词,数词,副词,从句,不定式和动名词.如:1)My idea is that we water the vegetables first.(从句)2)I must be off now.(副词)3)Their job is collecting stamps.(动名词)4)Three times five is fifteen.(数词)5)The match became very exciting.(现在分词)6)the child feels much better t

18、oday.(形容词)学习掌握表语应该注意以下三个区别:1)名词作表语与形容词作表语的区别:名词作表语回答What问题;而形容词作表语回答How问题.例如:His father is a worker.(What is his father?)His father is tall.(How is his father?)2)动名词作表语与现在分词作表语的区别:动名词作表语回答What问题;而现在分词作表语回答How问题 例如:My job is collecting stamps.(What is your job?)The book is interesting.(How is the boo

19、k?)3)现在分词作表语与现在进行时的区别:现在分词作表语表示某物(人)是怎么样的;而现在进行时则表示某人正在做某事.例如:The film is moving.(这部电影很动人.)The children are moving the big table.(孩子们正 挪动那长大桌子.)练习题练习题I.找出下列各句中的表语并注意它们的形式1.Beijing is the capital of China.2.The street used to be very dirty.3.His wish was to become an engineer.4.Her job is raising pig

20、s.5.The situation is encouraging.6.The door remained locked.7.We must be off now.8.That is against the interests of the people.9.My idea is that we should stick to our plan.10.The question is how to run the machine.(名词名词)(形容词形容词)(动词不定式动词不定式)(动名词短语动名词短语)(现在分词现在分词)(过去分词过去分词)(副词)副词)(介词短语)(介词短语)(从句)从句)(

21、带疑问词的不定式)带疑问词的不定式)II.用所给词的正确形式填空1.The news sounds _(inspire)2.We are _(interest)in the story.3.My work is _(clean)the classroom tomorrow morning 4.The people in the city are very _.(happiness)5.That is his book.The one on the desk is _ (my).6.Mother was very angry because all the housework remained

22、_(undo)inspiringinterestedto clean happymineundone 第五节第五节 定定 语语定语是修饰成分,它用来修饰名词.用作定语的有形容词,代词,数词,名词,副词,名词所有格,分词,动名词,不定式,介词短语和定语从句。形容词,代词,数词,名词所有格,单个分词或动名词和名词作定语时放在被修饰词之前;副词,各种短语和从句作定语时放在被修饰词之后.例如:a tall building(tall 为形容词),some bananas(some 为代词),three scientists (three 为数词),Bettys father (Bettys 为名词所有

23、格),a tea cup(tea 为名词),teaching plan (teaching 为动名词),the running horse(running 为现在分词),the people there (there 为副词),something to say (to say 为动词不定式),the books on the desk (on the desk 为介词短语),the people interested in the film(interested in the film 为分词短语),the room where I live (where I live 为定语从句)掌握定语有

24、两个值得注意的问题:一、动名词与现在分词的区别 ,动名词作定语可以理解为.for v-ing ,如:a swimming pool =a pool for swimming;而现在分词作定语可以理解为:.that is v-ing 如:an interesting story=a story that is interesting 二、复合形容词作定语,如:a three-storey-high building (一幢三层高的楼房)复合形容词中的名词为单数,一定要加连字符。又如:a one-mile-wide river(一条一英里宽的河流)练习题练习题I.找出下列各句中的定语并注意它们的形

25、式1.Our country is a great country.2.His words moved everyone present.3.This has to be permitted by the leading comrades.4.He is a man loved by all.5.We must work for the interests of the people.6.Do you know the comrade who spoke just now?7.The train which has just left is for Shanghai.8.I have some

26、thing important to tell you.9.Do you want anything else?10.I have a meeting to attend.(代词)(形容词)(动名词)(过去分词短语)(介词短语)(从句)(从句)(形容词)(副词)(动词不定式)(形容词)(代词)II.翻译下列词组1.a much discussed topic2.a man-made satelite 3.a chosen topic 4.running water 5.a sleeping boy6.a three-year-old boy 7.a one-mile-wide river 8.

27、一本很难读懂的书 9.没有做的工作 10.将要举行的会议 11.党员12.服务中心13.游泳池14.昨天来的那个人15.年底热点题目人造卫星选题流动的水;正在睡觉的孩子三岁的孩子一英里宽的河a book difficult to understandundone worka meeting to be helda Party membera service centrea swimming poola man who came yesterdaythe end of a year第六节第六节 状状 语语状语也是修饰成分,它是用来修饰动词,形容词或副词的。它说明动作的时间、地点、方式、原因、结果

28、、条件、程度、伴随情况 等等。因此,状语分为:时间状语、地点状语,方式状语、原因状语、结果状语,条件状语、程度状语、伴随状语等。用作状语的有:副词、介词短语、分词或分词短语、动词不定式、名词和从句,例句如下:1.Suddenly it began to rain.副词.2.According to the plan we must finish the work tomorrow.介词短语;名词。3.He sat there smoking.副词;现在分词。4.Not knowing what to do,he decided to ask the teacher for advice。现在分

29、词短语5.The other day I went to see a friend of mine in town.名词短语,不定式短语。6.Wait a moment.名词7.If it is fine tomorrow,well go to plant trees.从句。8.Given another chance,we will make it better.过去分词短语状语的位置比较灵活,一般有三个位置:一.放在句尾。如:We went to the park yesterday.二.放在句首。如:Usually I read the newspaper in the morning

30、,but yesterday I read them in the evening.三,放在动词之前,在 to be 或主动词或情态动词之后,这类的状语往往是单个副词。如:often,still,never,also,always,already,usually,even,ever,quite,almost,certainly.He always helps others.。I shall never forget that day.在句中同时有时间状语和地点状语时,地点状语一般放在时间状语之前。如:The meeting will be held in the classroom tomor

31、row afternoon.会议明天将在教室举行。修饰形容词和副词的状语一般放在被修饰词之前。如:It is raining very/rather/quite hard.It is raining so hard that/too hard for us to go.enough 修饰形容词或副词时,应放在形容词或副词之后。如:Are you warm enough?练习题练习题I.找出下列各句中的状语并 指出属于哪类状语1.The visitors were warmly welcomed by the students.2.He did his experiment carefully

32、in the lab yesterday.3.They did everything they could to save the workers life.4.Being blind,how could they see?5.Greatly inspired by the teachers words,I have made up my mind to work at English even harder.6.The book is very popular among young people.方式方式地点地点时间时间目的目的原因原因程度程度原因原因范围范围方式方式7.He entere

33、d the dark room,gun in hand.8.I do it because I like it.9.We must do as the Party tells us.10.This room is larger than that one.11.Considering her age,we must say she is doing well.12.In spite of that,I would like to go there myself.13.The boy lay down after he had a long walk.14.Happy and gay,the g

34、irl rushed into the room.伴随伴随原因原因方式方式条件条件让步让步比较比较伴随伴随时间时间II.用所给词的正确形式填空1.Weve won the game!shouted the students _.(excited)2.It is a _ good place to visit.(pretty)3.We _ come to see him.(usual)4.As we didnt know the way,we stopped _ the way.(ask)5._ in the country,I used to carry water for an old ma

35、n.(live)6._ in a famous college,Tom is admired by his former classmates.(educate)7.He returned home _ and _.(proud,joy)8.They crowded around,_ to do something to help.(eager)excitedlyprettyusuallyto ask Living Educatedproudjoyfuleager第七节第七节 补足语补足语补足语是用来对宾语进行补充说明的成分。补足语分为主语补足语和宾语补足语,当谓语动词变为被动语态时宾语补足语

36、就成了主语补足语了。例如:He asked me to open the book.(宾语补足语)I was asked to open the book.(主语补足语)应当注意的是:宾语与补足语之间的关系是逻辑主谓关系,这是判断补足语的重要方法。They made him do the work.(him 与 do 是主谓关系,him 是do 执行者)。作补足语的有:形容词、名词、副词、不定式、现在分词、过去分词等。例如:1.I found the classroom empty.2.We elected him monitor.3.Please call the students back

37、 at once.4.We told him to come here early.5.I found him lying in bed.6.I heard it spoken of in the next room.(形容词)(名词)(副词)(动词不定式)(现在分词)(过去分词)不定式作补足语有时可省不定式符号,这种情况取决于谓语动词,这样的谓语动词有:make,let,have,hear,see,watch,feel,observe,notice 例如:He made me work all day.他迫使我整天干活。并不是所有的动词都能跟现在分词作补足语。能跟现在分词作补足语的动词有:h

38、ave,see,watch,feel,hear,notice,observe,keep,find 例如:The old woman had the lights burning all night long.老妇人让灯点了一整夜 注意注意练习题练习题I.指出下列句中补足语并注意变化形式1.At the meeting we made him monitor.2.What you said made Xiao Wang angry.3.We heard him singing in the hall.4.I found the classroom empty.5.Please let the s

39、tudent in at once.6.I cant have you say so.7.He is asked to sing us a song.8.Yesterday I had my hair cut.名词名词形容词形容词现在分词短语现在分词短语形容词形容词副词副词不带不带to 的不定式的不定式带带to 的不定式的不定式过去分词过去分词II.用所给词的适当形式填空1.Robert is said _(study)abroad,but I 2.dont know what country he studied in.2.I saw the man _(knock)down and the

40、 driver _(drive)away.3.Who did the teacher have _(write)an article for the wall newspaper.4.Happiness lies in making others _(happiness)5.How can I stop him _(ask)such silly questions?to be studyingknockeddrivewritehappy askingIII.完成下列各句1.Have you got the supper _(准备)?2.Lets paint the door _(黑色).3.W

41、e must keep the room _(整洁).4.I found it difficult to _(学数学).5.I think it duty to _(为人民服务).6.All this has made it possible for us _(完成按时工作).readyblacktidyto study mathsserve the peopleto finish the work on time综合练习题综合练习题I.指出下列句子划线部分的句子成分1.A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life.2.Wheth

42、er well go depends on the weather.3.Peoples standards of living are going up steadily.4.He is called Little Tiger.5.The masses are the real heroes.6.That was how they were defeated.7.The nursery takes good care of our children.8.Ill return the book to you tomorrow.表语表语主语主语状语状语谓语谓语定语定语表语表语状语状语 补语补语 9

43、.We always mean what we say.10.We are sure that we shall succeed.11.The woman with a baby in her arms is his mother.12.There are many films that Id like to see.13.Have you met the person about whom he was speaking?14.I have a lot of work to do.15.Speak politely.16.Anyway I wont stop you from doing i

44、t.17.Much interested,he agreed to give it a try.18.We can send a car over to fetch you.19.Seeing this,some comrades became very worried.宾语宾语主语主语状语状语定语定语补语补语宾语宾语定语定语定语定语状语状语状语状语状语状语II.根据汉语提示完成下列句子1.我们的英语老师是使人愉快的人.Our English teacher is a _.2.他晚上几乎不工作.He _ works in the evening.3.我说服他戒了烟.I persuaded hi

45、m _.4.你接受他的礼物了吗?Did you _ his present?5.他们去看那个要死的人.They went to see the _ man.6.我们船上没有这么多的空位子.We have no_ for so many people on the boat.7.字典就在架子上.The dictionary is _.pleasant personhardly not to smokeacceptdyingroomright on the shelf III.指出句子的主句部分1.It doesnt matter whether you will come or not.2.I

46、dont believe they will win the game.3.The fact that he had not said anything surprised everybody.4.I watched all the glasses that were on the table fall off onto the floor.5.Tom studies hard and is ready to help others,which his parents expect.6.It also shows you the callers telephone number in order that you recognize who it is.7.Whatever dictionary you have,please lend it to me.8.What frightened us most was that two lights appeared suddenly in the darkness.


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