《中考英语总复习》专题01 人物篇(疫情英雄钟南山;李兰娟)-2020年中考英语话题写作冲刺练(共53张PPT).pptx

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《中考英语总复习》专题01 人物篇(疫情英雄钟南山;李兰娟)-2020年中考英语话题写作冲刺练(共53张PPT).pptx_第1页
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《中考英语总复习》专题01 人物篇(疫情英雄钟南山;李兰娟)-2020年中考英语话题写作冲刺练(共53张PPT).pptx_第2页
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《《中考英语总复习》专题01 人物篇(疫情英雄钟南山;李兰娟)-2020年中考英语话题写作冲刺练(共53张PPT).pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《中考英语总复习》专题01 人物篇(疫情英雄钟南山;李兰娟)-2020年中考英语话题写作冲刺练(共53张PPT).pptx(53页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、专题1 人物篇(疫情英雄钟南山;李兰娟)英 语1)要描写的人物是谁?年龄,姓名, 性别,来自哪里,外貌特征等。2)被描写人的兴趣爱好是什么?3)被描写人物的性格特点时什么?写啥Factors of DescriptionNameGenderAgeAppearancePersonalityQualityEmotionPart I 必备短语1. 出生地点、时间: 年份/地点 be born in 某人几十多岁 in ones tens/twentieth/thirtieth/fortieth/fiftieth/sixtieth a girl/boy/man/women of +年龄2.表达人物兴趣

2、和爱好 对感兴趣; be interested in = be fond of 对极度喜欢; be crazy about 对失去兴趣; lose interest in 对厌倦 ; be tired of 3.工作:work as +职业 teacher manager engineer scientist basketball player work for+单位(a big company/ Hongling Middle School/Students Union)4.教育背景 毕业于 graduate from 考上重点高中 be admitted into a key high s

3、chool. 5.获奖 获得一等奖; win the first prize =be awarded the first prize 赢得一枚金牌; win a gold medal 因而获得诺贝尔奖; the Nobel Prize for(scientific achievement) 成为世界冠军; become a world champion6. 受到好评 高度评价; be highly thought of 因而获得奖章; be awarded a medal for 获得称号 be awarded the title of 把专用于/奉献给 devote .to . 被认为是 b

4、e considered to be one of the greatest scientists/writers/sportsmen7. 树立榜样 set a good example to(for) us Part II 必备句型1.同位语: 名词后逗号隔开,再给一个名词解释其身份、职业、性质等。 如: Shu Wei, a world champion in diving, is a boy of 14 from Guangdong. My mother, a lover of reading, enjoys reading a lot for her spare time. 2. 非谓

5、语done作插入语: 介绍出生的时间、地点和家境用born结构, 介绍被人爱戴用Loved/Encouraged使文章更简洁。 如: Yao Ming, born in Shanghai in 1980 , is a world famous basketball player. Loved by us, she is also called Miss. Kind.3. with表“留着、带着、有”。 如: My English teacher is a beautiful lady, with long hair and big eyes. With big smiles on her fa

6、ce, she looks very pretty in long hair and glasses.4.倒装句: Not only does/ do sb. do ; So adj. be sb. that 从句。如: Not only does he show interest in science, but he also has a gift for music. So kind to students is she that she always offers them a warm-hearted help. Loved by us, she is also called Miss

7、. So crazy about reading is she that she spends almost all her spare time reading. 5. 用短语表评价 如: Lei Feng sets a good example to us, so all the people show great respect to him.6. 定语从句 如: My mother, who is a lover of reading, enjoys reading a lot, which is the way she kills her spare time. Part III 重

8、点句式仿写训练 This is a picture of my sister, Alice. 仿写:这就是我的英语老师,Ms. Gao This is a picture of my teacher, Ms. Gao. Born into a poor clerk s family, Charles Dickens had little schooling. 仿写: 1980年出生于上海, 姚明全世界最伟大的篮球员之一。 Born in Shanghai in1980, Yao Ming is one of the greatest basketball players. 仿写训练 Im Li

9、 Hui, a girl of seventeen. 仿写: 我叫韦华,是一个十五岁的初中生。 My name is Wei Hua, a junior school student of 15.仿写训练 With big smiles on her face, she looks very cute in her long hair and red glasses. 仿写: 脸上带着笑容,张老师看起来非常亲切,尤其配上她一头短发。 With a smile on her face, Miss Zhang looks very kind, especially with her short h

10、air.仿写训练 Of medium height, she looks kind of thin. 仿写: 马云中等身高,(却)智慧超群。 Of medium height, Ma Yun is superior in wisdom.仿写训练 She does well in dancing as well as sports. 仿写: 他不仅热爱运动,同时也热爱厨艺。 He does well in sports as well as cooking. 仿写训练 My mother, a lover of reading, enjoys reading a lot for her spar

11、e time. 仿写: 我的姐姐是一个音乐发烧友,她空闲的时候最喜欢听摇滚乐。 My sister , a lover of music , enjoying listen to rock music best in her spare time.仿写训练 She enjoys reading a lot. 仿写: 我的妈妈非常喜欢做饭。 My mom enjoys cooking a lot. 仿写训练 My mother, who is in her thirties, works as a teacher of English. 仿写: 我的爸爸今年四十岁了, 他在一家大公司当经理。 M

12、y father, who is forty years old, works as a manager in a big company.仿写训练 Honestly, my mother, a good cook, is always sparing her valuable reading time for cooking all kinds of delicious dishes for me. 仿写: 老实说,我们的英语老师,是一个教育家,她不仅教我们知识,还教我们做人 Honestly, our English teacher , an educator, not only teac

13、hes us knowledge, but also teaches us how to be a man.仿写训练 So kind to neighbors is she that she always offers them a warm-hearted help. 仿写: 他如此勤奋以至于他在演讲比赛中拿了第一名。 So diligent is he that he won the first prize in the speech contest.仿写训练 He is considered to be one of the greatest scientists in China. 仿

14、写: 姚明被认为是中国最有名的篮球运动员之一。 Yao Ming is considered to be one of the most famous basketball players in China.仿写训练 Not only does he show interest in science, but he also has a gift for music. 仿写: 他不仅在数学方面有天分(talent), 而且在英语方面也有浓厚的兴趣。 Not only is he talented in mathematics, but also in English.仿写训练 Lei Feng

15、 sets a good example to us, so all the people show great respect to him. 仿写: 张丰给同学们树立了一个很好的榜样, 所以大家都很尊重他。 Zhang Feng has set a good example for his classmates, so everyone respects him very much.仿写训练part IV 实战演练 由于新冠肺炎爆发,2020年似乎开始将漫长而沉重,但正是在这样一个待殊的时期,各行各业涌现出了许多英雄, 如:钟南山(呼吸科专家respiratory expert),华雨辰(

16、志愿者),吴辉(外卖骑手delivery man)等。他们不畏疫情,不辞辛劳,用自己默默无闻的奉献与坚特,温暖了整个社会. 这次疫情中.谁是你心目中的英雄? 要点: 1. 介绍你心目中的英雄; 2. 你为什么崇拜他、她? 3. 你能从他、她身上学到什么? 要求:包含以上要点;短语 be/ fight against 对抗 be moved 被感动 be named (as) 被提名 be inspired by 被激励 an expert on sth 某方面的专家 serve as 担任、充当 beyond imagination 超出想象 be infected 被感染 be dedica

17、ted 献神的、投入的短语 1. Many Chinese know Zhong Nanshan as the hero who defeated SARS in 2003.(用事迹 引入人物身份) 2. Zhong grew up in a family of doctors. His goal has aiways been to save as many lives as possible.(介绍人物背景知识) 3. Seventeen years later. Zhong is once again leading an expert team to deal with the nov

18、el coronavirus.(介绍英雄人物在此次疫情中的作为)句式解析 1. On Jan 18. he rushed to Wuhan by high-speed rail as soon as he was informed. 2. Although this new virus is known to be more dangerous to old people. Zhong worries little about his own safety. 3. The 84-year-old Zhong Nanshan shows his professionalism as a doct

19、or, courage as a soldier, and a sense of duty as the backbone of our nation. 4. He has given Chinese people confidence in winning this fight. 佳句赏析Hero in My Heart In the battle against the novel coronavirus, we have been moved by so many people. There is a young man named Jgng Wenqiang from my homet

20、own of Dalian who has inspired me His experience was somewhat dramatic.He sat in the wrong carriage on the train and arrived in Wuhan by mistake. In order to find accommodation (住宿) after the city was locked down, he served as a volunteer at a local hospital.In the beginning, the situation was beyon

21、d his imagination. He was mortally afraid of being infected. However, with the assistance and encouragement of medical workers, he finally chose to stay and became dedicated (投入的)to his work. He never hesitated to give his help whenever he was asked, which made him popular with patients. Both great

22、and ordinary men can inspire us when we are facing challenges. Jiang Wenqiang stood up to the challenge and made the right choice, even though it was difficult. He is a hero to me.My hero - Doctor Zhang Wenhong A man wearing a mask and a doctors coat walked quickly into the hall. He had dork shadows

23、 under his eyes. During the interview I watched, he answered questions about the virus in detail. Despite his humorous tone, his tiredness couldnt be ignored. He is my hero - Doctor Zhang Wenhong. Doctor Zhang is an expert on infectious diseases. He investigated(研究) the novel coronavirus during the

24、pandemic. With his knowledge, he gives lots of useful advice on what to do to avoid the virus. Moreover, though his advice is simple, he always offers folks confide nee with a rigorous (严格的)attitude. Zhangs advice and attitude have had a big influence on me. From him. I have learned that we should s

25、tudy hard and stay confident.介绍钟南山 请你根据下面的提示,用英语对钟南山作简单介绍,写一篇80至120词的英语作文。 钟南山博士1936年10月出生于江苏南京。 他是21世纪著名的医学科学家之一。 1953年就读于广东省实验高中,1960年毕业于北京医学院。 2003年春,SARS疫情在中国乃至全球爆发。 钟南山不仅领导并积极参加了抗击非典的斗争。 通过经过几个月的努力,钟南山和他的工友们取得了显著的成绩。 很快非典的流行就停止了。 他在医学界工作了60多年。他是国人眼中的好医生,受到全国人民的尊敬。 注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文

26、连贯。钟南山博士1936年10月出生于江苏南京。他是21世纪著名的医学科学家之一。 两个简单句: Dr. Zhong Nanshan was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province in October 1936. He is one of the famous medical scientists in the 21st century. 升级: 非谓 Born in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province in October 1936,Dr. Zhong Nanshan is one of the famous medical scientists

27、 in the 21st century.1953年就读于广东省实验高中,1960年毕业于北京医学院。 and引导的并列句 He studied in Guangdong Experimental High School in 1953 and graduated from Beijing Medical College in 1960. 升级 定语从句 He studied in Guangdong Experimental High School in 1953 ,who graduated from Beijing Medical College in 1960.2003年春,SARS疫

28、情在中国乃至全球爆发。 In the spring of 2003, SARS broke out in China and even in the world.钟南山不仅领导并积极参加了抗击非典的斗争。 Zhong Nanshan not only led but also actively participated in the fight against SARS. 升级 倒装 Not only did Zhong Nanshan lead but also actively participated in the fight against SARS.通过经过几个月的努力,钟南山和他的

29、工友们取得了显著的成绩。 After several months of hard work, Zhong Nanshan and his workmates have made remarkable achievements.他在医学界工作了60多年。他是国人眼中的好医生,受到全国人民的尊敬。 He has worked in medicine for more than 60 years. He is a good doctor in the eyes of the Chinese people respected by the people all over the country范文

30、Born in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province in October 1936,Dr. Zhong Nanshan is one of the famous medical scientists in the 21st century. He studied in Guangdong Experimental High School in 1953 ,who graduated from Beijing Medical College in 1960. In the spring of 2003, SARS broke out in China and even in th

31、e world. Not only did Zhong Nanshan lead but also actively participated in the fight against SARS. After several months of hard work, Zhong Nanshan and his workmates have made remarkable achievements. He has worked in medicine for more than 60 years. He is a good doctor in the eyes of the Chinese pe

32、ople respected by the people all over the countrypart V 举一反三介绍李兰娟 请你根据下面的提示,用英语对李兰娟简单介绍,写一篇80至120词的英语作文。 1947年9月13日,李兰娟出生于浙江省绍兴县。 1960年7月,李兰娟从小学毕业后,被绍兴三中录取。 2019年新冠爆发后,李兰娟和医护人员全力以赴救治病人。 李兰娟不仅领导并积极参加了抗新冠斗争。 李兰娟从事医学工作40余年。她是国人眼中的好医生,受到全国人民的尊敬。范文 On September 13, 1947, Li Lanjuan was born in Shaoxing C

33、ounty, Zhejiang Province. In July 1960, after graduating from primary school, Li Lanjuan was admitted to Shaoxing No.3 middle school. After the outbreak of the epidemic in 2019, Li Lanjuan and medical staff made great efforts to treat patients. Not only did Li Lanjuan lead but also actively participated in the fight against the epidemic.Li Lanjuan has been engaged in medical work for more than 40 years. She is a good doctor in the eyes of the Chinese people respected by the whole country.


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