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1、国际贸易专业二学历外贸英语写作讲义第一讲 商务英语写作的过程与基本要求写作的过程:准备深思熟虑准备工作可以采用多种形式。具体讲,一般需要对以下几方面有明确的认识:1 作者的角色一般来说,首先要判定交际双方的等级关系和亲疏关系,然后即可确定交际走向是否应为上行文、下行文或平行文。划分出这个界限,才能做到语言准确得体。2 读者的角色读者信息包括:-身份(决定语气)-专业水平(决定用词)-人数-主次3 预期的目的效率是第一位的,因此最好开门见山,切中主题;文字应简洁明了。起稿条理分明在写的过程中,我们需要完成如下几项任务:1 确定篇幅 一般分为开头、主体、结尾三部分。读者视角:迅速捕捉头尾信息。2

2、组织布局商务文章注重逻辑性,结构严谨,环环相扣。由近至远,由浅至深,由轻至重。3 区分类别在给自己的文章定位时,以下几点值得我们注意。 记叙与非记叙 互动性与单向性 抽象信息与具体信息 客观描述与主观判断定稿精雕细琢定稿的标准尺度:n 布局合理,层次分明n 信息合理,内容完整n 语气恰当,适合读者n 语句连贯,一气呵成n 句型丰富,短句为主n 措辞到位,表达准确商务写作的基本要求:在写作过程中都必须遵循的六大原则,即准确(Correctness)、清楚(Clarity)、简明(Conciseness)、具体(Concreteness)、完整(Completeness)、和礼貌(Courtesy

3、),也叫做商务写作的6C原则。 第一条原则:准确(correctness) 从广义上讲,商务英语写作的准确性原则包括四层意义: 阅读人能理解、接受的英语水平 使用精确措词,传达准确信息 正确地使用语法和标点符号 拼写正确 (1)恰当的语言风格我们在撰写正式的商务英语写作时,应尽量使用正规的语言;而当起草非正式的商务便条、商务便函及商务书信时,可使用较通俗的口语。请比较下面两组例词: FormalInformal approximately inquire ascertain obtain assist participate construct purchase contribute suff

4、icient difficult utilize aboutaskfind outreceivehelpsharebuildbuygiveenoughharduse (2)准确的措词和信息 商务写作离不开商务术语,一般常用的商业术语用字简洁。商务英语写作应该特别注意措词和信息的正确性。 (3)正确的语法和标点符号 常见的标点符号错误主要出现在逗号、冒号、省字号等。常见的语法错误一般出现在以下几个方面: 主谓之间的一致关系 代词与先行词之间的一致关系 悬垂句 修饰语与被修饰语之间的一致关系 状语的位置 (4)正确的拼写 第二条原则:清楚(Clarity) 写作中要合理安排要点,运用正确的句型句法

5、,突出重点,层次分明。 (1)逻辑布局(Logical Organization) 常用的逻辑布局方法包括: 因果关系(Cause & Effect) 时间顺序(Chronological Development) 序列顺序(Sequential Development) 比较(Comparison) 一般到特殊(From General to Specific) 特殊到一般(From Specific to General)(2)合理构架句群与段落(Well-Written Sentences & Paragraphs)在商务英语写作中,应该合理安排句子和段落的结构与长度,把各种长句、短句、

6、简句、复杂句等最佳组合成长度恰当的段落。请看例句: Marshall Corporation was founded forty years ago, and it now has branch offices in four states, and it employs nearly 400 individuals. ( poor )Marshall Corporation was founded forty years ago. With branch offices in four states, it now employs nearly 400 individuals. ( revi

7、sed )(3)统一性与一致性(Unity and Coherence)一篇商务写作的每一个段落都要围绕一个论点从不同方面进行论证,而在每一个段落中又都有一个主题句(topic sentence),一般安排在段首或段尾,而其它的句子则围绕着它进行论证,全文就这样一步进一步,一环扣一环地统一在主题思想上。而且,句子与句子之间,段落与段落之间都要前后呼应,首尾连贯。(4)强调(Emphasis)在商务英语写作中,有时需要强调某些单词、词组、句子,突出它们的作用,可以采用一些技巧手段,如下加横线,大写,或不同的字体、颜色等。(5)避免采用模糊的语句(ambiguous sentence)注意将句中关

8、系紧密的词尽量靠近 第三条原则:简洁(Conciseness)简洁是现代商务英语写作的发展趋势,是在保证内容完整无损的前提下用尽可能少的词句来阐明主题。商务英语写作要求既简短扼要,又不失完整与清楚明白,还要包括必要的礼貌。(1)用简洁的语言(Use simple language)尽量使用 避免使用please will you be good enough toprefer express a preference forbecause for the reason thatask requestbuy purchaseneed requestdo accomplishletter comm

9、unication(2)少用陈词滥调(Omit trite expressions)下表列出的是一些常见的陈词滥调:in the near futureit has come to my attentionat your earliest possible convenienceavail yourself of this opportunitydon t hesitatetake the liberty todue to the fact thatthanking you in advanceenclosed hereinwith kindest regards(3)避免冗长的表达方式和不必

10、要的重复(avoid wordy expressions & unnecessary repetition)请看下表中的两组例子,比较一下修改前与修改后的差别。 Wordy ConciseWe would like toA long period of time I expected it to be During the year of 1995 For the development ofSquare in shapeDuring the time that pleasea long timeexpectedduring 1995for developingsquarewhile(4)删改

11、无关紧要的成份(Remove unneeded facts) 如果句中的某些成份被删除后不影响句子的原意,那么就应该毫不犹豫地把它们删改掉。如下面句子中的划线部分被删去后并不影响句子的原义: It should be noted that this is the best we can do。(5)多使用主动语态的句子结构以明确表达意思请比较下面两个句子: Payment of their accounts will be made by Johnsons next week Johnsons will pay their accounts next week第四条原则:具体(Concrete

12、ness)商务英语写作要求内容书写得具体和明确,因此,尽量使用确定、具体的语言,直接了当地传递信息,说明问题,切忌笼统模糊。(1)尽可能地提供明确、具体的信息。 (2)使用具体词汇 避免使用抽象的词汇,因为抽象的词汇往往令人感觉模糊笼统。第五条原则:完整(Completeness) 商务英语写作的内容务必完整周密,任何要点的遗漏都可能导致重大损失。 第六条原则:礼貌(Courtesy) 商务英语写作中的礼貌原则,并不是指采用一些客套的句式,而是指一种贯彻于全文的尊重、理解和体谅对方的态度以下是几条有助于礼貌的写作方法:u 使用礼貌友好的词汇u 体谅对方的写作态度(You-Attitude)u

13、措辞得体(Appropriate Wording)u 避免使用有性别歧视之嫌的词语u 及时答复(Timely Response)课后练习练习一:Compare the following pairs of sentences, choose the better one and state your reason:(1) A. I have pleasure in informing you.B. I m pleased to tell you.(2) A. Please tell (or, inform) us.B. Please be good enough to advise us.(3

14、) A. Please do not anticipate any increase in prices.B. We do not expect prices to rise.(4) A. Will you kindly send us a reply before the end of the month for which a stamped envelope is enclosed?B. Will you please send us a reply in the enclosed envelope before the end of the month? (5) A. I was in

15、formed that you had a typewriter for sale and would like to know if it is still on sale; if so, please advise me as to the price. B. If you still have the typewriter which you offered for sale, please inform me of the price.(6) A. It is not our intention to suggest that you should keep unsatisfactor

16、y merchandise, so we are willing to ask you to return it to us at once, and will be glad to make an exchange.B. We are sorry that the merchandise is not up to standard and we shall gladly make an exchange.(7) A. We have your remittance of January 30 in the amount of $ 100, and wish at this time to t

17、hank you for it.B. Thank you for your remittance of January 30 for $ 100.(8) A. Your letter in reply to ours of May 18 came this morning, and now we do not understand any more clearly your complaint than we did before.B. Thank you for your Letter of May 20. In order that we may be of the greatest po

18、ssible help to you, will you please tell us just what you wish us to do about the matters.练习二:Rewrite the following sentences to achieve conciseness:(1) Please see that an enquiry is conducted to determine the reason.(2) We express our regret at being unable to fulfill your order on this occasion.(3

19、) Payment of their accounts will be made by Johnsons next week.(4) It is on the last day of June that the meeting will be held.(5) We are returning all the merchandise that is defective.(6) In the event that Model 404 is not available, please substitute Model 606.练习三:Rewrite each sentence in order t

20、o express its meaning more courteously.(1) You won t get your order because you didnt give us the information.(2) We must tell you that we cant accept your proposal.(3) You claim that there Were 3 witnesses to the accident. We need their names and addresses.(4) Thank you in advance for all the help

21、you will give me.(5) Your letter is not clear at al1. I cant understand it.(6) We need the statement by the end of next week.(7) You are requested to send payment by 8 June.(8) This is to inform you that the goods Will not be ready by June 4. We will not be able to deliver them until June 8.参考答案练习一:

22、b, a, b, b, b, b, b, b练习二:(1) Please find out the reason.(2) We are sorry we cannot meet your present order.(3) Johnsons will pay their accounts next week.(4) The meeting will be held on 30 June.(5) We are returning all the defective merchandise.(6) If Model 404 is not available, please substitute M

23、odel 606.练习三:(1) You will get your order as soon as you give us the information.(2) Unfortunately, we can not accept your proposal.(3) You mentioned that there were 3 witnesses to the accident. May we have their names and addresses?(4) Thank you for all the help you will give me.(5) If I understand

24、your letter correctly(6) Could you send us the statement by the end of next week?(7) Please send payment by 8 June.(8) We are sorry, but, it will be at least June 8 before we can deliver the goods to you.第二讲 商务英语写作的文体风格(一)商务书信的文体风格一封好的商业书信应该体现出语言自然精练、行文流畅、可读性高的文体风格。 自然 商业书信的写作必须力求“自然”,不能满篇都是过时的商业行话。

25、例子:使用过时商业行话的句子自然的句子In compliance with the afore-mentioned agreement, dispatch of goods will be undertaken subsequent to receipt of said monies.As agreed, we shall forward the goods to you when we have received your cheque.We should be obliged if you could contact our Mrs. Xiao at an early date.Pleas

26、e contact Mrs. Xiao soon.We beg to inform you that we are herewith canceling our order for the same.I am afraid we are canceling our order for the above goods.Assuring you of our best attention at all times, and awaiting the favour of your early response.I look forward to hearing from you soon.Due t

27、o the fact that your contract has lapsed, we are unable to comply with your request.As your contract contract has lapsed we cannot do as you request.可读性强 为了使信读起来生动有趣,写信人应该尽量避免使用单调的语言,力求使语言结构富于变化。可使用的方法有:1. 变化文法结构 变换句子的文法结构也可提高信文的可读性。写信时不要千篇一律地使用同一种表达方法。例如,下面这个句子可以用多种方法改写4Six months have passed since

28、 your last payment.1We last received a payment from you six months ago.3 You last paid us six months ago.It has been six months since we last received a payment from you.5Six months have gone by since you last paid us.2We have not received a payment from you for six months.6You have not paid us for

29、six months.2增强书信的可读性,还应注意运用精练的语言商业书信必须语言精练,能用一个单词的地方尽量不要使用多个单词。例如:高冗余度语言低冗余度语言Inasmuch as we require active consideration prior to making a decision, I am afraid that, in the circumstances, you will have to wait.As we need to consider before making a decision, I am afraid you will have to wait.商业书信的

30、语气 商业书信中写信人使用哪种语气十分重要,这可以反映出写信人和收信人之间的关系。积极的语气下面左边的三个句子采用提“中性”的语气,而右边相应的句子语气则显得积极。这种积极的语气可以使一个句子听上去更有诚意。中性积极I am in receipt of your order for 250 pairs of Niky Conga sports shoes.Thank you for your recent order for 250 pairs of Niky Conga sports shoes.You failed to send your order to us before the n

31、ew prices were introduced.Unfortunately, we did not receive your order before the new prices were introduced.We cannot devote much time to your visit as the March Sales figures are being compiled and we are very busy.We shall devote as much time to your visit as our hectic schedule will permit.撰写书信时

32、下列几件事情必须避免:指责对方犯错推卸自己的责任漠视客户的问题拒绝帮助对方对对方的帮助毫不领情消极的语气积极的语气It is not our fault if you do not check whether the goods are satisfactory on delivery.I am afraid customers are expected to check that goods are satisfactory on delivery.Problems of this type are common with the lower model. Next time you wil

33、l have to buy the more advanced model.Problems of this type are far less common with our more advanced model.We do not have the time to send our Sales Representative to see you. He is busy dealing with larger accounts than yours.We shall be happy to send our Sales Representative to visit you as soon

34、 as his heavy schedule permits.I am in receipt of the upgraded software you sent to replace the software we bought in February.Thank you very much for sending me the updated software which supersedes that which we bought in February.以您为先的语气 写信时要尽可能让收信人感到是你亲息写信给他们。例句:以我为先以您为先We shall be able to insta

35、ll Cable TV shortly.You will be pleased to hear that you will soon be able to receive Cable TV.I am afraid we cannot deliver at the weekend.You can have your goods delivered any weekday.I regret to inform you that we cannot refund your deposit unless you return the goods within a week.I am pleased t

36、o inform you that you will be able to receive a full refund of deposit if you return the goods within a week.(二)标点符号 (Punctuation)l 标点符号的作用及重要性标点符号是商务英语写作中不可缺少的辅助工具,其作用在于帮助读者分清句子结构,正确理解文字含义。不正确使用标点符号,或是滥用标点符号会造成意思混乱,引起读者的误解。l 标点的用法:(1)逗号(comma)作用: 逗号用于表示停顿或分句之间的间隔。用法:逗号用于分隔句中的各种语言成分,并表示一个停顿,一般用于以下几种

37、情况: 位置: a. 在句中表示语气停顿的地方。b. 在子句之前。c. 在描述名词的一系列形容词之后。d. 放在位于句首或句中的副词之后。e. 将非主要信息和句子其他部分分开。(2)句号 (period)句号一般有两种用法 句号是放在句尾的符号,表示一句话结束。 句号还用于缩写字母。(3)冒号 (colon)作用:用于引出下文,如表列、说话中的直接引语或解释。用法与位置: 冒号主要用于列举事物,引用话语或进行解释。 此外,冒号还用在“as follows”或“the following的后面。(三)商务用词的大写 大写字母(Capital Letters)又称“Block letters”,“

38、Upper case/print”,一般用于句首,此外大写首字母还出现在以下几种情况中:(1) 专有名词(proper nouns)。(2) 在标题(title) 中也要大写单词首字母。(3) 用于礼貌性称呼语(即Mr.,Mrs.,Miss.,Ms.)学衔(Dr.)和军衔(General)的首字母。(4) 职务,职称,头衔以及组织的名称也要大写首字母。(5) 在商务书信中,重要的字词常常被大写以引起读信人的注意。(6) 商务英语写作中的副标题与小标题也需大写。(7) 用于缩写词,如“a SWOT analysis”, “ASEAN”, “USA”等。(四)数字的用法(1) 数字在句首要被拼写出

39、来。(2) 用阿拉伯数字表示日期、时间、量度、页数、地址、百分比、小数等等。(3) 大多数情况下,序数词要被拼写成英文。(五)缩写 (Abbreviation): 缩写在商务英语写作中有它独特的意义。 (1)商务英语中常用的几种缩写形式: 置于人名前后,表示身份、职衔、学位等 表示商业企业名称 表示时间 表示组织名称,一般由首字母组成合成方位词常用的拉丁词(2)商务英语中不应使用缩写的地方: 某些头衔 星期、月、季节 街道地址 国名、城市名(六)开头与结尾(一)开头的写法和一些技巧:1开头:大多数商务英语写作的内容也由开头、中间、结尾三部分组成。常用的开头句写法: 最好在第一句话中说出你的写作

40、目的。如:We understand that you are exporters of nuts and should like to know if you can supply us with 5 tons of walnut meat by the end of October. 将最能引起读者兴趣的内容放在开头,如:Im pleased to tell you that your order will be delivered tomorrow. 提及所涉及的商务事项。2就开头的内容方面来讲,书信的开头可以涉及: 书信去函的开头u 询问 u 索价 u 求购u 投诉u 讯息 u 报忧

41、u 道歉 u 推荐复函的开头可以包括u 函悉u 歉意u 谢绝u 服务(二)书信结尾的措辞和语气1结尾:写结尾句需注意以下几个地方: 结尾句需具体,不要使用含糊、繁琐的词语或句式。 在结尾处提出行动的要求。 在结尾处做简要的总结,尤其在内容比较多的情况下。请比较下面两句话:a) We hope that we have made the above alternatives clear to you and that they may help you make your choice.b) To sum up, you can either put your money in a saving

42、s bank and receive 6 % annual interest or invest in common stocks for higher returns but also higher risk. 2就结尾的内容来讲,书信的结尾可以包括:(1)去函的结尾u 敦促:Having this input by JUNE 3 will enable us to maintain our schedule for u 期待:Your advice would be welcome.u 致谢:Your prompt attention to this matter will be appr

43、eciated.u 协助:Shortly after I receive this information, I will be in touch with you u 盼复:We look forward to hearing from you.u 联络:If you have any question, please call me at等等(2)复函结尾可以涉及:u 请求:Please indicate your acceptance of this employment by signingand returning a copyu 承诺:We want to ensure that you enjoy the highest standards o


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