【英文读物】Nights With Uncle Remus.docx

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1、【英文读物】Nights With Uncle RemusPUBLISHERS NOTE Nights With Uncle Remus is a story-book dearly loved by children. Besides that, it is an important contribution to the study of Afro-American folk-lore, and through many years of popularity it has carried a long and learned Introduction, of great interest

2、 to students but rather forbidding in aspect to youthful readers. In this new edition, which has been prepared especially for children, and illustrated in colors by an artist who knows how to please them as well as their elders, the Introduction has been omitted, but the stories and their charming s

3、etting have been left intact. June, 1917I MR. FOX AND MISS GOOSE It had been raining all day so that Uncle Remus found it impossible to go out. The storm had begun, the old man declared, just as the chickens were crowing for day, and it had continued almost without intermission. The dark gray clouds

4、 had blotted out the sun, and the leafless limbs of the tall oaks surrendered themselves drearily to the fantastic gusts that drove the drizzle fitfully before them. The lady to whom Uncle Remus belonged had been thoughtful of the old man, and Tildy, the house-girl, had been commissioned to carry hi

5、m his meals. This arrangement came to the knowledge of the little boy at supper time, and he lost no time in obtaining permission to accompany Tildy. Uncle Remus made a great demonstration over the thoughtful kindness of his Miss Sally. Ef she aint one blessid wite oman, he said, in his simple, ferv

6、ent way, den dey aint none un um roun in deze parts. With that he addressed himself to the supper, while the little boy sat by and eyed him with that familiar curiosity common to children. Finally the youngster disturbed the old man with an inquiry: Uncle Remus, do geese stand on one leg all night,

7、or do they sit down to sleep? Tooby sho dey does, honey; dey sets down same ez you does. Cose, dey dont cross der legs, he added, cautiously, kase dey sets down right flat-footed. Well, I saw one the other day, and he was standing on one 4foot, and I watched him and watched him, and he kept on stand

8、ing there. Ez ter dat, responded Uncle Remus, dey mought stan on one foot en drap off ter sleep en fergit deysef. Deze yer gooses, he continued, wiping the crumbs from his beard with his coat-tail, is mighty kuse fowls; deyer mighty kuse. In ole times dey wuz mongs de big-bugs, en in dem days, wen o

9、le Miss Goose gun a-dinin, all de quality wuz dere. Likewise, en needer wuz dey stuck-up, kase wid all der kyarns on, Miss Goose wernt too proud fer ter take in washin fer de neighborhoods, en she make money, en get slick en fat lak Sis Tempy. Dis de way marters stan wen one day Brer Fox en Brer Rab

10、bit, dey wuz settin up at de cotton-patch, one on one side de fence, en ter one on ter side, gwine on wid one er ner, wen fus news dey know, dey year sumpnblim, blim, blim! Brer Fox, he ax wat dat fuss is, en Brer Rabbit, he upn spon dat its ole Miss Goose down at de spring. Den Brer Fox, he upn ax

11、wat she doin, en Brer Rabbit, he say, sezee, dat she battlin cloze. Battling clothes, Uncle Remus? said the little boy. Dat wat dey call it dem days, honey. Deze times, dey rubs cloze on deze yer bodes wat got furrers in um, but dem days dey des tuckn tuck de cloze en lay um out on a bench, en ketch

12、 holt er de battlin-stick en natally paddle de fillin outen um. Wen Brer Fox year dat ole Miss Goose wuz down dar dabblin in soapsuds en washin cloze, he sorter lick he chops, en low dat some er dese odd-come-shorts he gwine ter call en pay he specks. De minnit he say dat, Brer Rabbit, he know sumpn

13、 uz up, en he low ter hissef dat he speck he better whirl in en have some fun wiles it gwine on. Bimeby Brer Fox upn say ter Brer Rabbit dat he bleedzd ter be movin long todes home, en wid dat dey bofe say good-bye. Brer Fox, he put out ter whar his fambly wuz, but Brer 5Rabbit, he slip roun, he did

14、, en call on ole Miss Goose. Ole Miss Goose she wuz down at de spring, washin, en bilin, en battlin cloze; but Brer Rabbit he march up en ax her howdy, en den she tuckn ax Brer Rabbit howdy. Id shake hans long wid you, Brer Rabbit, sez she, but dey er all full er suds, sez she. No marter bout dat, M

15、iss Goose, sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, so long ez yo wills good, sezee. A goose with hands, Uncle Remus! the little boy exclaimed. How you know goose aint got hans? Uncle Remus inquired, with a frown. Is you been sleepin longer ole man Know-All? Little mo en youll upn stan me down dat snakes aint got no

16、 foots, and yit you take en lay a snake down yer fo de fier, en his foots ll come out right fo yo eyes. Uncle Remus paused here, but presently continued: Atter ole Miss Goose en Brer Rabbit done pass de time er day wid one er ner, Brer Rabbit, he ax er, he did, how she come on deze days, en Miss Goo

17、se say, mighty poly. Im gittin stiff en Im gittin clumpsy, sez she, en mon dat Im gittin bline, sez she. Des fo you happen long, Brer Rabbit, I drap my specks in de tub yer, en ef youd a come long bout dat time, sez ole Miss Goose, sez she, I lay Id er tuck you for dat nasty, owdashus Brer Fox, en i

18、t ud er bin a born blessin ef I had nt er scald you wid er pan er bilin suds, sez she. Im dat glad I foun my specks I dunner wat ter do, sez ole Miss Goose, sez she. Den Brer Rabbit, he upn say dat beins how Sis Goose done fotch up Brer Fox name, he got sumpn fer ter tell er, en den he let out bout

19、Brer Fox gwine ter call on er. He comin sez Brer Rabbit, sezee; he comin sho, en wen he come hit ll be des fo day, sezee. Wid dat, ole Miss Goose wipe er hans on er apun, en put 6er specks up on er forrerd, en look lak she done got trouble in er mine. Laws-a-massy! sez she, spozen he come, Brer Rabb

20、it! Wat I gwine do? En dey aint a man bout de house, ner, sez she. Den Brer Rabbit, he shot one eye, en he say, sezee: Sis Goose, de time done come wen you bleedzd ter roos high. You look lak you got de dropsy, sezee, but dont mine dat, kase ef you dont roos high, youer goner, sezee. Den ole Miss Go

21、ose ax Brer Rabbit wat she gwine do, en Brer Rabbit he up en tell Miss Goose dat she mus go home en tie up a bundle er de wite folks cloze, en put um on de bed, en den she mus fly up on a rafter, en let Brer Fox grab de cloze en run off wid um. Ole Miss Goose say she much blige, en she tuckn tuck he

22、r things en waddle off home, en dat night she do lak Brer Rabbit say wid de bundle er cloze, en den she sont wud ter Mr. Dog, en Mr. Dog he come down, en say hed sorter set up wid er. Des fo day, yer come Brer Fox creepin up, en he went en push on de do easy, en de do open, en he see sumpn wite on d

23、e bed wich he took fer Miss Goose, en he grab it en run. Bout dat time Mr. Dog sail out fum und de house, he did, en ef Brer Fox had nt er drapt de cloze, hed er got kotch. Fum dat, wud went roun dat Brer Fox bin tryin ter steal Miss Goose cloze, en he come mighty nigh losin his stannin at Miss Mead

24、ows. Down ter dis day, Uncle Remus continued, preparing to fill his pipe, Brer Fox bleeve dat Brer Rabbit wuz de casion er Mr. Dog bein in de neighborhoods at dat time er night, en Brer Rabbit aint spute it. De bad feelin twix Brer Fox en Mr. Dog start right dar, en hits bin agwine on twel now dey a

25、int git in smellin distuns er one er ner widout deys a row.II BRER FOX CATCHES MR. HORSE There was a pause after the story of old Miss Goose. The culmination was hardly sensational enough to win the hearty applause of the little boy, and this fact appeared to have a depressing influence upon Uncle R

26、emus. As he leaned slightly forward, gazing into the depths of the great fireplace, his attitude was one of pensiveness. I speck I done wo out my welcome up at de big house, he said, after a while. I mos knows I is, he continued, setting himself resignedly in his deep-bottomed chair. Kase de las tim

27、e I uz up dar, I had my eye on Miss Sally mighty nigh de whole blessid time, en wen you see Miss Sally rustlin roun makin lak she fixin things up dar on de mantle-shelf, en bouncin de cheers roun, en breshin dus whar dey aint no dus, en flyin roun singin sorter louder dan common, den I des knows sum

28、pn done gone en rile er. Why, Uncle Remus! exclaimed the little boy; Mamma was just glad because I was feeling so good. Mought er bin, the old man remarked, in a tone that was far from implying conviction. Ef t want dat, den she wuz gittin tired er seem me lounjun roun up dar night atter night, en e

29、f t want dat, den she wuz watchin a chance fer ter preach ter yo pa. Oh, I done bin know Miss Sally long fo yo pa is! exclaimed Uncle Remus, in response to the astonishment depicted upon the childs face. I bin knowin er sence she wuz so high, en endurin er all dat time I aint seed no mo upn spoken w

30、ite oman dan wat Miss Sally is. But dat aint needer yer ner dar. You done got so youkn rush down yer des like you useter, en we kin set yer en smoke, en 8tell tales, en study up musements same like we wuz gwine on fo you got dat splinter in yo foot. I mines me er one timewith an infectious laughwen

31、ole Brer Rabbit got Brer Fox in de wuss trubble wat a man wuz mos ever got in yit, en dat uz wen he fool im bout de hoss. Aint I never tell you bout dat? But no marter ef I is. Hoe-cake aint cook done good twel hits turnt over a couple er times. Well, atter Brer Fox done git rested fum keepin out er

32、 de way er Mr. Dog, en sorter ketch up wid his rations, he say ter hissef dat he be dog his cats ef he dont slorate ole Brer Rabbit ef it take im a mont; en dat, too, on top er all de speunce wat he done bin had wid um. Brer Rabbit he sorter git win er dis, en one day, wiles he gwine long de road st

33、udyin how he gwineter hol he hand wid Brer Fox, he see a great big Hoss layin stretch out flat on he side in de pastur; en he tuckn crope up, he did, fer ter see ef dish yer Hoss done gone en die. He crope up en he crope roun, en bimeby he see de Hoss switch he tail, en den Brer Rabbit know he aint

34、dead. Wid dat, Brer Rabbit lope back ter de big road, en mos de fus man wat he see gwine on by wuz Brer Fox, en Brer Rabbit he tuck atter im, en holler: Brer Fox! O Brer Fox! Come back! I got some good news fer you. Come back, Brer Fox, sezee. Brer Fox, he tun roun, he did, en wen he see who callin

35、im, he come gallopin back, kaze it seem like dat des ez gooder time ez any fer ter nab Brer Rabbit; but fo he git in nabbin distance, Brer Rabbit he upn say, sezee: Come on, Brer Fox! I done fine de place whar you kin lay in fresh meat nuff fer ter las you plum twel de middle er nex year, sezee. Bre

36、r Fox, he ax wharbouts, en Brer Rabbit, he say, right over dar in de pastur, en Brer Fox ax wat is it, en Brer Rabbit, he say wich twuz a whole Hoss layin down on de groun whar dey 9kin ketch im en tie im. Wid dat, Brer Fox, he say come on, en off dey put. Wen dey got dar, sho nuff, dar lay de Hoss

37、all stretch out in de sun, fas sleep, en den Brer Fox en Brer Rabbit, dey had a spute bout how dey gwine ter fix de Hoss so he cant git loose. One say one way en de yuther say ner way, en dar dey had it, twel atter wile Brer Rabbit, he say, sezee: De onliest plan wat I knows un, Brer Fox, sezee, is

38、fer you ter git down dar en lemme tie you ter de Hoss tail, en den, wen he try ter git up, you kin hol im down, sezee. Ef I wuz big man like wat you is, sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, you mought tie me ter dat Hoss tail, en ef I aint hol im down, den Joes dead en Sals a widder. I des knows you kin hol im d

39、own, sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, but yit, ef you feared, we des better drap dat idee en study out some yuther plan, sezee. Brer Fox sorter jubus bout dis, but he bleedzd ter play biggity fo Brer Rabbit, en he tuckn gree ter de progrance, en den Brer Rabbit, he tuckn tie Brer Fox ter de Hoss tail, en att

40、er he git im tie dar hard en fas, he sorter step back, he did, en put he hans kimbo, en grin, en den he say, sezee: Ef ever dey wuz a Hoss kotch, den we done kotch dis un. Look sorter lak we done put de bridle on de wrong een, sezee, but I lay Brer Fox is got de strenk fer ter hol im, sezee. Wid dat

41、, Brer Rabbit cut im a long switch en trim it up, en wen he get it fix, up he step en hit de Hoss a rappow! De Hoss uz dat sprise at dat kinder doins dat he make one jump, en lan on he foots. Wen he do dat, dar wuz Brer Fox danglin in de ar, en Brer Rabbit, he dart out de way en holler: Hol im down,

42、 Brer Fox! Hol im down! Ill stan out yer en see far play. Hol im down, Brer Fox! Hol im down! Cose, wen de Hoss feel Brer Fox hangin dar onter he tail, he thunk sumpn kuse wuz de marter, en dis make im jump en 10rar wusser en wusser, en he shake up Brer Fox same like he wuz a rag in de win, en Brer

43、Rabbit, he jump en holler: Hol im down, Brer Fox! Hol im down! You got im now, sho! Hol yo grip, en hol im down, sezee. De Hoss, he jump en he hump, en he rip en he rar, en he snort en he tar. But yit Brer Fox hang on, en still Brer Rabbit skip roun en holler: Hol im down, Brer Fox! You got im whar

44、he cant needer back ner squall. Hol im down, Brer Fox! sezee. Bimeby, wen Brer Fox git chance, he holler back, he did: How in de name er goodness I gwine ter hol de Hoss down less I git my claw in de groun? Den Brer Rabbit, he stan back little furder en holler little louder: Hol im down, Brer Fox! H

45、ol im down! You got im now, sho! Hol im down! Bimeby de Hoss gun ter kick wid he behime legs, en de fus news you know, he fetch Brer Fox a lick in de stomach dat farly make im squall, en den he kick im agin, en dis time he break Brer Fox loose, en sont im a-whirlin; en Brer Rabbit, he keep on a-jump

46、in roun en hollerin: Hol im down, Brer Fox! Did the fox get killed, Uncle Remus? asked the little boy. He want zackly kilt, honey, replied the old man, but he wuz de nex do tert. He uz all broke up, en wiles he uz gittin well, hit sorter come cross he min dat Brer Rabbit done play ner game on im.III

47、 BRER RABBIT AND THE LITTLE GIRL What did Brother Rabbit do after that? the little boy asked presently. Now, den, you dont wanter push ole Brer Rabbit too close, replied Uncle Remus significantly. He mighty tender-footed creetur, en de mo wat you push im, de furder he lef you. There was prolonged silence in the old mans


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