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《惠州市五校联考2021届英语八上期末模拟考试试题(二)(共7页).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《惠州市五校联考2021届英语八上期末模拟考试试题(二)(共7页).doc(7页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上惠州市五校联考2021届英语八上期末模拟考试试题(二)一、选择题1Now _ is very serious. Some rivers and lakes are _.Apollution;polluteBpolluted;pollutionCpollution;pollutedDpollute;polluted2一Why do some wild birds fly to the south?一 from the cold winter here.AHide BHides CTo hide DHiding3I dont think friends need to b

2、e the same. _ can make a friendship more interesting.A.InterestsB.RulesC.DifferencesD.Habits4There is _ juice in the fridge. Lets go and buy some.Afew Ba few Clittle Da little5You dont look very _. Youd better go to see the doctor.Agood Bwell Cbad Dbadly6(题文)ill there be more people in 100 years ,do

3、 you think so ?ANo, there isnt BYes , there will be CNo, there wont DYes, they will7Ill use the blender. Would you please _ ?Aopen itBturn on itCturn it offDturn it on8“He is the tallest boy in his class.”means“_”.AHe is taller than all the other boys in his class BHe is taller than all the girls in

4、 his classCHe is the tallest in his class DHe is as tall as others in his class9Do you play basketball?一No, I dont like it at all.Aalways Boften Cusually Dnever10_students _ three or four times a week.AThe most;exerciseBMost;exercisesCMost of;exerciseDMost;exercise11- Is the bread enough for you?- O

5、h, no. Im so hungry. I want _cakes, too.Alittle Ba little Cfew Da few12My hair is longer than_.Ashe Bher Chers Dshes13(题文)_ does it _ you to walk from your home?AHow far;take BHow long;takeCHow far;spend DHow long;spend14_ fresh air! Yes. Lets go for a walk.AHow BWhat CWhat a DWhat an15These are use

6、ful steps of making yogurt(酸奶),please _.A.write down itB.write it downC.write them downD.write down them二、单词填空16根据句意和所给汉语完成句子。每空一词1)The little girl danced _ (漂亮地). She got the prize.2)(201959中期中)However,if you dont take these shows too _ (认真地),they are fun to watch.3)Wu Fan was the _ (获胜者) of the si

7、nging competition.4)The _ (贫穷的)man has nothing to eat. We must help him.5)Young people often have more _ (有创造力的)ideas than old people.三、句型转换17句型转换,每格一词1)He spent 22 yuan on the book.The book _ _ 22 yuan.2)Helen has two eggs for breakfast.(一般疑问句)_ Helen _ two eggs for breakfast?3)Tom is 12 years old.

8、 Peter is 11 years old.( 改同义句)Tom is _ _Peter.4)Itsten minutes walkfrom my home to our school. (对划线部分提问)_ _ is it from your home to your school?5)He is the tallest boy in his class.(改同义句)He is taller than _ _ boy in his class.四、完成句子18完成句子1)这部电影非常有教育意义。值得一看。The film is very educational. It _ _ _.2)如果

9、你不关窗,房间就会变得很冷。The room will get cold _ you _ _ the window.3)广州变得比以前干净了。Guangzhou becomes _ _ before.4)我盼着与爷爷奶奶一起度过春节。Im _ _ _ _ the Spring Festival with my grandparents.5)我试卷上的字体不像小华的一样糟。My handwriting on the test paper is _ _ _ _ Xiao Huas.五、完形填空19 My two best friends Stacy and Priscilla are so dif

10、ferent in some ways. Stacy is very tall and talented in 1 .Priscilla is a little shorter and likes nothing about music. 2 Id like to say they are like twins.My friends are 3 .Both of them did very well when they were in school. Stacy now does a good job 4 a hospital. Priscilla 5 her university(大学)an

11、d is thinking about furthering(增进)her studying.They are very caring. Stacy is always there with me when I have my ups and downs in 6 .Priscilla also cares about me a lot. She likes to help me with my problems or just to sit and 7 to me. I would say they 8 care about me in their special way.Stacy and

12、 Priscilla are quite funny. Stacy knows how to make me 9 when I am feeling down. Priscilla also does the same. She likes to 10 funny stories even when she is not happy. She knows well how to make herself and people around happy.1)A.sportsB.musicC.gamesD.work2)A.SoB.ThoughC.BecauseD.But3)A.smartB.out

13、goingC.shyD.serious4)A.ofB.inC.withD.below5)A.startedB.keptC.finishedD.made6)A.mindB.differenceC.healthD.life7)A.getB.listenC.touchD.point8)A.noneB.allC.bothD.some9)A.shareB.winC.thinkD.laugh10)A.tellB.hearC.readD.watch20Im thinking about what Im going to do this summer. Maybe Ill get a job. If I ge

14、t a job, Ill have 1 money to buy some new things. Maybe Ill buy some new clothes. Id like to have some new dresses 2 I start school again in September. Or I can buy some books, or some music CDs. I really love jazz(爵士乐). I could buy some CDs 3 my jazz collection. Or I can use the money 4 tennis less

15、ons. I play tennis 5 , but Id like to learn to play it better. Or maybe I can use the money to pay for the piano lessons. Id like to learn to play it. If I 6 get a job this summer, Ill visit my grandparents in San Francisco. They live in a beautiful old house near the beach. That will be fun. My gra

16、ndparents are always very nice to me. Theyll let me sleep late. I wont 7 get up early every day. Ill eat delicious food because my grandmother is an excellent 8 . She always cooks my favorite food. Ill also go to the 9 with my grandparents. I like swimming in the sea. My grandparents like to go to t

17、he museum but I dont enjoy the museum so much, so maybe Ill 10 to watch TV.1)Aless Bmany Ca few Denough2)Awhy Bwhile Cbefore Dif3)Afor Bto Cat Das4)Ato cost Bto pay for Cto spend Dto buy5)Avery good Bpretty well Cbetter Dbest6)Aam Bwill Cdont Dwont7)Abe able to Bhave to Cmust Dmay8)Acook Blawyer Cag

18、ent Dteacher9)Amuseum BSan Francisco Cshop Dbeach10)Atravel around the world Bgo to college Cstay at home Dlie on the beach六、用所给的词正确形式填空21用所给词的适当形式填空。1)You have to play a role in _(choose)the team members2)My friend Ann doesnt write as _ (good) as her sister.3)There are many_ (different) between you

19、 and me.4)Our hospital is the third_(big)one in the city.5)We had an _ (enjoy) evening and we had so much fun.七、阅读理解22Do you know the story about Vince? It was a true story. Vince was an English boy and he was eight years old. He didnt like soap or water. Three or four times a day his mother said to

20、 him, “Vince, your hands are very dirty again.” Go and wash them. ” But Vince never washed them well. He only put his hands in the water for a few seconds and then took them out again.Vinces uncle and aunt lived in another city. One day they came to stay with Vinces parents, and they brought their s

21、mall son, Toby, with them. Toby was seven years old and he didnt like soap or water, either. The boys sat with their parents for a few minutes and then they went outside. When they were playing, Vince looked at Tobys hands and then went back to Tobys parents and said proudly (骄傲地), “Tobys hands are

22、dirtier than mine, ”“Of course they are,”Toby said angrily. “You are one year older than I am.”1)Vinces mother asked him to_ three or four times a day.Awash his handsBdo his homeworkCclean his bedroomDwash his teeth2)When Vince saw Tobys hands, he felt _.AsorryBproudCsadDterrible3)Vinces hands were

23、a little _than Tobys.AdirtierBcleanerCbiggerDsmaller4)From the story we know that_ .AVince liked soap and water, but Toby didntBToby liked soap and water,but Vince didntCVince and Toby liked soap and waterDVince and Toby didnt like soap or water5)How many people are there in the story?AFour.BFive.CS

24、ix.DSeven,23The Kingdom of Denmark is probably one of the most interesting places in the world. The interesting stories of castles (城堡), Vikings (海盗) and little mermaids (美人鱼) make Denmark one of the most wonderful places in the world. It is a small country in the north. The capital (首都), Copenhagen

25、, is home to almost two million people. But more than ten percent of them come from other countries of the world. In Copenhagen, you can go swimming and go to the beach parties in the Copenhagen Harbor. You can find places to rent (租) bikes everywhere in Copenhagen. Its the best transportation there

26、. In the capital, visitors can see the sculptures (塑像) of the little mermaid, museums and old castles. The Tivoli Gardens is another place to join outdoor activities. Another place the visitors dont want to miss is Lego Land. Denmark is a wonderful place for a family holiday.1)Why is Denmark conside

27、red as (被认为) one of the most wonderful places in the world?AIts a small country.BThere are many castles in Denmark.CThere are many interesting stories of castles, Vikings and little mermaids.DThere were Vikings in its history.2)How many percent of the people in Copenhagen come from other countries?A

28、More than 5%. BMore than 10%. CMore than 15%. DMore than 20%.3)How many places can visitors visit in Copenhagen according to the passage?AOne. BTwo. CThree. DFour.4)Whats the best way to travel around Copenhagen?ABy bike. BBy car. CBy bus. DBy taxi.5)What can we learn from the passage?ADenmark is a

29、good place to spend holidays.BThe history of Denmark is different from America.CThere are more beautiful cities in Denmark.DThere are too many people in Denmark now.八、书面表达24根据中文提示写一篇短文,应包括以下要点:1.王伟,班上个子最高,年龄最小,15岁;2. 学习最刻苦,英语成绩最好;3. 最爱好乒乓球运动,最喜爱的明星是邓亚萍; 4. 正在刻苦训练,长大后想成为一名邓亚萍式的运动员。_【参考答案】*一、选择题题号1234

30、56789101112131415答案CCCCBCDADDDCBBC二、单词填空161)beautifully2)seriously3)winner4)poor5)creative三、句型转换171) cost him 2) Does have 3) older than 4) How far 5) any other 四、完成句子181) is worth seeing 2) if dont close 3) cleaner than 4) looking forward to spending 5) not as bad as 五、完形填空191)B2)D3)A4)B5)C6)D7)B8)

31、C9)D10)A201) D 2) C 3) A 4) B 5) B 6) C 7) B 8) A 9) D 10) C 六、用所给的词正确形式填空211) choosing 2) well 3) differences 4) biggest 5) enjoyable 七、阅读理解221)A2)B3)B4)D5)C231)C2)B3)C4)A5)A八、书面表达24I have a friend. His name is Wang Wei. He is the youngest in our class. He is only 15 years old. And he is the tallest. He works hardest and he is the best at English. He is very athletic. He likes ping-pong best. His favorite sports star is Deng Yaping. He is practicing playing ping-pong hard. He wants to be a great player like Deng Yaping. I hope his dream can come true.专心-专注-专业


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