G3 2 动词与动词短语.doc

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1、动词与动词短语 动词是英语语言中的第一大词,是组成句子的“骨架”,所以高考测试将会继续加强对动词和动词词组的考查。 最近几年英语高考对动词及动词短语的考查主要集中在以下几个方面: 1动词的理解及动词特有的句型结构。 2动词的延续性和非延续性。 3词义辨析。 4动词短语的搭配。 能够在真实的语言环境中恰当使用意义相近的动词和动词词组或固定搭配中的动词。 应试高分策略: 1英语中动词的词义丰富,用法灵活,不易掌握。平日学习中,既要增加阅读量,在实际运用中领悟动词的意义和用法。又要集中时间和精力学习一些难掌握的词(组)。特别是一些最常用的基础词汇,如Set,have,make,take等和一些难辨的

2、同义词(组),更要集中突破。 2解题时,首先要研读题干,找出信息词,理顺句意,再作最佳选择。 3既要注重同义词(组)间的语法差异,又要注意它们之间的意义差异,如share和spare等。 本类考题解答技巧: 1高考对动词和动词短语的考查,往往以词义辨析和动词短谣撂配为主。词语辨析,尤其是动词及动词短语的辨析是高考试题中难度较大的题,这些动词及动词短语有些是同义词,有些是近义词,是同义词的意义、含义和使场合不完全相同,是近义词的词义肯定有差别。所以我们必须了解它们之间的细微差别及放在句子中的差别,以适应难度越来越大的高考。对词语辨析要求越来越高的一个表现是把词语辨析、语法测试、构词法知识和日常交

3、际用语融合在一起。高考题目灵活多变的特点在这一部分体现得相当明显。因此,学习词语不能只靠死记硬背,而要提高在具体语境中的分辨和灵活运用的能力。 2在学习过程中,要把结构类似、用法相同或相近的短语放在一起比较,可以帮助记忆,加深理解。 ask for,look for,search for,prepare for,long for,hope for,wish for:treeIrom,keepfrom,prevent,from,stopfrom,savefrom,protect from;distinguishfrom,tellfrom,separatefrom,differfrom;suppl

4、ywith,providewith,fi11with,feedwith;warnof,remind。of,imforlmof,convinceof;cureof,ridof,robof,relieveof 3不要受汉语表达习惯的束缚,英语和汉语作为不同的两种语言,不可能存在精确的对应,关系。一方面要多做一些词义辨析的练习,另一方面在平常的阅读中要深入理解词语的各种结构特点和语意寓言特征。 I 高考最新热门题1.(典型例题)You can take anything from the shelf and read,but please_the books when youve finished

5、with themA. put On B.put downCput back D. put Off命题目的与解题技巧:该题考查动词put所构成短语的用法。【解 析】 句意:你可以从书架上随便拿书去读,但是读完以后请把书放回原处。这四个短语动词分别具有以下用法: put on穿上(衣服),打开(电器)开关,长胖或增加若干体重,演出(戏剧)等;put down将(飞机)着陆,(公共汽车)让某人下车,羞辱或怠慢某人,把事物储藏起来,把某物写下来,使用力量或权威禁止、压制或废止某事物;putoff(车船)停住让某人下去推迟或取消会议或与某人的约会,使某人不高兴,关掉某电器put back把某物放回原处

6、,把(钟表指针)倒拨,使某物延期或推迟等。显然,只有putback把某物放回原处”,才能使题干句语意通达。【答 案】 C2.(典型例题ospital staff burst into cheers after doctors completed a 20-hour operation to have_one-yearold twins at the head.A. isolated B. separatedC. divided D. removed答案: B 指导:isolate意义“孤立,隔离”,separate意为“分离,分开”,强调把原本分开的东西隔开。divide强调把整体分成部分。r

7、emove则表示“移开,移走,去除”。根据题干是给一岁大的连体双胞胎做分离手术,故应选择B为正确答案。3.(典型例题)It was not a serious illness, and she soon_it.A. got over B. got on withC. got around D. got out of答案:A 指导:getover:toreturntoonesusualstateOfhealth从疾病中恢复过来。getonwith有很多意思,其中常见的意思是“进展,与相处”。getaround逃避,回避。getout出版,发表,生产,逃走。4. (典型例题)They see yo

8、u as something of a worrier, _problems which dont exist and crossing bridges long before you come to them.A. settling B. discoveringC. seeing D. designing答案:C 指导:根据后面的dontexist可排除选项A、B,因为既然不存在,也就谈不上解决或发现;选项C意思是“设想、想象”,强调主观空想;D的意思是“计划、设计、策划等”,强调周密的思考,具有很强的科学性。句意:他们把你看作一个令人烦躁的人,因为你老是想到一些根本不存在的问题,并操之过急

9、。显然对习语crossbridges longbeforeyoucometothem的正确理解很重要。5. (典型例题-How about eight oclock outside the cinema?-That_ me fine.A. fits B. meetsC. satisfies D. suits答案:D 指导:that指发话人的提议:(meetingat)eight Oclockoutsidethecinema八点钟在电影院处(见面)。答话人表示在意思:这个提议正好适合我。四个动词的意义和用法差异如下:fit指某物在大小、外形上适合某人或某物。meet指某物能够满足某需求、要求或条

10、件。satisfy指某人或某物足以让人感到满足或高兴。Stllt指某示情况对某人来说是可接受的或方便的,而且常常用very well或fine( verywell)修饰来加强程度。综合以上信息可以断定,最佳选项应是D项。 题点经典类型题 1.(典型例题) Her talent and experience_ her to the respect of her colleagues.A. permitted B. qualifiedC. deserved D. entitled命题目的与解题技巧:该题考查动词词义及用法的辨析。【解 析】 permit允许”,后加名代动名词;宾语+to do st

11、h;qualify(使)具有资格,给(人)某种权利”,其搭配是 qualifysbforas sth;deserve应受(奖励等),值得”,后直接加宾语;entitle给予某人获得某事物或做某事的权利”,其常用搭配是entitle sbto sth句意:她的才智和经验使得她得到了同事的尊敬。【答 案】 D2.(典型例题断)When you rewrite the paragraph, I advise you to_the last sentence as it is rather misleading.A. point out B. make outC. leave out D. put o

12、ut答案:C 指导:leaveout省去,删去。“因为容易引起误解,重写这一段时我建议把最后一句删去。”3.(典型例题测) The more one is_ the English-speaking environment, the better he or she will learn the language.A. exposed to B. filled inC. caught on D. kept up答案:A 指导:exposedto使接触,befilledin被填人。4.(典型例题)A student his family lots of money for education.A

13、. spends B. costsC. takes D. pays答案:B 指导:动词后面接双宾语,故用cost受for的影响易错选D.5.(典型例题航)Under good treatment, Linda is beginning to_and will soon recover.A. pick up B. pick outC. turn up D. show up答案:A 指导:pick UP在此表示“改善,好转”之意。 新高考命题探究1.I didnt_ the_seriousness of the countrys problems until I went there myself

14、.A. realize; true B. recognize; realC. realize; real D. recognize; true答案:A 指导:前项所缺的词,应意为“意识到”;后项所缺的词,应意为“真正的严重性”,true意为“真正的”,“与事实一致 的”。2. Lets not drink all the rice wine now. We can_some for later use.A. have B. stayC. keep D. remain答案:C 指导:作“保留”解时,stay后跟形容词,表状态的持续;remain为不及物动词;而keep为及物动词。故选C3.Eve

15、ryone knows Americans asYankswhich _Yankees used during the Civil War for the northern states for the US.A. is short for B. meansC. stands as D. shows答案:A 指导:isshortfor是的简称4.If youre driving there,I wonder if you can give me a_.A. hand B. seatC. drive D. lift答案:D指导:givemealift捎我一程。5.We must figure o

16、ut how to solve the problem as soon as possible. So_,we havent got much time.A. arrive at the spot B. have an ideaC. get to the point D. come to an end答案:C 指导:get to the point言归正传。6.The workers agreed to_the strike if their demand was immediately satisfied.A. call for B. call outC. call up D. call o

17、ff答案:D指导:calloff取消,停止。探究性命题综合测试考场热身1. -Id like to go to the movie with you,Dad.-Sorry, my son, but only the grown- ups are_into the cinema.A. required B. intendedC. admitted D. supposed答案:C 指导:beadmitted into固定搭配,“允许进入”;若用in tend就和介词for搭配。2. -How can the problem be solved?-Well,we must _it to the pr

18、esidents own judgment.A. depend B. leaveC. suggest D. realize答案: B 指导:leavetoonesownjudgement是固定词组,“交给某人自己决定。3. While he was in his college days he used to_long hair.A. dress B. wearC. remain D. growB 指导:“蓄头发”只用wear,其它几个词可以和衣物搭配, 但不能指留头发。4. -Where does Mr Green come from?-Im not sure,but his English

19、_Australia.A. suggests B. soundsC. advises D. shows答案:A 指导:suggest在此为“说明、表明”后直接接宾语; sounds后应为澳大利亚人。5. His answer us by surprise.A. caught B. puzzledC. shocked D. took答案: D指导:takesbbysurprise是固定词组,“让某人吃惊,使惊讶”。6.It looks as if they are going to _us a lot of money for the concert hall.A. demand B. cost

20、C. charge D. ask答案:C 指导:demand意思不符;cost的主语应是物;若用ask, 需和for搭配,ask sb. for sth7. -All the lights have gone out in our classroom buildhI-Yes. Perhaps they have_electricity.A. cut through B. cut downC. cut off D. cut up答案: C 指导:Cutoff切断水、电等的供应。”由上文灯全熄了可以判断他们可能停止供电了。8. When they came in,Mr Harris _like a

21、 baby. Nohe would like to wake him from a good dream. He neeresL_.A. fell asleep B. was sound asleepC. got asleep D. went to sleep答案:B 指导:“他们进来时,Mr Harris正在熟睡”。在此应为表状态的词,而fall asleep和go to sleep都表动作“入睡”,“去睡觉”。9.The boss_ 30 dollars from my salary without good reason.A. brought down B. kept backC. cu

22、t off D. held up答案:B 指导:keep back扣留”;bring down“使(的价钱)降下来”;out off“切断”;holdu旷阻碍”。10.-How much will it_my father and me to go Chicago?-Its $ 120 in all.A. pay for B. take asC. spend D. cost for答案:D 指导:hcosts(sb)somemoneyforsbto do sth意为“某人做某事花费了一些钱”。还可以说:sth costs sb. some money【语法专练】1. (2012全国, 27)M

23、ary is really good at taking notes in class. She can _ almost every word her teacher says.A. put out B. put down C. put away D. put together2. (2012全国, 12)We _ to paint the whole house but finished only the front part that day.A. set about B. set up C. set out D. set down3. (2011 山东,25)They are broa

24、dening the bridge to _ the flow of traffic. A. put off B. speed up C. turn on D. work out4. (2011 全国,26)I can _ the house being untidy, but I hate it if its not clean. A. come up with B. put up with C. turn to D. stick to5. (2011 天津,8)She _ an old friend of hers yesterday while she was shopping at t

25、he department store. A. turned down B. dealt with C. took after D. came across6. (2011 陕西,25)Some insects _ the color of their surroundings to protect themselves.A. take in B. take off C. take on D. take out7. (2012 湖北,23)Walking alone in the dark, the boy whistled to _ his courage. A. keep up B. ho

26、ld up C. set up D. take up8. (2010 山东,27)Sam _ some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it. A. brought up B. looked up C. picked up D. set up9. (2010 山东,31)Your house is always so neat- how do you _ it with three children? A. manage B. serve C. adapt D. construct10. (2012 浙江,12)After that, he knew he could _ any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability. A. get across B. get away with C. get on with D. get through答案:1-5BCBBD 6-10CACAD


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