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《六级场景词汇.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六级场景词汇.pdf(19页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、丹青不知老将至,贫贱于我如浮云。杜甫人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?论语场景专题 两大类场景:1.campus life(校园生活)(1)上课、选课、听讲座、听报告(2)作业(3)考试(4)图书馆2.daily life(日常生活)(1)旅游(2)打工(3)餐馆(4)医院(5)银行(6)邮局(7)宾馆(8)机场、车站(9)电话(10)购物 学校场景的背景基本知识 学生场景 freshman 大一学生 sophomore 大学二年级生,有二年经验的 junior student 大三学生 senior student 大四学生,高年级学生 undergraduate student 本科生 gradu

2、ate student/postgraduate student 研究生 masters degree 硕士学位 bachelors degree 学士学位 doctor student/doctor candidate 博士研究生 post doctor student 博士后 alumni/alumnus 校友 良辰美景奈何天,便赏心乐事谁家院。则为你如花美眷,似水流年。汤显祖非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。诸葛亮老师场景 professor 教授 teaching fellow 讲师 tutor/mentor/director/super visor 导师 dean 系主任 depart

3、ment 系 president 校长 staff 全体员工(商店、企业)faculty 全体教职员工 上课、选课、听讲座、听报告场景 take the course 选课 drop the course 退课 register 注册 sign up for the course 选课 Pick up=learn cancel 取消 full 报满 selective course/elective course/optional course 选修课 requirement/required course/compulsory 必修课 lecture 讲座 seminar 讨论班 credi

4、t 学分 introductory course 初级课程 advanced course 高级课程 math 数学 computer course 计算机 psychology course 心理学 physics 物理学 economics 经济学 computer science 计算机科学 sociology 社会学 geology 地质学 chemistry 化学 biology 生物学 biochemistry 生物化学 science 理科 art 文科宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落;去留无意,望天上云卷云舒。洪应明人人好公,则天下太平;人人营私,则天下大乱。刘鹗作业场景 homewo

5、rk/assignment/project book report 读书报告 presentation 课堂发言 reading list 书单 turn in/hand in hand 上交 deadline 最后期限 due 到期 extension 延期 paper 论文/essay 小论文 term paper 学期报告 thesis 毕业论文 proposal 开题报告 考试场景 Exam mid-term exam 期中考试 final exam 期末考试 quiz 测验 pop quiz 不提前通知的考试 grade/score 分数 pass 及格 passing grade

6、及格分 failing grade 失败 GPA 平均学分积 make up exam 补考 cheat 作弊 图书馆场景 海纳百川,有容乃大;壁立千仞,无欲则刚。林则徐志不强者智不达,言不信者行不果。墨翟shelf 书架 stack 书库 reading room 阅览室 reference room 参考书阅览室 periodical room 期刊阅览室 copier 复印机 study lounge 自习室 librarian 图书馆长,图书管理员 catalogue 书目 index 索引 volume 卷,宗 library card 借书卡 writing permission

7、书面许可 book reservation 借书 check out 外借 over due 超期 renew 续借 fine 罚款 return 还书 put on reserve 被限制在馆内阅读 magazine 杂志 journal 期刊 人人好公,则天下太平;人人营私,则天下大乱。刘鹗人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?论语periodical 期刊 quarterly 季刊 current issue 现刊 back issue 过刊 latest number 最新一期 author 作者 subject 题目 title 名字 key words 关键字 餐馆场景 餐馆restauran

8、t 餐馆 dining hall 食堂 cafeteria 自助餐厅 bar 酒吧 inn 小旅馆,小客栈 motel 汽车旅馆 fast food 快餐店 snack food 小吃 snack bar 快餐店 subway 赛百味 sandwich 三明治 bread talks 面包新语 pizza hut 必胜客 hamburger 汉堡 burger king 汉堡王 pub 酒吧 French restaurant 法式餐厅 Italian restaurant 意式餐厅 place 餐馆 食品:buffet 自助餐 salad 沙拉 soup 汤 eat soup 喝汤 soup

9、 spoon 汤匙 常将有日思无日,莫待无时思有时。增广贤文穷则独善其身,达则兼善天下。孟子table manners 饭桌礼仪 sauce 汁,酱 dessert 甜点 main dish 主菜 pudding 布丁 dressing 调味汁 doughnut 面包圈 French bread 法式面包 a loaf 一条面包 jam 果酱 apple pie 苹果酱 sandwich 三明治 toast 土司 pizza 披萨 hamburger 汉堡 potato chips 土豆片 French fries 炸薯条 yoghourt 酸奶 steak 牛排 soft drink 软饮料

10、 soda water 苏打水 Orange Juice 橘汁 mineral water 矿泉水 lemon juice 柠檬汁 wine 酒 liquor 烈酒 beer 啤酒 a cup of beer 一杯啤酒动作:menu 菜单 order dishes 点菜 bring me the menu 看菜recommendation 推荐,招牌菜 付账:pick up the bill 买单 I will pick up the table.Let me treat you.Let me foot the bill.Its on me.I will buy the bill.AA 制 L

11、ets go Dutch.各人付自己的帐 Lets go fifty-fifty.separate checks split the bill 百学须先立志。朱熹良辰美景奈何天,便赏心乐事谁家院。则为你如花美眷,似水流年。汤显祖tip 小费Background:book reserve 预定 I am sorry all the tables have been booked out.Are you ready to order,sir See the menu What is the specialty of the house I will be back with your order

12、in a minute.Short-handed I will take care of it right now.Youre meal will be free.2.医院场景 医生:内科医生 physician 外科医生 surgeon 牙科医生 dentist 医院的部门名称:候诊室 waiting room 急诊室 emergency department 小诊所 clinic 医疗中心 health center 校医院 infirmary常见的生病症状:症状 symptom 感冒 catch a cold 病愈 get over 发烧 fever 丈夫志四方,有事先悬弧,焉能钧三江,

13、终年守菰蒲。顾炎武先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。范仲淹温度 temperature 咳嗽 cough 流鼻涕 running nose 肚子痛 stomach ache 头痛 headache 过敏 be allergic to 心脏病 heart attack 骨折 fracture 脚踝 ankle 流血 bleeding常见的设施:体检 check up/physical examination 体育锻炼 physical education 常见的药品:阿斯匹林 aspirin 药品 medicine 剂量 dosage 吃药 take the pill 药方 prescriptio

14、n 打针 injection 抓药 fill the prescription 一天三次 take the pills three times a day 3.机场与车站场景、旅游场景 机场场景 机场 air port 起飞 take off 降落 land 抵达 arrive 盘旋 circle 行李 luggage 登机门 boarding gate/departure gate 登机牌 boarding pass 离港 departure 起飞时间 departure time 机场费 air port fare 先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。范仲淹丈夫志四方,有事先悬弧,焉能钧三江,

15、终年守菰蒲。顾炎武办理登记手续 check in 行李柜台 baggage counter 头等舱 first-class 经济舱 economy class 商务舱 business class 准点到达 arrive on schedule 晚点(到达)behind schedule 延误,取消 cancel 预定航班 make a reservation旅游场景旅游 trip tour 假期 vacation 预定饭店 make a hotel reservation 去度假 leave for a vacation 旅行社 travel agency 观光 go sightseeing

16、 避暑胜地 summer resort 夏威夷 Hawaii 悉尼歌剧院 Sydney opera house 带某人四处逛逛 I will show you around 4.银行场景、邮局场景 银行场景银行 bank 户头 account 开户 open an account 支票帐户 check account 支票 check 旅游支票 travelers check 帐单 bill 付账 pay the bill 兑现支票 cash a check 取钱 draw 透支 overdraw 出纳员 teller穷则独善其身,达则兼善天下。孟子宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落;去留无意,望天上云

17、卷云舒。洪应明邮局场景 邮局 post office 华盛顿邮报 Washington post 平信 regular mail 航空邮件 air mail 挂号信 registered mail 邮票 stamp 邮资 postage 电报 telegram 加急电报 urgent cable 超重 overweight 罚款 fine 快递 EMS(Express Mail Service)联合包裹快递服务 UPS(United Parcel Service)5.租房子、住宾馆场景 宾馆场景 宾馆 hotel 小旅馆,小客栈 inn 汽车旅馆 motel 订房间 book/make a r

18、eservation 订满 booked up/occupied 客房服务 room service 单人间 single room 双人间 double room 浴室 bathroom 前台 front desk/reception 行李搬运工 porter 叫早服务 wake up call租房场景 房租 rent 房东 landlord 房客 renter/tenant 契约 lease/agreement 水电费 utilities 门厅 hall 百学须先立志。朱熹宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落;去留无意,望天上云卷云舒。洪应明家具 furniture 风景画 poster 橱柜 cab

19、inet 书架 book case/shelf 淋浴管道 shower pipe 修理 fix/repair 坏了 break down 裂缝 leak 管道 pipe 修理公司 roofing company 修理工作 repair job 修理工 maintenance man/repairman 管道工 plumber 电工 electrician 6.电话场景、工作场景 电话场景 接线员 operator 长途电话 long distance call 越洋电话 over seas call 对方付费电话 collect call 占线 The line is busy/engaged

20、.把电话接通 put sb.through 信号不好 the connection is bad 让某人重打一次 give sb.credit for the call 关机 power off 不在服务区 not at the service 先别挂 Please hold on/hold for a moment.挂电话 hang up 投币电话 pay phone 打入的电话 incoming calls 打出的电话 outgoing calls工作场景 人之为学,不日进则日退,独学无友,则孤陋而难成;久处一方,则习染而不自觉。顾炎武人之为学,不日进则日退,独学无友,则孤陋而难成;久处一

21、方,则习染而不自觉。顾炎武老板 boss 秘书 secretary 前台 reception 雇员 employee 雇主 employer 面试 interview 面试管 interviewer 面试者 interviewee 部门主管 head of department CEO Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官 提升 promotion 顶头上司 immediate boss 加薪 give a raise 提薪 caused of living raise 资历 qualification 证书 certificate 经验 experience 经历 ex

22、periences 文凭 credential 辞职 quit /resign 退休 retire 失业 lay off 面试场景 申请工作 apply for the job 申请 application 全职 full-time 兼职 part-time 求职者 job applicator 简历 resume 职位 position/post 参加面试 havetake a interview非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。诸葛亮百川东到海,何时复西归?少壮不尽力,老大徒伤悲。汉乐府长歌行补充短语 At no charge 免费 Ages ago 很久以前 A trial run 练习,

23、预演。A saving account 储蓄户头 All tied up 工作很忙 A long way off 差的很远 Back out 退出,食言 Be cut out for sth.天生适合于做某事 Count on sb./sth.指望 Come up with sth 想出。Cut down on sth.减少 Come down with the flu 感染流感(bird flu 禽流感)Count for little/much 关系不大/重大 Demanding 要求严格的 Doze off 打瞌睡(take a nap)End up with 以的方式结束 Feed-b

24、ack 反馈 For anything 无论如何 Get stuck 被困住 Give sb.a break 饶了某人 Give sb.a hand 帮助,帮忙 穷则独善其身,达则兼善天下。孟子丹青不知老将至,贫贱于我如浮云。杜甫Get along with 相处的好 Hold on to sth.保留/继续使用 Have a tough/hard time doing sth.做某事有困难 In case of 以防万一 Keep an eye on sth.留心某事 Know the ropes 熟悉 Know-how 技能,诀窍 Let sb.go 开除/解雇某人 Meet each o

25、ther half way 相互妥协 Out of focus 脱焦 Out of the way 偏僻的,很远的 Put up with sb.容忍某人 Plug and play 即插即用 Pros and cons 优缺点 Pick up the table 付帐,买单 Out of the question 没门 Out of question 没问题 Stick round 逗留 Snap to sb.对某人发火 Stay up all night 熬夜 Vice versa 反过来亦然 短文逻辑词汇一览 宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落;去留无意,望天上云卷云舒。洪应明古之立大事者,不惟有

26、超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。苏轼原因方面 As.Since.Because.Now that Considering.Given.For reason that.The reason whyis.Because of Owing to.On account of.For the sake of Due to Result from Thanks to Attribute to 导致,引起,成为.原因(原因在前).cause lead to Bring about.Contribute to 谋事在人,成事在天!增广贤文百学须先立志。朱熹 Result in Account for Trigg

27、er off Responsible for To blame for 因为,所以(原因在前)and so.Therefore.Thus Hence As a result Thats why For this reason Accordingly As a consequence Consequently So.that Tooto 转折方面 However In comparison But 人人好公,则天下太平;人人营私,则天下大乱。刘鹗老当益壮,宁移白首之心;穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。唐王勃 Nevertheless In contrast Whereas yet 开头方面 At the

28、 beginning First 结尾方面 Finally Last but not least In short In conclusion In the end at the end of 举例方面 For example One of the Another is For instance Like This is an example 比较,对比方面 以铜为镜,可以正衣冠;以古为镜,可以知兴替;以人为镜,可以明得失。旧唐书魏征列传万两黄金容易得,知心一个也难求。曹雪芹 As a comparison In contrast 建议方面 In my opinion I suggest Wh

29、y not 主题方面 the topic is we ll mainly focus on.反面或另外一面 Another point I want mention is In addition(to)Besides Apart from Aside from Moreover Furthermore Whats more On the contrary However But on the other hand Conversely By contrast Whereas A totally different picture lies in 列举话题的各个方面 先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而

30、乐。范仲淹先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。范仲淹First/firstly second/secondly third/thirdly last/last but not least To begin with next furthermore finally In the first place in the second place moreover by the way Above all in addition then afterward last but not least On the one hand on the other han For one thing for another 话题的结束语 In short brief/briefly summing up to sum up summarizing to summarize To conclude in conclusion As a result In general Generally speaking all in all by and large on the whole on this basis given all these aspects Everything considered Finally it can be concluded/inferred/deduced that


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