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《大学英语听说4历次形成性练习.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《大学英语听说4历次形成性练习.doc(95页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1. A) Eighty thousand people. B) Eighteen thousand people. C) One hundred million people. D) One million people.2. A) For his father B) For his wife. C) For his daughter. D) For his mother.3. A) In 1956. B) In 1948. C) In 1966. D) In 1958.4. A) They were greatly excited. B) They were indifferent to

2、it. C) They were very sad. D) They felt proud of him.5. A) He died in a battle. B) He died of starvation. C) He died in an accident. D) He died from a heart attack.Passage Two6. A) $ 10 million. B) $ 100 million. C) $ 1 million. D) $ 1000 million.7. A) She hopes they are as rich as her. B) She wants

3、 them to drop out of school early. C) She wants them to live a normal life. D) She wants them to grow up in the same way as she did.8. A) He didnt care about his daughter at all. B) He gave too much love to his only daughter. C) He didnt like children at all. D) He had no time to play with her daugh

4、ter.9. A) He wanted Lisa to live above the average people. B) He wanted his daughter to lead a normal life. C) He wanted his daughter to be around people her age. D) He wanted his daughter to be a singer.10. A) To lead a rich life. B) To lead a poor life. C) To lead a quiet and normal life. D) To le

5、ad an eventful life.答案: ADACDBCBAC 1.A) In a cinema. B) At a party. C) At the speakers home. D) In the office.2.A) They share the housework. B) They go to the cinema once a week. C) The wife should do more house work. D) They should talk a lot to each other after work.3.A) They are having a quarrel.

6、 B) They are doing house work together. C) They are recalling their past D) They are walking in the rain.4.A) He is willing to accept them. B) He is angry about them.C) He is delighted to hear them. D) He is ready to correct his shortcomings.5 A) He will go out to take a walk in the rain. B) He will

7、 go to the cinema alone. C) He will go shopping alone. D) He will go to live with his parents.答案: CAABD 1. A) He tells the woman to take some new tubes. B) He asks the woman to leave the tubes where they are.C) He wants the woman to watch what he is doing. D) He asks the woman to finish her work qui

8、ckly.2. A) Only if it is always in sight. B) No, because she asked him to turn it off between problems. C) He should leave it on the table. D) No, because he asked for it.3. A) Because you must take the stairs. B) Because nine is an odd number. C) Because the elevator gets stuck. D) Because there ar

9、e too many people in the elevator.4. A) Last summer was even hotter. B) This summer is terribly hot. C) If you lose some weight, youll not feel too hot. D) This woman is happy since hot weather helps her lose weight.5. A) The tour was worth the time but not the money. B) The tour was not worth the t

10、ime or the money. C) The tour was worth the money but not the time. D) The tour was worth both the time and the money.6. A) They were both busy doing their own work. B) They waited for each other at different places. C) They went to the street corner at different times. D) The man went to the concer

11、t but the woman didnt.7. A) He is afraid of being beaten by the woman again. B) He is in poor health. C) He was beaten by the woman yesterday. D) He did too much exercise yesterday.8. A) Two tourists. B) Driver and passenger. C) Nurse and patient. D) Manager and secretary.9. A) She is always laughed

12、 at by the clerks. B) She hates going shopping with her friends. C) She feels embarrassed about her stature. D) She is in the habit of doing window-shopping.10. A) He will drive his grandmother to the airport. B) He will meet his grandmother at the airport. C) He will send his grandmother to a weddi

13、ng party. D) He will take his grandmother to the hospital.答案:BBBBBBDBCA Most Brazilians are very class-conscious, and everything from education and jobs to behavior and communication _1_ is affected by it. Conversation between members of different classes is frowned upon, except when specific _2_ su

14、ch as between a customer and a clerk require it. Because a strangers class is usually impossible to _3_, most Brazilians refrain from _4_ passing exchanges, such as hello and have a nice day. And people may _5_ use deferential(谦恭的) titles like doctor and senhor to _6_ that the person being _7_ is so

15、meone of higher class. Secondly, Brazil is a polychromic culture, which means that attitudes toward time are much more elastic(弹性的)than they are in North America or Japan. _8_. If the present conversation is pleasant, it is more important to appreciate and extend it than to rush off to next one. _9_

16、. In fact, if you are invited to dinner at someones house, _10_.答案:1. style 2. interactions 3. determine 4. informal 5. regularly 6. imply 7. addressed8. While buses and trains usually run on schedule throughout Brazil, meetings and appointments seldom do9. Whether the appointment is professional or

17、 personal, one is not expected to arrive on time10. it would be rather rude to arrive sooner than an hour late 1. A) He regards friends as particularly important B) He regards friends as important as his family members C) He doesnt think of friends as particularly important D) He thinks friends can

18、help him when he is in trouble.2. A) His family B) His friends. C) His colleagues D) His classmates.3. A) It is more important than life. B) It is more important than love. C) It is more important than anything else. D) Friendship is unnecessary in her life.4. A) Love may lead to a lot of bitterness

19、.B) Love may lead to great happiness.C) Love may lead to unimaginable success in a career. D) Love may lead to many quarrels.5. A) People who are active and talk all the time. B) People who remain silent all the time. C) People who will help him when he needs help. D) People who can just stay togeth

20、er and not say very much sometimes.答案: CABAD 1. A) Two years. B) Three years. C) One year. D) Two and a half years2. A) They decided to get married in April. B) They decided to make new friends separately. C) They decided to make some new friends together. D) They decided to have a baby.3. A) She de

21、cided to leave Peter forever. B) She liked this way to make friends. C) She thought it easier to make friends like this. D) She felt lonely and that her life was quite dull.4. A) They were frightened. B) They felt excited. C) They felt surprised and were at a loss for words. D) They felt angry about

22、 the experience.5. A) It is hard for them to arrange a blind date again. B) Rhoda is a good match for Peter and they will finally get married. C) They think something went wrong with the computer.D) They will try another computer date.Passage 2:6. A) To talk to her about his work. B) To go to bed as

23、 soon as possible. C) To talk to George. D) To get a new job in an insurance company.7. A) He felt worried. B) He felt embarrassed. C) He felt hopeless. D) He felt tired.8. A) He graduated three months ago. B) He left school three years ago. C) He graduated three days ago. D) He will leave school in

24、 three days9. A) He wanted to work in a bank. B) He hoped to work in an insurance company. C) He intended to travel and see the world. D) He planned to stay at home.10. A) Georges mother will continue to talk to her son. B) Georges mother doesnt think they can change their sons mind. C) George will

25、listen to his parents in the future. D) Georges father does not want to talk to his son any more.答案: ABDCBCDACB 1. A) Go hiking with her friend. B) Stay at home and do her exercise.C) Rest and take care of herself. D) Catch up with her reading.2. A) He and his wife enjoyed the play. B) He enjoyed th

26、e play but his wife didnt. C) Neither of them enjoyed the play. D) His wife enjoyed the play, but he didnt.3. A) She can only use the dictionary in the library. B) She can use the dictionary as long as she likes.C) She gets one for herself. D) She can take one out.4. A) That her teaching assistant w

27、ould correct the examination papers.B) That she would collect the examination papers.C) That she would not give her students a final exam. D) That she would correct the examination papers.5. A) They both liked it. B) The mother didnt like it, but the father did. C) Neither liked it. D) The mother di

28、dnt like it because it wasnt English.6. A) He doesnt have the right tools. B) He cant afford it.C) He wants to wait until the next day. D) He doesnt need one.7. A) At the bank. B) At the market.C) At the nursery. D) At the hardware store.8. A) To go early. B) To leave the stadium early. C) To buy hi

29、s tickets early. D) To listen to the radio.9. A) Hell get angry. B) Hes looking for a parking space. C) He has to buy a parking ticket. D) He will discover it himself.10.A) In an electrical shop. B) At a college.C) In an airport D) At a voting booth.答案:CBCDBBBAAB Unit 7 Setting Goals Why is setting

30、goals important? Because goals can help you do, be, and 1)_ everything you want in life. Instead of just letting life happen to you, 2)_ allow you to make your life happen. Successful and happy people have a 3)_ of how their life should be and they set lots of goals, both 4)_ and long-range, to help

31、 them reach their vision. By 5)_ goals you are taking control of your life. Its like having a map to show you where you want to go. 6)_ in life set goals and follow through on them. Winners decide what they want in life and then get there by making plans and setting goals. Unsuccessful people just l

32、et life happen by 7)_. Goals arent difficult to setand they arent difficult to reach. Its up to you to find out what your goals, ideals, and visions really are. 8)_ _ . Research tells us that when we write a goal down we are more likely to achieve it. 9)_. Like an agreement with yourself, they are h

33、arder to neglect or forget. Also 10)_ to be continuously aware of situations that will further your goal. Key: 1. experience 2. goals 3. vision 4. short-term 5. setting 6. Winners 7. accident 8. You are the one who must decide what to go after and in what direction to aim your life . 9. Written goal

34、s can be reviewed regularly, and have more power. 10. when you write your goals in a particular fashion you are able to stimulate your subconscious Unit 8 American Money American money can be quite 1) _. The bills - or paper money - are all the same color and 2) _. One has to look carefully to be su

35、re he is giving out a $1 bill and not a $10 bill, for example. Furthermore, new bills 3) _ together easily. Be sure this does not happen to you. Coins are also confusing. This is partly because some of them have two names, partly because the size does not 4) _ the value. The ten-cent coin is smaller

36、 than the five-cent coin, for example. In addition, all coins are 5) _ (except for the penny or one cent) which is brown color or copper-colored. One cent, or penny, is the coin of smallest value, equal to 1/100 of a dollar. It is useful for some parking meters and some sales taxes, but a penny does

37、 not buy very much! Five pennies are equal to one nickel. A coin of 10 cents, the smallest in size of all the coins, is one of the most useful. It is used for pay-phones, buying newspapers, coin-operated machines, and some bus 6) _. The 25 cent coin, or quarter, is larger than the nickel but is easi

38、ly mistaken for it. This is the 7) _ tipping coin, also commonly used for paying bridge and road tolls. 8) _, especially in cities which require exact change for buses. Sales taxes also require a lot of small coins, although stores will give change. 9) _. Bills come in the following denominations: $

39、1, $5, $10 and $20. 10) _! Keep small value bills with you. Taxi drivers and some store clerks will not change anything larger than a $5 bill; most big department stores will, however. Key: 1. confusing 2. size 3. stick 4. indicate 5. silver-colored 6. fares 7. normal 8. One has to keep considerable

40、 change on hand 9. Bus drivers, however, are often not allowed to give change in many cities 10. They also come in $50 and $100 bills, but these are seen less often by most of us Long Conversation Questions 1 to 5 are based on the conversation youve just heard.1. A).Parents.B) Environment. C) Genes.

41、D) Both A) and B).2. A) Proteins.B) A sequence of DNA C) All of the above.D) Cells.3. A) Individual humans share 99.9 percent of their DNA.B) Individual humans share 90 percent of their DNA.D) Individual humans share 95 percent of their DNA.C) Individual humans share 99 percent of their DNA.4. A) Ch

42、impanzees.B) Whales. C) Gorillas.D) Monkeys. 5. A) Its hard to say.B) No, it will not.C) It depends.D) Yes, it will.Key:D B A A D Questions 1 to 5 are based on the conversation youve just heard. 1. A) Close to a beach.B) One a beach.C) In a computer room.D) In an arcade.2. A) To travel around the wo

43、rld.B) To see the world on the Net.C) To sunbathe on a beach.D) to play a chess game outdoors.3. A) He will be easy to get along with.B) He will be too weak.C) He will be stupid.D) He will be intelligent.4. A) Its good to have plenty of sunshine.B) Its good to breathe fresh air.C) Its an opportunity

44、 to play with a friend.D) There is no opportunity to play with a chess master.5. A) She will pay attention to chess games.B) She will pay attention to the man.C) She wants the man to pay attention to her.D) She wants the man to pay attention to important chess games.Key:A. B. C. D. C. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the conversation youve just heard. 1. A) A journey to Canada. B) An impression of a foreign country. C) Culture shock in a new environment. D) A hard experience in a foreign country. 2. A) The anxiety that results from losing a


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