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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上MModule 1 Lost and foundUnit 11. 词组在线(1)in the lost and found box 在失物招领厨里面(2)welcome back (to) 欢迎回到(3)first of all 首先(常用于句首)(4)heres= here is (后跟可数名词单数形式或不可数名词) (5)be careful with 小心,照顾 (6)from now on 从现在开始(7)here are (后跟可数名词复数)2. 核心语法:学习名词性物主代词的用法。3. 交际功能:能够恰当的运用形容词性和名词性物主代词来准确表述自己和他人的

2、物品,做到拾金不昧专心-专注-专业开心自主预习,轻松搞定基础。一、英汉互译1.欢迎回到学校_ 2. 首先_3. 在失物招领厨里面_ 4. 一个紫色的钱包_5. Betty的蜡笔 _ 6. Ms Li的手套_7.小心照顾好你们的物品_ 8.从现在起_ 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.There _(be)a purple wallet in the lost and found box.2.Here _(be ) some nice gloves.3._(who) bag is this?4.This eraser is _( you ).5. These are _( I ) crayons.

3、6.These crayons are _ (Lingling).重难疑点,一网打尽。三、填写下列表格 数 人称 类别单数复数第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词t四、 单项选择1. Is this guitar_?A. yours B. yourC. sheD. her2. This is my wallet, I think that one is_.A. youB. yourC. yoursD. ou3. I cant find my eraser. May I use_?A. youB. yourC. yours D. yourself4. P

4、lease _that knife, or youll cut yourself.Abe careful with B. be careful C. be careless of D. be careless 5. Dont let me down, study hard _.A. from then on B. just now. C.until now D.from now on五、用适当的人称代词填空:1. _ is my aunt. We often visit _. ( she )2.  Chi

5、na is a developing country. _is in the east of Asia. ( its )3. What day is _ today?    _ is Thursday. (its)4. I own a blue bike. The red one isnt 

6、;_. ( I )5. These new houses are so nice. _ are very expensive.( them )6. The fishermen caught a lot of fish, didnt _? ( them )7. Ling Ling is a girl. _ studies in&#

7、160;a primary school. _ brother lives with _  and helps _ with_ lessons. ( she )  8. Mike is my classmate. _ is good at Engliush . ( his )9. Kate wants a glass 

8、of milk. Will you pass it to _ ? ( she )10. Whats the weather like today ? _ is cloudy. ( its )六、 按要求转换句型1. Are the crayons Bettys? (做肯定回答)Yes,_ _.2. They are Ms Lis gloves.(改为同义句)The gloves are _. 3. This is Lingli

9、ngs bag.(对画线部分提问)_?4.Is this wallet yours?(翻译下面的句子)No,_, _.(他不是我的,他是Tony的)七、根据短文回答问题。Lost:I lost my wallet.It is purple.Theres my name “Tony” on it. I must find it.Call me at . Thanks. Tony1 Whose wallet is lost?_.2 What color is the wallet?_ .3 How can we know Tonys wallet?_.4 Whats Tonys telephone

10、 number?_.1. 欢迎回到我们的学校。_ _ _ our school。2. 首先,过来看一下失物招领厨里的东西。_ _ _,come and look in the lost and found box.3. 那是他的书包吗?_ _ his bag?4. 这个包是谁的?_ _ is this?.5. 让我看一下oh,它们是我的。_ _ _.Oh,theyre mine.Unit 21. 词组在线(1)talk to sb 跟某人谈话(2)at the lost and found office 在失物招领办公室(3)look for 寻找(4)get on 上车(5)in a hur

11、ry 匆忙地(6)at airport/station 在飞机场或车站(7)hundreds of 表示一个概数,“成百的,许许多多”(8)many other things 许多其他的东西(9) at the momentnow 此时此刻(10)call sb at Tel. eg.call Mary at 847-1652 打电话847-1652给Mary。2. 核心语法:there be 结构的用法3. 交际功能:会够看懂并能书写寻物或招领启示。开心自主预习,轻松搞定基础。一、翻译下列短语。1.get on _ 2. look for_3. in a hurry _ 4. at the

12、moment_5. hundreds of_ 6.many other things_7. 打电话456-253_ 8. 跟他谈话_9.到达飞机场_ 10.在失物招领出_重难疑点,一网打尽。三、用短语的适当形式填空there be; talk to; look for; in a hurry; many other things; callat1. Daming is running_. He is late for school now. 2. My mother often do dishing, washing, and _.3. Lingling is _ the No.2 bus s

13、top, but she cant find it.4. _ a pen and some books on the desk.5. If you are lost in a strange city, you can _ the police _110.6. Jack is a problem child, now his teacher is _ him.四、 认真阅读课文,判断下列描述,准确的填写“T”,错误的填写“F”。1.The writer talks about the New York City. ( )2. You can find the lost and found of

14、fice airports and stations. ( )3. There are few mobile phones and cameras at the lost and found office. ( )4. Maybe someone can find his large boat at th New York City Lost and Found Office. ( )五、按要求完成下列句子。1. Thats why there are lost and found offices at airport and stations.(翻译成中文) 2. 每天会有成百的人来到这里。

15、(翻译成英文) 3. The camera in the lost and found box is mine .(对画线部分提问)_ camera _ in the lost and found box?4. There are about a hundred bikes and a large boat.(改为否定句) 5. Fifteen kilos of sausages are mine.(改为一般疑问句) ?六、 单项选择1. What can I do for you?I am _ a cotton T-shirt.Alooking up B. looking for C. lo

16、ok up D. look for2. There _ a big tree in front of his house.Aare B. has C. have D. is3. Are these your gloves? Yes, they are .Amy Bmine C. I D. our4. people go to the supermarket for the eggs on sale .AA hundred of B. Hundreds of C. Two hundreds D. Hundred of5. Besides doing my homework,I have _ th

17、ings to do every day.Amany another B. many other C. the others D.another七、 根据课文writing 部分,仿写寻物和招领启事。(1)请你为Mary写一篇寻物启事,帮她寻找丢失的紫色相机,她的电话847-6523。(2)请你替Tony写一篇招领启事,他捡到了一部手机,他的电话258-966Unit 31. 词组在线(1)around the world环球,世界各地(2)online 在线,在网络上(3)such as 例如,比方说(4)your favourite watch 你最喜欢的手表(5) help sb (to

18、) do sth 帮助某人做某事(6) think of 考虑,想起,认为(7)three or four things 三四件事情(8)make a list (of) 做一个清单2. 核心语法:继续学习名词性物主代词,学习简单的一般疑问句形式及其回答。3. 交际功能:能利用简单的问句和网络来找到丢失的物品或失一、 翻译1. 谁的 _ 2. I(名词性物主代词) _3. he(名词性物主代词)_ 4. they(名词性物主代词) _5. this(复数形式)_ 6. those(单数形式) _7. Tony(所有格形式)_ 8. girls(所有格形式)_9. it(复数形式)_ 10.it

19、(形容词性物主代词) _二、 根据句意及汉语提示写出合适的单词1. The purple wallet is _(他的) .2. He is _(寻找) his crayons now.3.She went to school .(匆忙地)4. (几百头) cow are in danger because of the water.5. (考虑)five or six things you have in your lost and found office.三、 词汇运用A根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。1.Today I go to the web, but I cant find any

20、 friends o_.2. You can buy many things from the internet, s_ as books, clothes,and even cars.3. My f_ subject is English.4. There are lots of p_ here. They are talking under the tree.5. Although he took a taxi to the train s_ in a hurry, he missed the train.B. 根据所给汉语提示完成英语句子,词数不限。1. Liz wants to tra

21、vel _(世界各地) one day.2. He can _you _ your cat (帮你找到)?3. Youd better _(做一个清单) the new words,I think its very helpful.4. Simon often do _ (三四件事情) after school.5. I often _ (思念,想念) my old freiends very much.四、 单项选择1. Whos singing over there ?   _  sister.A.&

22、#160;Sandy               B. Sandy                   C. Sandys          

23、0;       2.    _ will spend the summer holiday in Hawaii.A. She, you and I      B. You, she and I       C

24、. I, you and she       D. Her, me and you3.    My uncle bought a new bike for _.A. theirs            

25、0;     B. they            C. me              D. I4.    Heres a postcard for you, Jim!

26、   Oh, _ is from my friend, Mary.A. he               B. it                  C.&#

27、160;she              D. its5.    Little Baby knows that he should not take the things that do not belong to _. A. he 

28、60;              B. his               C. her               D. him

29、6. Is she your aunt? Yes, _.A. shesB. her isC. she isD. he is7. Are _ coats yours? Yes, they are .A. theyB. theseC. thisD. there8. Is that _ uncle? No, it isntA. heB. sheC. herD. hers五、 用不定冠词填空a 或 an,不需要的填“/”1. This is pen. 2. This is English map.3. That is orange.4. It isnt orange, its red.5. “e” i

30、s in “ruler”.6. “m” is in “map”.7.The quilt is white.8.Is it UFO in the sky.9.This is orange ball.10. “u” is in “you”.六、 根据课文内容填空。 There _1_ many lost and found websites online, _2_ _3_ and . You cant _4_ your dog, your cat, your favorite watch or your brother? They can 5 you 6 them! You can 7 “foun

31、d items” or 8 your “lost items”. Go to these 9 and find your things. Maybe they 10 you too! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 七、 根据汉语完成句子1. 我丢了我的蜡笔。I lost _?2. 失物招领想里有什么?Whats in the_ and _ box?3. 请给Daming打电话号码是.Please Tom .4. 那是你的手套吗? 不,那是他的。 your gloves? No. .5.谁的相机? is this?6.Tony正在寻找钱包。这是他的吗?Tony i

32、s his .Is this ? sausagesare they ? And how do you lose a large boat _a train or a taxi? 九、 根据对话内容,完成下面的招领及寻物启事。Tom: I found a camera. My phone number is 882-6325.Lingling: I lost a gold watch. Please call 657-8989.Daming: I found a wallet with the name “Tony”.My phone number is 565-8522.Betty: I lost some crayons.Who found them? Please call 786-6521Lost & FoundFound:Is this your camera?Please call 1 at 2 .Lost: 3 My name is Betty.Please call 4 .Lost:A gold 5 . My name is 6 .My phone number is 7 . Found:Tony,Is this your 8 ?Please call 9 at 10 .


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