常用口语表达用语及习惯用法 考研英语(二)写作.doc

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1、常用口语表达用语完成会话考试项目需要考生较好地了解常用的口语表达形式。下面总结了27种不同语境情况下的口语表达用语,供考生复习参考。1见面时的对话(1)Greetings1)Good morning.Good morning.Good afternoon.Good afternoon. Good evening.Good evening.2)Hello.Hello.Hi.Hi.3)How are you?Fine, (Very well, Not bad,) thank you. And you?Just so so. I have a headache.Not too well, Im af

2、raid.4)Hows Bob?Hows the family?Hows everybody at the office?(2)Expressing surprise and pleasure in seeing someone1)Hello, Jack. Havent seen you for a long time (ages) ! Hows everything going?2)Oh, hello, Wang. Im so glad to see you. Howre you doing?3)Hi, John! Nice to meet you here. How are you get

3、ting on? (How are things with you?)4)Hi, Mary! Fancy running into you here! Its great to see you again. What have you been doing since I saw you last?2分手时的对话(1)Announcing that you must be leaving1)Well, I must be off. Good-bye.Good-bye.2)Im afraid Ive got to be going now. So long!So long!3)Well, Ive

4、 got to be running along. Cheerio!Cheerio!4)Im afraid I must be going now. It was nice meeting you. See you later.(Im) glad to have met you, too. Take care.5)Sorry, Ill have to be going. Its getting very late. Good night.Good night.6)Mr. Smith. Thank you for a pleasant evening. I must be going now.

5、See you tomorrow.It was nice to have you, Mr. Chang. Good night.(2)When taking ones leave1)Well be sorry to see you go.Its a pity youre leaving so soon.Were going to miss you, Mr. Smith.2)I hope youve enjoyed your stay in China.I certainly have. I shall never forget my visit to your wonderful countr

6、y.3)Thank you for everything youve done for me during my stay here.Youre welcome.4)I wish you a pleasant journey.Thank you.3相互介绍时的对话(1)Introducing yourself1)May I introduce myself ? Im Chang Lan.2)How do you do? My name is Chang Lan.3)Mr. Jones, I believe? My name is Chang Lan.4)Hi, My name is(2)Int

7、roducing somebody else1)Mr. Smith, this is Mr. Wang.2)May I introduce you to Mr. Wang, head of the Friendship Delegation?3)Mr. Johnson, allow me to introduce you to Mr. Wang. Jack, Id like you to meet my Chinese friend, Wang.(3)Exchange of formalities1)How do you do?How do you do?2)(Im) glad to meet

8、 you.(Im) glad to meet you, too.3)(Im) delighted to know you, Mr. Smith.(Im) equally delighted to meet you.4)(Im) very pleased to meet you.The pleasure is mine.5)(Its) nice to meet you.Same here.4感谢与回答(1)Thank you (very much)1)Thanks (a lot) .2)Its very kind (thoughtful) of you !3)How kind (thoughtf

9、ul) of you!4)(Im very) much obliged (to you) .5)Im really very grateful to you.6)I shall always feel indebted to you.7)Thank you anyway (all the same) .(2)Giving answers1)Dont mention it.2)Not at all.3)Youre welcome.4)Sure thing.5)Im very glad to have been of help to you.6)Im so glad you like it.7)T

10、hink nothing of it.8)Thank you for the trouble you have gone to.No trouble at all. Im always glad to help you.9)Thank you for your help.Its been a pleasure (My pleasure. With pleasure).Im afraid I havent done as much as I should.5道歉与回答(1)Apologizing for being late or troubling somebody1)Im so (very)

11、 sorry, Im afraid Im late.2)Sorry for being late. You see, I was held up by the rain.3)I must apologize for being late.4)I hope I havent kept you waiting too long.5)Sorry to have kept you waiting.Its perfectly all right.Oh, it doesnt matter.Not at all.6)Im sorry to have given you so much trouble.Not

12、 in the least.Not a bit.Youre welcome.7)Im sorry to have taken up so much of your time.Not at all.(2)Apologizing for having done something wrong1)Im sorry, I quite forgot.2)Im sorry, I forgot all about it.3)Im sorry, its my fault.4)I beg your pardon. Did I hurt you?5)Im awfully sorry. I hope I haven

13、t hurt you.6)Im terribly sorry. I hope it isnt broken.7)I must apologize for being so careless.8)Im sorry. I hope I havent spoiled it.Oh, its nothing. Dont let a little thing like that worry you.Oh, its perfectly all right. Dont worry about it.Oh, its quite all right. Forget it!It doesnt matter.I as

14、sure you, its nothing at all.Not in the least.Not a bit.Never mind.Please, dont apologize. It was really my fault.6请求许可或帮助与回答(1)Asking for permission1)May I come in?Come in (please) .Do come in.2)May I open the window?3)May I help you?4)May I have a look?5)May I interrupt you?Of course you may (can)

15、.Yes. (certainly).By all means.Please do.Im sorry. Im afraid6)(Do you) mind if I smoke?Do you mind my smoking here?Would you mind if I opened the window?7)You dont mind if I smoke, do you?Not at all.Go ahead.8)I wonder if I could9)I should like toif I may.10)Would it be possible to have a talk with

16、your students?Yes, of course.Well, Im afraid(2)Asking for help1)Could you lend me your dictionary?Certainly.2)Could I trouble you to send this book for me?Sure. Ill be glad to.3)I wonder if you would tell meIll be delighted to.Id very much like to.4)If it isnt too troublesome, could (would) youIf it

17、s not too much trouble Id like to ask youNo trouble at all.Youre welcome.5)Do me a favor, will you?Would you do me a favor?With pleasure.I will if I can.6)Would it be all right if I ask you to get me a pad of writing paper?If its all right, could I trouble you with some questions?Thats all right.Sur

18、e. Ill be glad to.7)Would you mind telling Mr. Gao that Id like to see him tomorrow morning?Not at all.Ill be glad to.Im sorry, I dont think I can manage it.Im sorry, but Ive some other business to attend to.Im sorry. I wish I could.Im afraid I wont be able to.7提建议与回答(1)Making suggestions and offers

19、1)Shall we (I) ? Shall we go and have lunch now?2)Would you like to? Would you like (to have) a cup of tea?3)Suppose Suppose we go there on foot? Its only a few minutes walk.4)Willdo? Id like to have a talk with you. Shall we fix the time? Will this evening do?5)I wonder if I wonder if you could als

20、o call up his family.6)Let me Lets Let me help you with your luggage. Lets start at eight.7)Have Have a smoke (a cup of tea) .8)Why not? Why not buy one of each kind?9)How about? What about? How about (going for) a swim? What about this one?10)(Would you) care for? Would you care for a swim?11)Dont

21、you think it would be a good idea to?Dont you think it would be a good idea to get something to eat first?12)I suggest you (should) do I suggest you (should) visit the doctor first.13)If I were you, Id do If I were you, Id do something about it right away.14)Do you mind if? Do you mind if I ask Bob

22、to come too?(2)Giving replies1)To show acceptanceThat would be fine (nice) .That would suit me fine (very well) .That is a good idea.Good.All right.Certainly.Yes, lets.Yes, please.Excellent.Yes, thank you.Id love to.Not in the least.2)To decline somethingIm sorry, but; Im afraid I; Id love to, butNo

23、. thanks.Well. could we (I) ?Well, will it be all right if?8与人相约(1)Excuse me, Mr. Smith, but are you free this evening?Do you happen to be free this evening?Yes. Why?No. Ive something to attend to.Well, Im fully engaged this evening.Im sorry. Ive an appointment at seven.(2)Excuse me, Mr. Smith, but

24、can I speak to you for a moment?Excuse me, Mr. Smith, can you spare me a few minutes? Theres something Id like to speak to you about. I wont keep you long.Yes, of course.Yes, go ahead.Well, Im afraid we have to find some other time. Im fully occupied now.Well, Im terribly busy right now. Perhaps we

25、can arrange to have the talk sometime this afternoon.(3)I know youre very busy but theres something rather urgent I want to talk to you about. Will it be all right if I come round in the evening?Sure. Ill be expecting you.Excellent. What time shall I expect you?Fine. Would 8:00 oclock be all right f

26、or you?Well, Ill have an important meeting to attend this evening. Will tomorrow morning suit you?(4)Id like to talk to Prof. Reeds. Could you arrange it for me? (Speaking to a secretary) .Yes. of course. Would tomorrow afternoon be convenient for you?With pleasure. What about 3:00 oclock tomorrow a

27、fternoon?Sure. I suppose you could come round at three tomorrow afternoon.(5)May I make an appointment for sometime early this afternoon? (Speaking to a receptionist) .I wonder if I could arrange a meeting with Mr. Smith for sometime early this afternoon.Of course you may (can, etc) .Im sorry. All t

28、he appointments are filled.Let me see. This afternoon is all booked up.Im afraid he cant make it before 5:00.(6)Im sorry, but something unexpected has come up and I wont be able to keep my appointment with you this afternoon. I wonder if we could change the time of our meeting to sometime tomorrow m

29、orning, say, 9:00 oclock.Could we postpone our meeting to 9:00 oclock tomorrow morning?Yes, certainly.Im afraid I cant make it 9:00. What about 10:00?Im sorry, I wont be free until 9:30. Lets make it 10:00.9问路(1)Going on foot1)Asking directionsExcuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the Peace Hot

30、el?Pardon me. Can you tell me where the Peace Hotel is?Excuse me. Im trying to locate this address.Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the Peace Hotel?2)Giving directionsJust go along this road until you come to a place where the road forks. Take the road to your right. The Hotel is about fifty me

31、ters down the road on the left-hand side.Just go straight down this street till you see a tall building. Turn left at the first traffic lights there and keep on going till you see a big signboard. The Hotel is just next to it.Walk on a short distance, turn right at the corner. The place you want is

32、only a few steps ahead on your right.Go straight along this street for about 300 yards, then when you come to a bridge, walk across it and turn left. After you turn, walk for another six or seven minutes, and thenJust walk across the street and go around the corner on Rockhill Road. Walk one block e

33、ast, take a right at 20th, then walk about half a block. Its right in the middle of the block.(2)Going by bus1)Excuse me. Does this bus go to the Peace Hotel?Yes. The Hotel is the third stop.No. Youll have to take the No. 3 bus. The bus stop is just around the corner.2)Excuse me. Can I get to the Pe

34、ace Hotel by bus?Excuse me. Could you tell me if this is where I can catch a bus to the Peace Hotel?Yes. Take the No. 4 bus.Yes, but youll have to change buses at Market Street.Yes, but youll have to change from the No. 3 bus to the No. 6 bus at Market Street.Yes. Take the No. 4 trolley-bus and get

35、off at Market Street, and then walk a few yards and there you are.Yes. Take the No. 4 bus to Market Street and change there to the No. 8 bus.Yes. All the buses go past there. Get off at the first stop.No. Theres no bus going in that direction.No, but you can take the subway. The nearest subway stati

36、on is just about a block down from here.3)Excuse me. Can you tell me where the bus stop going to the Peace Hotel is?Excuse me. Can you tell me where I get the bus to the Peace Hotel?Yes. The bus stop is over there across the street in front of the Department Store.Yes. Walk two blocks and turn right

37、 and youll find a bus stop sign. Take the No. 3 bus, which goes to the Peace Hotel.10邀请(1)Would you like to join?(2)Ill be happy if you can come to the(3)Lets go and have something.(4)We should be delighted if you could(5)Would you be free to a concert on Sunday?(6)What about going to?(7)Why not joi

38、n?11祝愿和祝贺(1)Wish you every success !(2)Good luck to you.(3)Wishing you good luck (forever) .(4)Let me wish you the best of everything.(5)May you succeed at whatever you try.(6)May all your wishes come true.(7)I wish you every fortune and every success.(8)May your Christmas be filled with joy and war

39、mth!(9)Hope the holidays find you happy and healthy.(10)If only I had more time, I could do it.(11)Keep my fingers crossed that Ill win the first prize.(12)Im sure youll be happy together.(13)You make a great couple.(14)I want to congratulate you with all my heart.(15)Please send him my congratulati

40、ons.(16)What marvelous news!12打电话(1)May I speak to?(2)Speaking.(3)Is Roger there?(4)Yes, speaking.(5)Hi, my hands are tied. Ill get back to you in a minute.(6)Can I call back? Something has come up.(7)Can I have your name and telephone number?(8)Im afraid youve got the wrong number.(9)Hang on a seco

41、nd/a moment.(10)Would you like to hold?(11)Hold the line, please.(12)Hes not available now. Can I take a message?(13)Long distance call from(14)Should I tell him youll call back, or do you want him to call you?(15)John is on another line now. Can you hold on?13看病(1)Whats the matter?(2)Whats the trou

42、ble with you?(3)What seems to be the trouble?(4)I dont feel like eating.(5)How long have you been like this?(6)Ive been sick for a day.(7)It hurts me when I breathe. (8)I feel feverish.(9)Id like to run some tests.(10)Id like to take a blood sample.(11)Take the medicine, and youll be better.(12)He i

43、s up and about now.14吃饭(1)Could you show us the menu?(2)Would you like to see the menu?(3)Are you ready to order?(4)What do you recommend?(5)Which do you prefer?(6)How would you like that prepared/done?(7)What would you like to drink, tea or coffee?(8)What is your favorite?(9)Lets grab something to

44、eat !(10)We will go Dutch.(11)Tonights on me.(12)Ill take care of the bill/check.(13)Bring me the bill/check, please.15购物(1)May/Can l help you?(2)We have a clearance sale today.(3)The price will go down.(4)Please try it on.(5)Ive seen this cheaper in other places.(6)Could you bring the price down?(7

45、)That is a steal. (8)Its a little overpriced.(9)Do you know what size you are?(10)Im afraid we dont have it in stock(11)Do you have this in stock?(12)Do you have this in blue?(13)How will you pay for this?(14)Cash back?(15)What a deal!16谈论天气(1)Have you heard the weather forecast?(2)What does the wea

46、ther forecast say?(3)What will it be after the clear weather?(4)It says a storm may come soon.(5)How long will this hot weather last?(6)I hope it stays nice for the whole month.(7)Its wonderful after the rain.(8)Autumn is the best season here.(9)It has turned out to be a nice day.(10)It seems to be clearing up.(11)Its hot like oven now in this part of the country.(12)Well have fine weather for the next few days.17劝告和建议(1)If I were you, Id phone


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