【英文读物】The Talking Leaves(An Indian Story).docx

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1、【英文读物】The Talking Leaves(An Indian Story)CHAPTER ILook, Rita! look!What can it mean, Ni-ha-be?See them all get down and walk about.They have found something in the grass.And theyre hunting for more.Rita leaned forward till her long hair fell upon the neck of the beautiful little horse she was riding

2、, and looked with all her eyes.Hark! they are shouting.You could not hear them if they did.They look as if they were.Ni-ha-be sat perfectly still in her silver-mounted saddle, although her spirited mustang pony pawed the ground and pulled on his bit as if he were in a special hurry to go on down the

3、 side of the mountain.The two girls were of about the same size, and could not either of them have been over fifteen years old. They were both very pretty, very well dressed and well mounted, and they could both speak in a strange, rough, and yet musical language; but there was no other resemblance

4、between them.Father is there, Rita.Can you see him?Yes, and so is Red Wolf.Your eyes are wonderful. Everybody says they are.Ni-ha-be might well be proud of her coal-black eyes, and of the fact that she could see so far and so well with them. It was not easy to say just how far away was that excited

5、crowd of men down there in the valley. The air was so clear, and the light so brilliant among those snow-capped mountain ranges, that even things far off seemed sometimes close at hand.For all that there were not many pairs of eyes, certainly not many brown ones like Ritas, which could have looked,

6、as Ni-ha-be did, from the pass into the faces of her father and brother and recognized them at such a distance.She need not have looked very closely to be sure of one thing morethere was not a single white man to be seen in all that long, deep, winding green valley.Were there any white women?There w

7、ere plenty of squaws, old and young, but not one woman with a bonnet, shawl, parasol, or even so much as a pair of gloves. Therefore, none of them could have been white.Rita was as well dressed as Ni-ha-be, and her wavy masses of brown hair were tied up in the same way, with bands of braided deer-sk

8、in, but neither of them had ever seen a bonnet. Their sunburnt, healthy faces told that no parasol had ever protected their complexions, but Ni-ha-be was a good many shades the darker. There must have been an immense amount of hard work expended in making the graceful garments they both wore. All we

9、re of fine antelope-skin; soft, velvety, fringed, and worked and embroidered with porcupine quills. Frocks and capes and leggings and neatly fitting moccasins, all of the best, for Ni-ha-be was the only daughter of a great Apache chief, and Rita was every bit as important a person according to India

10、n notions, for Ni-ha-bes father had adopted her as his own.Either one of them would have been worth a whole drove of ponies or a wagon-load of guns and blankets, and the wonder was that they had been permitted to loiter so far behind their friends on a march through that wild, strange, magnificent l

11、and.Had they been farther to the east, or south, or north, it is likely they would have been kept with the rest pretty carefully; but Many Bears and his band were on their way home from a long buffalo-hunt, and were already, as they thought, safe in the Apache countryaway beyond any peril from other

12、 tribes of Indians, or from the approach of the hated and dreaded white men.To be sure, there were grizzly bears and wolves and other wild animals to be found among those mountain passes, but they were not likely to remain very near a band of hunters like the one now gathered in that valley.Great hu

13、nters, brave warriors, well able to take care of themselves and their families, but just now they were very much excited about somethingsomething on the ground.The younger braves, to the number of more than a hundred, were standing back respectfully, while the older and more experienced warriors car

14、efully examined a number of deep marks on the grass around a bubbling spring.There had been a camp there not long before, and the first discovery made by the foremost Apache who had ridden up to that spring was that it had not been a camp of his own people.The prints of the hoofs of horses showed th

15、at they had been shod, and there are neither horseshoes nor blacksmiths among the red men of the South-west.The tracks left by the feet of men were not such as can be made by moccasins. There are no heels on moccasins, and no nails in the soles of them.Even if there had been Indian feet in the boots

16、, the toes would not have been turned out in walking. Only white men do that.So much was plain at a mere glance; but there were a good many other things to be studied and interpreted before Many Bears and his followers could feel satisfied.It was a good deal like reading a newspaper. Nobody tears on

17、e up till it has been read through, and the Apaches did not trample the ground around the spring till they had searched out all that the other tramplings could tell them.Then the dark-faced, ferocious looking warriors who had made the search all gathered around their chief and, one after another, re

18、ported what they had found.There had been a strong party of white men at that spot three days before; three wagons, drawn by mule teams; many spare mules; twenty-five men who rode horses, besides the men who drove the wagons.Were they miners?Every warrior and chief was ready to say No at once.Trader

19、s?No, it could not have been a trading-party.All right, said Many Bears, with a solemn shake of his gray head. Blue-coatscavalry. Come from Great Father at Washingtonno stay in Apache countrygo right throughnot come backlet them go.Indian sagacity had hit the nail exactly on the head; for that had b

20、een a camp of a United States military exploring expedition, looking for passes and roads, and with instructions to be as friendly as possible with any wandering red men they might meet.Nothing could be gained by following such a party as that, and Many Bears and his band began at once to arrange th

21、eir own camp, for their mornings march through the pass had been a long and fatiguing one.If the Apache chief had known a very little more, he would have sent his best scouts back upon the trail that squad of cavalry had come by, till he found out whether all who were travelling by that road had fol

22、lowed it as far as the spring. He might thus have learned something of special importance to him. Then, at the same time, he would have sent other scouts back upon his own trail, to see if anybody was following him, and what for. He might have learned a good deal more important news in that way.He d

23、id nothing of the kind; and so a very singular discovery was left for Rita and Ni-ha-be to make, without any help at all.As they rode out from the narrow pass, down the mountain-side, and came into the valley, it was the most natural thing in the world for them to start their swift mustangs on a fre

24、e gallop; not directly toward the camping-place, for they knew well enough that no girls of any age would be permitted to approach very near to warriors gathered in council. Away to the right they rode, following the irregular curve of the valley, side by side, managing the fleet animals under them

25、as if horse and rider were one person.So it came to pass that before the warriors had completed their task the two girls had struck the trail along which the blue-coated cavalry had entered the valley.Rita, I see something.What is it?Come! See! Away yonder.Ritas eyes were as good as anybodys, always

26、 excepting Apaches and eagles, and she could see the white fluttering object at which her adopted sister was pointing.The marks of the wheels and all the other signs of that trail, as they rode along, were quite enough to excite a pair of young ladies who had never seen a road, a pavement, a sidewal

27、k, or anything of the sort; but when they came to that white thing fluttering at the foot of a mesquite-bush they both sprung from their saddles at the same instant.One, two, threea good deal dogs-eared and thumb-worn, for they had been read by every man of the white party who cared to read them bef

28、ore they were thrown away, but they were very wonderful yet. Nothing of the kind had ever before been imported into that region of the country.Ni-ha-bes keen black eyes searched them in vain, one after another, for anything she had ever seen before.Rita, you are born white. What are they?Poor Rita!M

29、illions and millions of girls have been born white, and lived and died with whiter faces than her own rosy but sun-browned beauty could boast, and yet never looked into the fascinating pages of an illustrated magazine.How could any human being have cast away in the wilderness such a treasure?Rita wa

30、s sitting on the grass, with one of the strange prizes open in her lap, rapidly turning the leaves, and more excited by what she saw than were Many Bears and his braves by all they were discovering upon the trampled level around the spring.Rita, again exclaimed Ni-ha-be, what are they?They are talki

31、ng leaves, said Rita.CHAPTER IIDid you say, Murray, there were any higher mountains than these?Highern these? Why, Steve, the mountains we crossed away back there, just this side of the Texas border, were twice as high, some of them.These are big enough. Are there any higher mountains in the world t

32、han ours? Did you ever see any?Ive seen some of them. Ive heard it said the tallest are in India. South America can beat us. Ive seen the Andes.I dont want to see anything that looks worse to climb than this range right ahead of us.Where the Apaches got through, Steve, we can. Theyre only a hunting-

33、party, too.More warriors than we have.Only Apaches, Steve. Ours are Lipans. Theres a big difference in that, I tell you.The Lipans are your friends.Yours too, and you must let them think you are their friendstrong. The Apaches are everybodys enemiesmine, yoursonly fit to be killed off.Youve killed s

34、ome of em.Not so many as I mean to kill. Thats one thing Im on this trip for. Old Two Knives would almost have given it up if it hadnt been for me.I dont feel that way about the Lipans if they did capture me. All I want of them is to get away and go back to the settlements.Maybe your folks wont know

35、 you when you come.Steve looked down at his fine muscular form from limb to limb, while the stern, wrinkled face of his companion almost put on a smile.Id have to wash, thats a fact.Get off your war-paint. Put on some white mens clothing. Cut your hair.Theyd know me then.Youve grown a head taller si

36、nce you was captured, and theyve made a Lipan of you all over but in two places.What are they?Your eyes and hair. Theyre as light as mine were when I was of your age.Im not a Lipan inside, Murray, nor any other kind of Indian. It would take more than three years to do that.Ive been among em seven. B

37、ut then I never would paint.The sun and the wind had painted him darkly enough; and if his hair had once been light, it was now as white as the tops of the mountains he and Steve had been looking at.Behind them, on a barren sandy level, through which ran a narrow stream of ice-cold water, about thre

38、e-score of wild-looking human beings were dismounted, almost in a circle, each holding the end of a long lariat of strong hide, at the other end of which was a horse.Some seemed to have two and even three horses, as if they were on an errand which might use up one and call for another. That was quit

39、e likely, for Lipan warriors are terribly hard riders.Those who had now but one horse had probably worn out their first mount and turned him adrift by the way-side, to be picked up, Indian fashion, on the way home.When a plains Indian leaves a horse in that way, and does not find him again, he tries

40、 his best to find some other mans horse to take his place.More than sixty Indian warriors, all in their war-paint, armed to the teeth, with knives, revolvers, repeating-rifles of the best and latest patterns, and each carrying a long steel-headed Mexican lance.Not a bow or arrow or war-club among th

41、em. All such weapons belong to the old, old times, or to poor, miserable, second-rate Indians, who cannot buy anything better. The fierce and haughty Lipans and Comanches, and other warlike tribes, insist on being armed as well as the United States troops, and even better.What could a cavalryman do

42、with a lance?About as much as an Indian with a sword; for that is one weapon the red men could never learn the use of, from King Philips day to this.It was luncheon-time with that Lipan war-party, and they were hard at work on their supplies of dried venison and cold roast buffalo-meat.Their halt wo

43、uld not be a long one in a spot where there was no grass for their horses, but they could hold a council while they were eating, and they could listen to a speech from the short, broad, ugly-looking old chief who now stood in the middle of the circle.To-la-go-to-de will not go back now till he has s

44、truck the Apaches. He has come too far. The squaws of his village would laugh at him if he rode through the mountains and came back to them with empty hands.That was the substance of his address, put again and again in different shapes, and it seemed to meet the approval of his listeners.There is no

45、thing a Lipan brave is really afraid of except ridicule, and the dread of being laughed at was the strongest argument their leader could have used to spur them forward.Once, indeed, he made another sharp hit by pointing to the spot where Murray and Steve were standing.No Tongue has the heart of a Li

46、pan. He says if we go back he will go on alone. He will take the Yellow Head with him. They will not be laughed at when they come back. Will the Lipans let their squaws tell them they are cowards, and dare not follow an old pale-face and a boy?A deep, half-angry ugh went around the circle.To-la-go-t

47、o-de had won over all the grumblers in his audience, and need not have talked any more.He might have stopped right there and proceeded to eat another slice of buffalo-meat, but when an Indian once learns to be an orator he would rather talk than eat, any day.In fact, they are such talkers at home an

48、d among themselves, that Murray had earned the queer name given him by the chief in no other way than by his habitual silence. He rarely spoke to anybody, and so he was No Tongue.The chief himself had a name of which he was enormously proud, for he had won it on a battle-field. His horse had been killed under him, in a battle


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