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《精读4Unit-4.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《精读4Unit-4.ppt(75页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精读精读4Unit-44Unit-4The title of the text comes from the well-know US musical in 1939 The Wizard of Oz(绿野仙踪绿野仙踪)based on a children story by L.Frank Baum.The story describes a girl called Dorothy who,with her dog Toto,is carried by a very powerful storm from the farm where she lives to the magic land

2、of Oz.There they travel along the Yellow Brick Road,meet the Scarecrow,the Cowardly Lion,and the Tin Man,and have many adventures before they meet the Wizard of Oz and finally get home.The Questions:Why was the story called Lions and Tigers and Bears oh my,lions,tigers and bears!=oh,my god!Tigers:凶残

3、的人,勇士,猛士凶残的人,勇士,猛士 Lions:名人,勇猛的人:名人,勇猛的人 Bears:(美国俚语)警察:(美国俚语)警察Themev Love and pride one has for the cultural richness and the beauty the Park offers.v The crime and fear people associate with the PProtagonist:“I”-first personPlot:Travel description combined with everything he has heard,observed,an

4、d experienced in connection with the place:his movements in Central Park,the events and famous people associated with its history,the beauty of New York at night.Finally,he got tired and dropped off to a peaceful,outdoorsy sleep.Bill BSetting(Place):Central Park(NewYork)Time:AmuggyeveninginJTypeUrba

5、n parkLocationManhattan,New York Citysize 843 acres1.32 sq miOpened1859Operated byCentral Park ConservancyAnnual visitors25 millionstatusOpen all vPart 1(Para.1):vPart 2(Paras.2-6):vPart 3(Paras.7-12):vPart 4(Paras.13-25):Structure of the TextThe authors purpose of spending a night in Central ParkHi

6、s experiences in the Park during the first couple of hoursHis later adventures The occurrences during the rest of the Discussion:What kind of life do you prefer?Adventure vs Tranquillizationtrkwilaizein Adventure-exploration-alternative leisureTranquillizationtrkwilaizein-peaceful life-without much

7、challengesNovelty 新奇的事物新奇的事物Stimulation 刺激刺激Which for me?Detailed study of the textPart I(Para.1)vQuestions:Why did the author decide to camp in Central Park at night?Human psychologywishing to do sth.precisely because it is somethingpeople normally dont What did the poem try to tell us?The poem tri

8、es to tells us that the tigers lair is the most safe place in the PvStuff sth.with sth.else:to fill or overfill a container or space with sthvStuff sth into/in sth else:to push sth.into a space or a containervEg:Its cheaper to stuff the pillow with foam than with feathers.vEg:Dont stuff anything els

9、e in,or the bag will curl up 卷起,撅起(嘴唇);卷起,撅起(嘴唇);(因恐惧、羞愧、厌恶)使蜷缩,扭曲身体(因恐惧、羞愧、厌恶)使蜷缩,扭曲身体 Examples:She curled her mouth up in anger.She curled herself up in the big armchair with a good drop off (口)入睡,睡着;(逐个)走开,消失;放下,下(口)入睡,睡着;(逐个)走开,消失;放下,下降,掉下降,掉下Examples:She dropped off in front of the fire while w

10、atching TV.Her friends dropped off into the shadows.Can you drop me off at a supermarket?Platitudev n.boring and meaningless commonplace remark or statement,esp.when it is said as if it were new or interesting because it has been said so many times before adj.platitudinous 陈腐平凡的,老生常谈,陈词滥调陈腐平凡的,老生常谈,

11、陈词滥调This speech was full of empty platitudes about (of)peace and Anybody who knows anything about New York knows the citys essential platitudethat you dont wander around Central Park at nightand in that,needless to say,was the appeal:it was the thing you dont do.(Para.1)Everybody who knows New York

12、knows that you should not wander in Central Park at night because it is too dangerous.(Essential platitude:)This is known to all and has been said over and over.However,precisely because of the risk there are always people lured to visit Central Park at night.They just wish to do what people normall

13、y dont Part 2(Paras.26):not to mention:without mentioning 更不必说更不必说,除,除以外还以外还Examples:We are served French champagne,not to mention the usual cocktails.David is handsome and smart,not to mention being a good vmake forv1)to move toward(a place)vExamples:vThe escaped prisoner was making for the coast.v

14、2)to help make sth possiblevExamples:vThe large print makes for easier respect vs aspectv从汉语对应角度上讲,两个词都有从汉语对应角度上讲,两个词都有“方面方面”的意思的意思 vrespect:a way 事物的某个具体细节,与事物的某个具体细节,与in搭配:搭配:“it differs in that respect”,“在这个细节上有差别在这个细节上有差别 vaspect:a single area of interest from a particular point of view;a side o

15、r phase.从某种角度观察事物的结果。类似地,从某种角度观察事物的结果。类似地,一座山从各角度看到不同的形状,那么每个观察者看到的一座山从各角度看到不同的形状,那么每个观察者看到的都是一个都是一个aspect aspect v概括起来,概括起来,aspectaspect可译为可译为“方面方面”、“侧面侧面”,respectrespect则相当于则相当于“细节细节”、“部分部分”。vThese two poems are similar in some respects.(in some ways)vin all/some/many respects 在各个某些许在各个某些许多方面多方面 v

16、We discussed several important aspects of the learning process.vThey had to consider the plan in all its in view 在能看见的范围内;在考虑中;在注意中在能看见的范围内;在考虑中;在注意中Examples:The sea came in view as we came out of the forest.Dream pursuer has kept his goal in Come into view:进入视野:进入视野The castle suddenly came into vie

17、w.In view of:由于,鉴于:由于,鉴于In view of the facts,it seems useless to continue.鉴于这些事实鉴于这些事实,继续下去似乎是无益的。继续下去似乎是无益的。keep in view:把某人:把某人某物某物放在心里放在心里Ill keep it in view.我会把它放在心上的。我会把它放在心上的。on view:展览着:展览着,陈列着陈列着Two of my sisters pictures are on view in the local Art Gallery.我姐姐的两幅画在本地美术馆展出。我姐姐的两幅画在本地美术馆展出。w

18、ith a view to:为了:为了,为的是为的是He is studying hard with a view to going to university.他为了上大学正在努力学习。他为了上大学正在努力学习。 drift out(口)不经意(慢吞吞)走出来,走开,离开(口)不经意(慢吞吞)走出来,走开,离开Example:vThe smoke pall drifted out to reveal the blackened shell of the vgeneralverbsspecificverbsvlook/see/watchscan(细查,扫视)(细查,扫视)glimpse(瞥见,

19、简短的一瞥)(瞥见,简短的一瞥)glare(怒目而视)(怒目而视)stare(凝视)(凝视)gaze(集中注意力看,凝视)(集中注意力看,凝视)glance(粗略地看一下,扫视)(粗略地看一下,扫视)peep(窥视,偷窥)(窥视,偷窥)peek(瞥一眼,偷窥)(瞥一眼,偷窥)peer(细看)(细看)vA Shakespeare garden is a themed garden that cultivates plants mentioned in the works of William Shakespeare.In English-speaking countries,particular

20、ly the United States,these are often public gardens associated with parks,universities,and Shakespeare festivals.Shakespeare gardens are sites of cultural,educational,and romantic interest and can be locations for outdoor vBoltvi.a)to run away quickly 猛冲,逃跑猛冲,逃跑 b)to move;to break away 迅速移动迅速移动 vt.c

21、)to fasten with strong rods and bar 拴住,上门闩拴住,上门闩 d)to swallow food or drink hurriedly 匆匆吞下,咽下匆匆吞下,咽下 vExamples:a)He bolted out of his house.b)Eyes bolted towards the stranger.c)He bolted the door on the inside.d)He bolted down a hurried breakfast.a bolt from(out of)the blue 晴天霹雳,意外的事晴天霹雳,意外的事 lightn

22、ing bolts 闪电闪电 make a bolt(for it)赶快逃走赶快逃走runvbolt(to run in a sudden way)迅速移动,迅速移动,惊跑惊跑 vdash 猛冲,猛冲,vhurry 快速移动快速移动vjog 慢跑慢跑vplunge 冲入,俯冲冲入,俯冲 vrush 冲,猛攻;奔泻冲,猛攻;奔泻vscurry 疾跑,急赶疾跑,急赶vtrot 小跑小跑Walkvhike(to go for along walk for fun or v exercise)远足,长途步行远足,长途步行vmarch(to walk steadily)齐步前进,行进齐步前进,行进vra

23、ce 踱步踱步vramble 漫步闲逛漫步闲逛vshuffle(to walk without taking your feet fromv the ground)曳脚而行,拖着步子走曳脚而行,拖着步子走vstep(a short distance)走,跨步走,跨步 vstride(to take long steps)大步行走,跨大步行走,跨vstroll(to walk with out hurrying,often forv pleasure)溜达,闲逛,散步溜达,闲逛,散步vtiptoe 惦着脚尖走惦着脚尖走Paraphrase:And I bolted,not running,exa

24、ctly,but no longer strollingand certainly not looking backturning left,turning right,all sense of direction obliterated And I started to run away quickly.To be exact,I was not running,but it was also not strolling any more.Without looking back,I turned left and right and finally I lost my sense of T

25、he ramble(漫步园)漫步园)The Ramble is a sanctuary for as many as 250 species of birds,with the interlaced paths and hills,countless trees,shrubs,meadows,rocky cliffs and a winding stream.The Ramble was intended as a woodland walk through highly varied topography,a wild garden away from carriage drives and

26、 bridle A heap of branches 一簇树枝A heap of stone 一堆沙子A heap of earth 一堆土A heap of rubble 一片废墟A heap of time 大量的时间I tiptoe across and sat,enjoying the pictureof the city again,the very reassuring city.vreassuring:adj.restoring confidence and relieving anxiety 安心的;可靠的;鼓气的安心的;可靠的;鼓气的vEg:But the condition

27、 of the eight others is less reassuring.v但是其他八件的情况显的不那么可靠。但是其他八件的情况显的不那么可靠。我踮起脚走过去,坐下来,再次欣赏着城市的美景,我踮起脚走过去,坐下来,再次欣赏着城市的美景,这是一座令人感到慰藉的城市。这是一座令人感到慰藉的城市。Suspend/danglev两个词虽然都有悬的意思,但是dangle暗含的意思是不固定,随时都会摆动;而suspend则是使固定,悬留在空中或(水中).尤其是两个词都当及物动词时,dangle sth是摇晃,摆动某物的意思,而suspend sth是把某物悬吊起来(正是因此才引申为使某事物中止)的意

28、思vA kite dangles from a telephone wire.一只风筝悬挂在电话线上晃来晃去。v I dangled my feet in the clear blue water.我在清水里摆动双足.vThe leaves dangled in the wind.树叶迎风摇摆。vA leather purse dangled from his belt 挂在他腰间的一个钱包.vWe suspended the lamp from the ceiling.我们把灯吊在天花板上。vget/find sbs bearings:to find out where sb is and

29、what to do nextvlose sbs bearings:to become confused about where sb is or what to do next.vEg:Twenty minutes later it was dark,I completely lost my vrip sth off 撕掉某物;撕掉某物;偷窃某物偷窃某物vrip sb off 敲诈某人敲诈某人vrip out 拽出、扯出、狠狠地发出拽出、扯出、狠狠地发出vrip from 从从撕下撕下vShe ripped the page from the magazine.vRip a letter o

30、pen=rip open a letter拆信拆信 vRip into 把把撕成撕成vThe magician ripped the cloth into small pieces.vShall I sew up the rip in your shirt?v(要不要我把你衬衫上的口子缝好要不要我把你衬衫上的口子缝好)v.a detail that Ive compulsively.since I first heard it.vPara:vEver since I first heard of the McMorrow case I have been going over the deta

31、ils in my mind:How he was killed,disemboweled and rolled into the lake.I just cant help Compulsive/compulsoryvPayingtaxis_.vManyyoungpeopleindulgein_buying.Theykeepbuyingbecausetheycanthelpit.vHeisa_gamblers/liars/addicts/(1)compulsive表示迫使的,由不得自己的或情不自禁的表示迫使的,由不得自己的或情不自禁的 eg:I will not believe him an

32、y more because he is a compulsive liar.(2)compulsory表示根据法律,命令,规定等必须做的,表示根据法律,命令,规定等必须做的,强制的,有责任的。强制的,有责任的。eg:At present,China implements compulsory education at the stage of primary and secondly on ones hands 受照顾;需要负责;可自由支配受照顾;需要负责;可自由支配Examples:vShe has a large family on her hands.她有许多子女要照顾。她有许多子女要

33、照顾。I have an empty house on my hands.我手里有一所空房子要处理掉。我手里有一所空房子要处理掉。He has got much time on his hands.他有许多时间可自由支配。他有许多时间可自由支配。To be continued on the next at hand:在附近,在手边在附近,在手边on hand:现在,在手头;到场出席;即将现在,在手头;到场出席;即将发生发生 in hand:手里拿着;在掌握中;(工作等)手里拿着;在掌握中;(工作等)在进行中(讨究)在进行中(讨究)to the day 恰好,刚好,一天不差恰好,刚好,一天不差E

34、xamples:three years ago to the day 一天不差恰好三年前一天不差恰好三年前40 years ago to the day 四十年前的今天四十年前的今天 cf.to this day 直到现在,迄今直到现在,迄今of the day 当代的,当时的当代的,当时的One of the first events in the Park took place 140 years ago almost to the day:a band concert.The concert,pointedly,was held on a Saturday,still a working

35、 day,because the concert,like much of the Park then,was designed to keep the citys rougher elements out.(Para.7)One of the first events in the Park took place almost exactly on this day 140 years ago:a band concert.The concert was deliberately held on a Saturday when ordinary people were all working

36、 so as to keep them The Park at night must have seemed luxurious and secludeda giant evening garden party.The Park was to be strolled through,enjoyed as an aesthetic experience,like a walk inside a painting.(Para.7)an occasion to enjoy beautiful scenery and music as well as the company of well-dress

37、ed People,behaved in refined Manners,talking about arts:painting,musical,etc.quiet and private;awayfrom ordinary laboringpeoplea formal party for a lot of people,held in a In the distance:在远处在远处at a distance 在远处;有相当距离在远处;有相当距离 distance oneself from 使(自己)远离;使疏远使(自己)远离;使疏远 from a distance 从远处;隔开一段距离从远

38、处;隔开一段距离 in the distance 在远方,直接用作状语在远方,直接用作状语 at a distance(of)在多远的地方,一般后面接)在多远的地方,一般后面接距离的名词或数词距离的名词或数词Spot:n.地点,斑点地点,斑点 adj.现场的;现货买卖的现场的;现货买卖的 adv.准确地;恰好准确地;恰好 v.认出,发现认出,发现 on the spot 立刻,当场;在危险中立刻,当场;在危险中我父亲在我作文里发现了好几个拼字错误我父亲在我作文里发现了好几个拼字错误My father spotted several spelling mistakes in my composi

39、tion.There is no sign of any games and I only spot one child.现场我只看到了一个孩子,也根本没有什么游戏的迹象。现场我只看到了一个孩子,也根本没有什么游戏的迹象。Paraphrase(understanding):I spotted a couple approaching.Your first thought is:nutcase?I suddenly saw a couple coming my way.Your first thought is:are they mad(dating in the Central Park at

40、 night)?V to move or to make sth move with a sudden short sharp movement 急拉,猛推,猝然一动急拉,猛推,猝然一动N 1 a sudden quick sharp movement 急拉;猛推;急拉;猛推;猝然一动猝然一动 2 a stupid person who often says or does the wrong thing 蠢人蠢人;傻瓜;笨蛋;傻瓜;笨蛋 shriek v./n.to shout in a loud high voice because you are frightened,excited,o

41、r surprisedExamples:The woman trapped under the piles of debris 残骸残骸raised her voice to a shriek.She shrieked an alarm at On ones own:独自地,独立地独自地,独立地stand on ones own feet 独立自主;不依靠他人;独立自主;不依靠他人;自力更生自力更生act On Ones Own自主;自作主张;按照自己的自主;自作主张;按照自己的意愿行事意愿行事embolden v.to give courage or confidence to sb.Exa

42、mples:He smiled and this emboldened her to ask him for help.Emboldened by drink,he walked over to speak to At the heart of 核心关键 have heart trouble/have a heart condition affairs of the heartheart and soul In your heart of hearts set your heart on have a heart of gold have a heart of stone at heart 与

43、爱情相关的事全心全意地,完全地在心底里,在内心深处非常想得到,渴望得到非常仁慈,心地善良铁石心肠本质上,心底里,实际上患心脏病vKeep patting the park on the backva pat on the back 赞许,鼓励赞许,鼓励vAlex deserves a pat on the back for all his hard workv1.pat (v.)轻拍(尤指给予安慰)轻拍(尤指给予安慰)vpat sb/yourself on the back 对对 某人某人/自己自己 表示赞表示赞扬(鼓励,庆贺)扬(鼓励,庆贺)v2.pat (adj.)(回答或解释)脱口而出的

44、,预先准回答或解释)脱口而出的,预先准备好似的备好似的 Robert Moses(December 18,1888 July 29,1981)was the master builder of mid-20th century New York City,Long Island,Rockland County,and Westchester County,New York.As the shaper of a modern city,he is sometimes compared to Baron Haussmann of Second Empire Paris,and is one of

45、the most polarizing figures in the history of urban planning in the United States.罗罗伯伯特特摩摩西西(1888-1981)被被称称为为20世世纪纪中中期期纽纽 约约 市市、长长 岛岛,以以 及及 纽纽 约约 州州 西西 彻彻 斯斯 特特 郡郡(Westchester County)的的总总规规划划师师。作作为为这这些些现现代代主主义义风风格格城城市市的的缔缔造造者者,他他也也经经常常被被比比作作巴巴黎黎第第二二帝帝国国时时期期的的巴巴郎郎豪豪斯斯曼曼(Baron Haussmann),并并以以此此成成为为美美国

46、国城城市市规规划划历历史史上最具争议的人物之一。上最具争议的人物之一。The irony was that by the end of the Moses era the Park was dangerous.(Para.10)vMoses did a lot to turn Central Park into an efficient peoples park.But the outcome was quite unexpected and sad:by the end of his era the Park was on the/a rampage 横冲直撞;暴跳如雷横冲直撞;暴跳如雷Ex

47、amples:The escaped elephant was on the rampage for two days.The rioters went on a rampage and vandalized many vTheParkisnowframed,envelopedevenbythecity,buttherewasnoescapingtherecognitionthatthiscity-contrived,man-made,glaringlyobtrusive,consumingwastefulandstaggeringquantitiesofelectricityandwater

48、andenergy-wasverybeautiful.The Park,which is supposed to remain unaffected by any influence of the city life,is now surrounded,and even overwhelmed completely by the features of the city.But there was no denying the fact(you have to admit)that the city was very beautiful,although it was not a natura

49、l kind of beauty,it was artificial and showy,and it used up a great amount of water and There is no escaping/denying the recognition that the city was very beautiful.(Para.12)vThere is no verb.+ing There is no denying There was no knowing how long he might be away.Theres no telling when an outburst

50、might come.Theres no escaping the dust in Spring.There is no telling how long he might be away.Theres no escaping mental stress these days.Life is tough.There is no denying the fact that these people have a reason to be But there it was:the city at night,viewed from what meant to be an escape from i


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