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《(完整word版)小学六年级英语阅读理解练习题.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(完整word版)小学六年级英语阅读理解练习题.pdf(11页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、小学六年级英语阅读理解练习题(十一)People sometimes like to read stories of dogs very much.They think that dogs are much cleverer than cats,sheep,cows or other animals in their homes.One of my close friends,Bob,has a very large police dog named Jack.Every Sunday afternoon,Bob and Jack have a walk in the park nearby.

2、Jack likes these walks very much.One Sunday afternoon,I paid a visit to my friend.I stayed there for a long time and my friend and I had much more talk with each other than ever before.Soon it was time for them to take a walk in the park.We forgot that.Jack became worried about it.He walked around t

3、he room several times and then sat down in front of me and looked at me.But I still paid no attention(注意)to him.I went on talking with my friend.At last,Jack could not wait any longer.He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later.He sat down in front of me again.But this time,he held my

4、hat in his mouth.Suddenly,I understood what Jack meant and so did my friend.()11 How many people are there in this story?_.AOne BTwo C Three DFour()12 Jack_.Ais a close friend of mine Benjoys long walks in the park every Sunday afternoon Chas many close friends Denjoys talks in the room()13 Jack was

5、 worried because_.Ahe wanted to eat something Bit was Sunday afternoon again Che was not feeling well Dhe wanted his master(主人)to take him for a walk()14 Jack took my hat in his mouth to show that_.AI should leave the house at once Bhe liked my hat very much Che was hungry and he tried to eat it Dhe

6、 wanted to have a rest()15 Which of the following is true?_.AWhen Jack and I were talking,my friend didnt pay any attention to us BWhen I was talking to my friend,Jack didnt pay any attention to us CWhen my friend and I were talking,we didnt pay any attention to Jack DWhen my friend was talking to J

7、ack,I paid attention to them 答案:BBDAC 小学六年级英语阅读理解练习题(十二)Peter was a small boy.He lived with his parents in a small house near some hills.The people there were all poor.One night it was very dry and windy.When everybody was asleep,Peter suddenly heard some noise.It came out from the kitchen(厨房).He go

8、t up and walked to the kitchen.He found that the wood beside the stove(火炉)was burning.There was no water tap(水龙头)in the house,so he could not put out(扑灭)the fire.He shouted loudly to wake up everyone in the house.Then he ran out of his house and knocked on the doors of many houses to wake the people

9、 up.They all left their houses quickly.At last the fire was put out by the firemen.Many houses were burnt.But nobody was burnt in the fire.()16 Peter lived with his_.Asisters Bbrothers C uncles D parents()17 One night he found that_ beside the stove was burning.Athe table Bthe wood C the door D the

10、window()18 _,so he could not put out the fire.AEverybody was asleep BHe couldnt shout loudly CThe kitchen was very big Dthere was no water tap in the house()19 Peter knocked on the doors of many houses_.Ato wake the people up Bto get some water Cto find his classmates Dto visit them()20 _hurt in the

11、 fire.APeople in other houses were BPeters parents were CNobody was DPeter was 文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W

12、6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文

13、档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W

14、6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文

15、档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W

16、6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文

17、档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9答案:DBDAC小学六年级英语阅读理解练习题(十三)Dear Jim,Im in Hangzhou now.I will spend(度过)the next three years here.Im in

18、 No.6 Middle School.Its a good school.The people here are very friendly.My best friend is Li Lei,and my favourite food is Dongpo pork(猪肉).Now Im writing to you in my bedroom.We have a new home here in China.Its different from our old home in America.Our new house is white,and the old one is red.The

19、walls of my bedroom are blue.My mother is watering some flowers.My father is repairing a car.Im going to do my homework.Please write back soon.Yours,Tom()61.What school is Tom in?A.No.5 Middle School.B.No.6 Middle School.C.No.7 Middle School.D.No.16 Middle School.()62.Whos Toms best friend?A.Li Lei.

20、B.Lucy.C.Jim.D.John.()63.What color are the walls of Toms bedroom?A.Red.B.White.C.Blue.D.Yellow.()64.Whats Toms father doing?A.Fixing a plane.B.Watering some flowers.C.Fixing a car.D.Repairing a bike.()65.Wheres Tom from?A.England.B.Australia.C.America.D.Canada.文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1

21、Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 H

22、R8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1

23、Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 H

24、R8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1

25、Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 H

26、R8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1

27、Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9答案:小学六年级英语阅读理解练习题(十四)Mr.and Mrs.Brown are from America.They are now teaching English in Zhengzhou.Their son Jack is with them.Jack speaks English.They want him to learn some Chinese.Jack is in Grade Three in a Chinese

28、school.He plays with Chinese children every day.He listens to Chinese,speaks(讲)Chinese,reads books in Chinese and writes in Chinese.He is doing well in his Chinese.()56.Mr.and Mrs.Brown are_.A.Chinese B.English C.America D.Americans()57.They are working _ now.A.at school B.in China C.in America D.in

29、 Grade 3()58.Jack is_.A.a student in a Chinese school B.a girl from America C.in Class One,Grade Three D.learning English()59.Jack likes to play with_.A.his father B.his mother C.his brothers D.Chinese children ()60.Jack learns the Chinese language(语言)by_.A.listening to the language B.listening to t

30、he language and speaking it C.reading books in Chinese and writing in it D.listening,speaking,reading and writing 文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9

31、E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:C

32、G1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9

33、E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:C

34、G1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9

35、E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:C

36、G1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9答案:DAADD小学六年级英语阅读理解练习题(十五)“Youre just in time,Joe.Were going to pl

37、ay cowboys(牛仔)and Indians,and you can be the Indians.”One of my cousins(堂兄弟)said.“How many Indians?”I asked.“Oh,about a thousand.”He answered,and before I could say no,I was pushed out into the night and became a thousand Indians.Two minutes later I was running in the fields with a group of cowboys

38、behind.The shouts of“After them.Lets catch the killers!”and other such TV play language came into my ears as I ran round a corner and hurried into my Grandpas car“Weve got him,boys.Letsgo and catch him!”But no one wanted to come to get me.All of my cousins except one were always very friendly with.I

39、t was quiet outside.And I went out of the car to have a look.Just then I heard a shout,“Bring the rope(绳子),and we can burn him.”“Only Indians burn people.Cowboys.”I stopped just in time.I had almost said,“Cowboys hang(绞死)people.”I was tied to a tree,and the cowboys were looking for some wood when my

40、 dear mother called,“Were leaving now.”“Untie me.”I shouted.”Were going.“Why did Bobby want matches(火柴)?”Mum asked when we were in the car.“He was asking Dad whether he had any.”“oh,he was just going t matches?MATCHES?Are you sure he wanted matches”Mother was quite sure,and I didnt say any more.()21

41、 How many children played the Indians?AOne thousand B One hundred COne group DOne()22 Why did Joes cousin say that Joe was just in time?Because_.Athere were not enough children four the game Bthe game was just going to start Cnone of his cousins wanted to be the Indians Dthey were waiting for Joe()2

42、3 Joe didnt say“Cowbays hang people.”Because_.文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6

43、P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3

44、I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6

45、P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3

46、I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6

47、P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3

48、I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9Ahe was tied to a tree Bthat would make things worse Che was caught by the cowboys Dthat would make the cowboys angry()24 Which of the

49、 following is TRUE?AOne of Joes cousins was looking for matches.BDad didnt want to give the children any matches.CBobby wanted to get some matches from his father.DMum didnt think children should play with matches.()25 The name of the story should he“_.”AJoe and his cousins BWho knows what danger is

50、 waiting there CCowboys and Indians is a favourite childrens game DHow cowboys and Indians fought in the past 文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 ZC6Z3I5P1Y9文档编码:CG1L3S5W6P7 HR8W6L3Z9E2 Z


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