【英文文学】基地系列 Foundation and Empire 基地与帝国.docx

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1、【英文文学】基地系列 Foundation and Empire 基地与帝国PROLOGUEThe Galactic Empire Was Falling.It was a colossal Empire, stretching across millions of worlds from arm-end to arm-end of the mighty multi-spiral that was the Milky Way. Its fall was colossal, too ?and a long one, for it had a long way to go.It had been

2、falling for centuries before one man became really aware of that fall. That man was Hari Seldon, the man who represented the one spark of creative effort left among the gathering decay. He developed and brought to its highest pitch the science of psychohistory.Psychohistory dealt not with man, but w

3、ith man-masses. It was the science of mobs; mobs in their billions. It could forecast reactions to stimuli with something of the accuracy that a lesser science could bring to the forecast of a rebound of a billiard ball. The reaction of one man could be forecast by no known mathematics; the reaction

4、 of a billion is something else again.Hari Seldon plotted the social and economic trends of the time, sighted along the curves and foresaw the continuing and accelerating fall of civilization and the gap of thirty thousand years that must elapse before a struggling new Empire could emerge from the r

5、uins.It was too late to stop that fall, but not too late to narrow the gap of barbarism. Seldon established two Foundations at opposite ends of the Galaxy and their location was so designed that in one short millennium events would knit and mesh so as to force out of them a stronger, more permanent,

6、 more benevolent Second Empire.Foundation (Gnome Press, 1951) has told the story of one of those Foundations during the first two centuries of life.It began as a settlement of physical scientists on Terminus, a planet at the extreme end of one of the spiral arms of the Galaxy. Separated from the tur

7、moil of the Empire, they worked as compilers of a universal compendium of knowledge, the Encyclopedia Galactica, unaware of the deeper role planned for them by the already-dead Seldon,As the Empire rotted, the outer regions fell into the hands of independent kings. The Foundation was threatened by t

8、hem. However, by playing one petty ruler against another, under the leadership of their first mayor, Salvor Hardin, they maintained a precarious independence. As sole possessors, of nuclear power among worlds which were losing their sciences and falling back on coal and oil, they even established an

9、 ascendancy. The Foundation became the religious center of the neighboring kingdoms.Slowly, the Foundation developed a trading economy as the Encyclopedia receded into the background. Their Traders, dealing in nuclear gadgets which not even the Empire in its heyday could have duplicated for compactn

10、ess, penetrated hundreds of light-years through the Periphery.Under Hober Mallow, the first of the Foundations Merchant Princes, they developed the techniques of economic warfare to the point of defeating the Republic of Korell, even though that world was receiving support from one of the outer prov

11、inces of what was left of the Empire.At the end of two hundred years, the Foundation was the most powerful state in the Galaxy, except for the remains of the Empire, which, concentrated in the inner third of the Milky Way, still controlled three quarters of the population and wealth of the Universe.

12、It seemed inevitable that the next danger the Foundation would have to face was the final lash of the dying Empire.The way must he cleared for the battle of Foundation and Empire.序幕银河帝国正在崩溃瓦解之中。这是一个庞大的帝国,疆域涵盖整个银河系。从银河巨大螺旋臂的某一端到另一端,其间所包含的数百万个世界,皆为帝国的势力范围。因而帝国的没落衰亡,也是一个巨大而漫长的历史过程。当崩溃无声无息地进行了数个世纪之后,才终于




16、销到各个世界,他们的足迹遍至银河外缘数百光年的星空。侯伯马洛是基地的第一位商业王侯,在他的领导之下,基地发展出了经济战的模式。第一个实验对象是柯瑞尔共和国,该共和国虽然拥有来自帝国外缘星省的援助,最后仍然被迫无条件投降。基地建立两百年之后,几乎已经成为银河系中最强大的政权,只有仍在苟延残喘的帝国能够与之抗衡。此时,帝国集中于银河内围三分之一处,但仍然控制着整个银河四分之三的人口与财富。基地将要面临的下一个威胁,似乎必然是垂死帝国的最后反扑。基地与帝国之战,无论如何终将登场PART I THE GENERAL1. SEARCH FOR MAGICIANSBEL RIOSE . In his re

17、latively short career, Riose earned the title of The Last of the Imperials and earned it well. A study of his campaigns reveals him to be the equal of Peurifoy in strategic ability and his superior perhaps in his ability to handle men. That he was born in the days of the decline of Empire made it al

18、l but impossible for him to equal Peurifoys record as a conqueror. Yet he had his chance when, the first of the Empires generals to do so, he faced the Foundation squarely.ENCYCLOPEDIA GALACTICA*All quotations from the Encyclopedia Galactica here reproduced are taken from the 116th Edition published

19、 in 1020 F.E. by the Encyclopedia Galactica Publishing Co., Terminus, with permission of the publishers.Bel Riose traveled without escort, which is not what court etiquette prescribes for the head of a fleet stationed in a yet-sullen stellar system on the Marches of the Galactic Empire.But Bel Riose

20、 was young and energetic ?energetic enough to be sent as near the end of the universe as possible by an unemotional and calculating court ?and curious besides. Strange and improbable tales fancifully-repeated by hundreds and murkily-known to thousands intrigued the last faculty; the possibility of a

21、 military venture engaged the other two. The combination was overpowering.He was out of the dowdy ground-car he had appropriated and at the door of the fading mansion that was his destination. He waited. The photonic eye that spanned the doorway was alive, but when the door opened it was by hand.Bel

22、 Riose smiled at the old man. I am Riose?I recognize you. The old man remained stiffly and unsurprised in his place. Your business?Riose withdrew a step in a gesture of submission. One of peace. If you are Ducem Barr, I ask the favor of conversation.Ducem Barr stepped aside and in the interior of th

23、e house the walls glowed into life, The general entered into daylight.He touched the wall of the study, then stared at his fingertips. You have this on Siwenna?Barr smiled thinly. Not elsewhere, I believe. I keep this in repair myself as well as I can. I must apologize for your wait at the door. The

24、 automatic device registers the presence of a visitor but will no longer open the door.Your repairs fall short? The generals voice was faintly mocking.Parts are no longer available. If you will sit, sir. You drink tea?On Siwenna? My good sir, it is socially impossible not to drink it here.The old pa

25、trician retreated noiselessly with a slow bow that was part of the ceremonious legacy left by the aristocracy of the last centurys better days.Riose looked after his hosts departing figure, and his studied urbanity grew a bit uncertain at the edges. His education had been purely military; his experi

26、ence likewise. He had, as the clich閭 has it, faced death many times; but always death of a very familiar and tangible nature, Consequently, there is no inconsistency in the fact that the idolized lion of the Twentieth Fleet felt chilled in the suddenly musty atmosphere of an ancient room.The general

27、 recognized the small black-ivroid boxes that lined the shelves to be books. Their titles were unfamiliar. He guessed that the large structure at one end of the room was the receiver that transmuted the books into sight-and-sound on demand. He had never seen one in operation; but he had heard of the

28、m.Once he had been told that long before, during the golden ages when the Empire had been co-extensive with the entire Galaxy, nine houses out of every ten had such receivers ?and such rows of books.But there were borders to watch now; books were for old men. And half the stories told about the old

29、days were mythical anyway. More than half.The tea arrived, and Riose seated himself. Ducem Barr lifted his cup. To your honor.Thank you. To yours.Ducem Barr said deliberately, You are said to be young. Thirty-five?Near enough. Thirty-four.In that case, said Barr, with soft emphasis, I could not begi

30、n better than by informing you regretfully that I am not in the possession of love charms, potions, or philtres. Nor am I in the least capable of influencing the favors of any young lady as may appeal to you.I have no need of artificial aids in that respect, sir. The complacency undeniably present i

31、n the generals voice was stirred with amusement. Do you receive many requests for such commodities?Enough. Unfortunately, an uninformed public tends to confuse scholarship with magicianry, and love life seems to be that factor which requires the largest quantity of magical tinkering.And so would see

32、m most natural. But I differ. I connect scholarship with nothing but the means of answering difficult questions.The Siwennian considered somberly, You may be as wrong as they!That may turn out or not. The young general set down his cup in its flaring sheath and it refilled. He dropped the offered fl

33、avor-capsule into it with a small splash. Tell me then, patrician, who are the magicians? The real ones.Barr seemed startled at a title long-unused. He said, There are no magicians.But people speak of them. Siwenna crawls with the tales of them. There are cults being built about them. There is some

34、strange connection between it and those groups among your countrymen who dream and drivel of ancient days and what they call liberty and autonomy. Eventually the matter might become a danger to the State.The old man shook his head. Why ask me? Do you smell rebellion, with myself at the head?Riose sh

35、rugged, Never. Never. Oh, it is not a thought completely ridiculous. Your father was an exile in his day; you yourself a patriot and a chauvinist in yours. It is indelicate in me as a guest to mention it, but my business here requires it. And yet a conspiracy now? I doubt it. Siwenna has had the spi

36、rit beat out of it these three generations.The old man replied with difficulty, I shall be as indelicate a host as you a guest. I shall remind you that once a viceroy thought as you did of the spiritless Siwennians. By the orders of that viceroy my father became a fugitive pauper, my brothers martyr

37、s, and my sister a suicide. Yet that viceroy died a death sufficiently horrible at the hands of these same slavish Siwennians.Ah, yes, and there you touch nearly on something I could wish to say. For three years the mysterious death of that viceroy has been no mystery to me. There was a young soldie

38、r of his personal guard whose actions were of interest. You were that soldier, but there is no need of details, I think.Barr was quiet. None. What do you propose?That you answer my questions.Not under threats. I am old enough for life not to mean particularly overmuch.My good sir, these are hard tim

39、es, said Riose, with meaning, and you have children and friends. You have a country for which you have mouthed phrases of love and folly in the past. Come, if I should decide to use force, my aim would not be so poor as to strike you.Barr said coldly, What do you want?Riose held the empty cup as he

40、spoke. Patrician, listen to me. These are days when the most successful soldiers are those whose function is to lead the dress parades that wind through the imperial palace grounds on feast days and to escort the sparkling pleasure ships that carry His Imperial Splendor to the summer planets. I . I

41、am a failure. I am a failure at thirty-four, and I shall stay a failure. Because, you see, I like to fight.Thats why they sent me here. Im too troublesome at court. I dont fit in with the etiquette. I offend the dandies and the lord admirals, but Im too good a leader of ships and men to be disposed

42、of shortly be being marooned in space. So Siwenna is the substitute. Its a frontier world; a rebellious and a barren province. It is far away, far enough away to satisfy all.And so I moulder. There are no rebellions to stamp down, and the border viceroys do not revolt lately, at least, not since His

43、 Imperial Majestys late father of glorious memory made an example of Mountel of Paramay.A strong Emperor, muttered Barr.Yes, and we need more of them. He is my master; remember that. These are his interests I guard.Barr shrugged unconcernedly. How does all this relate to the subject?Ill show you in

44、two words. The magicians Ive mentioned come from beyond-out there beyond the frontier guards, where the stars are scattered thinly?Where the stars are scattered thinly, quoted Barr, And the cold of space seeps in.Is that poetry? Riose frowned. Verse seemed frivolous at the moment. In any case, theyr

45、e from the Periphery ?from the only quarter where I am free to fight for the glory of the Emperor.And thus serve His Imperial Majestys interests and satisfy your own love of a good fight.Exactly. But I must know what I fight; and there you can help.How do you know?Riose nibbled casually at a cakelet

46、. Because for three years I have traced every rumor, every myth, every breath concerning the magicians ?and of all the library of information I have gathered, only two isolated facts are unanimously agreed upon, and are hence certainly true. The first is that the magicians come from the edge of the

47、Galaxy opposite Siwenna; the second is that your father once met a magician, alive and actual, and spoke with him.The aged Siwennian stared unblinkingly, and Riose continued, You had better tell me what you know?Barr said thoughtfully, It would be interesting to tell you certain things. It would be

48、a psychohistoric experiment of my own.What kind of experiment?Psychohistoric. The old man had an unpleasant edge to his smile. Then, crisply, Youd better have more tea. Im going to make a bit of a speech.He leaned far back into the soft cushions of his chair. The wall-lights had softened to a pink-ivory glow, which mellowed even the soldiers hard profile.Ducem Barr began, My own knowledge is t


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