高中英语 Module 4《Sandstorms in Asia》学案2 外研版必修3.doc

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1、Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia基础自主回顾.课标单词1_大量的;大规模的(adj.)2_战役;活动(n.)3_进程;过程(n.)4_预报;预告(vt.)5_重新利用;再循环(v.)masscampaignprocessforecastrecycle6_根据;证明(n.)7_紧急的(adj.)8_污染(vt.)9_恐怖的;吓人的(adj.)10_绝对地;完全地(adv.)11_吓人的;可怕的(adj.)_吓唬;使害怕(vt.)_恐惧;害怕(n.)evidenceurgentpollutescaryabsolutelyfrighteningfrightenfright12_

2、力量;力气(n.)_加强(v.)_强壮的(adj.)13_化学药品(n.)化学的(adj.)_化学(n.)14_关心的;担心的(adj.)_关心(n.)15_主要的;多数的(adj.)_大多数(n.)16_抱怨;发牢骚(vi.)_抱怨(n.)17_保护(n.)_(v.)strengthstrengthenstrongchemicalchemistryconcernedconcernmajormajoritycomplaincomplaintprotectionprotect.常用短语1_遇上;赶上2_砍倒3_只有做4_阻止某人做5_埋怨;抱怨6_理解;欺骗;吸收be caught incut

3、downdo nothing but do sth.prevent sb. from doing plain of/ abouttake in7_认真考虑8_概括地说9_为担心10_放出;发出11_挖出12_浏览,仔细检查13_清楚地意识到think seriously aboutin a nutshellbe concerned about/ overgive outdig uplook throughwake up to.重点句型1The storms sometimes continue all day and traffic moves very slowly because the

4、thick dust _.暴风有时持续一整天,车辆开得很慢,因为浓浓的尘埃降低了能见度。答案:makes it difficult to see2To _ it _ nearer, the government is planting trees.为了阻止它来得更近,政府正在植树。答案:prevent; coming3The garbage is then taken away and, _, recycled.然后垃圾被带走,如果可能的话会进行回收利用。答案:if possible4_ seven ideas, ask another pair to help you.若你很难找到七种想法,

5、就让别的小组帮帮你。答案:If you have difficulty in finding.模块语法1Linda was very sorry for being late. But the teachers smile made her _ better.A. feelB. to feelC. fall D. to fall答案:A2He is often listened _ English songs, but this time we had him _ Russian songs.A. to sing; sing B. to sing; to singC. sing; to sin

6、g D. sing; sing答案:A3Im sorry I cant help _ the flowers, because Im busy preparing for the singing competition _ tomorrow.A. watering; to be heldB. water; being heldC. to water; heldD. water; to be held答案:D4Charles did what he could _ the servant, although he himself was in danger.A. rescue B. to res

7、cueC. rescued D. rescuing答案:B5Is this the watch you wish _?A. to have repaired B. to repair itC. to have it repaired D. to have repaired it答案:A6My mother could do nothing but _ at home.A. to be staying B. to stayC. to staying D. stay答案:D 考点探究解密考 点 解 读1massn.团,块,堆;大量,许多adj.大批的,大量的,广泛的vt. & vi.集结;聚集知识

8、链接:下列短语都有“许多的,大量的”之意,可修饰可数或不可数名词:lots ofa lot ofquantities ofa quantity ofvarieties ofa variety ofcollections ofa collection ofsupplies ofa (good) supply ofplenty of以下短语仅修饰可数名词:numbers ofa number of, many a, a good/great many, quite a few以下短语仅修饰不可数名词:a great deal of, an amount of, quite a little误区警示

9、:masses of可用来修饰可数名词,也可用来修饰不可数名词。朗文在线:a mass of snow一堆积雪The sky was full of dark masses of clouds.天空乌云密布。mass production批量生产weapons of mass destruction大规模杀伤性武器Dark clouds massed on the horizon.天空乌云密布。命题方向:考题中常考查表示数量的词的辨析。活学巧练:He has_letters to answer. He has to work from morning to night.AmuchBa grea

10、t deal ofCmasses of Dthe number of答案与解析:Cletters为可数名词,排除A、B项。D项应为a number of,故只有C项正确。2concerned adj.关心的;有关的(常用于名词之后);挂念的;担心的精讲拓展:concerning prep.关于be concerned in sth.涉及be concerned with sth. 关于;有关so/as far as sth. /sb. be concerned 据所知have no concern for 毫不关心have no concern with 和毫无关系concern vt.涉及,

11、关系到n.(利害)关系,关心be much concerned about 十分挂念;担心;焦虑误区警示:concerned表示“关心的,有关的”时常作后置定语或表语。朗文在线:The affair is greatly regretted by everyone concerned.所有相关人士都对此事感到极为遗憾。Everyone concerned in the incident was questioned by the police.所有与这起事件有关的人都受到了警方的盘问。This article concerns a man who was wrongly imprisoned.

12、这篇文章写的是一个被冤枉而入狱的人。命题方向:concerning,as/so far as sb./sth. be concerned是重要考点。活学巧练:He heard nothing_this matter.Aconcerned BconcerningCconcerns Dconnecting答案与解析:Bconcerning prep.关于。句意:他没有听到任何关于这件事的消息。3complain v抱怨,悲叹,控诉精讲拓展:complain about/of.抱怨complain that.抱怨complain to sb.向某人投诉cant complain口还算好(虽然有些问题

13、,但总体上比较满意)complaint n诉苦,抱怨,牢骚误区警示:complain 若接名词作宾语时需接介词 about 或 of,也可直接跟从句。朗文在线:She often complains about not feeling appreciated at work.她因为感到自己在工作上不受赏识而常发牢骚。People complain that they dont get enough imformation.人们抱怨得不到足够的信息。Old age is creeping up,but I cant complain.暮年将至,但我觉得还好。命题方向:complain about

14、/of 短语是重要考点。活学巧练:She always makes some_over shortages and high prices.Adislikes BcomplaintsCtroubles Ddiscontents答案与解析:Bmake complaints over sth.“抱怨某事”;dislikes“厌恶”;troubles“烦恼,困苦”;discontent为不可数名词,不可加s,意为“不满”。4urgent adj.紧急的,迫切的;非常重要的They were urgent in their demand.他们的要求很迫切。She was urgent for the

15、doctor to come.她急切地催促医生来。精讲拓展:urge vt.推进,极力主张;催促,激励urgency n紧急,迫切urge sb.to do.敦促某人做urge sb.into doing.敦促某人做urge sb.against强烈反对urge on sb.向某人强调be in urgent need of急需误区警示:urge后的宾语从句应用should do的形式。活学巧练:The doctor_an Xray test, and then, he could make a conclusion.Aurged me to have Burged me havingCurg

16、ed against Durged on me答案与解析:Aurge sb. to do sth.“极力要求某人做某事”。5evidence n根据,证明 There is evidence that somebody has been living here. obviousapparentevidentadj.明白的,明显的evidently adv.明显,显然be in evidence 明显,显而易见on the evidence of sth. 用某事物作为证据have/show evidence of 有的迹象 It is evident that 很明显注意:evidence指有

17、助于证明某事确实存在的任何事物,或与法律诉讼有关的物证,见证。proof指直接证明某事是事实的根据。witness亲眼见过某事的证人或提供的见证。误区警示:evidence是不可数名词。活学巧练:(1) The applause made it_(明显的) that the play was a hit.(2) A smile gives_(证明,证据) of her consent.(3) Will you act as_(见证人) to the agreement between us?(4)_(显然 ) she will be elected.evidentevidencewitness

18、Evidently6strength n体力,力气;意志力;强点;坚强精讲拓展:have the strength to do有做的力气/意志力with all ones strength用尽全身的力气strength of character 性格的坚强position of strength(尤指在讨论中的)优势地位in strength大批地,大量地误区警示:strength表示“体力;力气;意志力;坚强”时,为不可数名词;但表示“强点,优势,长处”时是可数名词。朗文在线:I dont have the strength to climb any further.我没有力气再往上爬了。W

19、here did you find the strength to keep trying?你不断进行尝试的意志力是从哪儿来的?The great strength of our plan lies in its simplicity.我们这个计划的最大长处在于它的简单。词语辨析:strength,force,power与energystrength着重指人的体力或坚强的意志力。force指物理学上的“力”也指为做某事而使用的力量,还可指武力。power指能力、权力、着重行动所根据的能力、本领或职权。energy主要指人的精力,或自然界中物理学定义中的“能,能量”。命题方向:strength常

20、与force, power等以词语辩析题的形式出现在高考中。活学巧练:Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his _.Aability BforceCstrength Dmind答案与解析:C“训练是为了增强体力”。7cut down砍倒,削减,驳倒,改小或缩短(衣服)Many big trees along the road have been cut down for building houses.cut out 剪除;切掉;割掉cut up 切碎;使伤心cut off 切断,停掉,隔绝cut across/thro

21、ugh 抄近路穿过cut in 插入,插嘴cut open切开或破开某物误区警示:cut up与cut down 并非是反义词组,且cut in与cut out 也不是反义词组。朗文在线:You smoke too muchyou should try to cut down.你抽烟太凶了,该少抽点。My doctors told me to cut down on carbohydrates.我的医生告诉我要减少碳水化合物的摄入量。命题方向:cut down常与cut in,cut out,cut up以词语辨析的形式出现。活学巧练:(1)In the end, I_the dealer_(

22、把降低) by another $ 5.00.(2) The tailor is_(改小 ) my dress.(3)I was_(断线) on my line to London.(4)_(切碎 ) the carrots before you put them into the pot.(5) He brought a knife and_the box_(割开)cutdowncutting downcut offCut upcutopen8give out发生(光、热、声音、气体等);分发,发布;公布;耗尽;用完,用尽精讲拓展:give away 背弃,出卖,泄露(秘密),暴露give

23、back 归还;送回;报复give over 中止,停止做;交给/付,移交give forth 发/放出(声音、气味等);发表,公布give in (to) 屈服,投降,退让give off (散)发出(蒸气),发散(光线)give up 放弃,停/中止;让/交给;投降,认输,泄气give rise to 引起,使发生;造成give way让路,让步give way to 给让路/让步;被代替误区警示:表示“用光,用尽”时,give out, run out 是不及物动词短语,不可用于被动结构,也不接宾语。use up, run out of 是及物动词短语,可接宾语。朗文在线:Student

24、s were giving out leaflets to everyone on the street.学生们在向街上所有的人分发传单。It was given out that the prime minister was to undergo minor surgery.据宣布,首相将要接受小手术。My money began to give out.我的钱快要用光了。命题方向:give out常与give构成的其他短语以词语辨析题的形式出现。活学巧练:(2010武汉二月调研)I think we should_all these old toys to the local childr

25、en hospital.Agive out Bgive inCgive up Dgive away 答案与解析:Dgive away“赠送”。give out“分发,发出”;give in“屈服,让步”;give up“放弃”。9if possible 如果可能的话精讲拓展:固定短语,意义“如果可能的话”,常在句中作插入语,起补充说明的作用。if possible 是 if it is possible 的省略形式。在 if, when,while, once,whether, unless等引导的从句中如果含有系动词be的某种形式,从句的主语与主句主语一致或从句的主语是 it 时,从句的主语

26、和系动词 be 可以省略。 if 引导省略的情况有下列几种:if any 如果有的话if necessary 需要的话if so 如果是这样的话if ever 如果曾经有的话if not不这样的话误区警示:if, when, while 后接分词结构时,若与主句主语是主动关系用ing 形式,若是被动关系用过去分词形式。朗文在线:I think theres a train at midday. If not, youll have to wait till 1230.我想正午会有一班火车。要是没有,你只好等到12点半了。I dont suppose there will be more tha

27、n a dozen left,if any.我认为即使还有的话也不会超过十几个。I want to avoid the rush hour traffic if possible.如果可能的话,我想避开交通高峰期。命题方向:if 引导省略的情况是高考的重要考点。活学巧练:翻译(1)不要把垃圾扔掉了,如果可能的话,回收利用。_(2)如果有必要让汤姆帮你一把。_(3)准备好了吗?要不我就自己去了。_(4)年轻时努力工作,否则你会后悔的。_Dont throw away the garbage, if possible,recycle.Ask Tom to give you a hand if ne

28、cessary.Are you ready? If not,Im going without you.Work hard when young,or youll regret.10I couldnt agree with you more.我再同意你的观点不过了。(1)表示同意的表达法常见的有:Certainly. /Sure. /Of course. 当然可以。No problem.没问题。Yes,please,可以,请(做)吧。Yes,I think so.对,我认为是这样。All right./OK.行,可以。Thats a good idea! 是个好主意。 Its a good id

29、ea that we start at once. 我们马上出发是个好主意。 I agree(with you)我同意(你的意见)。 I agree to your plan.我同意你的计划。 Exactly.正是。 Thats correct.正确。 Yes,I think so.是的,我也是这么想的。(2)表示不同意的看法的表达法常见的有:No way.没门。Of course not.当然不。I dont agree.我不同意。I dont think so.我不这么想。Im afraid not.恐怕不是。Im afraid I(really) cant agree with you.

30、恐怕我(实在)不能同意你的看法。活学巧练:Why not have a new machine designed?_.Ill have someone do it soon.AI dont think so BIm not sureCIts up to you DSounds like a good idea答案与解析:DWhy not 提出建议,用来表示赞同的答语。11动词不定式动词不定式在句中可起名词、形容词和副词的作用,因此在句中可作主语、宾语、表语、状语、补语。(1)不定式作主语,主要表示具体动作,即在某时某地要做的动作,有时也可像doing形式作主语一样,表示泛指。(2)有些动词后只

31、能跟不定式形式作宾语:afford, promise, refuse, expect, hope, learn, offer, wish, fail, plan, agree, decide, manage, arrange, determine, desire等。下列动词后可接疑问词不定式:teach, decide, wonder, show, learn, forget, ask, find out, advise, discuss等。(3)作复合谓语的一部分用于be said/reported/known等不定式结构用于seem/appear/prove/tend等不定式结构用于be

32、likely/certain/sure不定式结构(4)作宾语补足语不定式作宾补与宾语之间在逻辑上含主谓关系时,不定式用主动式。有动宾关系时,不定式则用被动式。可以接带to的不定式作宾补的动词有:ask, tell, order, command, beg, request, require, invite, force, cause, forbid, get, allow, permit, wish, want, expect, encourage, advise, persuade, warn, would like, wait for, long for, plan for(安排)等。注意

33、:hope, demand, suggest,agree之后不接不定式作宾补。在think, consider, believe, suppose, know, feel, find, understand, declare等动词后常接to be形容词结构作宾补,但是在consider sb./sth. to be adj./n.中的to be可以省略。能接省略to的不定式作宾补的动词有:see, hear, listen to, watch, notice, look at, feel, observe等感官动词以及使役动词make, let, have。但当上述动词用于被动语态时,其后要带

34、上to。(5)作定语不定式能作后置定语,但不能作前置定语。它与被修饰的名词或代词在逻辑上既可是主谓关系,也可是动宾关系,还可以表示时间、地点、方式等。不定式作定语,常用来表示将来的动作或含情态意味的动作。被修饰的名词之前如有序数词,则通常用不定式作后置定语。不定式作定语通常放在名词或代词之后。作定语的不定式如为不及物动词,且与前面的名词或代词在逻辑上含动宾关系,此时不定式之后要加上相应的介词。不定式作定语,如与其前名词或代词在逻辑上含动宾关系,则不定式通常需用被动式;但如果不定式既与其前某一名词或代词在逻辑上含动宾关系,又与其前另一名词或代词在逻辑上含有主谓关系,则不定式用主动式。The me

35、eting to be held tomorrow is very important.明天要举行的会议很重要。(6)作状语不定式可以作目的状语、结果状语及原因状语和方式状语。在下列句式中作结果状语:too.to do, so.as to do., such. to do, enough to do., come to do.(逐渐),only to do.在下列句式中作目的状语:so as to do., in order to do.在表示人的“情绪”的形容词之后作原因状语:sb. be glad/surprised/pleased/happy/sorry/disappointed等to

36、do.在下列形容词之后作方式状语:be comfortable to live in, be easy to deal with, be fit to drink, be difficult to understand注意:在这种句式中,即当不定式位于表语形容词之后时,尽管不定式与其前某一名词或代词在逻辑上含动宾关系,但不定式只用主动式,而不用被动式。(7)不定式的完成式表示不定式中动词发生的动作先于主句的谓语动词发出的动作。The novel was said to have been published.据说那部小说已出版了。seem, appear, be said, be suppos

37、ed, be believed, be thought, be known, be reported等动词常用于上面句型。此外,glad, happy, satisfied, sorry, surprised, disappointed后也接完成式,但要注意与一般式的区别。Im sorry to keep you waiting for a minute.对不起,请稍等。(说话时还未等)Im sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,让你久等了。(说话时已等了很久)不定式的完成式还可表示“过去本想做某事但未做”的虚拟语气。ashould like to/would

38、like to/would love to不定式的完成式。bwas/were to不定式的完成式,表示“该做某事或想做但未实现”。cexpect/hope/mean/promise/suppose/think/want/wish/intend/plan不定式的完成式,表示“过去未曾实现的愿望”。(8)不定式的省略同一结构并列,由and或or连接。I want to finish my homework and go home.我想完成作业后回家。Im really puzzled what to think or say.我非常困惑,不知该想什么或说什么。特例:To be or not to

39、be, this is a question.生存还是灭亡,这是个问题。It is better to laugh than to cry.(表示对比)笑比哭好。不定式作表语,其前面的主语从句中含有实义动词do时,后面的to省略。What he did was lose the game.他能做的只有放弃比赛。句中含有动词do时,but, except, besides, such as等后面to可省略。即“前有do,后省略to”。Dont do anything silly, such as marry him.不要做像嫁给他这样的傻事。主句含有不定式,后面有rather than, rat

40、her than后省略to。Why not, had better, would rather, cant but等词后省略to。He could not but walk home.他没有别的选择,只好步行回家。(9)不定式的替代多用在同一句或联系紧密的对话中,为了避免重复,作宾语或主补,宾补的不定式再次出现时,to后的内容常承前省略(只保留to即可)。但如果承前省略的不定式有助动词have或be任何形式,后应该保留原形be或have。Susan is not what she used to be.苏珊是跟以前不一样了。You came late last night. You ought

41、 to have finished your homework.I know I ought to have.昨晚你来晚了。你本应该完成你的作业。我知道我应该完成。常见的有:Id like/love/be happy to。注意:非谓语动词的用法是高中阶段的又一个难点,内容较多,但一定要掌握这样几方面:一是非谓语动词的形式,包括一般式和完成式及其它们的被动形式和否定形式;二是非谓语动词所能充当的成分。在平时阅读和练习中要注意体会它们在语境中的用法。语法:but不定式(1)在.nothing but.结构中,若but前有实义动词do, but后的动词要用原形;若but前没有实义动词do, but

42、后要用to do不定式。(2)在cant but.(禁不住,情不自禁)和cant help/choose but.(只能)结构中,but后要用动词原形。活学巧练:(1)(2007辽宁)The crowd cheered wildly at the sight of Liu Xiang, who was reported_the world record in the 110meter hurdle race. A. breaking B. having broken C. to have broken D. to break答案:C(2)I think youll grow_him when you know him better. A. liking B. to be like C. to like D. to be lik


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